implementation module HttpCGI import Http, HttpUtil, HttpTextUtil import StdFile, StdInt, StdBool, StdArray, ArgEnv //Http headers for which should be checked if they exist in the environment HTTP_CGI_HEADERS :==[ ("Content-Type","CONTENT_TYPE") , ("Content-Length","CONTENT_LENGTH") , ("Content-Encoding","HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING") , ("Accept","HTTP_ACCEPT") , ("User-Agent","HTTP_USER_AGENT") , ("Host", "HTTP_HOST") , ("Authorization","HTTP_AUTHORIZATION") , ("If-Modified-Since","HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE") , ("Referer","HTTP_REFERER") ] //Starts the CGI Wrapper http_startCGI :: [HTTPCGIOption] [((String -> Bool),(HTTPRequest *World-> (HTTPResponse,HTTPServerControl,*World)))] *World -> *World http_startCGI options handlers world # (console, world) = stdio world # (ok,console) = freopen console FReadData # (data, console) = getData getDataLength console //Read post data # request = {http_emptyRequest & req_method = getFromEnv "REQUEST_METHOD", //Create the request req_path = getFromEnv "SCRIPT_NAME", req_query = getFromEnv "QUERY_STRING", req_version = getFromEnv "SERVER_PROTOCOL", req_headers = makeHeaders HTTP_CGI_HEADERS, req_data = data, server_name = getFromEnv "SERVER_NAME", server_port = toInt (getFromEnv "SERVER_PORT"), client_name = getClientName} # request = if (getParseOption options) (http_parseArguments request) request # (response,_,world) = http_makeResponse request handlers (getStaticOption options) world # (response,world) = http_encodeResponse response False world # (ok,console) = freopen console FWriteData # console = fwrites response console # (ok,world) = fclose console world = world getDataLength :: Int getDataLength # len = getFromEnv "CONTENT_LENGTH" | len == "" = 0 = toInt len getData :: !Int !*File -> (!String, !*File) getData len file = freads file len getFromEnv :: String -> String getFromEnv name # value = getEnvironmentVariable name = case value of EnvironmentVariableUndefined = "" (EnvironmentVariable v) = v getClientName :: String getClientName # name = getFromEnv "REMOTE_HOST" | name == "" = getFromEnv "REMOTE_ADDR" = name makeHeaders :: [(String,String)] -> [HTTPHeader] makeHeaders [] = [] makeHeaders [(name,envname):xs] # value = getEnvironmentVariable envname = case value of EnvironmentVariableUndefined = makeHeaders xs (EnvironmentVariable v) = [(name,v): makeHeaders xs] getStaticOption :: [HTTPCGIOption] -> Bool getStaticOption [] = False getStaticOption [x:xs] = case x of (HTTPCGIOptStaticFallback b) = b _ = getStaticOption xs getParseOption :: [HTTPCGIOption] -> Bool getParseOption [] = True getParseOption [x:xs] = case x of (HTTPCGIOptParseArguments b) = b _ = getParseOption xs