definition module HttpServer // This module provides a simple embedded HTTP server. // It allows the creation of a single threaded server which // is very suitable for small scale testing of web applications. // It is not meant for use in a production environment. // // This module is based upon the original Clean HTTP server by Paul de Mast import Http :: HTTPServerOption = HTTPServerOptPort Int // The port on which the server listens (default is 80) | HTTPServerOptStaticFallback Bool // If all request handlers fail, should the static file handler be tried (default False) | HTTPServerOptParseArguments Bool // Should the query and body of the request be parsed (default True) | HTTPServerOptDebug Bool // Should the server write debug info to the stdout :: HTTPServerControl = HTTPServerContinue // Nothing special, just keep the server alive | HTTPServerStop // Stop the server // Restart the server with new options and handlers | HTTPServerRestart [HTTPServerOption] [(!(String -> Bool),!(HTTPRequest *World -> *(!HTTPResponse,!HTTPServerControl,!*World)))] // Start the HTTP server // The first argument is a list of server options // The second argument is a list of pairs of predicates and request handlers // The predicate inspects the requested path (eg. /foo), if the predicate is true the corresponding request handler is invoked http_startServer :: [HTTPServerOption] [(!(String -> Bool),!(HTTPRequest *World-> (!HTTPResponse,!HTTPServerControl,!*World)))] *World -> *World