implementation module BugReport import iTasks :: BugReport = { application :: String , version :: Maybe String , yourName :: String , date :: Date , occursAt :: BugOccurance , severity :: BugSeverity , description :: Note , attachment :: Maybe [Document] } :: BugSeverity = Low | Medium | High | Critical :: BugOccurance = Startup | Shutdown | Other Note :: Bug = { bugNr :: BugNr , status :: BugStatus , reportedAt :: (Date,Time) , reportedBy :: User , report :: BugReport , analysis :: Maybe BugAnalysis } :: BugStatus = Reported | Assigned User | Repaired :: BugAnalysis = { cause :: Note , affectedVersions :: [String] } :: BugNr :== Int derive class iTask BugReport, Bug, BugSeverity, BugOccurance, BugStatus, BugAnalysis derive bimap (,), Maybe instance DB Bug where databaseId = mkDBId "Bug" getItemId bug=:{bugNr} = DBRef bugNr setItemId (DBRef bugNr) bug = {bug & bugNr = bugNr} bugReportExample :: [Workflow] bugReportExample = [ workflow "Examples/Miscellaneous/Bug report (simple)" "A simple bug submission form" reportBugVerySimple , workflow "Examples/Miscellaneous/Bug report (simple 2)" "A more complex bug submission form" reportBugSimple , workflow "Examples/Miscellaneous/Bug report (simple 3)" "A more complex bug submission form" bugReport , workflow "Examples/Miscellaneous/Bug report (advanced)" "A workflow for reporting and handling bugs" reportBug ] reportBugVerySimple :: Task Note reportBugVerySimple = enterInformation "Describe bug" "Please describe the bug you have found" >>= \report -> assign (NamedUser "bas") (Subject "Bug Report" @>> showInstructionAbout "Fix bug" "The following bug has been reported, please fix it." report) reportBugSimple :: Task BugReport reportBugSimple = enterInformation "Describe bug" "Please describe the bug you have found" >>= \report -> assign (NamedUser "bas") (Subject "Bug Report" @>> showInstructionAbout "Fix bug" "The following bug has been reported, please fix it." report) >>| return report //Different variant of simple reportBug bugReport :: Task BugReport bugReport = reportBug >>= fixBug where reportBug :: Task BugReport reportBug = enterInformation "Describe bug" "Please describe the bug you found" fixBug :: BugReport -> Task BugReport fixBug bug = NamedUser "bas" @: (Subject "Bug Report" @>> showInstructionAbout "Fix bug" "The following bug has been reported, please fix it." bug) //Main workflow reportBug :: Task Bug reportBug = enterBugReport >>= \report -> fileBug report >>= \bug -> case report.severity of Critical = (confirmCritical >>= \critical -> assignBug bug critical) _ = assignBug bug False assignBug :: Bug Bool -> Task Bug assignBug bug critical = selectDeveloper >>= \developer -> updateBug (\b -> {Bug| b & status = Assigned developer}) bug >>= \bug -> assign developer (Subject subject @>> priority @>> resolveBug bug critical) where priority = if critical HighPriority NormalPriority subject = if critical "Critical bug!" "Bug" resolveBug :: Bug Bool -> Task Bug resolveBug bug critical = analyzeBug bug >>= \bug -> developBugFix bug >>| if critical ( makePatches bug -&&- mergeFixInMainLine bug >>| wrapUp bug) ( mergeFixInMainLine bug >>| wrapUp bug) wrapUp :: Bug -> Task Bug wrapUp bug = updateBug (\b -> {Bug| b & status = Repaired}) bug >>= \bug -> notifyReporter bug //Sub tasks enterBugReport :: Task BugReport enterBugReport = enterInformation "Describe bug" "Please describe the bug you have found" fileBug :: BugReport -> Task Bug fileBug report = getDefaultValue -&&- getCurrentUser >>= \(bug,user) -> dbCreateItem {bug & report = report, reportedBy = user} updateBug :: (Bug -> Bug) Bug -> Task Bug updateBug f bug = dbUpdateItem (f bug) confirmCritical :: BugReport -> Task Bool confirmCritical report = selectDeveloper report.BugReport.application >>= \assessor -> assign assessor ( Subject "Bug report assessment" @>> HighPriority @>> requestConfirmationAbout "Confirmation" "Is this bug really critical?" report ) selectDeveloper :: String -> Task User selectDeveloper application = findAppDevelopers application >>= \developers -> case developers of [] = getCurrentUser _ = selectLeastBusy developers where findAppDevelopers :: String -> Task [User] findAppDevelopers "itasks" = return [NamedUser "bas"] findAppDevelopers _ = return [] selectLeastBusy :: [User] -> Task User selectLeastBusy [] = getCurrentUser selectLeastBusy names = allTasks [getNumTasksForUser name \\ name <- names] >>= \activity -> return (snd (minimum (zip (activity,names)))) where minimum l = foldl min (hd l) (tl l) getNumTasksForUser :: User -> Task Int getNumTasksForUser name = return 42 //TODO: Use API function analyzeBug :: Bug -> Task Bug analyzeBug bug = determineCause bug >>= \cause -> dbUpdateItem {bug & analysis = Just {cause = cause, affectedVersions = []}} where determineCause bug = enterInformationAbout "Cause" "What is the cause of the following bug?" bug developBugFix :: Bug -> Task Bug developBugFix bug = showInstructionAbout "Bug fix" "Please implement a fix for the following bug:" bug mergeFixInMainLine :: Bug -> Task Bug mergeFixInMainLine bug = showInstructionAbout "Merge" "Please merge the bugfix in the main line of version control" bug makePatches :: Bug -> Task Void makePatches bug = case bug.analysis of Nothing = return Void Just {affectedVersions = []} = return Void Just {affectedVersions = versions} = allTasks [showInstructionAbout "Patch" ("Please make a patch of bugfix " <+++ bug.bugNr <+++ " for the following version of " <+++ version \\ version <- versions ] >>| return Void notifyReporter :: Bug -> Task Bug notifyReporter bug = bug.reportedBy @: (showMessageAbout "Bug Report Result" "The bug you reported has been fixed" bug) //notifyUser "The bug you reported has been fixed" bug.reportedBy