implementation module TSt import StdEnv, StdMaybe import Http, Util, Text import ProcessDB, SessionDB, ChangeDB, DocumentDB, UserDB, TaskTree import GenEq, GenVisualize, GenUpdate, Store, Config import dynamic_string from JSON import JSONDecode, fromJSON :: RPCMessage = { success :: Bool , error :: Bool , finished :: Bool , result :: String , status :: String , errormsg :: String } derive bimap Maybe, (,) derive JSONDecode RPCMessage mkTSt :: String Config HTTPRequest ![Workflow] !*Store !*World -> *TSt mkTSt appName config request workflows store world = { taskNr = [] , taskInfo = initTaskInfo , tree = TTMainTask initTaskInfo initTaskProperties Nothing (TTFinishedTask initTaskInfo NoOutput) , treeType = SpineTree , newTask = True , events = [] , properties = initTaskProperties , staticInfo = initStaticInfo appName workflows , currentChange = Nothing , pendingChanges= [] , request = request , iworld = initIWorld appName config store world } initStaticInfo :: String ![Workflow] -> StaticInfo initStaticInfo appName workflows = { appName = appName , currentProcessId = "" , currentSession = {Session | sessionId = "", user = AnyUser, timestamp = 0} , staticWorkflows = workflows } initIWorld :: !String !Config !*Store !*World -> *IWorld initIWorld application config store world = { IWorld | application = application , config = config , store = store , world = world } initTaskInfo :: TaskInfo initTaskInfo = { TaskInfo | taskId = "" , subject = "" , description = "" , context = Nothing , tags = [] , groupedBehaviour = Fixed , groupActionsBehaviour = IncludeGroupActions , menus = Nothing } initSystemProperties :: SystemProperties initSystemProperties = {SystemProperties | taskId = "" , parent = Nothing , status = Active , manager = AnyUser , issuedAt = Timestamp 0 , firstEvent = Nothing , latestEvent = Nothing , latestExtEvent = Nothing , subTaskWorkers = [] , deleteWhenDone = False } initWorkerProperties :: WorkerProperties initWorkerProperties = {WorkerProperties | progress = TPActive } initTaskProperties :: TaskProperties initTaskProperties = { systemProperties = initSystemProperties , managerProperties = initManagerProperties , workerProperties = initWorkerProperties } initSession :: !SessionId !*TSt -> (!Maybe String, !*TSt) initSession sessionId tst # (mbSession,timeout,tst=:{staticInfo}) = restoreSession sessionId tst = case mbSession of Nothing = (Just (if timeout "Your session timed out" "Failed to load session"), tst) Just session = (Nothing, {tst & staticInfo = {staticInfo & currentSession = session}}) createTaskInstance :: !Dynamic !Bool !(Maybe TaskParallelType) !Bool !Bool !*TSt -> (!ProcessId, !TaskResult Dynamic, !TaskTree, !*TSt) createTaskInstance thread=:(Container {TaskThread|originalTask} :: Container (TaskThread a) a) toplevel mbParType activate delete tst=:{taskNr,properties} //-> the current assigned worker is also the manager of all the tasks IN the process (excluding the main task) # (worker,tst) = getCurrentWorker tst # (manager,tst) = if (worker <> AnyUser) (worker,tst) (getCurrentUser tst) # (currentTime, tst) = accWorldTSt time tst # taskId = if toplevel "" (taskNrToString taskNr) # parent = if toplevel Nothing (Just properties.systemProperties.SystemProperties.taskId) # managerProperties = setUser manager (taskProperties originalTask) # properties = {systemProperties = { taskId = taskId , parent = parent , status = if activate Active Suspended , manager = manager , issuedAt = currentTime , firstEvent = Nothing , latestEvent = Nothing , latestExtEvent = Nothing , subTaskWorkers = [] , deleteWhenDone = delete } , managerProperties = managerProperties , workerProperties = { progress = TPActive } } # process = { Process | taskId = taskId , properties = properties , changeCount = 0 , mutable = True , inParallelType = mbParType } //Create an entry in the process table # (processId, tst) = createProcess process tst //Load process as it is in the store # (mbProcess,tst) = getProcess processId tst # process = fromJust mbProcess //Create a thread with task functions in the store # tst = storeThread processId thread tst | activate //If directly active, evaluate the process once to kickstart automated steps that can be set in motion immediately # (result,tree,tst) = evaluateTaskInstance process SpineTree [] Nothing toplevel True {tst & staticInfo = {tst.staticInfo & currentProcessId = processId}} = (processId,result,tree,tst) | otherwise = (processId, TaskBusy, node properties processId, tst) where setUser manager props=:{worker=AnyUser} = {props & worker = manager} setUser manager props = props node properties taskId # taskNr = taskNrFromString taskId # info = { TaskInfo|initTaskInfo & taskId = taskId , subject = properties.managerProperties.ManagerProperties.subject } = TTMainTask info properties mbParType (TTFinishedTask info NoOutput) deleteTaskInstance :: !ProcessId !*TSt -> *TSt deleteTaskInstance procId tst # (_,tst) = deleteProcess procId tst # tst=:{TSt | iworld=iworld=:{store,world}} = deleteSubProcesses procId tst # (store,world) = deleteValues (iTaskId (taskNrFromString procId) "") store world = {TSt | tst & iworld = {iworld & world = world, store = store}} garbageCollectTaskInstance :: !ProcessId !