definition module HtmlUtil
* This module provides rudimentary utilities for generating simple html pages.
import Html, JSON, Http
* Defines the simple inline CSS stylesheet
embeddedStyle :: HtmlTag
* Creates the basic layout for a page with a title, description and body
pageLayout :: !String !String ![HtmlTag] -> HtmlTag
* Creates a simple page for accessing a service
servicePage :: !String !String !String ![(String,String,Bool)] JSONNode -> HtmlTag
* Creates an HTTP response of a service page
serviceResponse :: !Bool !String !String !String ![(String,String,Bool)] JSONNode -> HTTPResponse
* Creates a static page with information about the service API.
overviewPage :: HtmlTag
* Creates an HTTP response of a the overview page
overviewResponse :: HTTPResponse
* Creates a 302 Redirect response
redirectResponse :: !String -> HTTPResponse
* Creates a 404 Not found error page
notFoundPage :: !HTTPRequest -> HtmlTag
* Creates an HTTP 404 response
notFoundResponse :: !HTTPRequest -> HTTPResponse
* Gets the value of a parameter in the GET or POST values.
paramValue :: !String !HTTPRequest -> String