implementation module TaskPanel import StdList, StdMisc, StdTuple, StdEnum, StdBool, StdFunc import JSON, Html, TSt, TUIDefinition, Map from InteractionTasks import :: ActionName, :: ActionLabel, :: ActionData, class ActionName(..), instance ActionName Action, actionLabel, actionIcon, :: Menu(..), :: MenuLabel, :: MenuItem(..), class MenuAction(..), :: MenuAction derive JSONEncode TTCFormContainer, FormContent, TTCMonitorContainer, TTCMessageContainer, TTCResultContainer, TTCProcessControlContainer, TTCInstructionContainer derive JSONEncode TTCParallelContainer,TTCParallelContainerElement, TTCGroupContainer, TTCGroupContainerElement, GroupedBehaviour //JSON specialization for TaskPanel: Ignore the union constructor JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (TaskDone) = [JSONString "done"] JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (TaskRedundant) = [JSONString "redundant"] JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (TaskNotDone) = [JSONString "notdone"] JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (TTCFormContainer x) = JSONEncode{|*|} x JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (TTCMonitorContainer x) = JSONEncode{|*|} x JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (TTCMessageContainer x) = JSONEncode{|*|} x JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (TTCInstructionContainer x) = JSONEncode{|*|} x JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (TTCResultContainer x) = JSONEncode{|*|} x JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (TTCProcessControlContainer x) = JSONEncode{|*|} x JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (TTCParallelContainer x) = JSONEncode{|*|} x JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (TTCGroupContainer x) = JSONEncode{|*|} x //Map mapping action names to (action, target task, enabled) :: ActionMap :== Map ActionName (Action, TaskId, Bool) buildTaskPanel :: !TaskTree !User -> TaskPanel buildTaskPanel tree currentUser = buildTaskPanel` tree [] currentUser False buildTaskPanel` :: !TaskTree !Menus !User !Bool -> TaskPanel buildTaskPanel` tree menus currentUser fixedInGroup # taskInfo = getTaskInfo tree # menus = case taskInfo.menus of Nothing = menus // inherit menus from parent Just (Menus nMenus) = nMenus // use new menu structure _ = abort "Non-normalized menu structure left in task tree" = case tree of (TTFinishedTask _ _) = TaskDone (TTInteractiveTask ti (UIOutput (Definition def taskActions))) # taskActions = mkTaskActionMap ti.TaskInfo.taskId taskActions # (buttons, mbMenuBar) = case fixedInGroup of True = (mkButtons taskActions, Nothing) False = app2 (id, Just) (makeButtonsAndMenus taskActions menus) = TTCFormContainer {TTCFormContainer | xtype = "itasks.ttc.form" , id = "taskform-" +++ ti.TaskInfo.taskId , taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId , subject = ti.TaskInfo.subject , description = ti.TaskInfo.description , content = Just {form = def, buttons = buttons} , updates = Nothing , menu = mbMenuBar } (TTInteractiveTask ti (UIOutput (Updates upd taskActions))) # taskActions = mkTaskActionMap ti.TaskInfo.taskId taskActions # (buttons, mbMenuBar) = case fixedInGroup of True = (mkButtons taskActions, Nothing) False = app2 (id, Just) (makeButtonsAndMenus taskActions menus) = TTCFormContainer {TTCFormContainer | xtype = "itasks.ttc.form" , id = "taskform-" +++ ti.TaskInfo.taskId , taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId , subject = ti.TaskInfo.subject , description = ti.TaskInfo.description , content = Nothing , updates = Just (upd ++ [TUIReplaceButtons buttons] ++ case mbMenuBar of Just menuBar = [TUIReplaceMenu menuBar]; Nothing = []) , menu = Nothing } (TTInteractiveTask ti (UIOutput (Func f))) = abort "Non-normalized interactive task left in task tree" (TTInteractiveTask ti (UIOutput (Message msg taskActions))) # taskActions = mkTaskActionMap ti.TaskInfo.taskId taskActions # (buttons, mbMenuBar) = case fixedInGroup of True = (mkButtons taskActions, Nothing) False = app2 (id, Just) (makeButtonsAndMenus taskActions menus) = TTCMessageContainer {TTCMessageContainer | xtype = "itasks.ttc.message" , id = "taskform-" +++ ti.TaskInfo.taskId , taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId , subject = ti.TaskInfo.subject , description = ti.TaskInfo.description , content = {form = msg, buttons = buttons } , menu = mbMenuBar } (TTInteractiveTask ti NoOutput) = abort "No Output node in the task tree" (TTInteractiveTask ti (JSONOutput _)) = abort "JSON Output in the task tree" (TTMonitorTask ti (UIOutput html)) = TTCMonitorContainer {TTCMonitorContainer | xtype = "itasks.ttc.monitor" , id = "taskform-" +++ ti.TaskInfo.taskId , taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId , subject = ti.TaskInfo.subject , description = ti.TaskInfo.description , html = toString (DivTag [] html) , menu = Nothing } (TTInstructionTask ti (UIOutput context)) = TTCInstructionContainer {TTCInstructionContainer | xtype = "itasks.ttc.instruction" , id = "taskform-" +++ ti.TaskInfo.taskId , taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId , subject = ti.TaskInfo.subject , description = ti.TaskInfo.description , context = if(isJust context) (Just (toString (DivTag [] (fromJust context)))) Nothing } (TTRpcTask ti rpc) = TTCMonitorContainer {TTCMonitorContainer | xtype = "itasks.ttc.monitor" , id = "taskform-" +++ ti.TaskInfo.taskId , taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId , subject = ti.TaskInfo.subject , description = ti.TaskInfo.description , html = toString (DivTag [] [Text, Text ": ", Text rpc.RPCExecute.status]) , menu = Nothing } (TTMainTask ti mti _ _) = TTCProcessControlContainer {TTCProcessControlContainer | xtype = "itasks.ttc.proc-control" , taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId , properties = mti , menu = Nothing } (TTSequenceTask ti tasks) = case [t \\ t <- tasks | not (isFinished t)] of [] = if (allFinished tasks) TaskDone TaskRedundant [t] = buildTaskPanel` t menus currentUser fixedInGroup _ = (abort "Multiple simultaneously active tasks in a sequence!") (TTGroupedTask ti tasks actionList mbFocus) # groupActions = fromList [(actionName action, (action, ti.TaskInfo.taskId, enabled)) \\ el=:(action, Left enabled) <- actionList] # (buttons, menuBar) = makeButtonsAndMenus groupActions menus = TTCGroupContainer {TTCGroupContainer | xtype = "" , taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId , subject = ti.TaskInfo.subject , description = ti.TaskInfo.description , content = filter filterFinished (buildGroupElements tasks currentUser ti.TaskInfo.taskId menus mbFocus) , subtaskId = Nothing , menu = Just menuBar , bbar = Just buttons } (TTParallelTask ti tpi tasks) = TTCParallelContainer {TTCParallelContainer | xtype = "itasks.ttc.parallel" , taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId , subject = ti.TaskInfo.subject , description = ti.TaskInfo.description , subtaskInfo = map buildSubtaskInfo tasks , menu = Nothing } where mkTaskActionMap :: !TaskId ![(Action, Bool)] -> ActionMap mkTaskActionMap taskId actionList = fromList [(actionName action, (action, taskId, enabled)) \\ (action, enabled) <- actionList] buildSubtaskInfo :: !TaskTree -> TTCParallelContainerElement buildSubtaskInfo (TTMainTask _ p _ _) = {TTCParallelContainerElement | taskId = p.systemProperties.SystemProperties.taskId , subject = p.managerProperties.ManagerProperties.subject , description = p.managerProperties.ManagerProperties.description , delegatedTo = toString p.managerProperties.worker , finished = case p.systemProperties.SystemProperties.status of Finished = True //Possible improvement: Excepted = True //We could give more information to the client here! _ = False } buildResultPanel :: !TaskTree -> TaskPanel buildResultPanel tree = case tree of (TTFinishedTask ti (UIOutput result)) = (TTCResultContainer {TTCResultContainer | xtype = "itasks.ttc.result" , id = "taskform-" +++ ti.TaskInfo.taskId , taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId , subject = ti.TaskInfo.subject , result = (foldl (+++) "" (map toString result)) }) (TTMainTask ti p _ tt) //Pass through any finished main tasks, in case there is a finished task below (e.g. in case of a parallel) | p.systemProperties.SystemProperties.status == Finished = buildResultPanel tt | otherwise = TaskNotDone _ = TaskNotDone filterFinished container = case container.panel of TaskDone = False _ = True buildGroupElements :: ![TaskTree] !User !TaskId !Menus !