implementation module textEditor import iTasks, StdMisc, Text textEditor :: [Workflow] textEditor = [workflow "Examples/Miscellaneous/Text Editor" "A simple text editor, demonstrating the 'application'-like capabilities of iTasks" (textEditorApp <<@ Subject "Text Editor")] // global workflows textEditorApp :: Task Void textEditorApp = mdiApplication (AppState 0 []) groupActions actionGenFunc menuGenFunc where groupActions = [(ActionNew, Always), (ActionOpen, Always), (Action OpenFile "", Always), (ActionAbout, Always), (ActionQuit, Always)] actionGenFunc gid mdiTasks=:{createEditor, iterateEditors} (action, data) = case action of ActionNew = GExtend [newFile gid createEditor] ActionOpen = GExtend [openDialog gid mdiTasks <<@ Floating] Action OpenFile _ = GExtend [open (DBRef (toInt data)) mdiTasks Nothing] ActionAbout = GExtend [about <<@ Floating] ActionQuit = GExtend [quit iterateEditors <<@ Modal] hotkey :: !Key -> Maybe Hotkey hotkey key = Just {ctrl = True, alt = False, shift = True, key = key} menuGenFunc :: AppState -> Menus menuGenFunc (AppState _ recOpenedFiles) = [ Menu "File" [ MenuItem ActionNew (hotkey N) , MenuItem ActionOpen (hotkey O) , SubMenu "Recently Opened" recentlyOpenedMenu , MenuSeparator , MenuItem ActionSave (hotkey S) , MenuItem ActionSaveAs (hotkey A) , MenuSeparator , MenuItem ActionClose (hotkey C) , MenuItem ActionQuit (hotkey Q) ] , Menu "Edit" [ MenuItem Replace (hotkey R) ] , Menu "Tools" [ MenuItem Stats (hotkey T) ] , Menu "Help" [ MenuItem ActionAbout Nothing ] ] where recentlyOpenedMenu = [MenuItem (OpenFile, toString name, toString id) Nothing \\ (DBRef id, name) <- recOpenedFiles] Replace :== "replace" Stats :== "stats" RecOpenedMenu :== "recOpened" OpenFile :== "openFile" newFile :: !AppStateRef !(MDICreateEditor EditorState) -> Task GAction newFile aid createEditor = modifyDB aid (\(AppState num recOpened) -> AppState (inc num) recOpened) >>= \(AppState newNum _). createEditor (EditorState (Note "") (NewFile newNum)) textEditorFile openDialog :: !AppStateRef !(MDITasks EditorState a) -> Task GAction openDialog gid mdiTasks = getAllFileNames >>= \files. if (isEmpty files) (showMessage "Open File" "No files to open!" GContinue) ( enterChoiceA "Open file" "Open File" buttons files >>= \(action,(name, Hidden fid)). case fst action of ActionOk = open fid mdiTasks (Just gid) _ = continue ) where buttons = [(ActionCancel, always), (ActionOk, ifvalid)] open :: !(DBRef TextFile) !(MDITasks EditorState a) !(Maybe AppStateRef) -> Task GAction open fid {createEditor, existsEditor} mbGid = existsEditor isEditingOpenendFile >>= \mbEid. case mbEid of Nothing = getFile fid >>= \file. case mbGid of // determine if to add to list of recently opened files Nothing = stop Just gid = modifyDB gid (\(AppState n files) -> AppState n (take 5 [(fid,])) >>| stop >>| return (GExtend [editor file]) Just eid = return (GFocus (Tag eid)) where isEditingOpenendFile :: !EditorState -> Bool isEditingOpenendFile (EditorState _ file) = case file of NewFile _ = False OpenedFile file = (fid == file.fileId) editor :: !TextFile -> Task GAction editor file = createEditor (EditorState file.TextFile.content (OpenedFile file)) textEditorFile <<@ Floating about :: Task GAction about = showMessageA "About" "iTextEditor July 2010" [(ActionOk,always)] GContinue >>= transform snd quit :: !(MDIIterateEditors EditorState Bool) -> Task GAction quit iterateEditors = iterateEditors False checkForUnsavedData >>= \cancel. if cancel continue stopGroup where checkForUnsavedData :: !Bool !EditorStateRef -> Task Bool checkForUnsavedData True editor = return True checkForUnsavedData False editor = requestClosingFile editor // editor workflows textEditorFile :: !EditorStateRef -> Task Void textEditorFile eid = dynamicGroupA [editorWindow eid <<@ Floating] actions actionsGenFunc where actions = [ (ActionSave, SharedPredicate eid noNewFile), (ActionSaveAs, Always) , (Action Replace "Replace", SharedPredicate eid contNotEmpty) , (Action Stats "Statistics", Always), (ActionClose, Always) ] actionsGenFunc (action, _) = case action of ActionSave = GExtend [save eid] ActionSaveAs = GExtend [saveAs eid <<@ Modal] Action Replace _ = GExtend [replaceT eid <<@ Floating] Action Stats _ = GExtend [statistics eid <<@ Floating] ActionClose = GExtend [close eid <<@ Modal] noNewFile :: !(Maybe EditorState) -> Bool noNewFile Nothing = abort "editor state deleted" noNewFile (Just (EditorState _ file)) = case file of (OpenedFile _) = True _ = False contNotEmpty :: !