*TSt -> (!Bool,!*TSt) garbageCollectTaskInstance procId tst | # tst = deleteTaskInstance procId tst = (True,tst) | otherwise = (False,tst) //NEW THREAD FUNCTIONS createThread :: !(Task a) -> Dynamic | iTask a createThread task = (dynamic container :: Container (TaskThread a^) a^) where container = Container {TaskThread|originalTask = task, currentTask = task} applyThread :: !Dynamic *TSt -> (!TaskResult Dynamic, !*TSt) applyThread (Container {TaskThread|currentTask} :: Container (TaskThread a) a) tst # (result, tst) = applyTask currentTask tst = case result of TaskBusy = (TaskBusy, tst) TaskFinished a = (TaskFinished (dynamic a), tst) TaskException e = (TaskException e, tst) storeThread :: !ProcessId !Dynamic !*TSt -> *TSt storeThread processId thread tst=:{TSt|iworld=iworld=:{IWorld|store}} # store = storeValueAs SFDynamic ("iTask_" +++ processId +++ "-thread") thread store = {TSt|tst & iworld = {IWorld|iworld & store = store}} loadThread :: !ProcessId !*TSt -> (!Dynamic,!*TSt) loadThread processId tst=:{TSt|iworld = iworld =:{IWorld|store,world}} # (mbThread, store, world) = loadValue ("iTask_" +++ processId +++ "-thread") store world = case mbThread of Just thread = (thread,{TSt|tst & iworld = {IWorld|iworld & store = store, world = world}}) Nothing = abort "Could not load task thread" //END NEW THREAD FUNCTIONS //Computes a workflow (sub) process evaluateTaskInstance :: !Process !TreeType ![TaskEvent] !(Maybe ChangeInjection) !Bool !Bool !*TSt-> (!TaskResult Dynamic, !TaskTree, !*TSt) evaluateTaskInstance process=:{Process | taskId, properties, changeCount, inParallelType} treeType events newChange isTop firstRun tst=:{TSt|currentChange,pendingChanges,tree=parentTree,treeType=parentTreeType,events=parentEvents,properties=parentProperties} // Update access timestamps in properties # (now,tst) = accWorldTSt time tst # properties = {properties & systemProperties = {properties.systemProperties & latestEvent = Just now , firstEvent = case properties.systemProperties.firstEvent of Nothing = Just now Just t = Just t }} // Reset the task state # tst = resetTSt taskId treeType events properties inParallelType tst // Queue all stored persistent changes (only when run as top node) # tst = if isTop (loadPersistentChanges taskId tst) tst // When a change is injected set it as active change # tst = if (isJust newChange) {tst & currentChange = newChange} tst // Load the task instance # (thread,tst) = loadThread taskId tst // On the first run, apply all changes. Pending persistent ones as well as the currently active change // On subsequent runs only apply the currently active change // After each application of a change the thread is evaluated because the full evaluated tree must be the // subject of later changes # (changeCount,thread,properties,result,tst) = if firstRun (applyAllChanges taskId changeCount pendingChanges thread properties tst) (applyCurrentChange taskId changeCount thread properties tst) // The tasktree of this process is the tree as it has been constructed, but with updated properties # (TTMainTask ti _ _ tasks,tst) = getTaskTree tst # tree = TTMainTask ti properties inParallelType tasks // Normalize the tree by evaluating all interactive task nodes that contain functions // These can only be evaluated after the complete tree has been evaluated because of mutual dependencies # (tree,tst) = normalizeTasks tree tst // Store the adapted persistent changes # tst = if isTop (storePersistentChanges taskId tst) tst # tst = restoreTSt parentTree parentTreeType parentEvents parentProperties tst = case result of TaskBusy //Update process table (changeCount & properties) # properties = {properties & systemProperties = {SystemProperties|properties.systemProperties & status = Active}} # (_,tst) = updateProcess taskId (\p -> {Process|p & properties = properties, changeCount = changeCount}) tst = (TaskBusy, tree, tst) TaskFinished dyn //Store result # tst = storeProcessResult (taskNrFromString taskId) result tst //Store result container # tst = storeProcessContainer taskId result thread tst //Update process table (status, changeCount & properties) # properties = {properties & systemProperties = {SystemProperties|properties.systemProperties & status = Finished}} # (_,tst) = updateProcess taskId (\p -> {Process|p & properties = properties, changeCount = changeCount}) tst | isTop //Evaluate parent process | isJust properties.systemProperties.parent # (mbParentProcess,tst) = getProcess (fromJust properties.systemProperties.parent) tst = case mbParentProcess of Nothing = (result,tree,tst) Just parentProcess # (_,_,tst) = evaluateTaskInstance parentProcess treeType events Nothing True False tst = (result,tree,tst) | otherwise = (result,tree,tst) | otherwise //Update process table (changeCount & properties) # properties = {properties & systemProperties = {SystemProperties|properties.systemProperties & status = Finished}} # (_,tst) = updateProcess taskId (\p -> {Process|p & properties = properties, changeCount = changeCount}) tst = (result,tree,tst) TaskException e //Store exception # tst = storeProcessResult (taskNrFromString taskId) result tst //Update process table # properties = {properties & systemProperties = {SystemProperties|properties.systemProperties & status = Excepted}} # (_,tst) = updateProcess taskId (\p -> {Process|p & properties = properties, changeCount = changeCount}) tst = (TaskException e, tree, tst) where resetTSt :: !TaskId !TreeType ![TaskEvent] !TaskProperties !