implementation module HttpServer import Http, HttpUtil, HttpTextUtil import StdList, StdTuple, StdArray, StdFile, StdBool, StdMisc, StdMaybe //import StdTCP //import TCPIP import TCPChannelClass, TCPChannels, TCPEvent, TCPStringChannels, TCPDef //Start the HTTP server http_startServer :: [HTTPServerOption] [(!(String -> Bool),!(HTTPRequest *World-> (!HTTPResponse,!HTTPServerControl,!*World)))] *World -> *World http_startServer options handlers world //Start the listener # (listener,world) = startListener (getPortOption options) world //Enter the listen loop = loop options handlers listener [] [] [] world // Try to open a listener on the given port startListener :: Int !*World -> (TCP_Listener,!*World) startListener port world # (success, mbListener, world) = openTCP_Listener port world | success = (fromJust mbListener,world) | otherwise = abort ("Error: The server port " +++ (toString port) +++ " is currently occupied!\n" +++ "Probably a previous application is still running and you have forgotten to close it.\n" +++ "It is also possible that another web server running on your machine is using this port.\n\n\n") //Main event loop, it is called each time a client connects or data arrives loop :: [HTTPServerOption] [(!(String -> Bool),!(HTTPRequest *World-> (!HTTPResponse, !HTTPServerControl, !*World)))] TCP_Listener [TCP_RChannel] [TCP_SChannel] [(HTTPRequest,Bool,Bool,Bool)] *World -> *World loop options handlers listener rchannels schannels requests world //Join the listener with the open channels # glue = TCP_Pair (TCP_Listeners [listener]) (TCP_RChannels rchannels) //Select the channel which has data available # ([(who,what):_],glue,_,world) = selectChannel_MT Nothing glue TCP_Void world //Split the listener from the open channels # (TCP_Pair (TCP_Listeners [listener:_]) (TCP_RChannels rchannels)) = glue //A new client attempts to connect | who == 0 # world = debug "New connection opened" options world # (tReport, mbNewMember, listener, world) = receive_MT (Just 0) listener world | tReport <> TR_Success = loop options handlers listener rchannels schannels requests world //Just continue # (ip,{sChannel,rChannel}) = fromJust mbNewMember # request = {http_emptyRequest & client_name = toString ip, server_port = getPortOption options} = loop options handlers listener [rChannel:rchannels] [sChannel:schannels] [(request,False,False,False):requests] world //A client has new data | otherwise // Select the offset without the listener # who = who - 1 // Select the right read channel from the list # (currentrchannel, rchannels) = selectFromList who rchannels // Select the right write channel from the list # (currentschannel, schannels) = selectFromList who schannels // Select the right incomplete request from the list # ((request, method_done, headers_done, data_done), requests) = selectFromList who requests // New data is available | what == SR_Available // Fetch the new data from the receive channel # (data,currentrchannel,world) = receive currentrchannel world //Add new data to the request # (request, method_done, headers_done, data_done, error) = http_addRequestData request method_done headers_done data_done (toString data) | error //Sent bad request response and disconnect # (currentschannel,world) = send (toByteSeq "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n") currentschannel world # world = closeRChannel currentrchannel world # world = closeChannel currentschannel world = loop options handlers listener rchannels schannels requests world //Process a completed request | method_done && headers_done && data_done # request = if (getParseOption options) (http_parseArguments request) request # world = debug "Processing request:" options world # world = debug request options world // Create a response # (response,control,world) = http_makeResponse request handlers (getStaticOption options) world # world = debug "Generated response:" options world # world = debug response options world // Encode the response to the HTTP protocol format # (reply, world) = http_encodeResponse response True world // Send the encoded response to the client # (currentschannel,world) = send (toByteSeq reply) currentschannel world # world = debug "Sent encoded reply:" options world # world = debug reply options world // Close the connection # world = closeChannel currentschannel world # world = closeRChannel currentrchannel world # world = debug "Closed connection" options world = case control of HTTPServerContinue = loop options handlers listener rchannels schannels requests world HTTPServerStop = closeRChannel listener world (HTTPServerRestart newOptions newHandlers) # world = closeRChannel listener world # (listener,world) = startListener (getPortOption newOptions) world = loop newOptions newHandlers listener [] [] [] world //We do not have everything we need yet, so continue | otherwise = loop options handlers listener [currentrchannel:rchannels] [currentschannel:schannels] [(request,method_done, headers_done, data_done):requests] world //We lost the connection | otherwise # world = closeRChannel currentrchannel world # world = closeChannel currentschannel world = loop options handlers listener rchannels schannels requests world where selectFromList nr list # (left,[element:right]) = splitAt nr list = (element,left++right) getPortOption :: [HTTPServerOption] -> Int getPortOption [] = 80 getPortOption [x:xs] = case x of (HTTPServerOptPort port) = port _ = getPortOption xs getStaticOption :: [HTTPServerOption] -> Bool getStaticOption [] = False getStaticOption [x:xs] = case x of (HTTPServerOptStaticFallback b) = b _ = getStaticOption xs getParseOption :: [HTTPServerOption] -> Bool getParseOption [] = True getParseOption [x:xs] = case x of (HTTPServerOptParseArguments b) = b _ = getParseOption xs getDebugOption :: [HTTPServerOption] -> Bool getDebugOption [] = False getDebugOption [x:xs] = case x of (HTTPServerOptDebug b) = b _ = getDebugOption xs debug:: a [HTTPServerOption] *World -> *World | toString a debug msg options world | not (getDebugOption options) = world # (sio, world) = stdio world # sio = fwrites ((toString msg) +++ "\n") sio = snd (fclose sio world)