module CleanIDE /* A Clean IDE for a browser using the iTask system Status: very drafty */ import iTasks, Text import qualified Data.Map import projectManager import StdGeneric, Data.Either, System.FilePath import SmallUtil, IDE_State, CleanEditor from StdFunc import seq import iTasks.Framework.iTaskClass derive class iTask FileError // It Starts here.. Start :: *World -> *World Start world = startEngine start_ide world /* BUGS: - shares: not always up-to-date - creation of a window not always possible - global title not implemented - strange: sometimes lines are doubled when opening files - more strange: a search returns the next line number ??? */ start_ide :: Task Void start_ide = init_ide // initialize the IDE state >>| parallel Void // (Title "Clean IDE") // BUG: global title not implemented [ (Embedded, workPane) , (Embedded, projectPane) , (Embedded, errorMessages) ] <<@ SetLayout layout @ const Void where layout = customMergeLayout (sideMerge TopSide 0 (sideMerge LeftSide 250 (sideMerge BottomSide 100 tabbedMerge))) //TROUBLE init_ide = get_IDE_State // read state as left from previous session, if any >>= \state -> init state // initiate state where init state =:{projectName = ""} // no project set initially = currentDirectory // determine directory of this CleanEditor >>= \dir -> set_Project (dir +++ "\\") (cleanPath dir) "" (initProject "") // store info in state >>| readEnvironmentFile (cleanPath dir +++ EnvsFileName) // read environment file used for communication with BatchBuild >>= \env -> setEnvironments env // store settings in projectget_IDE_State // read state as left from previous session, if any >>| findAllModulesInPaths "icl" (cleanPath dir) (env!!0).target_path // find all modules in chosen environment >>= \all -> setAllFilesInEnv all // and store in state init _ = return Void cleanPath dir = subString 0 (indexOf "iTasks-SDK" dir) dir // work Pane workPane :: !(ReadOnlyShared (TaskList Void)) -> Task Void workPane ts = get_IDE_State // new session, first recover previous screen >>= \state -> openLastProject state.projectName // re-open last project >>| openEditorOnFiles state.openedFiles ts // re-open editor on administrated files >>| topMenu ts topMenu ts = forever (whileUnchangedWith visibleInMenu IDE_State (\s -> actionTask >>* handleMenu s )) where visibleInMenu :: IDE_State IDE_State -> Bool visibleInMenu old new = old.projectName <> new.projectName || old.openedFiles <> new.openedFiles || old.recentFiles <> new.recentFiles || old.recentProjects <> new.recentProjects handleMenu :: IDE_State -> [TaskStep Void Void] handleMenu state=:{projectName, openedFiles, recentFiles, recentProjects, envTargets} = [ OnAction (Action "File/Open..." []) (always (launch (openFileSelectorAndEdit ts) ts)) , OnAction (Action "File/Save All" []) (if (openedFiles <> []) always never (saveAll openedFiles)) ] ++ [ OnAction (Action ("File/Recent Files/" +++ fileName) []) (always (launchEditorAndAdministrate fileName ts)) \\ fileName <- recentFiles ] ++ [ OnAction (Action ("File/Recent Projects/" +++ fileName +++ " (.prj)") []) (always (reopenProject fileName)) \\ fileName <- recentProjects ] ++ [ OnAction (Action "Search/Search Identifier..." []) (isProject (launch (search SearchIdentifier ts) ts)) , OnAction (Action "Search/Search Definition..." []) (isProject (launch (search SearchDefinition ts) ts)) , OnAction (Action "Search/Search Implementation..." []) (isProject (launch (search SearchImplementation ts) ts)) ] ++ [ OnAction (Action "Project/New Project..." []) (always (launch (newProject ts) ts)) , OnAction (Action "Project/Open Project..." []) (never openProject) // temp to avoid selection , OnAction (Action ("Project/Bring Up To Date " +++ projectName +++ " (.prj)") [ActionKey (ctrl KEY_U)]) (isProject (launch (compile projectName <<@ Window) ts)) , OnAction (Action ("Project/Run " +++ projectName +++ " (.exe)") [ActionKey (ctrl KEY_R)]) (isProject (launch (run projectName ts <<@ Window) ts)) , OnAction (Action ("Project/Show Compiler Log..") []) (isProject (launch (showLog projectName ts <<@ Window) ts)) , OnAction (Action "Project/Project Options..." []) (isProject (launch changeProjectOptions ts)) , OnAction (Action "Project/Show/All Modules" []) (always (setProjectPaneOption InEnvironment)) , OnAction (Action "Project/Show/Modules In Project" []) (isProject (setProjectPaneOption InProject)) , OnAction (Action "Project/Show/Not Used" []) (isProject (setProjectPaneOption NotUsed)) ] ++ [ OnAction (Action (selectedEnvironment +++ "/Edit " +++ currentEnvName) []) (always editEnvironment) , OnAction (Action (selectedEnvironment +++ "/Import...") []) (always addEnvironment) :[ OnAction (Action (selectedEnvironment +++ "/Select/" +++ target.target_name) []) (always (selectEnvironment i)) \\ target <- envTargets & i <- [0..] ] ] where isProject task _ = if (projectName <> "") (Just task) Nothing isProject task _ = if (projectName <> "") (Just task) Nothing currentEnvName = currEnvName state selectedEnvironment = "_" +++ currentEnvName // project & environment file selector pane projectPane :: (ReadOnlyShared (TaskList Void)) -> Task Void projectPane ts = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> ( (showAndSelect state @ const Void) // show search path directories -||- (watchIf_IDE_State (\curstate -> curstate.idx <> state.idx || // environment changed curstate.projectName <> state.projectName || // project changed not (curstate.moduleOptions === state.moduleOptions) ) // show options changed (return Void)) <<@ SetLayout (partLayout 0) ) >>* [ OnValue (ifStable (const recalculate)) // recompute on indicated change , OnAction (Action "Project/Show/Refresh" []) (always recalculate) // recompute on action end user ] where layout = SetLayout {autoLayout & parallel = \prompt defs -> sideMerge BottomSide 100 sequenceMerge prompt (reverse defs)} //??? recalculate = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> findAllModulesInPaths "icl" state.cleanPath [! idePath:(state.envTargets!!state.idx).target_path !] // find all modules in environment >>= \allM -> findAllModulesInProject state.cleanPath (idePath,state.projectName) allM // determine which one are used >>= \all -> setAllFilesInEnv all // and store in global state >>| projectPane ts showAndSelect state = ( showFiles <<@ AfterLayout (tweakControls (map noAnnotation)) >&> handleSelected ) <<@ layout where showFiles = enterChoice (Title ( promptName state.projectName +++ " + " +++ (state.envTargets!!state.idx).target_name +++ promptOptions state.moduleOptions )) [ChooseWith ChooseFromTree toView ] (mkTree state.moduleOptions state.allFilesInEnv) @ fromEither where promptName "" = "No project" promptName name = "Project: " +++ name promptOptions InEnvironment = " + Show All Modules" promptOptions InProject = " + Show Project Modules" promptOptions NotUsed = " + Show Unused Modules" toView (Left dir) = dir toView (Right (name,mark)) = name +++ mark fromEither (Left dir) = dir fromEither (Right (name,_)) = name mkTree :: !ModuleOptions ![(!DirPathName,![Module])] -> Tree (Either DirPathName (!ModuleName,!String)) mkTree option dirfiles = Tree (removeEmpties (seq [insertModule dir ms \\ (dir,ms) <- dirfiles] [])) where insertModule dir ms nodeList = insertModule` (split "\\" dir) ms nodeList where insertModule` [] ms nodeList = nodeList ++ [Leaf (Right (insertLeaf option m)) \\ m <- ms | checkUsage option m.isUsed] insertModule` ["":pathR] ms nodeList = insertModule` pathR ms nodeList insertModule` path=:[nodeP:pathR] ms [node=:(Node (Left nodeL) nodes):nodesR] | nodeP == nodeL = [Node (Left nodeL) (insertModule` pathR ms nodes):nodesR] | otherwise = [node:insertModule` path ms nodesR] insertModule` path ms [leaf=:(Leaf _):nodesR] = [leaf:insertModule` path ms nodesR] insertModule` [nodeP:pathR] ms [] = [Node (Left nodeP) (insertModule` pathR ms [])] insertLeaf InEnvironment m = if m.isUsed (m.moduleName,"*") (m.moduleName,"") insertLeaf