(Maybe EditorState) -> Bool contNotEmpty Nothing = abort "editor state deleted" contNotEmpty (Just (EditorState (Note cont) _)) = cont <> "" editorWindow :: !EditorStateRef -> Task GAction editorWindow eid = updateShared "Text Editor" "You can edit the text." [] eid [titleListener, mainEditor] <<@ Tag eid >>| continue where mainEditor = editor { editorFrom = \(EditorState cont _) -> cont , editorTo = \newCont (EditorState _ file) -> EditorState newCont file } save :: !EditorStateRef -> Task GAction save eid = readDB eid >>= \editor. case editor of EditorState txt (OpenedFile file) = setFileContent txt file >>= \file. writeDB eid (EditorState file.TextFile.content (OpenedFile file)) >>| continue _ = saveAs eid saveAs :: !EditorStateRef -> Task GAction saveAs eid = enterInformationA "Save as" "Save As: enter name" buttons <<@ NoMenus >>= \(action,name). case fst action of ActionOk = readDB eid >>= \(EditorState txt _). storeFile name txt >>= \file=:{TextFile|content}. writeDB eid (EditorState content (OpenedFile file)) >>| continue _ = continue where buttons = [(ActionCancel, always),(ActionOk, ifvalid)] :: Replace = { searchFor :: String , replaceWith :: String } replaceT :: !EditorStateRef -> Task GAction replaceT eid = replaceT` {searchFor = "", replaceWith = ""} where replaceT` :: !Replace -> Task GAction replaceT` repl = updateInformationA "Replace" "Replace" buttons repl <<@ NoMenus >>= \(action, repl). case fst action of ActionReplaceAll = modifyDB eid (dbReplaceFunc repl) >>| replaceT` repl _ = continue buttons = [(ActionClose, always), (ActionReplaceAll, ifvalid)] dbReplaceFunc repl (EditorState (Note txt) file) = EditorState (Note (replaceSubString repl.searchFor repl.replaceWith txt)) file ActionReplaceAll :== Action "replace-all" "Replace all" :: TextStatistics = { lines :: Int , words :: Int , characters :: Int } statistics :: !EditorStateRef -> Task GAction statistics eid = updateShared "Statistics" "Statistics of your document" [(ActionOk, always)] eid [titleListener, statsListener] <<@ NoMenus >>| continue where statsListener = listener {listenerFrom = \(EditorState (Note text) _) -> let txt = trim text in {lines = length (split "\n" txt), words = length (split " " (replaceSubString "\n" " " txt)), characters = textSize txt} } titleListener :: View EditorState titleListener = listener { listenerFrom = \st=:(EditorState _ file) -> if (hasUnsavedData st) "*" "" +++ getFileName file } close :: !EditorStateRef -> Task GAction close eid = requestClosingFile eid >>= \cancel. if cancel continue stopGroup // helper functions continue :: Task GAction continue = return GContinue stopGroup :: Task GAction stopGroup = return GStop hasUnsavedData :: !EditorState -> Bool hasUnsavedData (EditorState continue file) = case file of NewFile _ = True OpenedFile file = continue <> file.TextFile.content requestClosingFile :: !EditorStateRef -> Task Bool requestClosingFile eid = readDB eid >>= \state=:(EditorState _ file). if (hasUnsavedData state) ( showMessageAboutA "Save changes" "Save changes?" buttons (question file) <<@ NoMenus >>= \action. case fst action of (ActionCancel,_) = return True (ActionNo,_) = return False (ActionYes,_) = save eid >>| return False ) (return False) where buttons = [(ActionCancel, always), (ActionNo, always), (ActionYes, always)] question file = "Save changes to '" +++ getFileName file +++ "'?" // global application state :: AppState = AppState !Int ![(!(DBRef TextFile), !String)] :: AppStateRef :== DBId AppState :: EditorState = EditorState !Note !EditorFile :: EditorFile = NewFile !Int | OpenedFile !TextFile :: EditorStateRef :== DBId EditorState // text files database :: FileName :== String :: TextFile = { fileId :: !(DBRef TextFile) , name :: !FileName , content :: !Note } instance DB TextFile where databaseId = mkDBId "TextFiles" getItemId file = file.fileId setItemId id file = {file & fileId = id} storeFile :: !FileName !Note -> Task TextFile storeFile name txt = getDefaultValue >>= \file. dbCreateItem {TextFile| file & name = name, content = txt} >>= \file. return file setFileContent :: !Note !TextFile -> Task TextFile setFileContent continue file = dbUpdateItem {TextFile | file & content = continue} getFile :: !(DBRef TextFile) -> Task TextFile getFile id = dbReadItem id >>= \res. case res of Nothing = undef (Just file) = return file getFileName :: !EditorFile -> String getFileName file = case file of NewFile idx = "New Text Document " +++ toString idx OpenedFile file = getAllFileNames :: Task [(FileName, Hidden (DBRef TextFile))] getAllFileNames = dbReadAll >>= \files. return (map (\f -> (, Hidden f.fileId)) files) derive class iTask AppState, EditorState, EditorFile, TextFile, TextStatistics, Replace derive class SharedVariable EditorState, EditorFile, TextFile derive bimap Maybe, (,)