.#{$prefix}box-layout-ct { overflow: hidden; zoom: 1; } .#{$prefix}box-target { position: absolute; // This width for the "CSS container box" of the box child items gives them the room // they need to avoid being "crushed" (aka, "wrapped"). On Opera, elements cannot be // wider than 32767px or else they break the scrollWidth (it becomes == offsetWidth) // and you cannot scroll the content. width: 20000px; // On IE quirks and IE6/7 strict, a text-align:center style trickles down to this el // at times and will cause it to move off the left edge. The easy fix is to just always // set left:0 here (right:0 in rtl mode). The top:0 part is just being paranoid. // The requirement for targetEl is that its origin align with innerCt... this ensures // that it does! top: 0; left: 0; // If we don't give the element a height, it does not always participate in the scrollWidth. height: 1px; } @if $include-rtl { .#{$prefix}rtl.#{$prefix}box-target { left: auto; right: 0; } } .#{$prefix}box-inner { overflow:hidden; zoom:1; position:relative; left:0; top:0; } .#{$prefix}horizontal-box-overflow-body { float: left; } .#{$prefix}box-scroller { position: relative; background-repeat: no-repeat; } .#{$prefix}box-scroller-left, .#{$prefix}box-scroller-right { float: left; height: 100%; z-index: 5; } .#{$prefix}box-scroller-top, .#{$prefix}box-scroller-bottom { .#{$prefix}box-scroller { line-height: 0; font-size: 0; background-position: center 0; } } .#{$prefix}box-menu-after { float: right; } @if $include-rtl { .#{$prefix}rtl.#{$prefix}box-menu-after { float: left; } }