implementation module GinEditor import StdFile, StdOverloaded, StdList from StdMisc import undef //import GenEq //import Text from Text import class Text (..), instance Text String import iTasks import Data.Error import Data.Maybe import Data.Void import iTasks.Gin.AbstractSyntax import iTasks.Gin.Config import iTasks.Gin.Compiler import iTasks.API.Extensions.Gin.Domain import iTasks.Gin.ORYXStencil import iTasks.Gin.ORYXExtensions import iTasks.Gin.Parser from iTasks.Gin.Printer import :: Doc, prettyPrint, instance Printer Doc import iTasks.Gin.Storage import iTasks.Gin.Syntax from CleanDocParser import parseTypeUnsafe import iTasks.Gin.DCLImport //import FilePath, File from Data.Tuple import appFst /* * NOTE: In order to add compiled tasks to a running server, * check "Enable dynamics" in Project -> Project options, * and replace the readDynamicTask function by the lines below: */ /* from Serialization import qualified serialize, deserialize readDynamicTask :: !String -> Task (Task a) | iTask a readDynamicTask filename = importTextFile filename >>= \dynString -> case 'Serialization'.deserialize dynString of Ok value = return value Error errorString = throw (DynamicIOException errorString) */ readDynamicTask filename = return (viewInformation "Error: dynamic linker not enabled" [] Void) ginEditor :: Workflow ginEditor = workflow "GiN Editor" "Use the GiN editor to design diagrams" ginEditor` getAndSetupConfig :: Task GinConfig getAndSetupConfig = getConfig >>= \config -> accWorld (ginCheckConfig config) >>= \error = if (isNothing error) (return config) setupDialog getConfig :: Task GinConfig getConfig = accWorld ginLoadConfig >>= \mbConfig -> case mbConfig of Just config = return config Nothing = accWorld ginDefaultConfig >>= \config -> appWorld (ginStoreConfig config) >>| return config setupDialog :: Task GinConfig setupDialog = getConfig >>= dialog >>= \config -> appWorld (ginStoreConfig config) >>| return config where dialog config = updateInformation "GiN editor setup" [] config >>= \config = accWorld (ginCheckConfig config) >>= \error = if (isNothing error) (return config) (dialog config) getInitialState :: Task EditorState getInitialState = getAndSetupConfig >>= \config -> return { EditorState | config = config , name = Nothing , gMod = updateDiagramExtensions newModule , checkSyntax = True , changed = False , dirty = False , errors = [] , source = "" , compiled = Nothing } :: EditorState = { config :: !GinConfig , name :: !Maybe String , gMod :: !GModule , checkSyntax :: !Bool , changed :: !Bool , dirty :: !Bool , errors :: ![ORYXError] , source :: !String , compiled :: !Maybe String } derive class iTask EditorState //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ActionCompile :== Action "File/Compile" [] ActionRun :== Action "File/Run" [] ActionViewDeclaration :== Action "View/Declaration" [] ActionViewWorkflow :== Action "View/Workflow" [] ActionViewImports :== Action "View/Imports" [] ActionViewTypes :== Action "View/Types" [] ActionViewSource :== Action "View/Generated source" [] ActionEnableSC :== Action "Options/Enable syntax checking" [] ActionDisableSC :== Action "Options/Disable syntax checking" [] ActionConfiguration :== Action "Options/Configuration" [] ginEditor` :: Task [(TaskTime,TaskValue EditorState)] ginEditor` = getAndSetupConfig >>| getInitialState >>= \initialState -> withShared initialState runPar //TODO ginParallelLayout @>> //parallel //"GiN Editor" //initialState //(\_ _ -> Void) //[ (BodyTask, \s -> forever ( // TODO ginInteractionLayout @>> //(updateSharedInformation "Workflow diagram" //[UpdateView (GetShared diagramView, PutbackShared diagramUpdate)] //(taskListState s) Void) >>+ noActions` //)) //, (HiddenTask, \s -> (chooseAction (actions s) >>= id) <! isStop) //, (HiddenTask, activator) //] where