implementation module GenVisualize import StdBool, StdChar, StdList, StdArray, StdTuple, StdMisc, StdMaybe, StdGeneric, StdEnum import GenUpdate, GenEq import Void, Either, Util import Text, Html, JSON, TUIDefinition derive gEq Document NEWLINE :== "\n" //The character sequence to use for new lines in text display visualization mkVSt :: *VSt mkVSt = {VSt| origVizType = VTextDisplay, vizType = VTextDisplay, idPrefix = "", currentPath = shiftDataPath initialDataPath, label = Nothing, useLabels = False, selectedConsIndex = -1, optional = False, renderAsStatic = False, updateMask = [], verifyMask = [], updates = []} //Wrapper functions visualizeAsEditor :: String (Maybe SubEditorIndex) UpdateMask VerifyMask a -> [TUIDef] | gVisualize{|*|} a visualizeAsEditor name mbSubIdx umask vmask x # vst = {mkVSt & origVizType = VEditorDefinition, vizType = VEditorDefinition, idPrefix = name, updateMask = [umask], verifyMask = [vmask]} # vst = case mbSubIdx of Nothing = vst Just idx = {VSt| vst & currentPath = dataPathSetSubEditorIdx vst.VSt.currentPath idx} # (defs,vst) = gVisualize{|*|} val val vst = coerceToTUIDefs defs where val = VValue x visualizeAsHtmlDisplay :: a -> [HtmlTag] | gVisualize{|*|} a visualizeAsHtmlDisplay x = flatten (coerceToHtml (fst (gVisualize{|*|} val val {mkVSt & origVizType = VHtmlDisplay, vizType = VHtmlDisplay}))) where val = VValue x visualizeAsTextDisplay :: a -> String | gVisualize{|*|} a visualizeAsTextDisplay x = join " " (coerceToStrings (fst (gVisualize{|*|} val val {mkVSt & origVizType = VTextDisplay, vizType = VTextDisplay}))) where val = VValue x visualizeAsHtmlLabel :: a -> [HtmlTag] | gVisualize{|*|} a visualizeAsHtmlLabel x = flatten (coerceToHtml (fst (gVisualize{|*|} val val {mkVSt & origVizType = VHtmlLabel, vizType = VHtmlLabel}))) where val = VValue x visualizeAsTextLabel :: a -> String | gVisualize{|*|} a visualizeAsTextLabel x = join " " (coerceToStrings (fst (gVisualize{|*|} val val {mkVSt & origVizType = VTextLabel, vizType = VTextLabel}))) where val = VValue x determineEditorUpdates :: String (Maybe SubEditorIndex) [DataPath] UpdateMask VerifyMask a a -> [TUIUpdate] | gVisualize{|*|} a determineEditorUpdates name mbSubIdx updatedPaths umask vmask old new # vst = {mkVSt & vizType = VEditorUpdate, idPrefix = name, updateMask = [umask], verifyMask = [vmask], updates = updatedPaths} # vst = case mbSubIdx of Nothing = vst Just idx = {VSt| vst & currentPath = dataPathSetSubEditorIdx vst.VSt.currentPath idx} # (updates,vst) = (gVisualize{|*|} (VValue old) (VValue new) vst) = coerceToTUIUpdates updates //Bimap for visualization values derive bimap VisualizationValue //Generic visualizer generic gVisualize a :: (VisualizationValue a) (VisualizationValue a) *VSt -> ([Visualization], *VSt) gVisualize{|UNIT|} _ _ vst = ([],vst) gVisualize{|PAIR|} fx fy old new vst # (ox,oy) = case old of (VValue (PAIR ox oy)) = (VValue ox, VValue oy) ; _ = (VBlank,VBlank) # (nx,ny) = case new of (VValue (PAIR nx ny)) = (VValue nx, VValue ny) ; _ = (VBlank,VBlank) # (vizx, vst) = fx ox nx vst # (vizy, vst) = fy oy ny vst = (vizx ++ vizy, vst) gVisualize{|EITHER|} fx fy old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,currentPath,updateMask,verifyMask} = case (old,new) of //Same structure: (VValue (LEFT ox), VValue (LEFT nx)) # oval = VValue ox # nval = VValue nx = case vizType of VEditorUpdate //Peek at the update mask to see if we need to refresh the content # (cmu,_) = popMask updateMask | isDirty cmu # (consSelUpd,vst) = fx nval nval {vst & vizType = VConsSelectorUpdate} # (old,vst) = fx oval oval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, verifyMask = verifyMask, updateMask = updateMask} # (new,vst) = fx nval nval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, verifyMask = verifyMask, updateMask = updateMask} = (determineRemovals old ++ determineChildAdditions pathid new ++ consSelUpd, {vst & vizType = VEditorUpdate}) | otherwise = fx oval nval vst _ = fx oval nval vst (VValue (RIGHT oy), VValue (RIGHT ny)) # oval = VValue oy # nval = VValue ny = case vizType of VEditorUpdate //Peek at the update mask to see if we need to refresh the content # (cmu,_) = popMask updateMask | isDirty cmu # (consSelUpd,vst) = fy nval nval {vst & vizType = VConsSelectorUpdate} # (old,vst) = fy oval oval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, verifyMask = verifyMask, updateMask = updateMask} # (new,vst) = fy nval nval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, verifyMask = verifyMask, updateMask = updateMask} = (determineRemovals old ++ determineChildAdditions pathid new ++ consSelUpd, {vst & vizType = VEditorUpdate}) | otherwise = fy oval nval vst _ = fy oval nval vst //Different structure: (VValue (LEFT ox), VValue (RIGHT ny)) # oval = VValue ox # nval = VValue ny = case vizType of VEditorUpdate # (consSelUpd,vst) = fy nval nval {vst & vizType = VConsSelectorUpdate} # (old,vst) = fx oval oval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath} //the mask is completely wrong, but that does not matter as we only need the id's of components for removal # (new,vst) = fy nval nval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, verifyMask = verifyMask, updateMask = updateMask} = (determineRemovals old ++ determineChildAdditions pathid new ++ consSelUpd, {vst & vizType = VEditorUpdate}) _ = fx oval oval vst //Default case: ignore the new value (VValue (RIGHT oy), VValue (LEFT nx)) # oval = VValue oy # nval = VValue nx = case vizType of VEditorUpdate # (consSelUpd,vst) = fx nval nval {vst & vizType = VConsSelectorUpdate} # (old,vst) = fy oval oval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath} # (new,vst) = fx nval nval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, verifyMask = verifyMask, updateMask = updateMask} = (determineRemovals old ++ determineChildAdditions pathid new ++ consSelUpd, {vst & vizType = VEditorUpdate}) _ = fy oval oval vst //Default case: ignore the new value //No value any more (VValue (LEFT ox), VBlank) # oval = VValue ox # nval = VBlank = case vizType of VEditorUpdate # (old,vst) = fx oval oval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath} # (new,vst) = fx nval nval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, verifyMask = verifyMask, updateMask = updateMask} = (determineRemovals old ++ determineChildAdditions pathid new, {vst & vizType = VEditorUpdate}) _ = fx oval oval vst //Default case: ignore the new value (VValue (RIGHT oy), VBlank) # oval = VValue oy # nval = VBlank = case vizType of VEditorUpdate # (old,vst) = fy oval oval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath} # (new,vst) = fx