implementation module WorkflowService
import Http, TSt, UserDB
import HtmlUtil, Text
import StdArray, StdString, StdInt, StdList, StdBool, StdClass
import GenEq
from Util import mb2list
:: WorkflowItem =
{ name :: !String //Full name of the workflow
, label :: !String //Displayed label of the workflow
, description :: !String //Description of the workflow
, folder :: !Bool //Is the item a folder of other workflows
derive JSONEncode WorkflowItem
derive gEq WorkflowItem
instance == WorkflowItem where (==) x y = x === y
workflowService :: !String !Bool ![String] !HTTPRequest *TSt -> (!HTTPResponse, !*TSt)
workflowService url html path req tst
// Restore the session if supplied
# (mbErr,tst) = if ( sessionParam <> "") (initSession sessionParam tst) (Nothing,tst)
| isJust mbErr
# json = JSONObject [("success",JSONBool False),("error", JSONString (fromJust mbErr))]
= (serviceResponse html "workflows" description url params json, tst)
// List available flows
# (session,tst) = getCurrentSession tst
# (mbDetails,tst) = getUserDetails session.Session.user tst
# (workflows,tst) = getWorkflows tst
# items = workflowItems path (session.Session.user,mbDetails) workflows
# json = JSONObject [("success",JSONBool True),("workflows",toJSON items)]
= (serviceResponse html "workflows" description url params json, tst)
sessionParam= paramValue "session" req
params = [("session", sessionParam, False)]
onPath paths wf = paths == "" || (wf.Workflow.path % (0, (size paths))) == paths +++ "/"
//Allow the root user
isAllowed (RootUser,_) _ = True
//Allow workflows for which the user has permission
isAllowed (_,Just details) wf = or [isMember role (mb2list details.UserDetails.roles) \\ role <- wf.Workflow.roles] || isEmpty wf.Workflow.roles
//Allow workflows without required roles
isAllowed _ wf = isEmpty wf.Workflow.roles
workflowItems path user workflows
# paths = join "/" path
= sortWorkflowItems (removeDup [workflowItem paths wf \\ wf <- workflows | onPath paths wf && isAllowed user wf])
workflowItem paths wf
# shortPath = wf.Workflow.path % (if (paths == "") 0 (size paths + 1), size wf.Workflow.path)
# slashPos = indexOf "/" shortPath
| slashPos == -1
= {WorkflowItem | name = wf.Workflow.path, label = shortPath, description = wf.Workflow.description, folder = False}
| otherwise
# label = shortPath % (0, slashPos - 1)
= {WorkflowItem | name = if (paths == "") label (paths +++ "/" +++ label), label = label, description = "", folder = True}
//Move the leafs to the end of the tree
sortWorkflowItems items = [item \\ item <- items | item.folder == True] ++ [item \\ item <- items | item.folder == False]
description :== "This service provides a directory of available workflows that can be started.
+++ "Only workflows are given that are allowed for the current session.
+++ "If the 'folder' field is set to true, the entry is not a workflow but a collection of flows that can be "
+++ "accessed by appending it's name to the URI. E.g workflows/Foo/Bar/Baz."