implementation module EditorUtil import iTasks import System.File, StdFile import System.Directory import System.FilePath import IDE_State, SmallUtil derive class iTask MaybeError, FileInfo, Tm, FileError // iTask utilities of general nature // file selector... selectFileInPath :: !DirPathName !(FileName -> Bool) -> Task (DirPathName,Maybe FileName) selectFileInPath path pred = accWorld (readDirectory path) >>= \content -> case content of Ok names -> select names _ -> return (path,Nothing) where select names = enterChoice ("File Selector",path) [] (filter pred names) <<@ Window >>* [ OnAction ActionCancel (always (return (path,Nothing))) , OnAction ActionOk (hasValue continue) , OnAction ActionNew (always newFile) ] newFile = enterInformation ("Create File",path) [] >>* [ OnAction ActionCancel (always (return (path,Nothing))) , OnAction ActionOk (hasValue write) ] write name = accWorld (writeFile (path name) "") >>| return (path,Just name) continue ".." = selectFileInPath (takeDirectory path) pred continue "." = selectFileInPath path pred continue name | takeExtension name == "icl" = (return (path,Just name)) | takeExtension name == "dcl" = (return (path,Just name)) | otherwise = accWorld (getFileInfo (path name)) >>= \content -> case content of Ok info -> if (selectFileInPath (path name) pred) (return (path,Just name)) _ -> selectFileInPath path pred storeFileInPath :: !DirPathName !FileName !String -> Task Bool storeFileInPath name string path = accWorld (readDirectory path) >>= \content -> case content of Ok names -> select names _ -> return False where select names = enterChoice ("Store " +++ name,path) [] names -&&- updateInformation "File name" [] name >>* [ OnAction ActionCancel (always (return False)) , OnAction (Action "Browse" []) (hasValue browse) , OnAction ActionSave (hasValue write) ] write (path,name) = accWorld (writeFile (path name) "") >>| return True browse ("..",name) = storeFileInPath (takeDirectory path) name string browse (".",name) = storeFileInPath path name string browse (npath,name) = accWorld (getFileInfo npath) >>= \content -> case content of Ok info -> if (storeFileInPath npath name string) (storeFileInPath path name string) _ -> storeFileInPath path name string showError :: String a -> Task a | iTask a showError prompt val = (viewInformation ("Error",prompt) [] val >>= \_ -> return val) <<@ Window currentDirectory :: Task DirPathName currentDirectory = accWorld getCurrentDirectory >>= \content -> case content of Ok dir -> return dir _ -> showError "Could not obtain current directory name" "" searchFilesInPaths :: ![FileName] ![DirPathName] -> Task [(!DirPathName,!FileName)] searchFilesInPaths fileNames pathNames = search fileNames pathNames [] where search [] _ found = return (reverse found) search [fileName:fileNames] pathNames found = searchFileInPaths fileName pathNames >>= \res -> if (isNothing res) (search fileNames pathNames found) (search fileNames pathNames [(fromJust res,fileName):found]) searchFileInPaths :: !FileName ![DirPathName] -> Task (Maybe DirPathName) searchFileInPaths fileName paths = accWorld (searchDisk` paths) where searchDisk` [] world = (Nothing,world) searchDisk` [path:paths] world # (content,world) = readDirectory path world = case content of Ok names -> if (isMember fileName names) ((Just path),world) (searchDisk` paths world) _ -> searchDisk` paths world //* simple utility functions actionTask :: Task Void actionTask = viewInformation Void [] Void launch task ts = appendTask Embedded (const task) ts @ const Void