InProject m = (m.moduleName,"") insertLeaf NotUsed m = (m.moduleName,"") checkUsage InEnvironment _ = True // show all modules checkUsage InProject True = True // show only modules used in project checkUsage NotUsed False = True // show unused modules checkUsage _ _ = False // don't show removeEmpties [] = [] removeEmpties [Node _ []:ds] = removeEmpties ds removeEmpties [Node n ln:ds] = [Node n (removeEmpties ln):removeEmpties ds] removeEmpties [Leaf a:ds] = [Leaf a:removeEmpties ds] handleSelected selected = forever ( viewSharedInformation (Title "Selected:") [] selected @? onlyJust >>* [OnAction (Action "Open .icl" []) (hasValue (\v -> openSelected v ".icl" ts)) ,OnAction (Action "Open .dcl" []) (hasValue (\v -> openSelected v ".dcl" ts)) ] ) where openSelected :: !ModuleName !String !(ReadOnlyShared (TaskList Void)) -> Task Void openSelected chosen extension ts = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> launchEditorAndAdministrate (selectFrom state.cleanPath state.allFilesInEnv) ts where selectFrom :: !CleanPath ![(!DirPathName,![Module])] -> FileName selectFrom cleanPath dirFiles = cleanPath +++ hd [dir \\ (dir,files) <- dirFiles | isMember chosen (map (\{moduleName} -> moduleName) files)] +++ "\\" +++ chosen +++ extension onlyJust (Value (Just v) s) = Value v s onlyJust _ = NoValue noAnnotation (c,_) = (c,'Data.Map'.newMap) // errorMessages pane, shows error message produced by compiler in error file errorMessages :: (ReadOnlyShared (TaskList Void)) -> Task Void errorMessages _ = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> let sharedError = externalFile (state.cleanPath +++ errorFile) in viewSharedInformation (Title "Error Messages...") [ViewWith (\txt -> Note txt)] sharedError @ const Void // search department import _SystemStrictLists :: FoundTable = { file :: !FileName , directory :: !DirPathName , line :: !Int , pos :: !Int , kind :: !String } derive class iTask FoundTable search searchOption ts = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> searching state "" searchOption state.moduleOptions [] <<@ Window where searching state identifier searchOption moduleOptions found = (findDialoque -|| handleFound 0 (toTable found)) >>* [ OnAction ActionClose (always (return Void)) , OnAction (Action "Find" []) (ifValue (\(s,_) -> s <> "") (\v -> performSearch v)) ] where findDialoque = updateInformation (Title "Find") [] identifier -&&- selectSearchOptions where selectSearchOptions = updateChoice Void [ChooseWith ChooseFromRadioButtons searchOptionView] [SearchDefinition,SearchImplementation,SearchIdentifier] searchOption -&&- updateChoice Void [ChooseWith ChooseFromRadioButtons moduleOptionsView] [InEnvironment,InProject,NotUsed] moduleOptions handleFound i [] = viewInformation "" [] (if (identifier == "") "" (identifier +++ " has not been found...")) @ const Void handleFound i table = updateChoice (identifier +++ " found in:") [ChooseWith ChooseFromGrid id] table (table!!i) >>* [ OnAction (Action "Open..." []) (hasValue (\v -> openFileSelected v >>| handleNext)) , OnAction ActionNext (always handleNext) ] where openFileSelected sel = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> launchEditorAndAdministrate (state.cleanPath +++ +++ "\\" +++ sel.file) ts handleNext = handleFound (if (i+1 < length table) (i+1) i) table toTable found = [ { kind = kind , file = file , directory = directory , line = line , pos = pos } \\ ((directory,file),poslist) <- sortFound found, (kind,line,pos) <- toList poslist ] where sortFound = sortBy (\((s1,f1),l1) ((s2,f2),l2) -> f1 <= f2) toList PosNil = [] toList (Pos line pos poslist) = [("identifier", line, pos):toList poslist] toList (Cls line pos poslist) = [("class definition", line, pos):toList poslist] toList (Ins line pos poslist) = [("class instance", line, pos):toList poslist] searchOptionView SearchDefinition = "Find definition" searchOptionView SearchImplementation = "Find implementation" searchOptionView