implementation module Lists import iTasks, Groups derive class iTask List, ListMeta, ListDescription, AnyList derive gMerge List, ListMeta, ListDescription, AnyList derive bimap Maybe, (,) //Internal administration of who owns lists and who they are shared with. :: ListMeta = { listId :: !Int , owner :: !User , sharedWith :: ![User] } //Data type for form name & description :: ListDescription = { name :: !String , description :: !Maybe Note } instance DB ListMeta where databaseId = mkDBId "Lists" getItemId l = DBRef l.ListMeta.listId setItemId (DBRef listId) l = {ListMeta| l & listId = listId} manageLists :: Task Void manageLists = Subject "Manage lists" @>> ( getMyLists >>= overview >>= \(action,list) -> case fst action of ActionNew = newList >>= manageList >>| return False ActionOpen = manageList list >>| return False ActionDelete = delList list >>| return False ActionQuit = return True ) <! id >>| stop where overview [] = getDefaultValue >>= showMessageA "My lists" "You have no lists." [aNew,aQuit] overview list = enterChoiceA "My lists" "Select a list..." [aOpen,aDelete,aNew,aQuit] list aOpen = (ActionOpen, ifvalid) aNew = (ActionNew, always) aQuit = (ActionQuit, always) aDelete = (ActionDelete, ifvalid) newList = enterChoice "List type" "What type of list do you want to create?" ["Simple list", "Todo list", "Date list","Document list"] >>= \type -> enterInformation "Name" "Please enter a name, and if you like, a description for the list" >>= \desc -> createList type desc.ListDescription.description delList list = requestConfirmation "Delete list" ("Are you sure you want to delete '" +++ nameOf list +++ "'?") >>= \confirm -> if confirm (deleteList list) (return list) manageList :: AnyList -> Task Void manageList list = ( showItems list >>= \(action,_) -> case fst action of ActionEdit = editItems list >>| return False Action "share" _ = manageListSharing list >>| return False ActionClose = return True ) <! id >>| stop where showItems l = case l of (SimpleList l) = updateShared l.List.description [(ActionClose,always),(ActionEdit,always),(Action "share" "Share",always)] (mkDBId ("List-" <+++ (fromHidden l.List.listId))) [listener {listenerFrom = simpleFrom}] (TodoList l) = updateShared l.List.description [(ActionClose,always),(ActionEdit,always),(Action "share" "Share",always)] (mkDBId ("List-" <+++ (fromHidden l.List.listId))) [listener {listenerFrom = todoFrom}] (DateList l) = updateShared l.List.description [(ActionClose,always),(ActionEdit,always),(Action "share" "Share",always)] (mkDBId ("List-" <+++ (fromHidden l.List.listId))) [listener {listenerFrom = dateFrom}] (DocumentList l)= updateShared l.List.description [(ActionClose,always),(ActionEdit,always),(Action "share" "Share",always)] (mkDBId ("List-" <+++ (fromHidden l.List.listId))) [listener {listenerFrom = documentFrom}] editItems list = case list of (SimpleList l) = updateShared l.List.description [(ActionFinish,always)] (mkDBId ("List-" <+++ (fromHidden l.List.listId))) [editor {editorFrom = simpleFrom, editorTo = simpleTo}] (TodoList l) = updateShared l.List.description [(ActionFinish,always)] (mkDBId ("List-" <+++ (fromHidden l.List.listId))) [editor {editorFrom = todoFrom, editorTo = todoTo}] (DateList l) = updateShared l.List.description [(ActionFinish,always)] (mkDBId ("List-" <+++ (fromHidden l.List.listId))) [editor {editorFrom = dateFrom, editorTo = dateTo}] (DocumentList l)= updateShared l.List.description [(ActionFinish,always)] (mkDBId ("List-" <+++ (fromHidden l.List.listId))) [editor {editorFrom = documentFrom, editorTo = documentTo}] simpleFrom (SimpleList l) = l.List.items simpleTo i (SimpleList l) = SimpleList {List|l & items = i} todoFrom (TodoList l) = l.List.items todoTo i (TodoList l) = TodoList {List|l & items = i} dateFrom (DateList l) = l.List.items dateTo i (DateList l) = DateList {List|l & items = i} documentFrom (DocumentList l) = l.List.items documentTo i (DocumentList l) = DocumentList {List|l & items = i} manageListSharing :: AnyList -> Task Void manageListSharing list = ( dbReadItem (DBRef (listIdOf list)) >>= \mbMeta -> case mbMeta of Nothing = throw "Could not find list meta data" Just meta = (case meta.ListMeta.sharedWith of [] = showMessageA "Sharing" "This list is not shared" [aPrevious,aAddPerson,aAddGroup] [] users = enterMultipleChoiceA "Sharing" "This list is shared with the following people" [aPrevious,aRemove,aAddPerson,aAddGroup] users ) >>= \(action,users) -> case fst action of ActionPrevious = return True ActionDelete = removeUsers users >>| return False Action "add-person" _ = addUsers list >>| return False Action "add-group" _ = addGroup list >>| return False ) <! id >>| stop where aPrevious = (ActionPrevious, always) aRemove = (ActionDelete, ifvalid) aAddPerson = (Action "add-person" "Add person(s)", ifvalid) aAddGroup = (Action "add-group" "Add group", ifvalid) removeUsers users = removeSharingForList list users addUsers list = enterInformation "Add person(s)" "Enter the person(s) you want to share this list with" >>= addSharingForList list addGroup list = getMyGroups >>= \groups -> case groups of [] = showMessage "Add group" "You have no groups that you are member of" list groups = enterChoice "Add group" "Which group do you want to share this list with?" groups >>= \group -> addSharingForList list group.members createList :: !String !String !(Maybe Note) -> Task AnyList createList type name description = storeMeta >>= \meta -> storeList meta.ListMeta.listId (makeList type name description meta.ListMeta.listId) where storeMeta :: Task ListMeta storeMeta = getContextWorker >>= \owner -> dbCreateItem {ListMeta| listId = 0, owner = owner, sharedWith =[]} makeList :: !String !String !(Maybe Note) !Int -> AnyList makeList "Todo list" name desc listId = TodoList {List|listId = (Hidden listId), name = name, description = desc, items = [] } makeList "Date list" name desc listId = DateList {List|listId = (Hidden listId), name = name, description = desc, items = [] } makeList "Document list" name desc listId = DocumentList {List|listId = (Hidden listId), name = name, description = desc, items = [] } makeList _ name desc listId = SimpleList {List|listId = (Hidden listId), name = name, description = desc, items = [] } storeList :: !Int !AnyList -> Task AnyList storeList listId list = writeDB (mkDBId ("List-" <+++ listId)) list getAllLists :: Task [AnyList] getAllLists = dbReadAll >>= getLists getMyLists :: Task [AnyList] getMyLists = getContextWorker >>= \user -> dbReadAll >>= transform (filter (hasAccess user)) >>= getLists where hasAccess user meta = user == meta.ListMeta.owner || isMember user meta.ListMeta.sharedWith getLists :: [ListMeta] -> Task [AnyList] getLists [] = return [] getLists meta = allTasks [readDB (mkDBId ("List-" <+++ m.ListMeta.listId)) \\ m <- meta] deleteList :: !AnyList -> Task AnyList deleteList list = deleteMeta listId >>| deleteList listId >>| return list where listId = listIdOf list deleteMeta :: Int -> Task (Maybe ListMeta) deleteMeta listId = dbDeleteItem (DBRef listId) deleteList :: Int -> Task (Maybe AnyList) deleteList listId = deleteDB (mkDBId ("List-" <+++ listId)) addSharingForList :: !AnyList ![User] -> Task AnyList addSharingForList list users = dbReadItem (DBRef (listIdOf list)) >>= \mbMeta -> case mbMeta of Nothing = throw "List meta data not found" Just meta = dbUpdateItem {ListMeta| meta & sharedWith = meta.ListMeta.sharedWith ++ users} >>| return list removeSharingForList :: !AnyList ![User] -> Task AnyList removeSharingForList list users = dbReadItem (DBRef (listIdOf list)) >>= \mbMeta -> case mbMeta of Nothing = throw "List meta data not found" Just meta = dbUpdateItem {ListMeta| meta & sharedWith = [u \\ u <- meta.ListMeta.sharedWith | not (isMember u users)]} >>| return list listIdOf :: !AnyList -> Int listIdOf (SimpleList l) = fromHidden l.List.listId listIdOf (TodoList l) = fromHidden l.List.listId listIdOf (DateList l) = fromHidden l.List.listId listIdOf (DocumentList l) = fromHidden l.List.listId nameOf :: !AnyList -> String nameOf (SimpleList l) = nameOf (TodoList l) = nameOf (DateList l) = nameOf (DocumentList l) =