implementation module Newsgroups // In this example newsgroups are created and maintained // User 0 is the manager of the newsgroup who can create new newgroups // All other users can subscribe to such a newsgroup, commit a message or read news // (c) mjp 2007 import StdList, StdOrdList, StdTuple, StdMisc import iTasks import Text derive class iTask EMail, Reply, DisplayNews, Broadcast, ReplyHdr derive bimap Maybe, (,) newsgroupsExample :: [Workflow] newsgroupsExample = [ workflow "Examples/Communication/Newsgroups" "Set-up and read newsgroups" handleMenu , workflow "Examples/Communication/Mail" "Send a message" internalEmail , workflow "Examples/Communication/Broadcast" "Send a message to all users" internalBroadcast , workflow "Examples/Communication/Mail with confirmation" "Send a message with read confirmation" internalEmailConf , workflow "Examples/Communication/Mail with forced reply" "Send a message with a forced reply from the recipient" internalEmailReply // , workflow "Examples/Communication/Make appointment" mkAppointment , workflow "Examples/Communication/Delegate Instruction" "Delegate work outside the system to a user" mkInstruction , workflow "Examples/Communication/Chat with someone" "Set up a chat" chat ] derive class iTask InstructionMsg :: InstructionMsg = { worker :: !User , title :: !String , instruction :: !Note , attachments :: !(Maybe [Document]) } mkInstruction :: Task Void mkInstruction = mkMsg >>= \msg -> msg.InstructionMsg.worker @: (Subject ("Instructions regarding: "+++msg.InstructionMsg.title) @>> showInstructionAbout msg.InstructionMsg.title msg.instruction msg.attachments >>| return Void) where mkMsg :: Task InstructionMsg mkMsg = enterInformation "Instructions" "Please write down your instructions" // --- Appointment Example --- // date fixing derive class iTask Appointment, Meeting, Attending derive gMerge Appointment, Meeting, Attending :: Appointment = { topic :: Note } :: Meeting = { date :: Date , from_ :: Time , till :: Time } :: Attending = No | Yes :: MeetingDB :== (Appointment,[(Meeting,[(User, Maybe Attending)])]) mkAppointment = meetingGoal >>= \goal -> defineOptions >>= \dates -> defineParticipants >>= \users -> let sharedData :: MeetingDB sharedData = (goal,[(date,[(user, Nothing)\\ user <- users])\\ date <- dates]) in (createDB sharedData >>= \dbid -> startup 0 dbid users sharedData) where startup n dbid [] _ = return Void startup n dbid [u:us] data = spawnProcess True True (u @>> Subject "Meeting Request" @>> task n) >>| startup (n+1) dbid us data where task :: Int -> Task MeetingDB task n = updateShared "Request" "Meeting requested" [(ActionOk,ifvalid)] dbid [appointEditor] >>= switch where switch ((ActionOk,_),_) = task n switch (_,result) = return result appointEditor = editor {editorFrom = editorFrom, editorTo = editorTo} editorFrom (goal, props) = Display (goal, [let (user,att) = attlist!!n in (meeting, attlist, user +++> " can you attend ?", Editable att) \\ (meeting,attlist) <- props]) editorTo (Display (goal, props)) _ = (goal, [(meeting,let (user,att) = attlist!!n in updateAt n (user,yn) attlist) \\ (meeting, attlist,_,Editable yn) <- props]) meetingGoal :: Task Appointment meetingGoal = enterInformation "Topic" "Describe the topic of the meeting:" defineParticipants :: Task [User] defineParticipants = enterInformation "Participants" "Select participants:" defineOptions :: Task [Meeting] defineOptions = enterInformation "Options" "Define date and time options:" // ====== CHAT ===================================================== derive class iTask Chat, ChatMessage, ChatView, ChatMessageView derive gMerge Chat, ChatMessage, ChatView, ChatMessageView //Shared State :: Chat = { initUser :: User , users :: [User] , messages :: [ChatMessage] } :: ChatMessage = { who :: User , when :: DateTime , message :: Note , replies :: [ChatMessage] } //Transformed View :: ChatView = { users :: Display [User] , messages :: Display [ChatMessageView] } :: ChatMessageView = { info :: String , message :: VisualizationHint Note , replies :: [ChatMessageView] , addReply :: Editable FormButton } ActionAddUser :== Action "add-user" "Add User" chat = getCurrentUser >>= \me -> selectFriends >>= \friends -> createChatBox me >>= \chatbox -> allTasks ([spawnProcess True True (f @>> Subject "Chat Request" @>> (initiateChat chatbox f [me:friends])) \\ f <- friends] ++ [spawnProcess True True (me @>> Subject "Chat Request" @>> menus @>> chatSession chatbox (me))]) where createChatBox :: User -> (Task (DBId Chat)) createChatBox me = createDB {Chat | initUser = me, users = [], messages = []} selectFriends :: Task [User] selectFriends = enterInformation "Select friends" "Whom do you want to chat with?" initiateChat :: (DBId Chat) User [User] -> Task Void initiateChat chatbox friend friends = requestConfirmation "Confirm" ("Do you want to initiate a chat with "+++printFriends+++"?") >>= \yes -> if yes (menus @>> chatSession chatbox friend) (return Void) where printFriends = join ", " (map toString friends) menus :: Menus menus = [ Menu "File" [ MenuItem (Action "new" "New Topic") Nothing , MenuItem ActionAddUser Nothing , MenuItem ActionQuit Nothing ] ] chatSession :: (DBId Chat) User -> Task Void chatSession chatbox user = readDB chatbox >>= \chat -> writeDB chatbox {Chat | chat & users = chat.Chat.users++[user]} >>| dynamicGroupAOnly [chatEditor chatbox user <<@ Fixed] chatActions chatActionsGenFunc where chatActions = [ (ActionNew, Always), (ActionQuit, Always) , (ActionAddUser, SharedPredicate chatbox (\(Just chat) -> chat.Chat.initUser == user)) ] chatActionsGenFunc (action, _) = case action of ActionNew = GOExtend [newTopic chatbox user >>| stop] ActionQuit = GOStop ActionAddUser = GOExtend [addUsers chatbox >>| stop] chatEditor :: (DBId Chat) User -> Task Void chatEditor chatbox user = getCurrentDateTime >>= \dt -> updateShared "Chat" "You can chat now" [] chatbox [mainEditor user dt] >>| return Void mainEditor :: User DateTime -> (View Chat) mainEditor user dt = editor {editorFrom = editorFrom user, editorTo = editorTo user dt} where editorFrom :: User Chat -> ChatView editorFrom user chat = {ChatView | users = Display chat.Chat.users , messages = Display [(convertMessageToView user msg) \\ msg <- chat.Chat.messages] } where convertMessageToView :: User ChatMessage -> ChatMessageView convertMessageToView user msg = { ChatMessageView | info = toString msg.ChatMessage.who+++" said at "+++toString msg.ChatMessage.when , message = if(user == msg.ChatMessage.who) (VHEditable msg.ChatMessage.message) (VHDisplay msg.ChatMessage.message) , replies = [convertMessageToView user reply \\ reply <- msg.ChatMessage.replies] , addReply = Editable {FormButton | label = "Add reply", icon = "", state = NotPressed} } editorTo :: User DateTime ChatView Chat -> Chat editorTo user dt view chat = {Chat | chat & messages = [convertViewToMessage user dt vmsg omsg \\ vmsg <- (fromDisplay view.ChatView.messages) & omsg <- chat.Chat.messages] } where