nval nval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, verifyMask = verifyMask, updateMask = updateMask} = (determineRemovals old ++ determineChildAdditions pathid new, {vst & vizType = VEditorUpdate}) _ = fy oval oval vst //Default case: ignore the new value //New value (VBlank, VValue (LEFT nx)) # oval = VBlank # nval = VValue nx = case vizType of VEditorUpdate # (consSelUpd,vst) = fx nval nval {vst & vizType = VConsSelectorUpdate} # (old,vst) = fx oval oval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath} # (new,vst) = fx nval nval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, verifyMask = verifyMask, updateMask = updateMask} = (determineRemovals old ++ determineChildAdditions pathid new ++ consSelUpd, {vst & vizType = VEditorUpdate}) _ = fx oval oval vst //Default case: ignore the new value (VBlank, VValue (RIGHT ny)) # oval = VBlank # nval = VValue ny = case vizType of VEditorUpdate # (consSelUpd,vst) = fy nval nval {vst & vizType = VConsSelectorUpdate} # (old,vst) = fx oval oval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath} # (new,vst) = fy nval nval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, verifyMask = verifyMask, updateMask = updateMask} = (determineRemovals old ++ determineChildAdditions pathid new ++ consSelUpd, {vst & vizType = VEditorUpdate}) _ = fx oval oval vst //Default case: ignore the new value //Default case _ = fx VBlank VBlank vst where pathid = dp2id idPrefix currentPath gVisualize{|OBJECT of d|} fx old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,label,currentPath,selectedConsIndex = oldSelectedConsIndex,useLabels,optional,renderAsStatic,updateMask,verifyMask} //For objects we only peek at the update & verify mask, but don't take it out of the state yet. //The masks are removed from the states when processing the CONS. # (cmu,_) = popMask updateMask # (cmv,_) = popMask verifyMask //ADT's with multiple constructors: Add the creation/updating of a control for choosing the constructor | d.gtd_num_conses > 1 = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # (err,hnt) = verifyElementStr cmu cmv # (items, vst=:{selectedConsIndex}) = fx oldV newV {vst & useLabels = False, optional = False} = ([TUIFragment (TUIConstructorControl {TUIConstructorControl | id = id , name = dp2s currentPath , fieldLabel = label , consSelIdx = case cmu of (Touched _ _) = selectedConsIndex; _ = -1 , consValues = [gdc.gcd_name \\ gdc <- d.gtd_conses] , items = case cmu of (Touched _ _) = (coerceToTUIDefs items); _ = [] , staticDisplay = renderAsStatic , errorMsg = err , hintMsg = hnt })] ,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, selectedConsIndex = oldSelectedConsIndex, useLabels = useLabels, optional = optional}) VEditorUpdate # msg = verifyElementUpd id cmu cmv = case cmu of (Touched _ _) # (upd, vst) = fx oldV newV {vst & useLabels = False, optional = False} = (msg ++ upd ,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, selectedConsIndex = oldSelectedConsIndex, useLabels = useLabels, optional = optional}) _ # (rem,vst) = fx oldV oldV {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath} = (msg ++ [TUIUpdate (TUISetValue cId ""):determineRemovals rem] ,{vst & vizType = vizType, currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, selectedConsIndex = oldSelectedConsIndex}) _ # (viz,vst) = fx oldV newV vst = (viz,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) //Everything else, just strip of the OBJECT constructor and pass through | otherwise = case (old,new) of (VValue (OBJECT ox), VValue (OBJECT nx)) = fx (VValue ox) (VValue nx) vst (VValue (OBJECT ox), VBlank) = fx(VValue ox) VBlank vst (VBlank, VValue (OBJECT nx)) = fx VBlank (VValue nx) vst _ = fx VBlank VBlank vst where id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath cId = (dp2id idPrefix currentPath) +++ "c" oldV = case old of (VValue (OBJECT ox)) = (VValue ox); _ = VBlank newV = case new of (VValue (OBJECT nx)) = (VValue nx); _ = VBlank gVisualize{|CONS of d|} fx old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,currentPath,label,useLabels,optional,verifyMask,updateMask,renderAsStatic} # (cmu,um) = popMask updateMask # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # (ox,nx) = case (old,new) of (VValue (CONS ox),VValue (CONS nx)) = (VValue ox, VValue nx); _ = (VBlank,VBlank) //records | not (isEmpty d.gcd_fields) # (err,hnt) = case cmu of (Untouched) = case cmv of (VMInvalid IsBlankError _ _) = ("", "") (VMInvalid (ErrorMessage s) _ _) = (s, "") (VMValid mbHnt _ _) = ("", mbHintToString mbHnt) (VMUntouched mbHnt _ _ _) = ("", mbHintToString mbHnt) _ = case cmv of (VMInvalid err _ _) = (toString err, "") (VMValid mbHnt _ _) = ("", mbHintToString mbHnt) (VMUntouched mbHnt _ _ _) = ("", mbHintToString mbHnt) = case ox of //Create an empty record container that can be expanded later VBlank = ([TUIFragment (TUIRecordContainer {TUIRecordContainer | id = (dp2id idPrefix currentPath) +++ "-fs" , name = dp2s currentPath , title = label , items = [] , optional = (optional && (not renderAsStatic)) , hasValue = False , errorMsg = err , hintMsg = hnt})] , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, optional = optional, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) _ # (viz,vst) = fx ox nx {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = True, optional = False , updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} = ([TUIFragment (TUIRecordContainer {TUIRecordContainer | id = (dp2id idPrefix currentPath) +++ "-fs" , name = dp2s currentPath , title = label , items = coerceToTUIDefs viz , optional = (optional && (not renderAsStatic)) , hasValue = True , errorMsg = err , hintMsg = hnt})] , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, optional = optional, useLabels = useLabels, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) //ADT's with multiple fields are essentially tuples | d.gcd_arity > 1 # (viz,vst) = fx ox nx {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = False, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} # items = [coerceToTUIDefs [item] \\ item <- viz] = ([TUIFragment (TUITupleContainer {TUITupleContainer | id=dp2id idPrefix currentPath, fieldLabel = label, optional = optional, items = items})] , {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, optional = optional, selectedConsIndex= d.gcd_index, useLabels = useLabels, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) | otherwise # (viz,vst) = fx ox nx {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} = (viz,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, optional = optional, selectedConsIndex= d.gcd_index, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) //Structure update VEditorUpdate // records | not (isEmpty d.gcd_fields) # msg = verifyElementUpd fsid cmu cmv = case (old,new) of (VValue (CONS ox), VBlank) // remove components # (viz,vst) = fx (VValue ox) (VValue ox) {VSt| vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, label = Nothing, currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath ,useLabels = True, optional = False, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} = (msg ++ determineRemovals viz , {VSt | vst & vizType = vizType, currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, optional = optional, useLabels = useLabels, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) (VBlank, VValue (CONS nx)) // add components # (viz,vst) = fx (VValue nx) (VValue nx) {VSt| vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, label = Nothing, currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath ,useLabels = True, optional = False, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} = (msg ++ (determineChildAdditions ((dp2id idPrefix currentPath) +++ "-fs") viz) , {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, optional = optional, useLabels = useLabels, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) (VValue (CONS ox), VValue (CONS nx)) # (viz,vst) = fx (VValue ox) (VValue nx) {VSt| vst & label = Nothing, currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = True, optional = False , updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} = (msg ++ viz , {VSt|vst & vizType = vizType, currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, optional = optional, useLabels = useLabels, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) _ = ([],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) //ADT's | otherwise # (viz,vst) = fx oldV newV {VSt| vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = False, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} = (viz,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, optional = optional, useLabels = useLabels, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) //Cons selector update VConsSelectorUpdate = (consSelectorUpdate new cmu, {VSt| vst & updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) //Html display vizualization VHtmlDisplay = case (old,new) of (VValue (CONS ox), VValue (CONS nx)) # (viz,vst) = fx (VValue ox) (VValue nx) {VSt | vst & label = Nothing, currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} //Records | not (isEmpty d.gcd_fields) = ([HtmlFragment [TableTag [] (flatten (coerceToHtml viz))]], {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) //When there are multiple constructors, also show the name of the constructor | d.gcd_type_def.gtd_num_conses > 1 = ([TextFragment d.gcd_name, TextFragment " " :viz], {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) | otherwise = (viz, {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) _ = ([],{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) //Other visualizations VHtmlLabel # (viz,vst) = fx oldV newV {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} //For records only show the first field | not (isEmpty d.gcd_fields) = ([hd viz], {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) //When there are multiple constructors, also show the name of the constructor | d.gcd_type_def.gtd_num_conses > 1 = ([TextFragment d.gcd_name,TextFragment " " :viz],{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) | otherwise = (viz, {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) VTextLabel //For records only show the first field # (viz,vst) = fx oldV newV {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} | not (isEmpty d.gcd_fields) = ([hd viz], {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) //When there are multiple constructors, also show the name of the constructor | d.gcd_type_def.gtd_num_conses > 1 = ([TextFragment d.gcd_name,TextFragment " " :viz],{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) | otherwise = (viz, {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) VTextDisplay # (viz,vst) = fx oldV newV {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} | not (isEmpty d.gcd_fields) = (viz, {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) //When there are multiple constructors, also show the name of the constructor | d.gcd_type_def.gtd_num_conses > 1 = ([TextFragment d.gcd_name,TextFragment " " :viz],{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) | otherwise = (viz, {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) _ # (viz,vst) = fx oldV newV {VSt | vst & label = Nothing, currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} = (viz,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) where oldV = case old of (VValue (CONS ox)) = VValue ox; _ = VBlank newV = case new of (VValue (CONS nx)) = VValue nx; _ = VBlank id = (dp2id idPrefix currentPath) fsid = id +++ "-fs" cId = id +++ "c" consSelectorUpdate VBlank um = [] consSelectorUpdate (VValue _) um = case um of (Touched _ _) | (isEmpty d.gcd_fields && d.gcd_type_def.gtd_num_conses > 1) = [TUIUpdate (TUISetValue cId d.gcd_name)] | otherwise = [] _ = [] gVisualize{|FIELD of d|} fx old new vst=:{vizType,currentPath} //# vst = determineIndexOfLabels d.gfd_name vst # ox = case old of (VValue (FIELD ox)) = (VValue ox) ; _ = VBlank # nx = case new of (VValue (FIELD nx)) = (VValue nx) ; _ = VBlank = case vizType of VHtmlDisplay # (vizBody,vst) = fx ox nx {VSt |vst & label = Nothing} = case vizBody of [] = ([],vst) _ = ([HtmlFragment [TrTag [] [ThTag [] [Text (formatLabel d.gfd_name),Text ": "],TdTag [] (flatten (coerceToHtml vizBody))]]],{VSt | vst & label = Nothing}) VTextDisplay # (vizBody,vst) = fx ox nx {VSt |vst & label = Just (formatLabel d.gfd_name)} = ([TextFragment (formatLabel d.gfd_name),TextFragment ": " : vizBody]++[TextFragment " "], {VSt | vst & label = Nothing}) _ # (vizBody,vst) = fx ox nx {VSt |vst & label = Just (formatLabel d.gfd_name)} = (vizBody, {VSt | vst & label = Nothing}) //*** gVisualize{|Int|} old new vst=:{VSt | vizType,currentPath} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # (ctl,vst) = visualizeBasicControl old vst = ([TUIFragment (TUIIntControl ctl)],vst) VEditorUpdate = updateBasicControl old new vst _ = ([TextFragment (toString old)], {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) gVisualize{|Real|} old new vst=:{VSt | vizType,currentPath,updateMask} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # (ctl,vst) = visualizeBasicControl old vst = ([TUIFragment (TUIRealControl ctl)],vst) VEditorUpdate = updateBasicControl