@function pad($radius) { $radius: boxmax($radius); $radius: parseint($radius); @if $radius >= 10 { @return $radius; } @else { @return "0" + $radius; } } @function nopx ($value) { @if $value == 0 { @return $value; } @return $value / 1px; } @mixin x-frame( $cls, $ui: null, $border-radius: 0px, $border-width: 0px, $padding: null, $background-color: null, $background-gradient: null, $table: false, $background-direction: top, $include-frame-rtl: false, // an optional ui to use for images $img-ui: $ui, $background-stretch: null ) { $cls-ui: $cls; $cls-img-ui: null; @if $ui != null { $cls-ui: $cls + '-' + $ui; $cls-img-ui: $cls + '-' + $img-ui; } $vertical: false; @if $background-gradient != null and ($background-direction == left or $background-direction == right) { $vertical: true; } $background-stretch-position: null; @if $background-stretch == null { @if $vertical { $background-stretch: left; } @else { $background-stretch: bottom; } } @if $background-stretch == top { $background-stretch-position: bottom; } @else if $background-stretch == bottom { $background-stretch-position: top; } @else if $background-stretch == left { $background-stretch-position: right; } @else if $background-stretch == right { $background-stretch-position: left; } @if $background-gradient != null { $stretch: slicer-background-stretch($cls-ui, $background-stretch); } // We use the border-radius of the two corners on each edge to determine the "edge's // border-radius". For IE, the framing elements need to be as large as the larger of // the border-radius and the border-width on each edge. These values are passed on to // JavaScript using an encoded background-image url and the equivalent operations are // handled by Renderable.js. // $frame-top: max(top($border-width), max(top($border-radius), right($border-radius))); $frame-right: max(right($border-width), max(right($border-radius), bottom($border-radius))); $frame-bottom: max(bottom($border-width), max(bottom($border-radius), left($border-radius))); $frame-left: max(left($border-width), max(left($border-radius), top($border-radius))); $frame-max: max(max($frame-top, $frame-bottom), max($frame-left, $frame-right)); // For CSS3 browsers, if the border-radius is larger than the border-width, we need to // apply padding to inset the content. These values can never be 0 because frame-xxx // includes border-xxx in its max. // $padding-top: $frame-top - top($border-width); $padding-right: $frame-right - right($border-width); $padding-bottom: $frame-bottom - bottom($border-width); $padding-left: $frame-left - left($border-width); // If there is additional padding, this is understood to be a request to ensure that // the content is **at least** this far from the inside of the border. If the framing // requires more padding, that wins. This is the amount of padding you need in CSS3 // browsers. // @if $padding != null { $padding-top: max($padding-top, top($padding)); $padding-right: max($padding-right, right($padding)); $padding-bottom: max($padding-bottom, bottom($padding)); $padding-left: max($padding-left, left($padding)); } // For IE, the framing elements are sized by frame-xxx and the "-mc" will carry the // extra-padding-xxx. // $extra-padding-top: max(top($border-width) + $padding-top - $frame-top, 0); $extra-padding-right: max(right($border-width) + $padding-right - $frame-right, 0); $extra-padding-bottom: max(bottom($border-width) + $padding-bottom - $frame-bottom, 0); $extra-padding-left: max(left($border-width) + $padding-left - $frame-left, 0); // The data is encoded using a "background-image: url('blah#th-1-1-1-1-...')" format. // The key to using background-image is to avoid the IE6 idiocy of always requesting // background-images - if you just use "#..." it will request the CSS file again! // Really - over the net! Not from the cache! Since we don't have a real image to // send, we have use "about:blank"! // $framing-info: '#'; @if $table == true { $framing-info: $framing-info + 't'; } @else { $framing-info: $framing-info + 'd'; } @if $vertical == true { $framing-info: $framing-info + 'v'; } @else { $framing-info: $framing-info + 'h'; } $framing-info: $framing-info + '-' + nopx(top($border-radius)) + '-' + nopx(right($border-radius)) + '-' + nopx(bottom($border-radius)) + '-' + nopx(left($border-radius)) + '-' + nopx(top($border-width)) + '-' + nopx(right($border-width)) + '-' + nopx(bottom($border-width)) + '-' + nopx(left($border-width)) + '-' + nopx($padding-top) + '-' + nopx($padding-right) + '-' + nopx($padding-bottom) + '-' + nopx($padding-left); .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui} { @if $supports-border-radius { @if length($border-radius) == 2 { @include border-top-left-radius(nth($border-radius, 1)); @include border-top-right-radius(nth($border-radius, 2)); } @else if length($border-radius) == 3 { @include border-top-left-radius(nth($border-radius, 1)); @include border-top-right-radius(nth($border-radius, 2)); @include border-bottom-right-radius(nth($border-radius, 3)); } @else if length($border-radius) == 4 { @include border-top-left-radius(nth($border-radius, 1)); @include border-top-right-radius(nth($border-radius, 2)); @include border-bottom-right-radius(nth($border-radius, 3)); @include border-bottom-left-radius(nth($border-radius, 4)); } @else { @include border-radius($border-radius); } } padding: $padding-top $padding-right $padding-bottom $padding-left; border-width: $border-width; border-style: solid; @if $background-color != null { @if $supports-gradients and $background-gradient != null { @include background-gradient($background-color, $background-gradient, $background-direction); } @else { background-color: $background-color; } } } @if $include-frame-rtl { @if $background-direction == left { $background-direction: right; } @else if $background-direction == right { $background-direction: left; } @if $background-direction == left or $background-direction == right { .#{$prefix}rtl.#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui} { @include background-gradient( $background-color, $background-gradient, $background-direction ); } } } @if not $supports-gradients or $compile-all { .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-mc { @if $background-gradient != null { background-image: slicer-frame-background-image($cls-ui, '#{$cls}/#{$cls-img-ui}-fbg'); @if $vertical { background-position: $background-stretch-position 0; } @else { background-position: 0 $background-stretch-position; } } @if $background-color != null { background-color: $background-color; } } @if $include-frame-rtl and $background-gradient != null { .#{$prefix}rtl.#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-mc { background-image: slicer-frame-background-image-rtl($cls-ui, '#{$cls}/#{$cls-img-ui}-fbg-rtl'); background-position: rtl-background-position($background-stretch-position 0); } } @if $background-gradient != null { .