convertViewToMessage :: User DateTime ChatMessageView ChatMessage -> ChatMessage convertViewToMessage user dt vmsg omsg = { ChatMessage | who = omsg.ChatMessage.who , when = omsg.ChatMessage.when , message = fromVizHint vmsg.ChatMessageView.message , replies = [convertViewToMessage user dt vreply oreply \\ vreply <- vmsg.ChatMessageView.replies & oreply <- omsg.ChatMessage.replies ] ++ addReply (fromEditable vmsg.addReply) user dt } addReply :: FormButton User DateTime -> [ChatMessage] addReply button user dt = case button.state of Pressed = [{ChatMessage | who = user, when = dt, message = Note "", replies = []}] NotPressed = [] fromVizHint (VHEditable x) = x fromVizHint (VHDisplay x) = x fromVizHint (VHHidden x) = x newTopic :: (DBId Chat) User -> Task Void newTopic chatbox user = readDB chatbox >>= \chat -> getCurrentDateTime >>= \dt -> writeDB chatbox (addNew chat user dt) >>| return Void where addNew chat user dt = {Chat | chat & messages = chat.Chat.messages ++ [mkMsg user dt]} mkMsg user dt = {ChatMessage | who = user , when = dt , message = (Note "") , replies = [] } addUsers :: (DBId Chat) -> Task Void addUsers chatbox = enterInformation "Select users" "Select users to add to the chat" >>= \users -> readDB chatbox >>= \chat -> allTasks ([spawnProcess True True (u @>> Subject "Chat Request" @>> (initiateChat chatbox u (chat.Chat.users++users))) \\ u <- users]) >>| return Void //=============================================== // mail handling, to be put in sepparate icl file :: EMail = { to :: !User , cc :: !Maybe [User] , subject :: !String , message :: !Note , attachements :: !Maybe [Document] } :: ReplyHdr = { replyFrom :: !User , subject :: !String } :: Reply = { reply :: !Note , attachements :: !Maybe [Document] } :: Broadcast = { subject :: !String , message :: !Note , attachements :: !Maybe [Document] } mbToList :: !(Maybe [a]) -> [a] mbToList Nothing = [] mbToList (Just a) = a listToMb :: ![a] -> (Maybe [a]) listToMb [] = Nothing listToMb a = Just a internalBroadcast :: (Task Broadcast) internalBroadcast = enterInformation "Compose" "Type your broadcast message ..." >>= \msg -> getCurrentUser >>= \me -> getUsers >>= \users -> broadcast me msg users >>| return msg where broadcast :: User Broadcast [User] -> Task Broadcast broadcast me msg [] = return msg broadcast me msg [u:us] = spawnProcess True True (showMessageAbout "Broadcast message" ("You have received the following broadcast message from " <+++ displayName me) msg <<@ Subject msg.Broadcast.subject <<@ u) >>| broadcast me msg us internalEmail :: (Task EMail) internalEmail = enterInformation "Compose" "Type your email message ..." >>= \msg -> getCurrentUser >>= \me -> allProc [who @>> (spawnProcess True True (mailMess me msg <<@ Subject msg.EMail.subject) <<@ who) \\ who <- []] Closed >>| return msg mailMess :: User EMail -> Task Void mailMess me msg = showMessageAbout "Mail" ("Mail from " <+++ displayName me <+++ ":") msg >>| return Void internalEmailConf :: (Task EMail) internalEmailConf = enterInformation "Compose" "Type your email message ..." >>= \msg -> getCurrentUser >>= \me -> allProc [who @>> (mailMess me msg <<@ Subject msg.EMail.subject) \\ who <- []] Closed >>| return msg internalEmailReply :: (Task (EMail,[Reply])) internalEmailReply = enterInformation "Compose" "Type your email message ..." >>= \msg -> getCurrentUser >>= \me -> allProc [who @>> ( mailMess2 me msg <<@ Subject msg.EMail.subject) \\ who <- []] Closed >>= \reply -> showMessageAbout "Replies" "The following replies have been commited:" reply >>| return (msg,map snd reply) mailMess2 :: User EMail -> Task (ReplyHdr, Reply) mailMess2 me msg = (showStickyMessageAbout "New mail" ("Mail from " <+++ displayName me <+++ ":") msg ||- updateInformation "Reply" "The sender requested a reply..." (Display {replyFrom = me, subject = "Re: " +++ msg.EMail.subject}, {reply = Note "", attachements = Nothing })) <<@Subject msg.EMail.subject >>= \(Display hdr,reply) -> return (hdr,reply) // newsgroup handling :: NewsGroupNames :== [GroupName] // list of newsgroup names :: GroupName :== String // Name of the newsgroup :: NewsGroup :== [NewsItem] // News stored in a news group :: NewsItem :== (Subscriber,Message) // id, name, and message of the publisher :: Subscriber :== User // the id of the publisher :: Name :== String // the login name of the publisher :: Message :== Note // the message :: Subscriptions :== [Subscription] // newsgroup subscriptions of user :: Subscription :== (GroupName,Index) // last message read in corresponding group :: Index :== Int // 0 <= index < length newsgroup :: DisplayNews = { messageNr :: Int , postedBy :: User , message :: Message } // news group manager ActionShowGroups :== Action "show-groups" "ShowGroups" ActionSubscribe :== Action "subscribe" "Subscribe" ActionSubscribeTo :== Action "subscribe-to" "SubscribeTo" ActionCommit :== Action "commit" "Commit" initMenu :: NewsGroupNames -> Menus initMenu groups = [ Menu "File" [ MenuItem (Action "Add New Newsgroup..." "new") Nothing //, SubMenu "Subscribe to" [MenuItem group (ActionParam "subscribe-to" "Subscribe to" group) Nothing \\ group <- groups] , MenuSeparator , MenuItem ActionQuit Nothing ] , Menu "Help" [ MenuItem ActionAbout Nothing ] ] actions groups = [ (ActionNew, always) , (ActionQuit, always) , (ActionAbout, always) //: [(ActionParam "subscribe-to" "Subscribe to" group ,valid) \\ group <- groups] ] where valid = (\_ -> lengthGroups > 0) lengthGroups = length groups okCancel = [(ActionCancel, always) ,(ActionOk, ifvalid) ] handleMenu :: Task Void handleMenu = readNewsGroups >>= \groups -> getCurrentUser >>= \me -> initMenu groups @>> doMenu me groups where doMenu me groups = showMessageA "Newsgroup reader" "Newsgroup reader, select from menu..." (actions groups) Void >>= switch where switch ((ActionCancel,_),_) = doMenu me groups switch ((ActionNew,_),_) = addNewsGroup >>| handleMenu //switch ((ActionParam "subscribe-to" _ group,_),_) = subscribeProcess me group >>| doMenu me groups switch ((ActionAbout,_),_) = showMessage "About" "Newsgroup Reader vrs. 2.0" Void >>| doMenu me groups switch _ = return Void addNewsGroup :: (Task Void) addNewsGroup = readNewsGroups >>= \groups -> enterInformationAboutA "New group" "Enter new news group name to add:" okCancel groups >>= switch where switch ((ActionCancel,_),_) = return Void switch (_,newName) = readNewsGroups >>= \groups -> writeNewsGroups (removeDup (sort [newName:groups])) >>= \groups -> requestConfirmationAbout "More groups?" "Do you want to add more?" groups >>= \yn -> if yn addNewsGroup (return Void) subscribeProcess me group = spawnProcess True True (readNews 1 me group 0 <<@ Subject (group <+++ " newsgroup reader") <<@ me) // news group reader ActionRefresh :== Action "refresh" "Refresh" readMenu :: Menus readMenu = [ Menu "Menu" [ //SubMenu "Show" [MenuItem (i +++> " messages") (ActionParam "nmessage" (i +++> " messages") (toString i)) Nothing \\ i <- [1,5,10,30,50]] MenuItem