(Maybe TaskParallelType) !*TSt -> *TSt resetTSt taskId treeType events properties inptype tst # taskNr = taskNrFromString taskId # info = { TaskInfo|initTaskInfo & taskId = taskId , subject = properties.managerProperties.ManagerProperties.subject } # tree = TTMainTask info properties inptype (TTFinishedTask info NoOutput) = {TSt| tst & taskNr = taskNr, tree = tree, treeType = treeType, events = events, staticInfo = {tst.staticInfo & currentProcessId = taskId}} restoreTSt :: !TaskTree !TreeType ![TaskEvent] !TaskProperties !*TSt -> *TSt restoreTSt tree treeType events properties tst = {TSt|tst & tree = tree, treeType = treeType, events = events, properties = properties} /* * Load all stored persistent changes that are applicable to the current (sub) process. * In case of evaluating a subprocess, this also includes the changes that have been injected * at parent nodes. Persistent changes are queued in the temporal order in which they were injected. * The oldest change is at the head of the list. */ loadPersistentChanges :: !ProcessId !*TSt -> *TSt loadPersistentChanges processId tst # (changes,tst) = getChangesForProcess processId tst # (changes,tst) = loadChangeFunctions changes tst = {tst & pendingChanges = changes} where loadChangeFunctions [] tst = ([],tst) loadChangeFunctions [{PersistentChange|label}:cs] tst=:{TSt|iworld=iworld=:{IWorld|store,world}} # (mbDyn, store, world) = loadValue ("iTask_change-" +++ label) store world # (dyns,tst) = loadChangeFunctions cs {TSt|tst & iworld = {IWorld|iworld & store = store, world = world}} = case mbDyn of Nothing = (dyns,tst) Just dyn = ([(CLPersistent label,dyn):dyns],tst) /* * When a (sub)process is evaluated for the first time, all existing persistent changes need to be applied. * Because applying a change may result in the creation of new sub processes, changes must be carefully applied * in the right order. */ applyAllChanges :: !ProcessId !Int [(!ChangeLifeTime,!Dynamic)] !Dynamic !TaskProperties !*TSt -> (!Int, !Dynamic, !TaskProperties, !TaskResult Dynamic, !*TSt) applyAllChanges processId changeCount [] thread properties tst //Only apply the current change = applyCurrentChange processId changeCount thread properties tst applyAllChanges processId changeCount changes thread properties tst=:{currentChange} //Add the pending changes one after another (start empty) = applyAllChanges` processId changeCount currentChange changes thread properties {tst & pendingChanges = []} where applyAllChanges` processId changeCount currentChange [] thread properties tst = applyCurrentChange processId changeCount thread properties {tst & currentChange = currentChange} applyAllChanges` processId changeCount currentChange [c:cs] thread properties tst # (changeCount,thread,properties,result,tst) = applyCurrentChange processId changeCount thread properties {tst & currentChange = Just c} //Update pending changes list # tst = {tst & pendingChanges = (case tst.currentChange of Nothing = tst.pendingChanges Just change = tst.pendingChanges ++ [change]) } = case result of TaskBusy //Continue applying changes = applyAllChanges` processId changeCount currentChange cs thread properties tst TaskFinished val //A change caused the task to complete. Stop, but keep pending changes = (changeCount,thread,properties,result,{tst & pendingChanges = tst.pendingChanges ++ cs, currentChange = currentChange}) TaskException e //A change caused an exception. Stop, but keep pending changes = (changeCount,thread,properties,result,{tst & pendingChanges = tst.pendingChanges ++ cs, currentChange = currentChange}) applyCurrentChange :: !ProcessId !Int !Dynamic !TaskProperties !*TSt -> (!Int, !Dynamic, !TaskProperties, !TaskResult Dynamic, !*TSt) applyCurrentChange processId changeCount thread properties tst=:{currentChange} = case currentChange of Just (lifetime,change) // Apply the active change # (mbChange,mbThread,properties) = applyChange [changeCount: taskNrFromString processId] change thread properties // Determine the thread to run (the original or the changed one) # (changeCount,thread,tst) = case mbThread of Nothing = (changeCount,thread,tst) Just newThread // Store the thread when changed # tst = storeThread processId newThread tst // Mark all subprocesses of the current thread as immutable // They are only kept for the purpose of being copied when the new thread executes # tst = setImmutable (taskNrToString [changeCount: taskNrFromString processId]) tst // IMPORTANT: change count is incremented if a change produces a new task = (inc changeCount,newThread,tst) // Update the current change in the task state or remove from the store # tst = case mbChange of Nothing //When a persistent change does not return a new