runPar = \st -> parallel "GiN Editor" // forever undef // updateSharedInformation "Workflow diagram" [] (taskListState initialState) // undef [ (Embedded, \_ -> forever (updateTask st)) , (Embedded, \tl -> chooseAction (actions st tl) >>= id) , (Embedded, \_ -> activator st) ] updateTask st = getStencilUrl UsePredefinedStencil >>= \surl -> // TODO: No hardcoding updateSharedInformation "Workflow diagram" [UpdateWith (diagramView surl) (diagramUpdate surl)] st //ginParallelLayout :: ParallelLayouter //ginParallelLayout = undef// \par=:{UIParallel|title,instruction,items}-> //case items of //[(_,Just editor,_),(_,_,actions),activator] = (editor,actions) //_ = defaultParallelLayout par //ginInteractionLayout :: InteractionLayouter //ginInteractionLayout = undef //\interaction = //case interaction.editorParts of //[{UIDef | content = UIEditControl (UIORYXControl _) _}] = //({UIDef | hd interaction.editorParts & width = Just (FillParent 1 (FixedMinSize 400))},interaction.UIInteraction.actions) //_ = defaultInteractionLayout interaction diagramView :: String EditorState -> ORYXEditor diagramView surl { EditorState | gMod = { moduleKind = GGraphicalModule defs }, errors } = { ORYXEditor | (ginORYXEditor (hd defs).GDefinition.body) & errors = errors , stencilset.ORYXStencilSetReference.url = surl } diagramUpdate :: String EditorState ORYXEditor -> EditorState diagramUpdate surl state editor = { EditorState | state & gMod = setDiagram state.gMod editor, dirty = True} where setDiagram :: !GModule !ORYXEditor -> GModule setDiagram gMod =:{moduleKind = (GGraphicalModule defs)} editor=:{diagram} = { GModule | gMod & moduleKind = GGraphicalModule ( [ { GDefinition | hd defs & body = diagram } : tl defs ] ) } activator stateShared = forever activator` where activator` = (viewSharedInformation "Diagram monitor" [] stateShared <! (\state -> state.dirty)) //Look for the dirty flag to become True >>= \state -> return { EditorState | state & dirty = False, changed = True } >>= generateSource >>= \state -> (if state.EditorState.checkSyntax (checkErrors state) (return state)) >>= \x -> set x stateShared generateSource :: EditorState -> Task EditorState generateSource state = accWorld (tryRender state.EditorState.gMod state.EditorState.config POICL) >>= \source -> return { EditorState | state & source = source } checkErrors :: EditorState -> Task EditorState checkErrors state=:{ EditorState | gMod = { moduleKind = GGraphicalModule defs } } = accIWorld (\iw -> let (l, r) = syntaxCheck state.EditorState.gMod iw in (return l, r)) >>= transform (\compileResult -> Value { EditorState | state & errors = makeErrorString compileResult } True) where makeErrorString :: (TaskValue (CompileResult a)) -> [ORYXError] makeErrorString (Value (CompileGlobalError error) _) = [makeORYXError ((hd defs).GDefinition.body) ([], error)] makeErrorString (Value (CompilePathError errors) _) = map (makeORYXError ((hd defs).GDefinition.body)) errors makeErrorString _ = [] actions :: (Shared EditorState) (SharedTaskList EditorState) -> [(Action, Task EditorState)] actions stateShared taskList = [ (ActionNew, actionTask (\s -> askSaveIfChanged s >>| getInitialState)) , (ActionOpen, actionTask open) , (ActionSave, actionTask save) , (ActionSaveAs, actionTask saveAs) , (ActionCompile, actionTask compile) , (ActionQuit, get stateShared >>= return) , (ActionViewDeclaration, moduleEditor "Declaration" (declarationView, declarationUpdate)) , (ActionViewImports, importsEditor) , (ActionViewTypes, moduleEditor "Types" (typesView, typesUpdate)) , (ActionViewSource, sourceView) , (ActionEnableSC, actionTask (\s -> checkErrors { s & checkSyntax = True })) , (ActionDisableSC, actionTask (\s -> return { s & checkSyntax = False })) , (ActionConfiguration, actionTask modifyConfig) // TODO: Verify , (ActionAbout, actionTask showAbout) ] // TODO where //stateShared = taskListState taskList addTask task = appendTask Embedded (\_ -> task) taskList >>| get stateShared //= // TODO defaultInteractionLayout //@>> appendTask undef undef taskList // TODO (BodyTask, \_ -> task >>| return Continue) taskList //appendTask Embedded (\_ -> task) taskList // TODO check . use return? actionTask task = addTask (get stateShared >>= task >>= \x -> set x stateShared) moduleEditor title v = addTask (updateSharedInformation title [] stateShared) // TODO [UpdateView (app2 (GetShared,\f -> PutbackShared (\a _ e -> f a e)) (liftModuleView v))] stateShared Void) declarationEditor = moduleEditor "declaration" (declarationView, declarationUpdate) importsEditor = addTask ( get stateShared >>= \state -> accWorld (searchPathModules state.EditorState.config) >>= \modules -> moduleEditor "imports" (importsView modules, importsUpdate) ) sourceView = addTask (viewSharedInformation "source view" [] stateShared) // TODO [ShowView (GetShared (\s -> formatSource s.EditorState.source))] stateShared Void) liftModuleView :: (GModule -> a, a GModule -> GModule) -> (EditorState -> a, a EditorState -> EditorState) liftModuleView (toView, fromView) = ( \model -> toView model.gMod , \view model -> { model & gMod = fromView view model.gMod, changed = True } ) :: DeclarationView = { title :: !Maybe String , description :: !Maybe String , parameters :: !Maybe [FormalParameterView] , returnType :: !TypeExpressionView } :: FormalParameterView = { name :: !String , type :: !TypeExpressionView } derive class iTask DeclarationView, FormalParameterView, TypeExpressionView :: TypeExpressionView = TypeExpressionView String toTypeExpressionView :: GTypeExpression -> TypeExpressionView toTypeExpressionView te = TypeExpressionView (prettyPrint (printGTypeExpression False te)) fromTypeExpressionView :: TypeExpressionView -> GTypeExpression fromTypeExpressionView (TypeExpressionView tev) = case parseTypeUnsafe tev of Nothing = GUndefinedTypeExpression Just te = mapType te //gVisualizeText{|TypeExpressionView|} _ (TypeExpressionView v) = [v] // TODO //gVisualizeEditor{|TypeExpressionView|} val vst = undef // TODO visualizeControlSimple UIStringControl val vst //gUpdate{|TypeExpressionView|} mode ust _ = basicUpdate mode parseUpdate (TypeExpressionView "") ust // TODO //where //parseUpdate update orig = fromMaybe orig (fmap TypeExpressionView update) //gVerify{|TypeExpressionView|} val vst _ = undef // TODO wrapperVerify Nothing ////(\(TypeExpressionView value) -> isJust (parseTypeUnsafe value)) (\_ -> "Invalid type") val vst //JSONEncode{|TypeExpressionView|} (TypeExpressionView x) = [JSONString x] //JSONDecode{|TypeExpressionView|} [JSONString s:xs] = (Just (TypeExpressionView s), xs) //JSONDecode{|TypeExpressionView|} l = (Nothing, l) //derive gEq TypeExpressionView declarationView :: !GModule -> DeclarationView declarationView {moduleKind = (GGraphicalModule [{GDefinition | declaration = {GDeclaration | name, title, description, formalParams, returnType = GTypeApplication [GConstructor "Task",rt] }}:_])} = { DeclarationView | title = title , description = description , parameters = if (isEmpty formalParams) Nothing (Just (map formalParameterView formalParams)) , returnType = toTypeExpressionView rt } declarationUpdate :: !DeclarationView !GModule -> GModule declarationUpdate {DeclarationView | title, description, parameters, returnType} gMod=:{moduleKind = (GGraphicalModule [def=:{GDefinition | declaration}:defs])} = { gMod & moduleKind = GGraphicalModule [ { GDefinition | def & declaration = { GDeclaration | declaration & title = title , description = description , formalParams = case parameters of Nothing = [] Just pars = map formalParameterUpdate pars , returnType = GTypeApplication [GConstructor "Task", fromTypeExpressionView returnType] } } : defs ] } formalParameterView :: !GFormalParameter -> FormalParameterView formalParameterView { GFormalParameter | name, type} = { FormalParameterView | name = name , type = TypeExpressionView (prettyPrint (printGTypeExpression False type)) } formalParameterUpdate :: !FormalParameterView -> GFormalParameter formalParameterUpdate { FormalParameterView | name, type = (TypeExpressionView t) } = { GFormalParameter | name = name , title = Just name , description = Nothing , type = case parseTypeUnsafe t of Nothing = GUndefinedTypeExpression Just te = mapType te , defaultValue = Nothing , visible = True } importsView :: ![String] !GModule -> CheckMultiChoice String String importsView allModules gMod = CheckMultiChoice [(m,m) \\ m <- allModules] [] // TODO gMod.GModule.imports //importsView allModules gMod = undef // TODO mkCheckMultiChoice [(m,m) \\ m <- allModules] gMod.GModule.imports importsUpdate :: (CheckMultiChoice String String) GModule -> GModule importsUpdate choice gMod = updateDiagramExtensions { GModule | gMod & imports = getSelections choice } typesView :: !GModule -> Maybe [GTypeDefinition] typesView gMod = case gMod.GModule.types of [] = Nothing t = Just t typesUpdate :: !(Maybe [GTypeDefinition]) !GModule -> GModule typesUpdate mbTypes gMod = { GModule | gMod & types = fromMaybe [] mbTypes } getName :: EditorState -> String getName state = case of Just n -> n Nothing -> "(unnamed)" setChanged :: EditorState EditorState -> EditorState setChanged old new = if (old.EditorState.gMod =!= new.EditorState.gMod) { new & changed = True } new open :: EditorState -> Task EditorState open state = getInitialState >>= \initialState -> chooseModule state.EditorState.config >>= \mMod = case mMod of Just (name, gMod) = return { EditorState | initialState & name = Just name, gMod = gMod } >>= generateSource Nothing = return state save :: EditorState -> Task EditorState save state = case of Just name -> writeModule state.EditorState.config name state.EditorState.gMod >>| return { state & changed = False } Nothing -> saveAs state saveAs :: EditorState -> Task EditorState saveAs state = newModuleName state.EditorState.config >>= \name = save { EditorState | state & name = Just name } modifyConfig :: EditorState -> Task EditorState modifyConfig state = setupDialog >>= \c -> return { EditorState | state & config = c} askSaveIfChanged :: EditorState -> Task Void askSaveIfChanged state = if state.changed ( viewInformation ("File " +++ (getName state) +++ " has changed, save changes?") [] Void >>* [ Always ActionNo (return Void) , Always ActionYes (save state >>| return Void) ] ) (return Void) where requestConfirmation :: !String -> Task Bool requestConfirmation message = viewInformation message [] message >>* [ Always ActionYes (return True) , Always ActionNo (return False) ] compile :: EditorState -> Task EditorState compile state # state = { state & compiled = Nothing } = accIWorld (batchBuild state.EditorState.gMod) >>= \result = case result of CompileSuccess dynfile -> viewInformation ("Compiler output", "Compiled successfully. Click \"Refresh workflows\" to view the task") [] Void >>| readDynamicTask dynfile >>= \task -> addWorkflows [makeWorkflow state task] >>| return { state & compiled = Just dynfile } error -> viewInformation "Compiler output" [] Void >>| return state // TODO [About error] Void >>| return state where makeWorkflow :: EditorState (Task Void) -> Workflow makeWorkflow {EditorState | gMod = { GModule | moduleKind = GGraphicalModule [def:_]}} dyn # decl = def.GDefinition.declaration = workflow (fromMaybe "(no title)" decl.GDeclaration.title) (fromMaybe "(no description)" decl.GDeclaration.description) dyn :: DynamicIOException = DynamicIOException !String derive class iTask DynamicIOException instance