implementation module CSV import StdEnv import StdMaybe import Text BUFF_SIZE :== 1024 readCSVRecord :: !*File -> (!Maybe [String],!*File) readCSVRecord file = readCSVRecordWith ',' '"' '\\' file readCSVRecordWith :: !Char !Char !Char !*File -> (!Maybe [String],!*File) readCSVRecordWith delimitChar quoteChar escapeChar file // Read until line delimiter or end of file # (remain,fields,file) = read "" 0 0 False False [] file | remain == -1 = (Nothing,file) | otherwise // Reset file position to start of new record # (_,file) = fseek file (~ remain) FSeekCur = (Just (reverse fields),file) where read :: !{#Char} !Int !Int !Bool !Bool ![{#Char}] !*File -> (!Int,![{#Char}],!*File) read buffer start cur quoted escape fields file //End of buffer before record ends (add more to the buffer) | cur == size buffer # (chunk,file) = freads file BUFF_SIZE | size chunk == 0 //EOF //When nothing was read at all, return -1 to indicate this | cur == 0 = (-1,[],file) //An eof if fields have been read already is treated as end of a record | otherwise = (0,[field:fields], file) | otherwise = read (buffer +++ chunk) start cur quoted escape fields file //End of field | buffer.[cur] == delimitChar && not quoted = read buffer next next quoted False [field:fields] file //End of line | (buffer.[cur] == '\n' || buffer.[cur] == '\r') && not quoted = (remain, [field:fields], file) //Start of a quoted field | buffer.[cur] == quoteChar && cur == start = read buffer start next True False fields file //End of a quoted field | buffer.[cur] == quoteChar && quoted && not escape = read buffer start next False False fields file //Trigger escape | buffer.[cur] == escapeChar && not escape = read buffer start next False True fields file //Simply advance the cursor | otherwise = read buffer start next quoted False fields file where next = inc cur field = if isQuoted quotedField normalField isQuoted = buffer.[start] == quoteChar && buffer.[cur - 1] == quoteChar normalField = buffer % (start, cur - 1) quotedField = unescape (buffer % (start + 1, cur - 2)) remain = size buffer - next //Remove all {escapeChar,quoteChar} and {escapeChar,escapeChar} combinations from a string unescape s = {c \\ c <- (unescape` [u \\ u <-: s])} where unescape` [char1,char2:rest] | char1 == escapeChar = [char2:unescape` rest] = unescape` [char2:rest] unescape` [char:rest] = [char: unescape` rest] unescape` [] = [] readCSVFile :: !*File -> (![[String]],!*File) readCSVFile file = readCSVFileWith ',' '"' '\\' file readCSVFileWith :: !Char !Char !Char !*File -> (![[String]],!*File) readCSVFileWith delimitChar quoteChar escapeChar file # (mbRec,file) = readCSVRecordWith delimitChar quoteChar escapeChar file = case mbRec of Nothing = ([],file) Just rec # (recs,file) = readCSVFileWith delimitChar quoteChar escapeChar file = ([rec:recs],file) writeCSVRecord :: ![String] !*File -> *File writeCSVRecord fields file = writeCSVRecordWith ',' '"' '\\' fields file writeCSVRecordWith :: !Char !Char !Char ![String] !*File -> *File writeCSVRecordWith delimitChar quoteChar escapeChar fields file = fwrites line file where line = (join {delimitChar} [{quoteChar} +++ escape field +++ {quoteChar} \\ field <- fields]) +++ "\r\n" escape s = {c \\ c <- flatten [escape` u \\ u <-: s]} where escape` c | c == escapeChar = [escapeChar,escapeChar] | c == quoteChar = [escapeChar,quoteChar] = [c] writeCSVFile :: ![[String]] !*File -> *File writeCSVFile fields file = writeCSVFileWith ',' '"' '\\' fields file writeCSVFileWith :: !Char !Char !Char ![[String]] !*File -> *File writeCSVFileWith delimitChar quoteChar escapeChar fields file = foldl (flip (writeCSVRecordWith delimitChar quoteChar escapeChar)) file fields