change it //is removed from the store = case lifetime of CLPersistent label # tst=:{TSt|iworld=iworld=:{IWorld|store,world}} = deleteChange label tst # (store,world) = deleteValues ("iTask_change-" +++ label) store world = {tst & iworld = {IWorld| iworld & store = store, world = world}, currentChange = Nothing} _ = {tst & currentChange = Nothing} Just change = {tst & currentChange = Just (lifetime,change)} // Evaluate the thread // IMPORTANT: The taskNr is reset with the latest change count # (result,tst=:{TSt|properties}) = applyThread thread {TSt|tst & taskNr = [changeCount: taskNrFromString processId], properties = properties} = (changeCount,thread,properties,result,{TSt|tst & properties = properties}) Nothing # (result,tst=:{TSt|properties}) = applyThread thread {TSt|tst & taskNr = [changeCount: taskNrFromString processId], properties = properties} = (changeCount,thread,properties,result,{TSt|tst & properties = properties}) applyChange :: !TaskNr !Dynamic !Dynamic !TaskProperties -> (!Maybe Dynamic, !Maybe Dynamic, !TaskProperties) //Apply a change that matches a specific type applyChange cxt (changeFun :: Change a) (Container (thread=:{TaskThread|originalTask,currentTask}) :: Container (TaskThread a) a) properties # (mbProps,mbTask,mbChange) = changeFun properties (setTaskContext cxt currentTask) originalTask # newThread = case mbTask of Just task = Just (dynamic Container {thread & currentTask = task} :: Container (TaskThread a) a) Nothing = Nothing # newProperties = case mbProps of Just props = props Nothing = properties = (mbChange,newThread,newProperties) //Apply a change that matches any type applyChange cxt (changeFun :: A.c: Change c | iTask c) (Container (thread=:{TaskThread|originalTask,currentTask}) :: Container (TaskThread a) a) properties # (mbProps,mbTask,mbChange) = changeFun properties (setTaskContext cxt currentTask) originalTask # newThread = case mbTask of Just task = Just (dynamic Container {thread & currentTask = task} :: Container (TaskThread a) a) Nothing = Nothing # newProperties = case mbProps of Just props = props Nothing = properties = (mbChange,newThread,newProperties) //Change did not match, do nothing applyChange cxt change thread properties = (Just change, Nothing, properties) /* * Adds the task number at which it has run before to a task */ setTaskContext :: !TaskNr !(Task a) -> (Task a) setTaskContext cxt task = {task & mbTaskNr = Just cxt} /* * Store the changes that are still active after a run. * Transient changes are discarded. */ storePersistentChanges :: !ProcessId !*TSt -> *TSt storePersistentChanges processId tst=:{currentChange,pendingChanges} //Update pending changes # tst = storeChanges [(label,dyn) \\ (CLPersistent label,dyn) <- pendingChanges] tst //Add new persistent change = case currentChange of Just (CLPersistent label, dyn) # tst = createChange {PersistentChange|label=label,scope=processId} tst # tst = storeChanges [(label,dyn)]tst = tst _ = tst where storeChanges [] tst = tst storeChanges [(label,dyn):cs] tst=:{TSt|iworld=iworld=:{IWorld|store}} # store = storeValueAs SFDynamic ("iTask_change-" +++ label) dyn store = storeChanges cs {TSt|tst & iworld = {IWorld|iworld & store = store}} /* * Evaluate all functions in interactive task nodes and task infos */ normalizeTasks :: !TaskTree !*TSt -> (!TaskTree,!*TSt) //The interactive task leaves that are normalized normalizeTasks (TTInteractiveTask ti it) tst # (ti, tst) = normalizeTaskInfo ti tst = case it of (UIOutput (Func f)) # (it,tst) = f tst = (TTInteractiveTask ti (UIOutput it), tst) _ = (TTInteractiveTask ti it, tst) //For grouped tasks the actions are also normalized normalizeTasks (TTGroupedTask ti tasks actions s) tst # (ti, tst) = normalizeTaskInfo ti tst # (actions,tst) = mapSt normalizeAction actions tst # (tasks,tst) = mapSt normalizeTasks tasks tst = (TTGroupedTask ti tasks actions s, tst) where normalizeAction (action, Left b) tst = ((action,Left b), tst) normalizeAction (action, Right f) tst # (b,tst) = f tst = ((action,Left b), tst) //Tree traversal normalizeTasks (TTMainTask ti properties pt task) tst # (ti, tst) = normalizeTaskInfo ti tst # (task,tst) = normalizeTasks task tst = (TTMainTask ti properties pt task, tst) normalizeTasks (TTSequenceTask ti tasks) tst # (ti, tst) = normalizeTaskInfo ti tst # (tasks,tst) = mapSt normalizeTasks tasks tst = (TTSequenceTask ti tasks, tst) normalizeTasks (TTParallelTask ti pi tasks) tst # (ti, tst) = normalizeTaskInfo ti tst # (tasks,tst) = mapSt normalizeTasks tasks tst = (TTParallelTask ti pi tasks, tst) //All other leaf cases normalizeTasks (TTInstructionTask ti to) tst # (ti, tst) = normalizeTaskInfo ti tst = (TTInstructionTask ti to, tst) normalizeTasks (TTMonitorTask ti to) tst # (ti, tst) = normalizeTaskInfo ti tst = (TTMonitorTask ti to, tst) normalizeTasks (TTFinishedTask ti to) tst # (ti, tst) = normalizeTaskInfo ti tst = (TTFinishedTask ti to, tst) normalizeTasks (TTRpcTask ti rpc) tst # (ti, tst) = normalizeTaskInfo ti tst = (TTRpcTask ti rpc, tst) normalizeTaskInfo ti=:{TaskInfo | menus} tst=:{TSt | iworld} # (menus, iworld) = case menus of Just (GenFunc f) = app2 (Just o Menus, id) (f iworld) m = (m, iworld) = ({ti & menus = menus}, {TSt | tst & iworld = iworld}) applyChangeToTaskTree :: !ProcessId !ChangeInjection !