definition module graph_to_sapl_string // JMJ 2007 // Convert a graph to a SAPL string that can be evaluated by the SAPL interpreter // DynamicSapl is only for debugging purposes :: DynamicSapl = IntS Int | BoolS Bool | CharS Char | StringS String | CstrS String String Int [DynamicSapl] | FunctionS String String Int [DynamicSapl] | ArrayS Int [DynamicSapl] | ListS [DynamicSapl] | TupleS Int [DynamicSapl] | RecS String String Int [DynamicSapl] // Conversion to a SAPL string graph_to_sapl_string :: !a -> String string_to_graph :: !String -> .a // Conversion to a SAPL intermediate format, only for debugging graph_to_sapl_dynamic :: !a -> DynamicSapl // Testing function for debugging, also gives decoding graph_to_sapl_dynamic_test :: !a -> (({#Int},Char,{#String},Char,{#String}),Char,DynamicSapl,Char,String) // Testing function for debugging, also gives decoding print_graph :: !a -> String