implementation module GraphvizVisualization
//import GenVisualize, GenUpdate, GenPrint, GenParse
import iTasks.Framework.Generic
//from Data.Error import :: MaybeError (..)
import Data.Error, Data.Void
//import Util, Error, HttpUtil, IWorld
import System.Time
import qualified Data.Map as DM
import StdFile, StdTuple, StdList, StdBool, StdArray, StdString
from Text import qualified class Text(..), instance Text String
import qualified System.Process as SP
from System.File import readFile, writeFile, getFileInfo, :: FileError, :: FileInfo(..)
from System.Directory import createDirectory
from System.Directory import :: FilePath(..), :: MaybeOSError, :: OSError, :: OSErrorCode, :: OSErrorMessage
import Data.Graphviz
derive bimap (,), Maybe
derive class iTask NodeState, Arrow, ArrowShape, ClusterMode, CompassPoint, DotPoint,
EdgeAttribute, GraphAttribute, LayerId, LayerList, LayerRange, Margin,
NodeAttribute, NodeDef, OutputMode, Pad, PageDir, Pointf,
RankDir, RankType, Ratio, Rect, SelectedItem, Side, Sizef, StartStyle, StartType, ViewPort
derive gVisualizeText Digraph, ArrowType, Color, DirType, EdgeStyle, NodeShape, NodeStyle
derive gUpdate Digraph, ArrowType, Color, DirType, EdgeStyle, NodeShape, NodeStyle
derive gVerify Digraph, ArrowType, Color, DirType, EdgeStyle, NodeShape, NodeStyle
derive JSONEncode Digraph, ArrowType, Color, DirType, EdgeStyle, NodeShape, NodeStyle
derive JSONDecode Digraph, ArrowType, Color, DirType, EdgeStyle, NodeShape, NodeStyle
derive gEditor Digraph, ArrowType, Color, DirType, EdgeStyle, NodeShape, NodeStyle
derive gEditMeta Digraph, ArrowType, Color, DirType, EdgeStyle, NodeShape, NodeStyle
derive gDefault Digraph, ArrowType, Color, DirType, EdgeStyle, NodeShape, NodeStyle
derive gEq Digraph
config_file_name :== "Graphviz.config"
commentsymbol :== '%'
dot_exe_path_name :== "DOT_PATH"
public :== "Static"
target file = public + "\\" + file
toGIF file = ["-Tgif","-o",gifext file,dotext file]
toMAP file name = ["-Tcmapx","-Glabel=" + name,"-o ","\"" + mapext file + "\"", "\"" + dotext file + "\""]
gifext file = file + ".gif"
mapext file = file + ".map"
dotext file = file + ".dot"
instance + String where (+) a b = a +++ b
//gVisualizeEditor{|Digraph|} Nothing vst = noVisualization vst
//gVisualizeEditor{|Digraph|} (Just digraph) vst = visualizeCustom mkControl vst
//mkControl name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|iworld,taskId}
//# filename = imgname taskId name
//# (mbErr, iworld) = runGraphviz filename (printDigraph (enhanceDigraphWithLinks digraph)) iworld
//= case mbErr of
//Ok _
//= ([(UIViewHtml defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = Just (RawText("
"))},newMap)], {VSt|vst & iworld = iworld})
//Error msg
//= ([(UIViewHtml defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = Just (Text msg)},newMap)], {VSt|vst & iworld = iworld})
//runGraphviz :: String [String] *IWorld -> (!MaybeErrorString Void,!*IWorld)
//runGraphviz name dotcode iworld=:{IWorld|world}
//# (mbExe,world) = obtainValueFromConfig dot_exe_path_name world
//| isNothing mbExe = (Error ("Could not obtain " +++ dot_exe_path_name +++ " from " +++ config_file_name +++ "."), {iworld & world = world})
//# exe = fromJust mbExe
//# (mbErr,world) = ensureDirectory public world
//| isError mbErr = (Error ("Could not create directory " + (target "")), {iworld & world = world})
//# (mbErr,world) = writeFile (target (dotext name)) ('Text'.join "\n" dotcode) world
//| isError mbErr = (Error ("Could not write Digraph to " + target (dotext name) + "."), {iworld & world = world})
//# (mbExit,world) = 'SP'.callProcess exe (toGIF (target name)) Nothing world
//| isError mbExit = (Error ("Creation of " + gifext (target name) + " failed"), {iworld & world = world})
//# (mbExit,world) = 'SP'.callProcess exe (toMAP name (target name)) Nothing world
//| isError mbExit = (Error ("Creation of " + mapext (target name) + " failed"), {iworld & world = world})
//# (mbMap,world) = readFile (mapext (target name)) world
//= (Ok Void, {iworld & world = world})
