definition module streamTasks import iTasks from StdMisc import abort from StdFunc import o derive gVisualize Stream derive gUpdate Stream derive gPrint Stream, Either derive gParse Stream, Either derive gHint Stream derive gError Stream :: Stream a //= ES // | S a (Task (Stream a)) :: StreamFun a b :== (Task (Stream a)) -> Task (Stream b) /** * Binds two stream together * * @param First stream * @param Second stream * * @return The combined stream */ (|>) infixl 9 :: a (a -> b) -> b /** * generator lazily drops list elements one by one into a stream * * @param The list * * @return The list elements in the stream */ generator :: [a] -> Task (Stream a) | iTask a /** * sink shows the stream elements it receives one by one and collects them in a list again * * @param The stream * * @return All the received elements (does not terminate for infinite streams) */ sink :: (Task (Stream a)) -> Task [a] | iTask a /** * filterS only lets elements pass which obey the predicate * * @return Stream with elements obeying the predicate */ filterS :: (a -> Bool) -> StreamFun a a | iTask a /** * toList collects n elements and puts them into a list in the resulting stream * * @param The number of elements to collect * * @return Stream with list of n elements, maybe <= n for last elements in stream */ toList :: Int -> StreamFun a [a] | iTask a /** * fromList takes alist and drops them one by one into the resulting stream * * @param The list stream * * @return The stream with the list elements */ fromList :: StreamFun [a] a | iTask a /** * mapFun duplicates an element in a list * * @param The number of elements to collect * * @return Stream with list of n elements */ mapFun :: (a -> b) -> StreamFun a b | iTask a & iTask b /** * mapS applies the task-i to element-i (modulo number of tasks) in the stream (sequential one by one) * * @param The n tasks to apply one by one in a round robin fashion to the next n elements in the stream * * @return Stream with mapped elements */ mapS :: [a -> Task b] -> StreamFun a b | iTask a & iTask b /** * mapP applies the task-i to element-i (modulo number of tasks) in the stream in parallel * * @param The n tasks to apply in parallel to the next n elements in the stream * * @return Stream with mapped elements */ mapP :: [a -> Task b] -> StreamFun a b | iTask a & iTask b /** * splitS takes a stream and produces two streams * those elements obeying the predicate go into first, the others in the second stream * * * @param The predicate * @param The stream functions for the first stream * @param The stream functions for the second stream * * @return A stream with two streams */ splitS :: (a -> Bool) (StreamFun a b) (StreamFun a c) (Task (Stream a)) -> Task (Task (Stream b),Task (Stream c)) | iTask a & iTask b & iTask c /** * joinS takes two streams and joins them into one, order is depending on the order in which the streams deliver items * * * * @return A stream in which the elements of the two streams are combined */ joinS :: (Task (Task (Stream a),Task (Stream b))) -> Task (Stream (Either a b)) | iTask a & iTask b :: DynPipe a = DP (a -> (StreamFun a a, Maybe a, Maybe (DynPipe a))) /** * pipeline takes pipeline function delivering a stream function, a value (optional) and a next pipeline function (optional) * and extends the current stream with the pipeline function, yielding the value * * * * @return A stream extended with the pipeline function */ pipeline :: (DynPipe a) -> (StreamFun a a) | iTask a & toString a