*TSt -> *TSt applyChangeToTaskTree pid (lifetime,change) tst=:{taskNr,taskInfo,tree,staticInfo,currentChange,pendingChanges, properties} # (mbProcess,tst) = getProcess pid tst = case mbProcess of (Just proc) # (_,_,tst) = evaluateTaskInstance proc SpineTree [] (Just (lifetime,change)) True False tst = {tst & taskNr = taskNr, taskInfo = taskInfo,properties = properties , tree = tree, staticInfo = staticInfo, currentChange = currentChange, pendingChanges = pendingChanges} Nothing = tst calculateTaskTree :: !TaskId !TreeType ![TaskEvent] !*TSt -> (!TaskTree, !*TSt) calculateTaskTree taskId treeType events tst # (mbProcess,tst) = getProcess taskId tst = case mbProcess of Nothing # info = { TaskInfo | initTaskInfo & taskId = taskId , subject = "Deleted Process" , description = "Task Result" } = (TTFinishedTask info NoOutput, tst) Just process=:{Process|properties} = case properties.systemProperties.SystemProperties.status of Active //Evaluate the process # (result,tree,tst) = evaluateTaskInstance process treeType events Nothing True False tst = (tree,tst) _ //retrieve process result from store and show it?? # tst=:{TSt | iworld=iworld=:{store,world}} = tst # (mbContainer,store,world) = loadValue (taskId +++ "-container") store world # result = case mbContainer of (Just dyn) = UIOutput (renderResult dyn) (Nothing) = UIOutput [Text "Cannot load result."] # info = { TaskInfo| initTaskInfo & taskId = taskId , subject = properties.managerProperties.ManagerProperties.subject , description = "Task Result" } = (TTFinishedTask info result, {TSt | tst & iworld = {IWorld | iworld & store = store, world = world}}) renderResult :: Dynamic -> [HtmlTag] renderResult (Container value :: Container a a) = visualizeAsHtmlDisplay value getCurrentSession :: !*TSt -> (!Session, !*TSt) getCurrentSession tst =:{staticInfo} = (staticInfo.currentSession, tst) getCurrentUser :: !*TSt -> (!User, !*TSt) getCurrentUser tst =:{staticInfo} = (staticInfo.currentSession.user, {TSt | tst & staticInfo = staticInfo}) getCurrentProcess :: !*TSt -> (!ProcessId, !*TSt) getCurrentProcess tst =: {staticInfo} = (staticInfo.currentProcessId, {tst & staticInfo = staticInfo}) getCurrentWorker :: !*TSt -> (!User, !*TSt) getCurrentWorker tst =: {TSt | properties} = (properties.managerProperties.worker,{TSt | tst & properties = properties}) getTaskTree :: !*TSt -> (!TaskTree, !*TSt) getTaskTree tst =: {tree} = (tree, {tst & tree = tree}) getConfigSetting :: !(Config -> a) !*TSt -> (!a,!*TSt) getConfigSetting f tst = accIWorldTSt getFromIWorld tst where getFromIWorld iworld=:{IWorld|config} = (f config, {IWorld|iworld & config = config}) getWorkflows :: !*TSt -> (![Workflow],!*TSt) getWorkflows tst=:{staticInfo = staticInfo =:{staticWorkflows}} = (staticWorkflows, {tst & staticInfo = {staticInfo & staticWorkflows = staticWorkflows}}) getWorkflowByName :: !String !*TSt -> (!Maybe Workflow, !*TSt) getWorkflowByName name tst # (workflows, tst) = getWorkflows tst = case filter (\wf -> wf.Workflow.path == name) workflows of [workflow] = (Just workflow, tst) _ = (Nothing,tst) appIWorldTSt :: !.(*IWorld -> *IWorld) !*TSt -> *TSt appIWorldTSt f tst=:{TSt|iworld} = {TSt|tst & iworld = f iworld} accIWorldTSt :: !.(*IWorld -> *(.a,*IWorld))!*TSt -> (.a,!*TSt) accIWorldTSt f tst=:{TSt|iworld} # (a,iworld) = f iworld = (a,{TSt|tst & iworld = iworld}) appWorldTSt :: !.(*World -> *World) !*TSt -> *TSt appWorldTSt f tst=:{TSt|iworld=iworld=:{IWorld|world}} = {TSt|tst & iworld = {IWorld|iworld & world = f world}} accWorldTSt :: !.(*World -> *(.a,*World))!*TSt -> (.a,!*TSt) accWorldTSt f tst=:{TSt|iworld=iworld=:{IWorld|world}} # (a,world) = f world = (a, {TSt|tst & iworld = {IWorld|iworld & world = world}}) mkTaskFunction :: (*TSt -> (!a,!*TSt)) -> (*TSt -> (!TaskResult a,!*TSt)) mkTaskFunction f = \tst -> let (a,tst`) = f tst in (TaskFinished a,tst`) mkInteractiveTask :: !String !String !(*TSt -> *(!TaskResult a,!*TSt)) -> Task a mkInteractiveTask subject description taskfun = { taskProperties = {ManagerProperties|initManagerProperties & subject = subject, description = description} , groupedProperties = initGroupedProperties , mbTaskNr = Nothing , mbMenuGenFunc = Nothing , taskFunc = mkInteractiveTask` } where mkInteractiveTask` tst=:{TSt|taskNr,taskInfo} = taskfun {tst & tree = TTInteractiveTask taskInfo NoOutput} mkInstantTask :: !String !String !(*TSt -> *(!TaskResult a,!*TSt)) -> Task a mkInstantTask subject description taskfun = { taskProperties = {ManagerProperties|initManagerProperties & subject = subject, description = description} , groupedProperties = initGroupedProperties , mbTaskNr = Nothing , mbMenuGenFunc = Nothing , taskFunc = mkInstantTask` } where mkInstantTask` tst=:{TSt|taskNr,taskInfo} = taskfun {tst & tree = TTFinishedTask taskInfo NoOutput} //We use a FinishedTask node because the task is finished after one evaluation mkMonitorTask :: !String !String !(*TSt -> *(!TaskResult a,!