definition module HttpUtil import Http, HttpServer //General utility functions http_urlencode :: !String -> String http_urldecode :: !String -> String http_splitMultiPart :: !String !String -> [([HTTPHeader], String)] //Incremental construction of a request http_addRequestData :: !HTTPRequest !Bool !Bool !Bool !String -> (HTTPRequest, Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool) //Parsing of HTTP Request messages http_parseRequestLine :: !String -> (!String, !String, !String, !String, !Bool) http_parseHeader :: !String -> (!HTTPHeader, !Bool) http_parseArguments :: !HTTPRequest -> HTTPRequest http_parseGetArguments :: !HTTPRequest -> [HTTPArgument] http_parsePostArguments :: !HTTPRequest -> [HTTPArgument] http_parseUrlEncodedArguments :: !String -> [HTTPArgument] http_parseMultiPartPostArguments :: !HTTPRequest -> ([HTTPArgument],[HTTPUpload]) //Construction of HTTP Response messages http_makeResponse :: !HTTPRequest [((String -> Bool),(HTTPRequest *World -> (HTTPResponse, HTTPServerControl, *World)))] !Bool !*World -> (!HTTPResponse,!HTTPServerControl,!*World) http_encodeResponse :: !HTTPResponse !Bool !*World -> (!String,!*World) //Error responses http_notfoundResponse :: !HTTPRequest !*World -> (!HTTPResponse, !HTTPServerControl, !*World) http_forbiddenResponse :: !HTTPRequest !*World -> (!HTTPResponse, !HTTPServerControl, !*World) //Static content http_staticResponse :: !HTTPRequest !*World -> (!HTTPResponse, !HTTPServerControl, !*World) http_staticFileContent :: !String !*World -> (!Bool, !String, !*World) http_staticFileMimeType :: !String !*World -> (!String, !*World)