old new vst _ = ([TextFragment (toString old)], {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) gVisualize{|Char|} old new vst=:{VSt | vizType,currentPath,updateMask} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # (ctl,vst) = visualizeBasicControl old vst = ([TUIFragment (TUICharControl ctl)],vst) VEditorUpdate = updateBasicControl old new vst _ = ([TextFragment (toString old)], {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) gVisualize{|String|} old new vst=:{VSt | vizType,currentPath,updateMask} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # (ctl,vst) = visualizeBasicControl old vst = ([TUIFragment (TUIStringControl ctl)],vst) VEditorUpdate = updateBasicControl old new vst _ = ([TextFragment (toString old)] , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) gVisualize{|Bool|} old new vst=:{VSt | vizType,currentPath} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # (ctl,vst) = visualizeBasicControl old vst = ([TUIFragment (TUIBoolControl ctl)],vst) VEditorUpdate = updateBasicControl old new vst VHtmlDisplay = ([HtmlFragment [DivTag [ClassAttr ("bool-htmllabel-icon bool-htmllabel-icon-"+++(toLowerCase (toString old)))] [SpanTag [ClassAttr "bool-htmllabel-text"] [(Text (toString old))]]]] , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) VHtmlLabel = ([HtmlFragment [DivTag [ClassAttr ("bool-htmllabel-icon bool-htmllabel-icon-"+++(toLowerCase (toString old)))] [SpanTag [ClassAttr "bool-htmllabel-text"] [(Text (toString old))]]]] , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) _ = ([TextFragment (toString old)] , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) gVisualize{|Maybe|} fx old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,currentPath,optional} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition = case (old,new) of (VValue (Just ox), _) # oval = VValue ox # (viz, vst) = fx oval oval {VSt|vst & optional = True} = (viz, {VSt|vst & optional = optional, currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) _ # (viz, vst) = fx VBlank VBlank {VSt|vst & optional = True} = (viz, {VSt|vst & optional = optional, currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) VEditorUpdate = case (old,new) of (VValue (Just ox), VValue (Just nx)) # (viz, vst) = fx (VValue ox) (VValue nx) {VSt|vst & optional = True} = (viz, {VSt|vst & optional = optional, currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) (VValue (Just ox), VValue Nothing) # (viz, vst) = fx (VValue ox) VBlank {VSt|vst & optional = True} = (viz, {VSt|vst & optional = optional, currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) (VValue Nothing, VValue (Just nx)) # (viz, vst) = fx VBlank (VValue nx) {VSt|vst & optional = True} = (viz, {VSt|vst & optional = optional, currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) _ # (viz, vst) = fx VBlank VBlank {VSt|vst & optional = True} = (viz, {VSt|vst & optional = optional, currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) _ = case old of (VValue Nothing) = ([TextFragment "-"],vst) (VValue (Just x)) = fx (VValue x) (VValue x) vst VBlank = ([],vst) where pathid = dp2id idPrefix currentPath gVisualize{|Dynamic|} old new vst = ([],vst) gVisualize{|(,)|} f1 f2 old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,currentPath,useLabels,label,optional,updateMask,verifyMask} # (cmu,um) = popMask updateMask # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # (v1,v2) = case old of (VValue (o1,o2)) = (VValue o1, VValue o2) ; _ = (VBlank,VBlank) # (viz1,vst) = f1 v1 v1 {VSt| vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = False, label = Nothing, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} # (viz2,vst) = f2 v2 v2 vst = ([TUIFragment (TUITupleContainer {TUITupleContainer | id=dp2id idPrefix currentPath, fieldLabel = label, optional = optional, items = map coerceToTUIDefs [viz1,viz2]})] , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, useLabels = useLabels, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) _ # (o1,o2) = case old of (VValue (o1,o2)) = (VValue o1, VValue o2) ; _ = (VBlank,VBlank) # (n1,n2) = case new of (VValue (n1,n2)) = (VValue n1, VValue n2) ; _ = (VBlank,VBlank) # (viz1,vst) = f1 o1 n1 {VSt| vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = False, label = Nothing, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} # (viz2,vst) = f2 o2 n2 vst = (viz1 ++ separator viz2 ++ viz2,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, useLabels = useLabels, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) where separator v = case v of [] = [] _ = case vizType of VHtmlDisplay = [] _ = [TextFragment ", "] gVisualize{|(,,)|} f1 f2 f3 old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,currentPath,useLabels, label,optional,updateMask,verifyMask} # (cmu,um) = popMask updateMask # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # oldLabels = useLabels # (v1,v2,v3) = case old of (VValue (o1,o2,o3)) = (VValue o1, VValue o2, VValue o3) ; _ = (VBlank,VBlank,VBlank) # (viz1,vst) = f1 v1 v1 {VSt| vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = False, label = Nothing, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} # (viz2,vst) = f2 v2 v2 vst # (viz3,vst) = f3 v3 v3 vst = ([TUIFragment (TUITupleContainer {TUITupleContainer | id=dp2id idPrefix currentPath, fieldLabel = label, optional = optional, items = map coerceToTUIDefs [viz1,viz2,viz3]})] , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, useLabels=oldLabels, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) _ # (o1,o2,o3) = case old of (VValue (o1,o2,o3)) = (VValue o1, VValue o2, VValue o3) ; _ = (VBlank,VBlank,VBlank) # (n1,n2,n3) = case new of (VValue (n1,n2,n3)) = (VValue n1, VValue n2, VValue n3) ; _ = (VBlank,VBlank,VBlank) # (viz1,vst) = f1 o1 n1 {VSt| vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = False, label = Nothing, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} # (viz2,vst) = f2 o2 n2 vst # (viz3,vst) = f3 o3 n3 vst = (viz1 ++ separator viz2 ++ viz2 ++ separator viz3 ++ viz3,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, useLabels = useLabels, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) where separator v = case v of [] = [] _ = case vizType of VHtmlDisplay = [] _ = [TextFragment ", "] gVisualize{|(,,,)|} f1 f2 f3 f4 old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,currentPath,useLabels, label,optional,updateMask,verifyMask} # oldLabel = useLabels # (cmu,um) = popMask updateMask # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # oldLabels = useLabels # (v1,v2,v3,v4) = case old of (VValue (o1,o2,o3,o4)) = (VValue