*TSt)) -> Task a mkMonitorTask subject description taskfun = { taskProperties = {ManagerProperties|initManagerProperties & subject = subject, description = description} , groupedProperties = initGroupedProperties , mbTaskNr = Nothing , mbMenuGenFunc = Nothing , taskFunc = mkMonitorTask` } where mkMonitorTask` tst=:{TSt|taskNr,taskInfo} = taskfun {tst & tree = TTMonitorTask taskInfo NoOutput} mkInstructionTask :: !String !String !(*TSt -> *(!TaskResult a,!*TSt)) -> Task a mkInstructionTask subject description taskfun = { taskProperties = {ManagerProperties|initManagerProperties & subject = subject, description = description} , groupedProperties = initGroupedProperties , mbTaskNr = Nothing , mbMenuGenFunc = Nothing , taskFunc = mkInstructionTask` } where mkInstructionTask` tst =:{TSt | taskInfo} = taskfun {tst & tree = TTInstructionTask taskInfo NoOutput} mkRpcTask :: !String !RPCExecute !(String -> a) -> Task a | gUpdate{|*|} a mkRpcTask taskname rpce parsefun = { taskProperties = {ManagerProperties|initManagerProperties & subject = taskname} , groupedProperties = initGroupedProperties , mbTaskNr = Nothing , mbMenuGenFunc = Nothing , taskFunc = mkRpcTask` } where mkRpcTask` tst=:{TSt | taskNr, taskInfo} # rpce = {RPCExecute | rpce & taskId = taskNrToString taskNr} # (updates, tst) = getRpcUpdates tst # (rpce, tst) = checkRpcStatus rpce tst | length updates == 0 = (TaskBusy, {tst & tree = TTRpcTask taskInfo rpce }) | otherwise = applyRpcUpdates updates tst rpce parsefun checkRpcStatus :: RPCExecute !*TSt -> (!RPCExecute, !*TSt) checkRpcStatus rpce tst # (mbStatus, tst) = getTaskStore "status" tst = case mbStatus of Nothing # tst = setTaskStore "status" "Pending" tst = ({RPCExecute | rpce & status = "Pending"},tst) Just s = ({RPCExecute | rpce & status = s},tst) getRpcUpdates :: !*TSt -> ([(String,String)],!*TSt) getRpcUpdates tst=:{taskNr,request} = (updates request, tst) where updates request | http_getValue "_rpctaskid" request.arg_post "" == taskNrToString taskNr = [u \\ u =: (k,v) <- request.arg_post] | otherwise = [] /* Error handling needs to be implemented! */ applyRpcUpdates :: [(String,String)] !*TSt !RPCExecute !(String -> a) -> *(!TaskResult a,!*TSt) | gUpdate{|*|} a applyRpcUpdates [] tst rpce parsefun = (TaskBusy,tst) applyRpcUpdates [(n,v):xs] tst rpce parsefun | n == "_rpcresult" # (mbMsg) = fromJSON (fromString v) = case mbMsg of Just msg = applyRpcMessage msg tst rpce parsefun Nothing = applyRpcUpdates xs tst rpce parsefun //Ignore the message and go on.. | otherwise = applyRpcUpdates xs tst rpce parsefun where applyRpcMessage msg tst rpci parsfun # tst = setStatus msg.RPCMessage.status tst | msg.RPCMessage.success | msg.RPCMessage.finished = (TaskFinished (parsefun msg.RPCMessage.result),tst) | otherwise = (TaskBusy,tst) | otherwise # tst=:{TSt|iworld} = tst # (def,iworld) = defaultValue iworld = (TaskFinished def, {TSt|tst & iworld = iworld}) setStatus "" tst = tst setStatus status tst = setTaskStore "status" status tst mkSequenceTask :: !String !String !(*TSt -> *(!TaskResult a,!*TSt)) -> Task a mkSequenceTask subject description taskfun = { taskProperties = {ManagerProperties|initManagerProperties & subject = subject, description = description} , groupedProperties = initGroupedProperties , mbTaskNr = Nothing , mbMenuGenFunc = Nothing , taskFunc = mkSequenceTask` } where mkSequenceTask` tst=:{TSt|taskNr,taskInfo} = taskfun {tst & tree = TTSequenceTask taskInfo [], taskNr = [0:taskNr]} mkParallelTask :: !String !String !TaskParallelType !(*TSt -> *(!TaskResult a,!*TSt)) -> Task a mkParallelTask subject description tpt taskfun = { taskProperties = {ManagerProperties|initManagerProperties & subject = subject, description = description} , groupedProperties = initGroupedProperties , mbTaskNr = Nothing , mbMenuGenFunc = Nothing , taskFunc = mkParallelTask` } where mkParallelTask` tst=:{TSt|taskNr,taskInfo} # tst = {tst & tree = TTParallelTask taskInfo tpt []} = taskfun tst mkGroupedTask :: !String !String !(*TSt -> *(!TaskResult a,!*TSt)) -> Task a mkGroupedTask subject description taskfun = { taskProperties = {ManagerProperties|initManagerProperties & subject = subject, description = description} , groupedProperties = initGroupedProperties , mbTaskNr = Nothing , mbMenuGenFunc = Nothing , taskFunc = mkGroupedTask` } where mkGroupedTask` tst=:{TSt|taskInfo} # tst = {tst & tree = TTGroupedTask taskInfo [] [] Nothing} = taskfun tst mkMainTask :: !String !String !(*TSt -> *(!TaskResult a,!*TSt)) -> Task a mkMainTask subject description taskfun = { taskProperties = {ManagerProperties|initManagerProperties & subject = subject, description = description} , groupedProperties = initGroupedProperties , mbTaskNr = Nothing , mbMenuGenFunc = Nothing , taskFunc = mkMainTask` } where mkMainTask` tst=:{taskNr,taskInfo} = taskfun {tst & tree = TTMainTask taskInfo initTaskProperties Nothing (TTFinishedTask taskInfo NoOutput)} applyTask :: !(Task a) !*TSt -> (!TaskResult a,!