#Fri, 03 May 2013 11:39:24 +0200 # The name of the application app.name=itwc # The name of the framework used by the application (ext / touch) app.framework=ext # The path(s) to application javascript sources (comma separated) app.classpath=${app.dir}/app # Output location for application build artifacts app.build.dir=${workspace.build.dir}/${app.name} # The root namespace to use when mapping scss resources to js classes # in the sass/src and sass/var directories app.sass.namespace=itwc # Path to sass rule definition files corresponding to JavaScript classes. app.sass.srcpath=${app.dir}/sass/src # Path to sass variable definition files corresponding to JavaScript classes. app.sass.varpath=${app.dir}/sass/var # Path to sass function and mixin files. app.sass.etcpath=${app.dir}/sass/etc/all.scss # Path to extra ruby files to include into the generated sass config.rb, # /sass/config.rb will be included automatically if present and does # not need to be specified. # app.sass.rubypath= # The name of the package containing the theme scss for the app app.theme=ext-theme-gray #============================================================================== # Custom Properties - Place customizations below this line to avoid merge # conflicts with newer versions app.cmd.version= app.id=4363c8af-f17d-4431-aaef-d14d9ac13b28