o1, VValue o2, VValue o3,VValue o4) ; _ = (VBlank,VBlank,VBlank,VBlank) # (viz1,vst) = f1 v1 v1 {VSt| vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = False, label = Nothing, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} # (viz2,vst) = f2 v2 v2 vst # (viz3,vst) = f3 v3 v3 vst # (viz4,vst) = f4 v4 v4 vst = ([TUIFragment (TUITupleContainer {TUITupleContainer | id=dp2id idPrefix currentPath, fieldLabel = label, optional = optional, items = map coerceToTUIDefs [viz1,viz2,viz3,viz4]})] , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, useLabels = oldLabels, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) _ # (o1,o2,o3,o4) = case old of (VValue (o1,o2,o3,o4)) = (VValue o1, VValue o2, VValue o3,VValue o4) ; _ = (VBlank,VBlank,VBlank,VBlank) # (n1,n2,n3,n4) = case new of (VValue (n1,n2,n3,n4)) = (VValue n1, VValue n2, VValue n3,VValue n4) ; _ = (VBlank,VBlank,VBlank,VBlank) # (viz1,vst) = f1 o1 n1 {VSt| vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = False, label = Nothing, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} # (viz2,vst) = f2 o2 n2 vst # (viz3,vst) = f3 o3 n3 vst # (viz4,vst) = f4 o4 n4 vst = (viz1 ++ separator viz2 ++ viz2 ++ separator viz3 ++ viz3 ++ separator viz4 ++ viz4,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, useLabels = useLabels, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) where separator v = case v of [] = [] _ = case vizType of VHtmlDisplay = [] _ = [TextFragment ", "] gVisualize {|[]|} fx old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,currentPath,useLabels,label,optional,renderAsStatic,updateMask,verifyMask} # (cmu, um) = popMask updateMask # (cmv, vm) = popMask verifyMask = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # (err,hnt) = verifyElementStr cmu cmv # (items,vst) = TUIDef fx oldV 0 {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = False, label = Nothing, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} = ([TUIFragment (TUIListContainer {TUIListContainer | items = items, optional = optional, name = name, id = id, fieldLabel = label, hideLabel = not useLabels, staticDisplay = renderAsStatic, errorMsg = err, hintMsg = hnt})], {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm, useLabels = useLabels}) VEditorUpdate # msg = (verifyElementUpd id cmu cmv) # (upd,vst) = TUIUpd fx oldV newV {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} # (newDefs,vst) = TUIDef fx newV 0 {VSt | vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = False, label = Nothing, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} # (oldDefs,vst) = TUIDef fx oldV 0 {VSt | vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = False, label = Nothing, updateMask = childMasks cmu, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} # (addrem) = determineAddRem oldDefs newDefs 0 = case cmu of (TouchedList dirty c) # (replacements) = determineReplacements newDefs dirty = (addrem ++ replacements ++ msg, //Ugly because too much is replaced. We need a better list update strategy //= (addrem ++ upd ++ msg, //It should be this alternative, but would require optional to non-optional updating of components {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, vizType=VEditorUpdate, label = label, useLabels = useLabels, optional = optional, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) _ = (addrem++upd++msg, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, vizType=VEditorUpdate, label = label, useLabels = useLabels, optional = optional, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) VHtmlDisplay = case oldV of [] = ([HtmlFragment [UlTag [] [LiTag [ClassAttr "list-item-light"] [(Text "Empty list")]]]],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) _ # (items,vst) = staticDef fx oldV {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath} = ([HtmlFragment [UlTag [] [(LiTag [ClassAttr (itemCls i)] (flatten (coerceToHtml x))) \\ x <- items & i <- [0..]]]],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) VTextDisplay = case oldV of [] = ([TextFragment "[]"],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) _ # (items,vst) = staticDef fx oldV {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath} = ([TextFragment ("["+++join ", " (flatten [(coerceToStrings x) \\ x <-items])+++"]")],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) VHtmlLabel = case oldV of [] = ([HtmlFragment [(Text "Empty list")]],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) _ # (items,vst) = staticDef fx oldV {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath} = ([HtmlFragment (htmlLabel items)],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) _ = ([], {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) where oldV = case old of (VValue ol) = ol; _ = [] newV = case new of (VValue nl) = nl; _ = [] id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath name = dp2s currentPath itemId idx = id+++"#"+++toString idx itemCls i | isEven i = "list-item-light" | otherwise = "list-item-dark" TUIDef fx [] idx vst=:{VSt | optional} | renderAsStatic = ([],vst) | otherwise # (dx,vst) = fx VBlank VBlank {VSt | vst & optional = True} = ([TUIListItemControl {TUIListItemControl | name = name, id=itemId idx, index = idx, items = coerceToTUIDefs dx}],{VSt | vst & optional = optional}) TUIDef fx [x:xs] idx vst # (dx, vst) = fx (VValue x) (VValue x) {VSt | vst & optional = False} # (dxs,vst) = TUIDef fx xs (inc idx) {VSt | vst & optional = optional} = ([TUIListItemControl {TUIListItemControl | name = name, id=itemId idx, index = idx, items = coerceToTUIDefs dx}:dxs],vst) TUIUpd fx [o:os] [n] vst # (u, vst) = fx (VValue o) (VValue n) vst # (ub, vst) = fx (VBlank)(VBlank) vst = (u++ub,vst) TUIUpd fx [o:os] [n:ns] vst # (u, vst) = fx (VValue o) (VValue n) vst # (us, vst) = TUIUpd fx os ns vst = (u++us,vst) TUIUpd _ _ _ vst = ([],vst) staticDef fx [] vst = ([],vst) staticDef fx [o:os] vst # (hx, vst) = fx (VValue o) (VValue o) vst # (hxs,vst) = staticDef fx os vst = ([hx:hxs],vst); determineAddRem [] [] idx = [] determineAddRem [o:os] [] idx = [TUIUpdate (TUIRemove (itemId idx)):determineAddRem os [] (idx+1)] determineAddRem [] [n:ns] idx = [if(idx > 0) (TUIUpdate (TUIAdd (itemId (idx-1)) n)) (TUIUpdate (TUIAddTo id n)):determineAddRem [] ns (idx+1)] determineAddRem [o:os] [n:ns] idx = determineAddRem os ns (idx+1) determineReplacements defs idx = [TUIUpdate (TUIReplace (itemId i) (defs!!i)) \\ i <-idx | i < length defs] htmlLabel [i] = (flatten (coerceToHtml i)) htmlLabel [i:is] = (flatten (coerceToHtml i)) ++ [(Text ", ")] ++ htmlLabel is //Functions (Don't visualize) gVisualize{|(->)|} fx fy old