*TSt) | iTask a applyTask {taskProperties, groupedProperties, mbMenuGenFunc, mbTaskNr, taskFunc} tst=:{taskNr,tree,properties,iworld=iworld=:{IWorld|store,world}} # taskId = iTaskId taskNr "" # (taskVal,store,world) = loadValue taskId store world # iworld = {iworld & store = store, world = world} # taskInfo = { TaskInfo | taskId = taskNrToString taskNr , subject = taskProperties.ManagerProperties.subject , description = taskProperties.ManagerProperties.description , context = Nothing , tags = taskProperties.ManagerProperties.tags , groupedBehaviour = groupedProperties.GroupedProperties.groupedBehaviour , groupActionsBehaviour = groupedProperties.GroupedProperties.groupActionsBehaviour , menus = case mbMenuGenFunc of Just f = Just (GenFunc f) Nothing = Nothing } # tst = {TSt|tst & taskInfo = taskInfo, newTask = isNothing taskVal, iworld = iworld} = case taskVal of (Just (TaskFinished a)) # tst = addTaskNode (TTFinishedTask taskInfo (UIOutput (visualizeAsHtmlDisplay a))) tst = (TaskFinished a, {tst & taskNr = incTaskNr taskNr}) _ // If the task is new, but has run in a different context, initialize the states of the task and its subtasks # tst = case (taskVal,mbTaskNr) of (Nothing, Just initTaskNr) = copyTaskStates initTaskNr taskNr tst _ = tst // Execute task function # (result, tst=:{tree=node,iworld=iworld=:{IWorld|store}}) = taskFunc tst // Update task state = case result of (TaskFinished a) //If a process is finished (tl taskNr == procId), remove the process from the process DB (if it's allowed to be deleted) # procId = taskNrToString (tl taskNr) # (gc,tst) = if(procId == (garbageCollectTaskInstance procId {TSt | tst & tree=node, iworld = {IWorld | iworld & store = store}}) (False,tst) //Garbage collect task store # tst=:{TSt|iworld =iworld=:{IWorld|store}} = deleteTaskStates taskNr tst // Store final value if the process is not garbage collected # store = if(gc) store (storeValue taskId result store) # tst = addTaskNode (TTFinishedTask taskInfo (UIOutput (visualizeAsHtmlDisplay a))) {tst & taskNr = incTaskNr taskNr, tree = tree, iworld = {IWorld|iworld & store = store}} = (TaskFinished a, tst) (TaskBusy) // Store intermediate value # procId = taskNrToString (tl taskNr) # store = storeValue taskId result store # tst = addTaskNode (finalizeTaskNode node) {tst & taskNr = incTaskNr taskNr, tree = tree, iworld = {IWorld|iworld & store = store}} = (TaskBusy, tst) (TaskException e) // Store exception # store = storeValue taskId result store # tst = addTaskNode (TTFinishedTask taskInfo (UIOutput [Text "Uncaught exception"])) {tst & taskNr = incTaskNr taskNr, tree = tree, iworld = {IWorld|iworld & store = store}} = (TaskException e, tst) where //Increase the task nr incTaskNr [] = [0] incTaskNr [i:is] = [i+1:is] //Perform reversal of lists that have been accumulated in reversed order finalizeTaskNode (TTSequenceTask ti tasks) = TTSequenceTask ti (reverse tasks) finalizeTaskNode (TTParallelTask ti tpi tasks) = TTParallelTask ti tpi (reverse tasks) finalizeTaskNode (TTGroupedTask ti tasks gActions mbFocus) = TTGroupedTask ti (reverse tasks) gActions mbFocus finalizeTaskNode node = node //Add a new node to the current sequence or process addTaskNode :: !TaskTree !*TSt -> *TSt addTaskNode node tst=:{tree} = case tree of (TTMainTask ti mti inptype task) = {tst & tree = TTMainTask ti mti inptype node} //Just replace the subtree (TTSequenceTask ti tasks) = {tst & tree = TTSequenceTask ti [node:tasks]} //Add the node to the sequence (TTParallelTask ti tpi tasks) = {tst & tree = TTParallelTask ti tpi [node:tasks]} //Add the node to the parallel set (TTGroupedTask ti tasks gActions mbFocus) = {tst & tree = TTGroupedTask ti [node:tasks] gActions mbFocus} //Add the node to the grouped set _ = {tst & tree = tree} setTUIDef :: ![TUIDef] ![(Action,Bool)] !*TSt -> *TSt setTUIDef def accActions tst=:{tree} = case tree of (TTInteractiveTask info _) = {tst & tree = TTInteractiveTask info (UIOutput (Definition def accActions))} _ = tst setTUIUpdates :: ![TUIUpdate] ![(Action,Bool)] !*TSt -> *TSt setTUIUpdates upd actions tst=:{tree} = case tree of (TTInteractiveTask info _) = {tst & tree = TTInteractiveTask info (UIOutput (Updates upd actions))} _ = tst setTUIFunc :: (*TSt -> *(!InteractiveTask, !*TSt)) !*TSt -> *TSt setTUIFunc func tst=:{tree} = case tree of (TTInteractiveTask info _) = {tst & tree = TTInteractiveTask info (UIOutput (Func func))} _ = tst setTUIMessage :: ![TUIDef] ![(Action,Bool)] !*TSt -> *TSt setTUIMessage msg actions tst=:{tree} = case tree of (TTInteractiveTask info _) = {tst & tree = TTInteractiveTask info (UIOutput (Message msg actions))} _ = tst setStatus :: ![HtmlTag] !*TSt -> *TSt setStatus msg tst=:{tree} = case tree of (TTMonitorTask info _) = {tst & tree = TTMonitorTask info (UIOutput msg)} _ = tst setInstruction :: !(Maybe [HtmlTag]) !*TSt -> *TSt setInstruction context tst=:{tree} = case tree of (TTInstructionTask ti _) = {tst & tree = TTInstructionTask ti (UIOutput context)} _ = tst setGroupActions :: ![(Action, (Either Bool (*TSt -> *(!Bool,!*TSt))))] !*TSt -> *TSt setGroupActions actions tst=:{tree} = case tree of (TTGroupedTask info tasks _ mbFocus) = {tst & tree = TTGroupedTask info tasks actions mbFocus} _ = tst setFocusCommand :: !String !*TSt -> *TSt setFocusCommand tag tst=:{tree} = case tree of (TTGroupedTask info tasks actions _) = {tst & tree = TTGroupedTask info tasks actions (Just tag)} _ = tst setJSONValue :: !JSONNode !