SearchIdentifier = "Find identifier" moduleOptionsView InEnvironment = "Search in Environment" moduleOptionsView InProject = "Search in Project" moduleOptionsView NotUsed = "Search in unused Modules" performSearch (identifier,(searchOption,moduleOptions)) = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> searchFor state.cleanPath [] [(path, moduleName) \\ (path,modules) <- state.allFilesInEnv , {moduleName,isUsed} <- modules | case (moduleOptions,isUsed) of (InProject,True) -> True (NotUsed,False) -> True (InEnvironment,_) -> True _ -> False ] where searchFor = case searchOption of SearchDefinition -> searchDefinition ".dcl" SearchImplementation -> searchDefinition ".icl" SearchIdentifier -> searchIdentifier searchDefinition suffix cleanPath found [] = searching state identifier searchOption moduleOptions found searchDefinition suffix cleanPath found [(p,f):fs] # fileName = f +++ suffix = findDefinition identifier (cleanPath +++ p +++ "\\" +++ fileName) >>= \list -> case list of PosNil -> searchDefinition suffix cleanPath found fs list -> searchDefinition suffix cleanPath [((p,fileName),list):found] fs searchIdentifier cleanPath found [] = searching state identifier searchOption moduleOptions found searchIdentifier cleanPath found [(p,f):fs] # defFile = f +++ ".dcl" # impFile = f +++ ".icl" = findIdentifier identifier (cleanPath +++ p +++ "\\" +++ defFile) >>= \dList -> findIdentifier identifier (cleanPath +++ p +++ "\\" +++ impFile) >>= \iList -> case (dList,iList) of (PosNil,PosNil) -> searchIdentifier cleanPath found fs (PosNil,iList) -> searchIdentifier cleanPath [((p,impFile),iList):found] fs (dList,PosNil) -> searchIdentifier cleanPath [((p,defFile),dList):found] fs (dList,iList) -> searchIdentifier cleanPath [((p,defFile),dList),((p,impFile),iList):found] fs // opening and storing projects... newProject :: (ReadOnlyShared (TaskList Void)) -> Task Void newProject ts = updateInformation "Set name of project..." [] "" <<@ Window >>* [ OnAction ActionCancel (always (return Void)) , OnAction (Action "Set" []) (hasValue (\v -> storeNewProject v)) ] where storeNewProject "" = return Void storeNewProject projectName = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> set_Project state.projectPath state.cleanPath projectName (initProject projectName) >>| storeProject >>| launchEditorAndAdministrate (projectName +++ ".icl") ts storeProject :: Task Void storeProject = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> saveProjectFile state.projectSettings (state.projectPath +++ "\\" +++ state.projectName +++ ".prj") state.cleanPath >>= \ok -> if (not ok) (showError "Could not store project file !" Void) (return Void) openLastProject "" = return Void openLastProject name = reopenProject name openProject :: Task Void openProject = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> selectFileInPath state.projectPath (\name -> takeExtension name == "prj" || takeExtension name == "") <<@ Window >>= \(path,r)-> if (isNothing r) (return Void) (reopenProject (fromJust r)) reopenProject :: !ModuleName -> Task Void reopenProject projectName = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> readProjectFile (state.projectPath +++ projectName +++ ".prj") state.cleanPath >>= \(project,ok,message) -> if (not ok) (showError "Read Error..." message @ const Void) (set_Project state.projectPath state.cleanPath projectName project ) where name = dropExtension projectName changeProjectOptions :: Task Void changeProjectOptions = changeProjectOptions` <<@ Window where changeProjectOptions` = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> changeProjectOptions`` state.projectName state.projectSettings (fromProject state.projectSettings) changeProjectOptions`` projectName project (rto,diagn,prof,co) = runTimeOptions title rto >>= \rto -> diagnosticsOptions title diagn >>= \diagn -> profilingOptions title prof >>= \prof -> consoleOptions title co >>= \co -> update_Project (toProject project (rto,diagn,prof,co)) >>| storeProject where title = "Project Options: " +++ projectName runTimeOptions :: String RunTimeOptions -> Task RunTimeOptions runTimeOptions title rto = updateInformation (title,"Run-Time Options:")[] rto diagnosticsOptions :: String DiagnosticsOptions -> Task DiagnosticsOptions diagnosticsOptions title diagn = updateInformation (title,"Diagnostics Options:") [] diagn profilingOptions :: String ProfilingOptions -> Task ProfilingOptions profilingOptions title prof = updateChoice (title,"Time Profiling Options:") [ChooseWith ChooseFromRadioButtons id] [NoTimeProfiling, TimeProfileAndStackTrace,StackTraceOny] prof.timeProfile -&&- updateChoice "Heap Profiling Options:" [ChooseWith ChooseFromRadioButtons id] [NoHeapProfiling, HeapProfile {minimumHeapProfile = 0}] prof.heapProfile >>= \(t,h) -> return {timeProfile = t, heapProfile = h} consoleOptions :: String ConsoleOptions -> Task ConsoleOptions consoleOptions title co = updateChoice (title,"Console Options:") [ChooseWith ChooseFromRadioButtons id] [BasicValuesOnly, ShowConstructors, NoReturnType, NoConsole] co // editing the evironment currEnvName state = (getCurrEnv state).target_name getCurrEnv state = state.envTargets!!state.idx editEnvironment :: Task Void editEnvironment = editEnvironment` <<@ Window where editEnvironment` = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> updateInformation (Title ("Edit " +++ currEnvName state))[] (fromTarget (getCurrEnv state)) >>* [ OnAction ActionCancel (always (return Void)) , OnAction (Action "Set" []) (hasValue (\env -> updateEnvironment state.idx (toTarget env))) ] addEnvironment :: Task Void addEnvironment = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> selectFileInPath state.projectPath (\name -> takeExtension name == "env" || takeExtension name == "") <<@ Window >>= \(path,mbEnv)-> if (isNothing mbEnv) (showError "Could not read environment file" path @ const Void) ( readEnvironmentFile (path (fromJust mbEnv)) >>= \nenv -> add_Environments nenv) selectEnvironment :: Int -> Task Void selectEnvironment i = select_Environment i >>| storeProject @ const Void // compile project... compile :: !ModuleName -> Task Void compile projectName = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> if (state.openedFiles == []) (compile` state) ( viewInformation ("Clean Compiler","Do you want to save all ?") [] Void >>* [ OnAction ActionYes (always ( saveAll state.openedFiles >>| compile` state)) , OnAction ActionNo (always (compile` state)) , OnAction ActionCancel (always (return Void)) ] ) where compile` state = let compilerMessages = state.projectPath +++ projectName +++ ".log" in closeEditorAndAdministrate compilerMessages >>| exportTextFile compilerMessages "" //Empty the log file... >>| callProcess "Clean Compiler - BatchBuild" [] (state.cleanPath +++ batchBuild) [state.projectPath +++ projectName +++ ".prj"] -&&- viewSharedInformation (Title "Compiler Messages...") [] (externalFile compilerMessages) <<@ Window >>* [ OnAction ActionClose (always (return Void)) , OnAction ActionOk (always (return Void)) ] @ const Void import redirect run projectName ts = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> call_process_and_redirect (state.projectPath +++ projectName +++ ".exe -con") state.projectPath (state.projectPath +++ projectName +++ ".out") (state.projectPath +++ projectName +++ ".err") >>| showOutput state where call_process_and_redirect command directory out_file_name errors_file_name = accWorld (call_process_with_redirected_std_out_and_error command directory out_file_name errors_file_name) showOutput state = let outputFile = externalFile (state.projectPath +++ projectName +++ ".out") in viewSharedInformation (Title ("Executing " +++ projectName)) [ViewWith (\txt -> Note txt)] outputFile <<@ Window >>| return Void showLog projectName ts = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> launchEditorAndAdministrate (state.projectPath +++ projectName +++ ".log") ts