This package is the iTasks Software Development Kit (SDK).

If you are impatient and want to get started right away, please continue with
the instructions at the bottom of this document.
This SDK consists of multiple libraries, tools and documents that are needed to
create iTasks applications.
They are divided over multiple folders as follows:

- Server   : Here you find all the Clean libraries that are needed to build iTasks
             server applications. As a workflow programmer you will need these libraries
             in combination with the Clean IDE and build system to program workflow management
             The "Server" folder is divided in an "API" and "Framework" folder. In API you find
             the modules that make up the iTasks workflow definition language. You can use these
             to specify your workflows with combinators. The "Framework" folder contains all the
             magic that is needed to turn workflow specifications into executable systems. As a
             workflow programmer you will not need to get to know these libraries.

- Client   : To let end-users interact with the workflow management systems you create with
             the server libraries, they need a client application. In this folder you find the
             default AJAX web client which your server application will serve at run time.

             IMPORTANT: If you obtained iTasks directly from the subversion repository
                        you need to run Client/build.bat to compile the client application.

- Examples : Example workflow suites.

- Tools    : Various build and code generation tools.

=== Getting started (examples suite) ===
The best way to get to know the iTasks SDK is by building and running the examples suite.
To build this suite do the following steps:
- Start the CleanIDE
- Import the "iTasks" environment by choosing "Environment" -> "Import..." from the menu
  and selecting the "Server/iTasks.env" file. 
- Open the Examples/AllExamples.icl Clean module. ("File" -> "Open...")
- Create a new project "AllExamples.prj" by choosing ("File" -> "New project...") from the menu.
- Select the "iTasks" environment in the "Environment" menu.
- Open the project options window by chooing ("Project" -> "Project options...") from the menu.
- Set the "Maximum Heap Size" to "8M"
- Set the "Maximum Stack Size" to "1M"
- Choose "Project Paths" from the list of radio boxes.
- Append all the folders in the "Examples" folder ("Applications","Change","Higher Order","Miscellaneous","Shares").
- Close the project options window.
- You can now build the project by choosing ("Project" -> "Update and Run") from the menu.
- The AllExamples.exe server is started automatically which you can access at http://localhost/
- Further instructions for setting up are given by the server