implementation module ligretto from StdMisc import abort import iTasks import Math.Random // for generating random numbers :: NrOfPlayers :== Int // 2 upto 4 players :: Card = { back :: Color // the backside color (belonging to player) , front :: Color // the frontside color (for playing) , nr :: Int // 1 upto 10 } :: SideUp = Front | Back // the side of the card that faces upwards :: Color = Red | Green | Blue | Yellow // the four player / card colors :: Player = { color :: Color // the backside color of this player's cards , row :: Row // the row of the player (nr_of_cards_in_row nr_of_players) , ligretto :: Pile // the ligretto pile: 10 upto 0 (win) cards , hand :: Hand // the hand cards } :: Pile :== [Card] // a pile of cards :: Row :== [Card] // a row of (nr_of_cards_in_row nr_of_players) cards :: Hand = { conceal :: Pile // the concealed pile , discard :: Pile // the discarded pile } derive gEq Card, SideUp, Color nr_of_cards_in_row :: !NrOfPlayers -> Int nr_of_cards_in_row 2 = 5 nr_of_cards_in_row 3 = 4 nr_of_cards_in_row 4 = 3 nr_of_cards_in_row n = abort ("ligretto.nr_of_cards_in_row: illegal integer argument (" +++ toString n +++ ").\n") all_colors :: [Color] all_colors = [Red,Green,Blue,Yellow] colors :: !NrOfPlayers -> [Color] colors nr_of_players = take nr_of_players all_colors initial_player_cards :: !NrOfPlayers !Color -> Pile initial_player_cards nr_of_players back = [{back=back,front=color,nr=nr} \\ color <- all_colors, nr <- [1..10]] shuffle :: ![a] !Int -> [a] shuffle xs seed = fst (unzip (sortBy (\(_,r1) (_,r2) -> (r1 < r2)) (zip2 xs (genRandInt (abs seed))))) initial_player :: !NrOfPlayers !Color !Int -> Player initial_player nr_of_players back seed = { color = back, row = row, ligretto = ligretto, hand = { conceal = hand, discard = [] } } where cards = shuffle (initial_player_cards nr_of_players back) seed (row,rest) = splitAt (nr_of_cards_in_row nr_of_players) cards (ligretto,hand) = splitAt 10 rest row_card :: !Int !Player -> Card row_card row_nr player=:{row} | row_nr <= 0 || row_nr > length row = abort ("ligretto.row_card: illegal integer argument (" <+++ row_nr <+++ ").\n") | otherwise = row !! (row_nr-1) move_ligretto_card_to_row :: !Int !Player -> Player move_ligretto_card_to_row row_nr player=:{row,ligretto} | row_nr <= 0 || row_nr > length row = abort ("ligretto.move_ligretto_card_to_row: illegal integer argument (" <+++ row_nr <+++ ").\n") | isEmpty ligretto = abort "ligretto.move_ligretto_card_to_row: trying to take card from empty ligretto.\n" | otherwise = {player & row = updateAt (row_nr-1) (hd ligretto) row, ligretto = tl ligretto} top_discard :: !Player -> Maybe Card top_discard {hand={discard}} | isEmpty discard = Nothing | otherwise = Just (hd discard) shuffle_hand :: !Int !Player -> Player shuffle_hand seed player=:{hand=hand=:{conceal,discard}} | isEmpty conceal = {player & hand = { hand & conceal = shuffle discard seed , discard = [] } } | otherwise = abort ("ligretto.shuffle_hand: not allowed to shuffle non-empty concealed pile.\n") remove_top_of_discard :: !Player -> Player remove_top_of_discard player=:{hand=hand=:{conceal,discard}} | isEmpty discard = abort ("ligretto.remove_top_of_discard: no discarded card to pick.\n") | otherwise = {player & hand = { hand & discard = tl discard }} swap_discards :: !Player -> Player swap_discards player=:{hand=hand=:{conceal,discard}} | isEmpty conceal = abort ("ligretto:swap_discards: not allowed to take cards from an empty conceal pile.\n") | otherwise = { player & hand = { hand & conceal = rest , discard = reverse top3 ++ discard } } where (top3,rest) = splitAt 3 conceal card_matches_top_of_pile :: !Card !Pile -> Bool card_matches_top_of_pile card pile | isEmpty pile = == 1 | otherwise = let top_card = hd pile in card.front === top_card.front && ==