definition module Map /** * This module provides a dynamic Map type for creating mappings from keys to values * Internally it uses an AVL tree to organize the key-value pairs stored in the mapping * such that lookup, insert and delete operations can be performed in O(log n). */ from StdMaybe import :: Maybe from StdClass import class Eq, class Ord from StdOverloaded import class ==, class < /** * The abstract Map type provides the mapping. * The parameter k is the key type on which the data structure * is indexed. The parameter v is the type of the values * stored in the mapping. For example "Map Int String" is a mapping * "from" integers "to" strings. */ :: Map k v = MNode (Map k v) k Int v (Map k v) | MLeaf //Basic functions /** * Create an empty Map * * @return An empty map */ newMap :: w:(Map k u:v), [ w <= u] /** * Adds or replaces the value for a given key. * * @param The key value to add/update * @param The value to add/update at the key position * @param The original mapping * @return The modified mapping with the added value */ put :: k u:v w:(Map k u:v) -> x:(Map k u:v) | Eq k & Ord k, [ w x <= u, w <= x] /** * Searches for a value at a given key position. Works only for non-unique * mappings. * * @param The key to look for * @param The orginal mapping * @return When found, the value at the key position, if not: Nothing */ get :: k (Map k v) -> Maybe v | Eq k & Ord k /** * Searches for a value at a given key position and returns the mapping * as a result as well. This makes it possible to have use mappings with a unique spine * * @param The key to look for * @param The orginal mapping * @return When found, the value at the key position, if not: Nothing * @return The original mapping (to enable Maps wth a unique spine, !but without unique values!) */ getU :: k w:(Map k v) -> x:(Maybe v, y:(Map k v)) | Eq k & Ord k, [ x <= y, w <= y ] /** * Removes the value at a given key position. The mapping itself can be spine unique. * * @param The key to remove * @param The original mapping * @return The modified mapping with the value/key removed */ del :: k w:(Map k v) -> x:(Map k v) | Eq k & Ord k, [ w <= x] /** * Removes and returns the value at a given key position. Because the value is returned this * makes it possible to store unique values in the mapping and safely remove them without losing * their references. * * @param The key to remove * @param The original mapping * @return When found, the value removed at the key position, if not: Nothing * @return The modified mapping with the value/key removed */ delU :: k w:(Map k u:v) -> x:(Maybe u:v, y:(Map k u:v)) | Eq k & Ord k, [ w y <= u, x <= y, w <= y] //Conversion functions /** * Converts a mapping to a list of key value pairs. * Because of the internal ordering of the mapping the resulting * list is sorted ascending on the key part of the tuple. * * @param The original mapping * @return A list of key/value tuples in the mapping */ toList :: w:(Map k u:v) -> x:[y:(k,u:v)] , [w y <= u, x <= y, w <= x] /** * Converts a list of key/value tuples to a mapping. * * @param A list of key/value tuples * @return A mapping containing all the tuples in the list */ fromList :: w:[x:(k,u:v)] -> y:(Map k u:v) | Eq k & Ord k, [x y <= u, w <= x, w <= y] /** * Adds or replaces a list of key/value pairs. * * @param A list of key/value tuples * @param The original mapping * @return The modified mapping with the added values */ putList :: w:[x:(k,u:v)] w:(Map k u:v) -> y:(Map k u:v) | Eq k & Ord k, [x y <= u, w <= x, w <= y] /** * Removes the values at given key positions. The mapping itself can be spine unique. * * @param The list of keys to remove * @param The original mapping * @return The modified mapping with the values/keys removed */ delList :: [k] w:(Map k u:v) -> y:(Map k u:v) | Eq k & Ord k, [w y <= u, w <= y]