implementation module GoogleMaps import Html, StdEnv, JSON, GenUpdate, GenVisualize, GenVerify, GenMerge derive JSONEncode TUIGoogleMap, TUIGoogleMapOptions, TUIGoogleStaticMap derive JSONDecode MVCUpdate, ClickUpdate, ClickSource, ClickEvent derive gVisualize GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType derive gUpdate GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType, GoogleStaticMap derive gMerge GoogleMap, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType, GoogleStaticMap derive gVerify GoogleMap, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType, GoogleStaticMap derive JSONEncode GoogleMap, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType, GoogleStaticMap derive JSONDecode GoogleMap, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType, GoogleStaticMap derive bimap Maybe, (,) :: TUIGoogleMap = { center :: Coordinate , width :: Int , height :: Int , mapType :: GoogleMapType , markers :: [GoogleMapMarker] , xtype :: String , id :: String , name :: String , fieldLabel :: Maybe String , hideLabel :: Bool , editor :: Bool , options :: TUIGoogleMapOptions } :: TUIGoogleMapOptions = { mapTypeControl :: Bool , navigationControl :: Bool , scaleControl :: Bool , streetViewControl :: Bool , scrollwheel :: Bool , draggable :: Bool , zoom :: Int } ::TUIGoogleStaticMap = { width :: Int , height :: Int , xtype :: String , id :: String , name :: String , url :: String } instance toString GoogleMapType where toString ROADMAP = "ROADMAP" toString SATELLITE = "SATELLITE" toString HYBRID = "HYBRID" toString TERRAIN = "TERRAIN" gVisualize {|GoogleMap|} old new vst=:{vizType, label, idPrefix, currentPath, optional, useLabels, updateMask, verifyMask} # (cmu,um) = popMask updateMask # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask = case vizType of VEditorDefinition = ([TUIFragment (TUICustom ((mapPanel old label (not useLabels) idPrefix currentPath True)))],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) VEditorUpdate = ([TUIUpdate (TUISetValue (dp2id idPrefix currentPath) (toString (mapPanel new label (not useLabels) idPrefix currentPath True)))],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, updateMask = um, verifyMask = vm}) _ = (staticMapPanel old, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) where mapPanel VBlank fl hl idp cp ed = toJSON (tuidef mkMap fl hl idp cp ed) mapPanel (VValue map) fl hl idp cp ed = toJSON (tuidef map fl hl idp cp ed) staticMapPanel VBlank # (GoogleStaticMap w h u) = convertToStaticMap mkMap = ([HtmlFragment [ImgTag [SrcAttr u, WidthAttr (toString w), HeightAttr (toString h)]]]) staticMapPanel (VValue map) # (GoogleStaticMap w h u) = convertToStaticMap map = ([HtmlFragment [ImgTag [SrcAttr u, WidthAttr (toString w), HeightAttr (toString h)]]]) tuidef map fl hl idp cp ed = { TUIGoogleMap | center = , width = map.GoogleMap.width , height = map.GoogleMap.height , mapType = map.GoogleMap.mapType , markers = map.GoogleMap.markers , xtype = "" , name = dp2s cp , id = dp2id idp cp , fieldLabel = fl , hideLabel = hl , editor = ed , options = { TUIGoogleMapOptions | mapTypeControl = map.GoogleMap.mapTypeControl , navigationControl = map.GoogleMap.navigationControl , scaleControl = map.GoogleMap.scaleControl , streetViewControl = map.GoogleMap.streetViewControl , scrollwheel = map.GoogleMap.scrollwheel , draggable = map.GoogleMap.draggable , zoom = map.GoogleMap.zoom } } gVisualize {|GoogleStaticMap|} VBlank _ vst = ([TextFragment "-"],vst) gVisualize {|GoogleStaticMap|} (VValue (GoogleStaticMap w h u)) _ vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,currentPath} = case vizType of VHtmlDisplay = ([HtmlFragment [ImgTag [SrcAttr u, WidthAttr (toString w), HeightAttr (toString h)]]],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) VTextDisplay = ([TextFragment ("Static Map: "+++u)],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) VHtmlLabel = ([HtmlFragment [Text "Static Map"]],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) VTextLabel = ([TextFragment "Static Map"],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) _ = ([TUIFragment (TUICustom ((toJSON staticMap)))],{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) where staticMap = { TUIGoogleStaticMap | width = w , height = h , xtype = "itasks.gstaticmappanel" , name = dp2s currentPath , id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath , url = u } gUpdate {|GoogleMap|} _ ust =: {USt | mode=UDCreate,newMask} = (mkMap,{USt | ust & newMask = appendToMask newMask Untouched}) gUpdate {|GoogleMap|} s ust =: {USt | mode=UDSearch, searchPath, currentPath, update,oldMask,newMask} # (cm,om) = popMask oldMask | currentPath == searchPath = (parseUpdate s update, {USt | ust & newMask = appendToMask newMask (Touched True []), oldMask = om}) | otherwise = (s, {USt | ust & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, newMask = appendToMask newMask (cleanUpdMask cm), oldMask = om}) where parseUpdate orig update # mbMVC = fromJSON (fromString update) | isJust mbMVC # mvc = fromJust mbMVC = {GoogleMap | orig & center =, zoom = mvc.MVCUpdate.zoom, mapType = mvc.MVCUpdate.type} # mbClick = fromJSON (fromString update) | isJust mbClick # click = fromJust mbClick # marker = {GoogleMapMarker | position = click.ClickUpdate.point, infoWindow = {GoogleMapInfoWindow | content = "", width=0}} = {GoogleMap | orig & markers = [marker:orig.GoogleMap.markers]} | otherwise = orig gUpdate {|GoogleMap|} s ust =: {USt | mode = UDMask, currentPath, newMask} = (s, {USt | ust & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, newMask = appendToMask newMask (Touched True [])}) gUpdate {|GoogleMap|} s ust = (s,ust) // -- Utility Functions -- mkMap :: GoogleMap mkMap = { GoogleMap | center = (51.82,5.86) , width = 710 , height = 300 , mapTypeControl = True , navigationControl = True , scaleControl = True , streetViewControl = True , scrollwheel = True , draggable = True , zoom = 10 , mapType = ROADMAP , markers = [] } minimalMap :: GoogleMap minimalMap = { GoogleMap | center = (51.82,5.86) , width = 710 , height = 300 , mapTypeControl = False , navigationControl = False , scaleControl = False , streetViewControl = False , scrollwheel = False , draggable = False , zoom = 10 , mapType = ROADMAP , markers = [] } convertToStaticMap :: GoogleMap -> GoogleStaticMap convertToStaticMap map =:{GoogleMap | center = (lat,lng), width, height, zoom, mapType, markers} # url = "" # cntr = "center="+++(toString lat)+++","+++(toString lng) # zm = "zoom="+++(toString zoom) # sz = "size="+++(toString width)+++"x"+++(toString height) # tp = "maptype="+++(toString mapType) # mrkrs = "markers="+++(convertMarkers markers) = GoogleStaticMap width height (url+++cntr+++"&"+++zm+++"&"+++sz+++"&"+++tp+++"&"+++mrkrs+++"&sensor=false&key="+++GOOGLE_API_KEY) where convertMarkers :: [GoogleMapMarker] -> String convertMarkers [] = ""; convertMarkers [x] = convertMarker x convertMarkers [x:xs] = (convertMarker x)+++"|"+++(convertMarkers xs) convertMarker :: GoogleMapMarker -> String convertMarker mrkr =: {position = (lat,lng), infoWindow} = toString lat+++","+++toString lng