new vst=:{VSt | currentPath, updateMask, verifyMask} # (cmu,um) = popMask updateMask # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask = ([],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) //Hidden type gVisualize{|Hidden|} fx old new vst=:{VSt | currentPath, updateMask, verifyMask} # (cmu,um) = popMask updateMask # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask = ([],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) gVisualize{|Display|} fx old new vst=:{VSt | origVizType, vizType, currentPath, renderAsStatic} = case origVizType of VHtmlDisplay # (def,vst) = fx oldV newV vst = (def,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) _ # (def,vst) = fx oldV newV {VSt | vst & renderAsStatic = True} = (def,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, renderAsStatic = renderAsStatic}) where oldV = case old of (VValue (Display ov)) = (VValue ov); _ = VBlank newV = case new of (VValue (Display nv)) = (VValue nv); _ = VBlank gVisualize{|Editable|} fx old new vst=:{VSt | vizType, currentPath, renderAsStatic} # (def,vst) = fx oldV newV {VSt | vst & renderAsStatic = False} = (def,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, renderAsStatic = renderAsStatic}) where oldV = case old of (VValue (Editable ov)) = (VValue ov); _ = VBlank newV = case new of (VValue (Editable nv)) = (VValue nv); _ = VBlank gVisualize{|VisualizationHint|} fx old new vst=:{VSt | idPrefix, vizType, origVizType, currentPath, renderAsStatic,updateMask,verifyMask} = case origVizType of VHtmlDisplay = case old of (VValue (VHHidden _)) # (cmu,um) = popMask updateMask # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask = ([],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) (VValue (VHDisplay _)) # (viz,vst) = fx oldV newV {vst & vizType = VHtmlDisplay} = (viz,{vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, vizType = vizType}) _ # (viz,vst) = fx oldV newV {vst & vizType = VHtmlDisplay} = (viz,{vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, vizType = vizType}) VEditorUpdate = case (old,new) of //_, hidden -> replace with hidden (_,(VValue (VHHidden _))) # (cmu,um) = popMask updateMask # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask = ([TUIFragment (TUIHiddenControl {TUIBasicControl | name = dp2s currentPath, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, value = "", fieldLabel = Nothing, staticDisplay = False, optional = True, errorMsg = "", hintMsg = ""})] ,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) //hidden, html -> replace with static ((VValue (VHHidden _)),(VValue (VHDisplay _))) # (viz,vst) = fx newV newV {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, renderAsStatic = True} = (viz,{vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, renderAsStatic = renderAsStatic}) //hidden, edit = replace with editable ((VValue (VHHidden _)),(VValue (VHEditable _))) # (viz,vst) = fx newV newV {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, renderAsStatic = False} = (viz,{vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, renderAsStatic = renderAsStatic}) //html, edit -> replace ((VValue (VHDisplay _)),(VValue (VHEditable _))) # (viz,vst) = fx newV newV {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, renderAsStatic = False} = (viz,{vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, renderAsStatic = renderAsStatic}) //edit, html -> replace ((VValue (VHEditable _)),(VValue (VHDisplay _))) # (viz,vst) = fx newV newV {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, renderAsStatic = True} = (viz,{vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, renderAsStatic = renderAsStatic}) //update VHDisplay, ignore validation ((VValue (VHDisplay _)),(VValue (VHDisplay _))) # (upd,vst) = fx oldV newV vst = (upd,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) //_ -> update _ # (upd,vst) = fx oldV newV vst = (upd,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) VEditorDefinition = case old of (VValue (VHHidden _)) # (cmu,um) = popMask updateMask # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask = ([TUIFragment (TUIHiddenControl {TUIBasicControl | name = dp2s currentPath, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, value = "", fieldLabel = Nothing, staticDisplay = False, optional = True, errorMsg = "", hintMsg = ""})] ,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) (VValue (VHDisplay _)) # (viz,vst) = fx oldV newV {vst & renderAsStatic = True} = (viz,{vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, renderAsStatic = renderAsStatic}) (VValue (VHEditable _)) # (viz,vst) = fx oldV newV {vst & renderAsStatic = False} = (viz,{vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, renderAsStatic = renderAsStatic}) _ = case old of (VValue (VHHidden _)) # (cmu,um) = popMask updateMask # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask = ([],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) (VValue (VHDisplay _)) # (viz,vst) = fx oldV newV {vst & renderAsStatic = True} = (viz,{vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, renderAsStatic = renderAsStatic}) (VValue (VHEditable _)) # (viz,vst) = fx oldV newV {vst & renderAsStatic = False} = (viz,{vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, renderAsStatic = renderAsStatic}) where oldV = case old of (VValue (VHEditable ox)) = (VValue ox); (VValue (VHDisplay ox)) = (VValue ox); _ = VBlank newV = case new of (VValue (VHEditable nx)) = (VValue nx); (VValue (VHDisplay nx)) = (VValue nx); _ = VBlank id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath gVisualize{|Password|} old new vst=:{VSt | vizType,currentPath} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # (ctl,vst) = visualizeBasicControl old vst = ([TUIFragment (TUIPasswordControl ctl)],vst) VEditorUpdate = updateBasicControl old new vst _ = ([TextFragment ("********")],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) gVisualize{|Note|} old new vst=:{vizType,label,idPrefix,currentPath,useLabels,optional,renderAsStatic,verifyMask,updateMask,updates} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # (ctl,vst) = visualizeBasicControl old vst = ([TUIFragment (TUINoteControl ctl)],vst) VEditorUpdate = updateBasicControl old new vst _ = ([HtmlFragment (flatten [[Text line,BrTag []] \\ line <- split "\n" (toString old)])] , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) gVisualize{|Date|} old new vst=:{VSt | vizType,currentPath} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # (ctl,vst) = visualizeBasicControl old vst = ([TUIFragment (TUIDateControl ctl)],vst) VEditorUpdate = updateBasicControl old new vst _ = ([TextFragment (toString old)],{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) gVisualize{|Time|} old new vst=:{VSt | vizType,currentPath,updateMask,idPrefix} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # (ctl,vst) = visualizeBasicControl old vst = ([TUIFragment (TUITimeControl ctl)],vst) VEditorUpdate = updateBasicControl old new vst _ = ([TextFragment (toString old)],{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) gVisualize {|Document|} old new vst=:{vizType, label, idPrefix, currentPath, optional, useLabels,renderAsStatic, updates, updateMask, verifyMask} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # (cmu,um) = popMask updateMask # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask # (err,hnt) = verifyElementStr cmu cmv = ([TUIFragment (TUIDocumentControl {TUIDocumentControl |id = id, name = dp2s currentPath, document = oval, fieldLabel = label, optional = optional, staticDisplay = renderAsStatic, errorMsg = err, hintMsg = hnt})], {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) VEditorUpdate # (msg,vst) = getMessageUpdates vst | oval =!= nval //use 'dirty field' = ([TUIUpdate (TUISetValue id (toString (toJSON nval))):msg], {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) | otherwise = ((restoreField currentPath updates id (toString (toJSON oval)))++msg, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) VHtmlDisplay = case old of (VBlank) = noDocument vst (VValue document) | document.Document.size == 0 = noDocument vst | otherwise # downLink = ATag [HrefAttr (buildLink document) ,TargetAttr "_blank",IdAttr id ,NameAttr "x-form-document-link"] [ImgTag [SrcAttr "skins/default/img/icons/page_white_put.png"]] # prevLink = ATag [HrefAttr "#", IdAttr id ,NameAttr "x-form-document-preview-link" ] [ImgTag [SrcAttr "skins/default/img/icons/zoom.png"]] = ([HtmlFragment [(Text ( +++" ("+++printByteSize document.Document.size+++") ")),RawText " ",downLink,prevLink]], {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) VTextDisplay = case old of (VBlank) = noDocument vst (VValue document) | document.Document.size == 0 = noDocument vst | otherwise = ([TextFragment],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) where id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath oval = case old of (VValue o) = o; _ = {Document|documentId = "",name = "", mime = "", size = 0} nval = case new of (VValue n) = n; _ = {Document|documentId = "",name = "", mime = "", size = 0} fixReal r = (toReal (toInt (r*100.0)))/100.0 printByteSize size | size >= 1048576 = toString (fixReal ((toReal size)/(toReal 1048576)))+++" Mbyte" | size >= 1024 = toString (fixReal ((toReal size)/(toReal 1024)))+++" Kbyte" | otherwise = toString size +++ " byte" noDocument vst = ([TextFragment "No Document."],vst) buildLink document = "/services/json/documents/" +++ document.Document.documentId +++ "/download" gVisualize{|FormButton|} old new vst=:{vizType,label=fLabel,idPrefix,currentPath,useLabels,optional,renderAsStatic,updateMask,verifyMask,updates} # (cmu,um) = popMask updateMask # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # (err, hnt) = verifyElementStr cmu cmv = ([TUIFragment (TUIFormButtonControl {TUIButtonControl | label = label old, iconCls = icon old, name = dp2s currentPath, id = id, value = toString pressedOld, fieldLabel = labelAttr useLabels fLabel, optional = optional, staticDisplay = renderAsStatic, errorMsg = err, hintMsg = hnt})] , {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) VEditorUpdate # upd = if (pressedOld == pressedNew) (restoreField currentPath updates id (toString pressedOld)) [TUIUpdate (TUISetValue id (toString pressedNew))] #(msg) = verifyElementUpd id cmu cmv = (upd ++ msg , {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) _ = ([TextFragment (label old)] , {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) where id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath label b = case b of (VValue b) = b.FormButton.label; _ = "" icon b = case b of (VValue b) = b.icon; _ = "" pressedOld = case old of (VValue ob) = pressed ob; _ = False pressedNew = case new of (VValue nb) = pressed nb; _ = True pressed b = case b.FormButton.state of Pressed = True NotPressed = False gVisualize{|Currency|} old new vst=:{vizType,label,idPrefix,currentPath,useLabels,optional,renderAsStatic,verifyMask,updateMask,updates} # (cmu,um) = popMask updateMask # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask # oldV = value old cmu # newV = value new cmu = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # (err,hnt) = verifyElementStr cmu cmv = ([TUIFragment (TUICurrencyControl {TUICurrencyControl|id = id, name = dp2s currentPath , value = oldV, fieldLabel = labelAttr useLabels label , currencyLabel = curLabel old, optional = optional , staticDisplay = renderAsStatic , errorMsg = err, hintMsg = hnt})] , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) VEditorUpdate # upd = if (oldV == newV) (restoreField currentPath updates id oldV) [TUIUpdate (TUISetValue id newV)] # msg = verifyElementUpd id cmu cmv = (upd++msg , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) _ = ([TextFragment (toString old)], {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) where curLabel (VValue (EUR _)) = "€" curLabel (VValue (GBP _)) = "£" curLabel (VValue (USD _)) = "$" curLabel (VValue (JPY _)) = "¥" curLabel _ = "€" //Use the default currency value VBlank um = "" value (VValue v) um = case um of (Touched _ _) = (decFormat (toInt v)); _ = "" id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath gVisualize{|User|} old new vst=:{vizType,currentPath,updateMask} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # (ctl,vst) = visualizeBasicControl old vst = ([TUIFragment (TUIUserControl ctl)], vst) VEditorUpdate = updateBasicControl old new vst _ = ([TextFragment (toString old)] , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) gVisualize{|Task|} _ (VValue {taskProperties}) _ vst = ([TextFragment taskProperties.ManagerProperties.subject],vst) gVisualize{|Task|} _ _ _ vst = ([],vst) derive gVisualize DateTime, Either, Void, UserDetails //***** UTILITY FUNCTIONS ************************************************************************************************* instance toString (VisualizationValue a) | toString a where toString VBlank = "" toString (VValue x) = toString x value2s :: !UpdateMask !(VisualizationValue a) -> String | toString a value2s (Touched _ _) (VValue a) = toString a value2s _ _ = "" labelAttr :: !Bool !