implementation module ProcessDBTasks import StdOverloaded, StdClass, StdInt, StdArray, StdTuple, StdList import TSt from ProcessDB import :: Process{..}, :: Menu from ProcessDB import qualified class ProcessDB(..) from ProcessDB import qualified instance ProcessDB TSt from UserDB import class UserDB(..) from UserDB import instance UserDB TSt from Types import :: ProcessId, :: ProcessRef import Time import CommonCombinators import Store derive class iTask ProcessRef, Process, TaskProperties, SystemProperties, ManagerProperties, WorkerProperties, TaskStatus, TaskPriority, TaskProgress, TaskParallelType derive bimap Maybe, (,) class toProcessId a where toProcessId :: a -> ProcessId instance toProcessId ProcessId where toProcessId pid = pid instance toProcessId (ProcessRef a) where toProcessId (ProcessRef pid) = pid getProcess :: !pid -> Task (Maybe Process) | toProcessId pid getProcess pid = mkInstantTask "Get process" "Read a process from the database." (mkTaskFunction (\tst -> 'ProcessDB'.getProcess (toProcessId pid) tst)) getProcessForUser :: !User !pid -> Task (Maybe Process) | toProcessId pid getProcessForUser user pid = mkInstantTask "Get process for user" "Read a process from the database with a check if a user needs to work on it." (mkTaskFunction (\tst -> 'ProcessDB'.getProcessForUser user (toProcessId pid) tst)) getProcessForManager :: !User !pid -> Task (Maybe Process) | toProcessId pid getProcessForManager man pid = mkInstantTask "Get process for manager" "Read a process from the database with a check if it is managed by a specific user." (mkTaskFunction (\tst -> 'ProcessDB'.getProcessForManager man (toProcessId pid) tst)) getProcesses :: ![pid] -> Task [Process] | toProcessId pid getProcesses ids = mkInstantTask "Get processes" "Read a set of processes from the database." (mkTaskFunction (\tst -> 'ProcessDB'.getProcessesById (map toProcessId ids) tst)) getProcessesWithStatus :: ![TaskStatus] -> Task [Process] getProcessesWithStatus statuses = mkInstantTask "Get processes by status" "Read all processes from the database with a specific status." (mkTaskFunction (\tst -> 'ProcessDB'.getProcesses statuses tst)) getProcessesForUser :: !User ![TaskStatus] -> Task [Process] getProcessesForUser user statuses = mkInstantTask "Get processes for user" "Read all processes from the database that a user needs to work on." (mkTaskFunction (\tst -> 'ProcessDB'.getProcessesForUser user statuses tst)) getProcessOwner :: !pid -> Task (Maybe User) | toProcessId pid getProcessOwner pid = mkInstantTask "Get process owner" "Determine the user working on the task." getProcessStatus` where getProcessStatus` tst # (process,tst) = 'ProcessDB'.getProcess (toProcessId pid) tst # owner = if (isNothing process) Nothing (Just (fromJust process) = (TaskFinished owner,tst) setProcessOwner :: !User !pid -> Task Void | toProcessId pid setProcessOwner user pid = mkInstantTask "Set process owner" "Set the user working on the task." setProcessOwner` where setProcessOwner` tst=:{staticInfo} # (_,tst) = 'ProcessDB'.setProcessOwner user (toProcessId pid) tst = (TaskFinished Void,tst) getProcessStatus :: !pid -> Task TaskStatus | toProcessId pid getProcessStatus pid = mkInstantTask "Get process status" "Determine the status of a process." getProcessStatus` where getProcessStatus` tst # (mbProcess,tst) = 'ProcessDB'.getProcess (toProcessId pid) tst = case mbProcess of Just proc = (TaskFinished, tst) Nothing = (TaskFinished Deleted, tst) activateProcess :: !pid -> Task Void | toProcessId pid activateProcess pid = mkInstantTask "Activate process" "Set the status of a process to active." activateProcess` where activateProcess` tst # (_,tst) = 'ProcessDB'.setProcessStatus Active (toProcessId pid) tst = (TaskFinished Void,tst) suspendProcess :: !pid -> Task Void | toProcessId pid suspendProcess pid = mkInstantTask "Suspend process" "Set the status of a process to suspended." suspendProcess` where suspendProcess` tst # (_,tst) = 'ProcessDB'.setProcessStatus Suspended (toProcessId pid) tst = (TaskFinished Void,tst) deleteProcess :: pid -> Task Void | toProcessId pid deleteProcess pid = mkInstantTask "Delete process" "Delete a process from the database." deleteProcess` where deleteProcess` tst # (_,tst) = 'ProcessDB'.deleteProcess (toProcessId pid) tst = (TaskFinished Void,tst)