//enhanceDigraphWithLinks (Digraph name graphAtts nodeDefs selected)
//= Digraph name graphAtts
//[ NodeDef nr st [ NAtt_URL "#" [>("#")<] : nodeAtts ] edges
//\\ NodeDef nr st nodeAtts edges <- nodeDefs
//] selected
//imgname taskId name = (toString taskId) + "-" + name
taskfun tst=:{taskNr}
# (events,tst) = getEvents tst
# node = (http_getValue "node" events "")
| node <> ""
= (TaskFinished node, tst)
# (value,tst) = accWorldTSt (obtainValueFromConfig dot_exe_path_name) tst
| isNothing value = error ("Could not obtain " + dot_exe_path_name + " from " + config_file_name + ".") tst
# exe = fromJust value
# tst = appWorldTSt (ensureDirectory (target "")) tst
# (ok,tst) = accWorldTSt (writefile` (target (dotext name)) (printDigraph (enhanceDigraphWithLinks digraph))) tst
| not ok = error ("Could not write Digraph to " + target (dotext name) + ".") tst
# ((ok,exit),tst) = accWorldTSt (collect3 (launch exe (toGIF (target name)))) tst
| not ok = error ("Creation of " + gifext (target name) + " failed. Exit code = " + toString exit + ".") tst
# ((ok,exit),tst) = accWorldTSt (collect3 (launch exe (toMAP (target name) name))) tst
| not ok = error ("Creation of " + mapext (target name) + " failed. Exit code = " + toString exit + ".") tst
# ((ok,lines),tst) = accWorldTSt (collect3 (readfile` (mapext (target name)))) tst
| not ok = error ("Reading of " + mapext (target name) + " failed.") tst
# lines = map enhanceMAPlineWithOnClickEvent lines
# html = "
" + join "" lines + toString legend
# taskpanel = TUIHtmlContainer
{ TUIHtmlContainer
| id = "taskform-" + taskid + "-graph"
, html = html
# tst = setTUIDef ([taskpanel],[]) [] tst
= (TaskBusy, tst)
name = iTaskId taskNr "Graphviz"
taskid = taskNrToString taskNr
error msg tst
# tst = setTUIDef ([TUIHtmlContainer
{ TUIHtmlContainer
| id = "taskform-" + taskid + "-graph"
, html = msg
}],[]) [] tst
= (TaskBusy, tst)
enhanceMAPlineWithOnClickEvent :: !String -> String
enhanceMAPlineWithOnClickEvent line
| line%(0,5) == "\n"
| otherwise
= line
href_bounds = boundsOfKeyValue "href=" line
title_bounds = boundsOfKeyValue "title=" line
href = fromJust href_bounds
title = fromJust title_bounds
titletext = line%(fst title+7,snd title-1)
legend = DivTag []
[ H3Tag [] [Text "Legend:"]
, Text "Double circled state: intial state.", BrTag []
, Text "Red state: current state (change state by click).", BrTag []
, Text "Blue state: all defined inputs are shown.", BrTag []
, Text "Blue transitions: on current trace.", BrTag []
, Text "Red transitions: an issue was found on this transition."
boundsOfKeyValue :: !String !String -> Maybe (!Int,!Int)
boundsOfKeyValue key str
= case [i \\ i<-[0..size str-size key] | str%(i,i+size key-1) == key] of
[i : _] = case [j \\ j<-[i..size str-1] | str.[j]=='\"'] of
[_,close:_] = Just (i,close)
otherwise = Nothing
otherwise = Nothing
obtainValueFromConfig :: !String !*env -> (!Maybe String,!*env) | FileSystem env
obtainValueFromConfig name env
# (ok,file,env) = fopen config_file_name FReadText env
| not ok = (Nothing,env)
# (value,file) = obtainValueFromFile name file
# (ok,env) = fclose file env
| not ok = (Nothing,env)
| otherwise = (value, env)
obtainValueFromFile :: !String !*File -> (!Maybe String,!*File)
obtainValueFromFile name file
# (lines,file) = readlines file
# value = case [ skipSpace (line%(name_length,size line-2)) \\ line<-lines
| line.[0] <> commentsymbol
&& size line > name_length
&& line%(0,name_length-1) == name
] of [v:_] = Just v
_ = Nothing
= (value,file)
name_length = size name
ensureDirectory :: !String !*World -> (MaybeOSError Void, *World)
ensureDirectory pathname world
# (mbInfo,world) = getFileInfo pathname world
= case mbInfo of
Ok info
| = (Ok Void, world)
= (Error (1,pathname +++ " is not a directory"), world)
_ = createDirectory pathname world
readlines :: !*File -> (![String],!*File)
readlines file
# (end,file) = fend file
| end = ([],file)
# (line, file) = freadline file
# (lines,file) = readlines file
= ([line:lines],file)
skipSpace :: !String -> String
skipSpace str = toString (dropWhile isSpace (fromString str))