*TSt -> *TSt setJSONValue json tst=:{tree} = case tree of (TTInteractiveTask info _) = {tst & tree = TTInteractiveTask info (JSONOutput json)} /** * Store and load the result of a workflow instance */ loadProcessResult :: !TaskNr !*TSt -> (!Maybe (TaskResult Dynamic), !*TSt) loadProcessResult taskNr tst =:{TSt|iworld=iworld=:{IWorld|store, world}} # (mbResult, store, world) = loadValue key store world = (mbResult, {TSt | tst & iworld = {IWorld|iworld & store = store, world = world}}) where key = "iTask_"+++(taskNrToString taskNr)+++"-result" storeProcessResult :: !TaskNr !(TaskResult Dynamic) !*TSt -> *TSt storeProcessResult taskNr result tst // Only store process result if the process is not garbage collected (still exists in te process table) # (storeResult,tst=:{TSt|iworld=iworld=:{IWorld|store}}) = storeResult tst # store = if(storeResult) (storeValueAs SFDynamic key result store) store = {TSt |tst & iworld = {IWorld|iworld & store = store}} where key = "iTask_"+++(taskNrToString taskNr)+++"-result" storeResult tst # (mbproc,tst) = getProcess (taskNrToString taskNr) tst = (isJust mbproc, tst) // Store the final value and it's type as a dynamic value, so it can be visualized by the task-result service later. storeProcessContainer :: !TaskId !(TaskResult Dynamic) !Dynamic !*TSt -> *TSt storeProcessContainer taskId result thread tst = case (result,thread) of (TaskFinished (x :: a), (Container t) :: Container (TaskThread a) a ) = storeContainer taskId x tst _ = tst where storeContainer :: !TaskId !a !*TSt -> *TSt | iTask a storeContainer taskId value tst=:{TSt|iworld=iworld=:{IWorld|store}} # store = storeValueAs SFDynamic (taskId+++"-container") (dynamic (Container value) :: Container a^ a^) store = {TSt|tst & iworld = {IWorld|iworld & store = store}} setTaskStore :: !String !a !*TSt -> *TSt | JSONEncode{|*|}, JSONDecode{|*|}, TC a setTaskStore key value tst=:{taskNr} = setTaskStoreFor taskNr key value tst setTaskStoreFor :: !TaskNr !String !a !*TSt -> *TSt | JSONEncode{|*|}, JSONDecode{|*|}, TC a setTaskStoreFor taskNr key value tst=:{TSt|iworld=iworld=:{IWorld|store}} # store = storeValue storekey value store = {TSt|tst & iworld = {IWorld| iworld & store = store}} where storekey = "iTask_" +++ (taskNrToString taskNr) +++ "-" +++ key getTaskStore :: !String !*TSt -> (Maybe a, !*TSt) | JSONEncode{|*|}, JSONDecode{|*|}, TC a getTaskStore key tst=:{taskNr} = getTaskStoreFor taskNr key tst getTaskStoreFor :: !TaskNr !String !*TSt -> (Maybe a, !*TSt) | JSONEncode{|*|}, JSONDecode{|*|}, TC a getTaskStoreFor taskNr key tst=:{TSt|iworld=iworld=:{IWorld|store,world}} # (mbValue,store,world) = loadValue storekey store world = (mbValue,{TSt|tst& iworld = {IWorld|iworld & store = store, world = world}}) where storekey = "iTask_" +++ (taskNrToString taskNr) +++ "-" +++ key getEvents :: !*TSt -> ([(!String,!JSONNode)],!*TSt) getEvents tst=:{taskNr,events} = (match, {TSt|tst & events = rest}) where (match,rest) = splitEvents events splitEvents [] = ([],[]) splitEvents [event=:(t,n,v):events] = let (match,rest) = splitEvents events in if (t == taskId) ([(n,v):match],rest) (match, [event:rest]) taskId = taskNrToString taskNr anyEvents :: !*TSt -> (!Bool,!*TSt) anyEvents tst=:{TSt|events} = (not (isEmpty events),tst) resetSequence :: !*TSt -> *TSt resetSequence tst=:{taskNr,tree} = case tree of (TTSequenceTask info sequence) = {tst & taskNr = [0:tl taskNr], tree = TTSequenceTask info []} _ = {tst & tree = tree} deleteTaskStates :: !TaskNr !*TSt -> *TSt deleteTaskStates taskNr tst=:{TSt|iworld=iworld=:{IWorld|store,world}} // Delete values in the data store # (store,world) = deleteValues (iTaskId taskNr "") store world = {TSt|tst & iworld = {IWorld|iworld & world = world, store = store}} copyTaskStates :: !TaskNr !TaskNr !*TSt -> *TSt copyTaskStates fromtask totask tst=:{TSt|iworld=iworld=:{IWorld|store,world}} // Copy values in the data store # (store,world) = copyValues (iTaskId fromtask "") (iTaskId totask "") store world // Copy subprocess in the process table # tst = copySubProcesses (taskNrToString fromtask) (taskNrToString totask) {TSt|tst & iworld = {IWorld|iworld & store = store, world = world}} = tst flushStore :: !*TSt -> *TSt flushStore tst=:{TSt|iworld=iworld=:{IWorld|store,world}} # (store,world) = flushCache store world = {TSt|tst & iworld = {IWorld|iworld & store = store, world = world}} taskNrToString :: !TaskNr -> String taskNrToString [] = "" taskNrToString [i] = toString i taskNrToString [i:is] = taskNrToString is +++ "." +++ toString i taskNrFromString :: !String -> TaskNr taskNrFromString "" = [] taskNrFromString string = reverse (parseTaskNr` [char \\ char <-: string]) where parseTaskNr` :: ![Char] -> TaskNr parseTaskNr` [] = [] parseTaskNr` list # (front,end) = span (\c -> c <> '.') list = [toInt (toString front) : parseTaskNr` (stl end)] toString :: [Char] -> String toString list = {c \\ c <- list} stl :: [Char] -> [Char] stl [] = [] stl xs = tl xs events2Paths :: ![(!String,!String)] -> [DataPath] events2Paths updates = map (s2dp o fst) updates