ActionQuit Nothing ] ] readactions nmessage index nmsg = [ (ActionPrevious, (\_ -> (index > 0))) , (ActionRefresh, always) , (ActionNext, (\_ -> (index + nmessage < nmsg))) , (ActionCommit, always) , (ActionQuit, always) //: [(ActionParam "nmessage" (i +++> " messages") (toString i), always) \\ i <- [1,5,10,30,50]] ] readNews :: Int User String Int -> Task Void readNews nmessage me group index = readMenu @>> readNews` nmessage me group index where readNews` nmessage me group index = readNewsGroup group >>= \newsItems -> showMessageAboutA "Read news" ("Newsgroup " <+++ group) (readactions nmessage index (length newsItems)) (messageList nmessage newsItems) >>= switch where switch ((ActionPrevious,_),_) = readMoreNews (~nmessage) >>= readNews` nmessage me group switch ((ActionRefresh,_),_) = readNews` nmessage me group index switch ((ActionNext,_),_) = readMoreNews nmessage >>= readNews` nmessage me group switch ((ActionCommit,_),_) = commitItem group >>| readNews` nmessage me group index //switch ((ActionParam _ _ n,_),_)= readNews (toInt n) me group index switch _ = return Void readMoreNews offset = readIndex me group >>= \index -> readNewsGroup group >>= \news -> readNextNewsItems index offset (length news) where readNextNewsItems index offset length # nix = index + offset # nix = if (nix < 0) 0 (if (length <= nix) index nix) = addSubscription me (group,nix) >>| return nix commitItem :: String -> Task Void commitItem group = getCurrentUser >>= \user -> commit user group where commit me group = enterInformationA "Message" "Type your message ..." okCancel >>= switch where switch ((ActionCancel,_),_) = return Void switch (_,note) = readNewsGroup group >>= \news -> writeNewsGroup group (news ++ [(me,note)]) >>| showMessage "Committed" ("Message commited to newsgroup " <+++ group) Void messageList nmessage newsItems = [show i newsItem \\ newsItem <- newsItems%(index,index+nmessage-1) & i <- [index..]] show i (who, message) = {messageNr = i, postedBy = who, message = message} // reading and writing of storages newsGroupsId :: (DBId NewsGroupNames) newsGroupsId = mkDBId "newsGroups" readerId :: User -> (DBId Subscriptions) readerId user = mkDBId ("Reader-" <+++ userName user) groupNameId :: String -> (DBId NewsGroup) groupNameId name = mkDBId ("NewsGroup-" +++ name) readNewsGroups :: Task NewsGroupNames readNewsGroups = readDB newsGroupsId writeNewsGroups :: NewsGroupNames -> Task NewsGroupNames writeNewsGroups newgroups = writeDB newsGroupsId newgroups readSubscriptions :: Subscriber -> Task Subscriptions readSubscriptions me = readDB (readerId me) writeSubscriptions :: Subscriber Subscriptions -> Task Subscriptions writeSubscriptions me subscriptions = writeDB (readerId me) subscriptions addSubscription :: Subscriber Subscription -> Task Subscriptions addSubscription me (groupname,index) # index = if (index < 0) 0 index = readSubscriptions me >>= \subscriptions -> writeSubscriptions me [(groupname,index):[(group,index) \\ (group,index) <- subscriptions | group <> groupname]] readIndex :: Subscriber GroupName -> Task Index readIndex me groupname = readSubscriptions me >>= \subscriptions -> return (hds [index \\ (group,index) <- subscriptions | group == groupname]) where hds [x:xs] = x hds [] = 0 readNewsGroup :: GroupName -> Task NewsGroup readNewsGroup groupname = readDB (groupNameId groupname) writeNewsGroup :: GroupName NewsGroup -> Task NewsGroup writeNewsGroup groupname news = writeDB (groupNameId groupname) news