(Maybe String) -> Maybe String labelAttr False _ = Nothing labelAttr True Nothing = Just "" labelAttr True l = l formatLabel :: String -> String formatLabel label = {c \\ c <- [toUpper lname : addspace lnames]} where [lname:lnames] = [c \\ c <-: label] addspace [] = [] addspace [c:cs] | c == '_' = [' ':addspace cs] | isUpper c = [' ',toLower c:addspace cs] | otherwise = [c:addspace cs] determineRemovals :: [Visualization] -> [Visualization] determineRemovals editor = ([TUIUpdate (TUIRemove (fromJust (getId consid))) \\ consid <- (coerceToTUIDefs editor) | isJust (getId consid)]) determineAdditions :: String [Visualization] -> [Visualization] determineAdditions consid editor = reverse [TUIUpdate (TUIAdd consid def) \\ def <- coerceToTUIDefs editor] determineChildAdditions :: String [Visualization] -> [Visualization] determineChildAdditions consid editor = [TUIUpdate (TUIAddTo consid def) \\ def <- coerceToTUIDefs editor] visualizeBasicControl :: !(VisualizationValue a) !*VSt -> (!TUIBasicControl, !*VSt) | toString a visualizeBasicControl old vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,label,currentPath,updates,useLabels,optional,renderAsStatic,updateMask,verifyMask} # (cmu,um) = popMask updateMask # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask # val = value2s cmu old # (err,hnt) = verifyElementStr cmu cmv = ({TUIBasicControl | name = dp2s currentPath, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, value = val, fieldLabel = labelAttr useLabels label, optional = optional, staticDisplay = renderAsStatic, errorMsg = err, hintMsg = hnt} ,{VSt | vst & verifyMask = vm, updateMask = um, currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) updateBasicControl :: !(VisualizationValue a) !(VisualizationValue a) !*VSt -> (![Visualization],!*VSt) | toString a updateBasicControl old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,label,currentPath,updates,useLabels,optional,renderAsStatic,updateMask,verifyMask} # (cmu,um) = popMask updateMask # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask # id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath # oldV = value2s cmu old # newV = value2s cmu new # (upd,vst) = updateVizValue oldV newV vst # msg = verifyElementUpd id cmu cmv = (upd++msg,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, verifyMask = vm, updateMask = um}) mbHintToString :: (Maybe HintMessage) -> String mbHintToString Nothing = "" mbHintToString (Just h) = h updateVizValue:: !String !String !*VSt -> (![Visualization],!*VSt) updateVizValue old new vst=:{currentPath, updates, idPrefix} = ([TUIUpdate (TUISetValue (dp2id idPrefix currentPath) new)],vst) getMessageUpdates:: *VSt -> (![Visualization], !*VSt) getMessageUpdates vst=:{updateMask,verifyMask,idPrefix,currentPath} # (cmu,um) = popMask updateMask # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask # msg = verifyElementUpd id cmu cmv = (msg,{VSt | vst & updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) where id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath verifyElementStr :: !UpdateMask !VerifyMask -> (!String, !String) verifyElementStr cmu cmv = case cmu of (Untouched) = case cmv of (VMValid mbHnt _ _) = ("",mbHintToString mbHnt) (VMUntouched mbHnt _ _ _) = ("",mbHintToString mbHnt) (VMInvalid IsBlankError _ _) = ("","") (VMInvalid (ErrorMessage s) _ _) = (s,"") _ = case cmv of (VMValid mbHnt _ _) = ("",mbHintToString mbHnt) (VMUntouched mbHnt _ _ _) = ("",mbHintToString mbHnt) (VMInvalid err _ _) = (toString err,"") verifyElementUpd :: !String !UpdateMask !VerifyMask -> [Visualization] verifyElementUpd id cmu cmv = case cmu of (Untouched) = case cmv of (VMInvalid IsBlankError _ _) = [] //filter only isblankerrors or all errors? (VMInvalid (ErrorMessage s) _ _) = [TUIUpdate (TUISetError id s)] (VMUntouched mbHnt _ _ _ ) = hntMsg mbHnt id (VMValid mbHnt _ _) = hntMsg mbHnt id _ = case cmv of (VMInvalid err _ _) = [TUIUpdate (TUISetError id (toString err))] (VMUntouched mbHnt _ _ _) = hntMsg mbHnt id (VMValid mbHnt _ _) = hntMsg mbHnt id where hntMsg h id = case mbHintToString h of "" = []; s = [TUIUpdate (TUISetHint id s)] //********************************************************************************************************************* //Sends the 'old' value if a field has received an update, but it should not be updated. restoreField :: DataPath [DataPath] String String -> [Visualization] restoreField currpath updates id val = if (isMember currpath updates) [TUIUpdate (TUISetValue id val)] [] //Coercion of visualizations coerceToTUIDefs :: [Visualization] -> [TUIDef] coerceToTUIDefs visualizations = [d \\ (TUIFragment d) <- visualizations] coerceToTUIUpdates :: [Visualization] -> [TUIUpdate] coerceToTUIUpdates [] = [] coerceToTUIUpdates [(TUIUpdate u):vs] = [u:coerceToTUIUpdates vs] coerceToTUIUpdates [(TUIFragment d):vs] = case getId d of (Just id) = [(TUIReplace id d):coerceToTUIUpdates vs] Nothing = coerceToTUIUpdates vs coerceToTUIUpdates [v:vs] = coerceToTUIUpdates vs getId :: TUIDef -> Maybe TUIId getId (TUIStringControl d) = Just getId (TUICharControl d) = Just getId (TUIIntControl d) = Just getId (TUIRealControl d) = Just getId (TUIBoolControl d) = Just getId (TUINoteControl d) = Just getId (TUIDateControl d) = Just getId (TUITimeControl d) = Just getId (TUICurrencyControl d) = Just getId (TUIUserControl d) = Just getId (TUIPasswordControl d) = Just getId (TUIDocumentControl d) = Just getId (TUIConstructorControl d) = Just getId (TUIListItemControl d) = Just getId (TUITupleContainer d) = Just getId (TUIRecordContainer d) = Just getId (TUIListContainer d) = Just getId (TUILabel) = Nothing getId (TUICustom d) = Nothing getId _ = abort "unknown TUI Definition" coerceToStrings :: [Visualization] -> [String] coerceToStrings visualizations = [s \\ (TextFragment s) <- visualizations] coerceToHtml :: [Visualization] -> [[HtmlTag]] coerceToHtml visualizations = [coerce h \\h <- visualizations | coercable h] where coerce (TextFragment s) = [Text s] coerce (HtmlFragment h) = h coercable (TextFragment _) = True coercable (HtmlFragment _) = True coercable _ = False // VisualizationHints etc.. fromVisualizationHint :: !(VisualizationHint .a) -> .a fromVisualizationHint (VHEditable a) = a fromVisualizationHint (VHDisplay a) = a fromVisualizationHint (VHHidden a) = a toVisualizationHint :: !.a -> (VisualizationHint .a) toVisualizationHint a = (VHEditable a) fromEditable :: !(Editable .a) -> .a fromEditable (Editable a) = a toEditable :: !.a -> (Editable .a) toEditable a = (Editable a) fromDisplay :: !(Display .a) -> .a fromDisplay (Display a) = a toDisplay :: !.a -> (Display .a) toDisplay a = (Display a) fromHidden :: !(Hidden .a) -> .a fromHidden (Hidden x) = x toHidden :: !.a -> (Hidden .a) toHidden x = (Hidden x)