toString DynamicIOException where toString (DynamicIOException errorString) = errorString //formatSource :: String -> HtmlDisplay //formatSource source = undef // TODO toHtmlDisplay (TextareaTag [ColsAttr "80", RowsAttr "25"] [ Text source ]) tryRender :: GModule GinConfig PrintOption *World -> (String, *World) tryRender gMod config printOption world # (st, world) = gToAModule gMod config world # source = case runParse st of GSuccess aMod -> prettyPrintAModule printOption aMod GError errors -> "Parse error:\n" +++ ((join "\n" (map (\(path,msg) = msg) errors))) = (source, world) showAbout :: EditorState -> Task EditorState showAbout state = viewInformation "Gin workflow editor" [] "version 0.2" >>| return state accIWorld :: !(*IWorld -> *(!a,!*IWorld)) -> Task a | iTask a accIWorld fun = mkInstantTask eval //TODO ("Run Iworld function", "Run an IWorld function and get result.") eval where eval taskNr iworld # (res,iworld) = fun iworld = (Ok res, iworld) getStencilUrl :: StencilServiceOpt -> Task String getStencilUrl so = stencilService so >>= generateStencil >>= return o stencilUrl generateStencil :: JSONNode -> Task Document generateStencil src = withTemporaryDirectory (\tmpDir -> let tmpFile = tmpDir </> "ginstencil" in exportTextFile tmpFile (toString src) >>| importDocument tmpFile) stencilUrl :: Document -> String stencilUrl {Document|contentUrl} = "/" +++ contentUrl :: StencilServiceOpt = UseSearchPathStencil | UsePredefinedStencil | UseModuleStencil String stencilService :: StencilServiceOpt -> Task JSONNode stencilService opt = accIWorld mkStencilService where errorResponse message = JSONObject [("success",JSONBool False),("error", JSONString message)] okResponse stencilset = toJSON stencilset mkStencilService iworld # iworld=:{world} = iworld # (mConfig, world) = ginLoadConfig world | isNothing mConfig = (errorResponse "Failed to load configuration", {iworld & world = world}) | otherwise = case opt of UseSearchPathStencil # (modules, world) = searchPathModules (fromJust mConfig) world = (okResponse (makeORYXExtensionsFile modules), {iworld & world = world}) UsePredefinedStencil = (okResponse predefinedStencilSet, iworld) (UseModuleStencil name) # (mbContents, world) = readModule (fromJust mConfig) name world | isError mbContents = (errorResponse (fromError mbContents), {iworld & world = world}) = (okResponse (makeStencilSet (fromOk mbContents)), {iworld & world = world}) //stencilService :: !String !String ![String] !HTTPRequest !*IWorld -> (!HTTPResponse, !*IWorld) //stencilService url format path req iworld //# iworld=:{world} = iworld //# (mConfig,world) = ginLoadConfig world //| isNothing mConfig //= (errorResponse "Failed to load configuration", {iworld & world = world}) //| otherwise //= case path of //[] //# (modules, world) = searchPathModules (fromJust mConfig) world //= (okResponse (makeORYXExtensionsFile modules), {iworld & world = world}) //["gin"] //= (okResponse predefinedStencilSet, iworld) //["gin", name] //# (mbContents, world) = readModule (fromJust mConfig) name world //| isError mbContents = (errorResponse (fromError mbContents), {iworld & world = world}) //= (okResponse (makeStencilSet (fromOk mbContents)), {iworld & world = world}) //_ //= (notFoundResponse req, {iworld & world = world}) //where //html = format == "html" //sessionParam = paramValue "session" req //params = [("session", sessionParam, False)] //errorResponse message //# json = JSONObject [("success",JSONBool False),("error", JSONString message)] //= serviceResponse html "stencils" description url params json //okResponse stencilset //# json = toJSON stencilset //= serviceResponse html "stencils" description url params json //description :== "This service provides a list of stencils that are available for placement in graphical workflow diagrams."