(Maybe String) -> [TTCGroupContainerElement] buildGroupElements tasks currentUser parentId menus mbFocus = flatten [buildGroupElements` t [nr] Nothing mbFocus \\ t <- tasks & nr <- [1..]] where buildGroupElements` :: !TaskTree !SubtaskNr !(Maybe GroupedBehaviour) !(Maybe String) -> [TTCGroupContainerElement] buildGroupElements` (TTGroupedTask {TaskInfo|taskId} tasks gActions mbFocus) stnr _ mbFocusParent # mbFocus = case mbFocus of Nothing = mbFocusParent _ = mbFocus //# gActions = putList [(actionName action, (action, taskId, enabled, False)) \\ (action, Left enabled) <- gActions] parentGActions = flatten [buildGroupElements` t [nr:stnr] Nothing mbFocus \\ t <- tasks & nr <- [1..]] buildGroupElements` (TTSequenceTask ti tasks) stnr mbBehaviour mbFocus = case filter (not o isFinished) tasks of [] = [] [t] = buildGroupElements` t stnr (Just (getGroupedBehaviour ti mbBehaviour)) mbFocus _ = abort "Multiple simultaneously active tasks in a sequence!" buildGroupElements` t stnr mbBehaviour mbFocus # info = getTaskInfo t # behaviour = getGroupedBehaviour info mbBehaviour # panel = buildTaskPanel` t menus currentUser (case behaviour of Fixed = True; _ = False) = [ { panel = panel , behaviour = behaviour , index = subtaskNrToString stnr , focus = case mbFocus of Nothing = False Just tag = isMember tag info.TaskInfo.tags }] getGroupedBehaviour :: !TaskInfo !(Maybe GroupedBehaviour) -> GroupedBehaviour getGroupedBehaviour info mbFixedBehaviour = case mbFixedBehaviour of Just fixedBehaviour = fixedBehaviour Nothing = info.TaskInfo.groupedBehaviour getTaskInfo :: !TaskTree -> TaskInfo getTaskInfo task # info = case task of TTInteractiveTask ti _ = ti TTMonitorTask ti _ = ti TTRpcTask ti _ = ti TTFinishedTask ti _ = ti TTParallelTask ti _ _ = ti TTSequenceTask ti _ = ti TTMainTask ti _ _ _ = ti TTGroupedTask ti _ _ _ = ti TTInstructionTask ti _ = ti _ = abort "Unknown panel type in group" = info /* Button and Menu Functions */ /** * Generates buttons and menu definitions. * Buttons are generated for actions not triggered by the menu. * * @param A map including the actions * @param The menu structure from which the actual definition is generated * @return (button definitions, menu bar definition) */ makeButtonsAndMenus :: !ActionMap !Menus -> ([TUIDef], [TUIDef]) makeButtonsAndMenus actions menus # (menuBar, usedActions) = mkMenuBar actions menus # actions = delList usedActions actions = (mkButtons actions, menuBar) /** * Generates buttons and menu definitions. * Buttons are generated for actions not triggered by the menu. */ /*determineButtonAndMenuUpdates :: !ActionMap !Menus -> [TUIUpdate] determineButtonAndMenuUpdates actions menus // for now: always replace buttons & menus // TODO: only update when needed # (menuBar, usedActions) = mkMenuBar actions menus # actions = delList usedActions actions # buttons = mkButtons actions = [TUIReplaceMenu menuBar, TUIReplaceButtons buttons]*/ mkButtons :: !ActionMap -> [TUIDef] mkButtons actions = [TUIButton { TUIButton | name = "action" , id = taskId +++ "-action-" +++ toString i , action = actionName action , disabled = not enabled , text = actionLabel action , iconCls = actionIcon action } \\ (_, (action, taskId, enabled)) <- toList actions & i <- [0..] ] mkMenuBar :: !ActionMap !Menus -> (![TUIDef], ![ActionName]) mkMenuBar actions menus # (def, _, usedActions) = mkMenus [] menus 0 [] = (def, usedActions) where mkMenus :: ![TUIDef] !Menus !Int ![ActionName] -> (![TUIDef], !Int, ![ActionName]) mkMenus defs [Menu label items:menus] id usedActions #(children, id, taskActions) = mkMenuItems [] items id usedActions = mkMenus [TUIMenuButton {TUIMenuButton | text = label, menu = {TUIMenu | items = children}, disabled = isEmpty children}:defs] menus id taskActions mkMenus defs [] id taskActions = (reverse defs, id, taskActions) mkMenuItems :: ![TUIDef] ![MenuItem] !Int ![ActionName] -> (![TUIDef], !Int, [ActionName]) mkMenuItems defs [MenuItem mAction mbHotkey : items] id usedActions # (actionName, actionLabel, actionData) = menuAction mAction # (defs, usedActions) = case get actionName actions of Nothing = (defs, usedActions) Just (action, taskId, enabled) = ([mkMenuItem taskId actionName (mkLabel action actionLabel) (actionIcon action) actionData enabled:defs], [actionName:usedActions]) = mkMenuItems defs items (inc id) usedActions where mkMenuItem :: !TaskId !ActionName !ActionLabel !String !ActionData !Bool -> TUIDef mkMenuItem taskId name label icon data enabled = TUIMenuItem { TUIMenuItem | id = Just (taskId +++ "-menu-" +++ toString id) , text = label , target = Just taskId , action = Just name , disabled = not enabled , menu = Nothing , iconCls = Just icon , hotkey = mbHotkey , actionData = Just data } mkLabel :: !Action !ActionLabel -> ActionLabel mkLabel action "" = actionLabel action mkLabel action appLabel # label = actionLabel action = case label of "" = appLabel label = label +++ " " +++ appLabel mkMenuItems defs [SubMenu label sitems:items] id taskActions #(children, id, taskActions) = mkMenuItems [] sitems id taskActions | isEmpty children = mkMenuItems defs items id taskActions | otherwise = mkMenuItems [TUIMenuItem { TUIMenuItem | id = Nothing , text = label , menu = Just {TUIMenu | items = children} , disabled = False , action = Nothing , target = Nothing , iconCls = Nothing , hotkey = Nothing , actionData = Nothing } :defs] items id taskActions mkMenuItems defs [MenuSeparator:items] id taskActions = mkMenuItems ndefs items id taskActions where // add separators only where needed ndefs = case defs of [] = defs [TUIMenuSeparator:_] = defs _ = [TUIMenuSeparator:defs] mkMenuItems defs [] id taskActions = (reverse defs`, id, taskActions) where // remove superfluous separator at end defs` = case defs of [TUIMenuSeparator:defs] = defs defs = defs //Generate the TUIUpdates for the buttons that are active when valid /*enables :: !String ![(Action, Bool)] -> [TUIUpdate] enables editorId actions = [TUISetEnabled (editorId +++ "-action-" +++ toString i) p \\ (_,p) <- actions & i <- [0..]]*/ //determineUpdates :: ![TUIUpdate] !Menus ![(Action,Bool)] ![(Action,Bool,Bool)] !TaskInfo -> [TUIUpdate] //determineUpdates upd menus acceptedA gActions ti // TODO: find new way to detect changes in menu, for now always replace entire menu //= []//= [TUIReplaceMenu (makeMenuBar menus acceptedA gActions ti):upd] //| menusChanged = [TUIReplaceMenu (makeMenuBar mbMenus acceptedA gActions ti):upd] //| otherwise = fst (determineMenuUpd upd menus 0) /*where determineMenuUpd upd [Menu _ items:menus] id # (upd,id) = determineItemUpd upd items id = determineMenuUpd upd menus id determineMenuUpd upd [] id = (upd,id) determineItemUpd upd [SubMenu _ sitems:items] id # (upd,id) = determineItemUpd upd sitems id = determineItemUpd upd items id determineItemUpd upd [MenuItem _ action _ : items] id # accAction = [b \\ (a,b) <- acceptedA | a == action] ++ [b \\ (a,b,_) <- gActions | a == action] | isEmpty accAction = determineItemUpd upd items (id + 1) | otherwise = determineItemUpd [TUISetEnabled (ti.TaskInfo.taskId +++ "-menu-" +++ toString id) (hd accAction):upd] items (id + 1) determineItemUpd upd [MenuSeparator:items] id = determineItemUpd upd items id determineItemUpd upd [] id = (upd,id)*/ subtaskNrToString :: SubtaskNr -> String subtaskNrToString [] = "" subtaskNrToString [i] = toString i subtaskNrToString [i:is] = taskNrToString is +++ "." +++ toString i isFinished :: TaskTree -> Bool isFinished (TTFinishedTask _ _) = True isFinished _ = False allFinished :: [TaskTree] -> Bool allFinished ts = and (map isFinished ts)