implementation module CleanEditor import iTasks, Text import qualified Data.Map import projectManager import System.FilePath import SmallUtil, IDE_State derive class iTask FileError openFileSelectorAndEdit :: (ReadOnlyShared (TaskList Void)) -> Task Void openFileSelectorAndEdit ts = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> selectFileInPath state.projectPath (\_ -> True) <<@ Window >>= \(path,r)-> if (isNothing r) (return Void) (launchEditorAndAdministrate (fromJust r) ts) openEditorOnFiles :: [FileName] (ReadOnlyShared (TaskList Void)) -> Task Void openEditorOnFiles [] ts = return Void openEditorOnFiles [f:fs] ts = launch (editor f ts) ts >>| openEditorOnFiles fs ts saveAll :: [FileName] -> Task Void saveAll [] = return Void saveAll [name:names] = get (sharedStore name "") // read out latest content of the editor from the internal store >>= \content -> set content (externalFile name) // and store it in the actual file >>| saveAll names launchEditorAndAdministrate :: FileName (ReadOnlyShared (TaskList Void)) -> Task Void launchEditorAndAdministrate fileName ts = get_IDE_State >>= \state -> if (isMember fileName state.openedFiles) (return Void) // file already open in an editor ( addFileToAdmin fileName >>| launch (editor fileName ts) ts @ const Void ) closeEditorAndAdministrate :: FileName -> Task Void closeEditorAndAdministrate fileName = removeFileFromAdmin fileName // editor :: Replace = { search :: String , replaceBy :: String } derive class iTask Replace initReplace = { search = "" , replaceBy = "" } editor :: FileName (ReadOnlyShared (TaskList Void)) -> Task Void editor fileName ts = editor` (externalFile fileName) where editor` file = get file >>= \content -> let copy = sharedStore fileName content in editor`` copy where editor`` copy = (parallel (Title fileName`) [ (Embedded, editFile fileName copy) , (Embedded, replace initReplace copy) ] @ const Void ) // <<@ AfterLayout (uiDefSetDirection Horizontal) >>* [ OnAction ActionClose (always (closeEditorAndAdministrate fileName)) , OnAction (Action ("File/Close " +++ fileName`) []) (always (closeEditorAndAdministrate fileName)) , OnAction (Action ("File/Save " +++ fileName`) []) (always (save copy >>| editor` file)) , OnAction (Action ("File/Save As...") []) (always (saveAs copy >>| editor` file)) , OnAction (Action ("File/Revert " +++ fileName`) []) (always (editor` file)) , OnAction (Action ("File/Open " +++ other fileName`) []) (ifCond isIclOrDcl (launchEditorAndAdministrate fileName ts)) // , OnAction (Action ("Project/Set Project/" +++ noSuffix +++ " (.prj)")) // (const isIcl) // (const (storeNewProject noSuffix initialPath // to fix // >>| editor` file )) ] fileName` = dropDirectory fileName noSuffix = RemoveSuffix fileName save copy = get copy >>= \content -> set content file saveAs copy = get copy >>= \content -> get_IDE_State >>= \state -> storeFileInPath state.projectPath fileName content <<@ Window other fileName | equal_suffix ".icl" fileName = (RemoveSuffix fileName) +++ ".dcl" | equal_suffix ".dcl" fileName = (RemoveSuffix fileName) +++ ".icl" = "" isIclOrDcl = isIcl || equal_suffix ".dcl" fileName isIcl = equal_suffix ".icl" fileName editFile :: String (Shared String) (SharedTaskList Void) -> Task Void editFile fileName sharedFile _ = (updateSharedInformation Void [UpdateWith toV fromV] sharedFile @ const Void) <<@ noHints where fromV _ (CleanCode text) = text toV text = CleanCode text replace cmnd sharedFile _ = noReplace cmnd where noReplace :: Replace -> Task Void noReplace cmnd = actionTask >>* [ OnAction (Action "File/Replace" []) (always (showReplace cmnd)) ] showReplace :: Replace -> Task Void showReplace cmnd = updateInformation "Replace:" [] cmnd // <<@ Window >>* [ OnAction (Action "Replace" []) (hasValue substitute) , OnAction (Action "Cancel" []) (always (noReplace cmnd)) ] substitute cmnd = update (replaceSubString cmnd.replaceBy) sharedFile >>| showReplace cmnd noHints = AfterLayout (tweakControls (\controls -> [(c,'Data.Map'.del VALID_ATTRIBUTE ('Data.Map'.del HINT_ATTRIBUTE m)) \\ (c,m) <- controls]))