#{$prefix}nlg { .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui} { background-image: slicer-background-image($cls-ui, '#{$cls}/#{$cls-img-ui}-bg'); @if $vertical { background-position: $background-stretch-position 0; } @else { background-position: 0 $background-stretch-position; } } @if $include-frame-rtl { .#{$prefix}rtl.#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui} { background-image: slicer-background-image-rtl($cls-ui, '#{$cls}/#{$cls-img-ui}-bg-rtl'); background-position: rtl-background-position($background-stretch-position 0); } } } } } @if not $supports-border-radius or $compile-all { .#{$prefix}nbr { // This rule must be in x-nbr to avoid matching on CSS3 browsers. .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui} { padding: 0 !important; border-width: 0 !important; @include border-radius(0px); @if $background-color != null { background-color: transparent; } @else { background: #fff; } } } // This rule must be more specific than other x-nlg rules or else framing will // not be applied to the element. This rule must also be in x-nbr to avoid // matching on CSS3 browsers. // body.#{$prefix}nbr { .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui} { /* Pass along Div/Table, Horz/Vert, border-radius and border-width: */ background-image: url('about:blank#{$framing-info}'); } } // These rules apply to elements that are not rendered on CSS3 browsers so we do // not need to force the browser to walk to the root of the document searching // for x-nbr! @if $vertical { // vertical framing element background positions .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tl { background-position: 0 0; } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tr { background-position: 0 (-$frame-max); } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-bl { background-position: 0 (-$frame-max * 2); } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-br { background-position: 0 (-$frame-max * 3); } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-ml { background-position: (-$frame-max) 0; } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-mr { background-position: right 0; } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tc { background-position: $background-stretch-position 0; } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-bc { background-position: $background-stretch-position (-$frame-max); } @if $include-frame-rtl { .#{$prefix}rtl.#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tc { background-position: rtl-background-position($background-stretch-position 0); } .#{$prefix}rtl.#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-bc { background-position: rtl-background-position($background-stretch-position (-$frame-max)); } } } @else { // horizontal framing element background positions .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tl { background-position: 0 (-$frame-max * 2); } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tr { background-position: right (-$frame-max * 3); } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-bl { background-position: 0 (-$frame-max * 4); } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-br { background-position: right (-$frame-max * 5); } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-ml { background-position: 0 $background-stretch-position; } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-mr { background-position: right $background-stretch-position; } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tc { background-position: 0 0; } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-bc { background-position: 0 (-$frame-max); } } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tr, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-br, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-mr { padding-right: $frame-right; } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tl, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-bl, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-ml { padding-left: $frame-left; } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tc { height: $frame-top; } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-bc { height: $frame-bottom; } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tl, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-bl, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tr, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-br, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tc, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-bc, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-ml, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-mr { zoom:1; @if $background-color != transparent { background-image: slicer-corner-sprite($cls-ui, '#{$cls}/#{$cls-img-ui}-corners'); } } @if $background-color != transparent { @if $include-frame-rtl { .#{$prefix}rtl { &.#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tl, &.#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-ml, &.#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-bl, &.#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tr, &.#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-mr, &.#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-br { background-image: slicer-corner-sprite-rtl($cls-ui, '#{$cls}/#{$cls-img-ui}-corners-rtl'); } } } } @if $vertical == true { .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tc, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-bc { zoom:1; @if $background-color != transparent { background-image: slicer-sides-sprite($cls-ui, '#{$cls}/#{$cls-img-ui}-sides'); background-repeat: repeat-x; } } @if $include-frame-rtl and $background-color != transparent { .#{$prefix}rtl { &.#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tc, &.#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-bc { background-image: slicer-sides-sprite-rtl($cls-ui, '#{$cls}/#{$cls-img-ui}-sides-rtl'); } } } } @else { .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-ml, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-mr { zoom:1; @if $background-color != transparent { background-image: slicer-sides-sprite($cls-ui, '#{$cls}/#{$cls-img-ui}-sides'); @if $background-gradient == null { background-repeat: repeat-y; } } } } .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-mc { padding: $extra-padding-top $extra-padding-right $extra-padding-bottom $extra-padding-left; } @if $include-ie { // framed components in ie7 strict mode suffer from an obscure bug that causes the tl and bl framing elements to // be shrink-wrapped to the width of their contents. This hack forces the elements' widths to fit to their parent .#{$prefix}strict .#{$prefix}ie7 { .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-tl, .#{$prefix}#{$cls-ui}-bl { position: relative; right: 0; } } } } @include x-slicer($cls-ui); }