implementation module SharedVariables import iTasks, GoogleMaps, Text, ExperimentalDomain derive bimap Maybe, (,) quitButton = (ActionQuit, always) //Text-Lines Examples noteEditor = editor {editorFrom = \txt -> Note txt, editorTo = \(Note txt) _ -> txt} listEditor = editor {editorFrom = split "\n" , editorTo = \l _ -> join "\n" l} TrimAction :== Action "trim" "Trim" linesPar :: Task Void linesPar = createDB "" >>= \sid. noteE sid -|| updateShared "Lines" "Edit lines" [quitButton] sid [listEditor] >>| deleteDB sid >>| return Void where noteE sid = updateShared "Text" "Edit text" [(TrimAction, always), quitButton] sid [noteEditor] >>= \(action,txt). case fst action of TrimAction = writeDB sid (trim txt) >>| noteE sid _ = stop linesSingle = updateSharedLocal "Text & Lines" "Edit text and lines" [quitButton] "" [noteEditor,listEditor] //Calculate Sum Example) calculateSum = updateSharedLocal "Sum" "Auto compute sum" [quitButton] (0,0) [idEditor, listener {listenerFrom = \(x,y) -> x + y}] //Tree Example :: Tree a = Leaf | Node (Node a) :: Node a = { rightChildren :: Tree a , value :: a , leftChildren :: Tree a } derive class iTask Tree, Node toTree :: [a] -> (Tree a) | Ord a toTree list = makeTree (sort list) where makeTree :: [a] -> (Tree a) makeTree [] = Leaf makeTree [el:[]] = Node {rightChildren = Leaf, value = el, leftChildren = Leaf} makeTree list = Node {rightChildren = makeTree end, value = middle, leftChildren = makeTree begin} where middlePos = (length list) / 2 begin = take (middlePos) list middle = list !! (middlePos) end = drop (middlePos + 1) list tree = updateSharedLocal "List & Balanced Binary Tree" "Type something in the list and the tree will update as well." [quitButton] emptyL [idEditor, listener {listenerFrom = toTree}] where emptyL :: [Int] emptyL = [] //Merge Tests mergeTestList :: Task Void mergeTestList = createDB emptyL >>= \sid. spawnProcess True True (Subject "1st View" @>> view sid) >>| spawnProcess True True (Subject "2nd View" @>> view sid) >>| stop where view :: (DBId [String]) -> Task (ActionEvent,[String]) view sid = updateShared "List" "Merging the lists" [quitButton] sid [idEditor] emptyL :: [String] emptyL = [] mergeTestDocuments :: Task Void mergeTestDocuments = createDB emptyL >>= \sid. spawnProcess True True (Subject "1st View" @>> view sid idEditor) >>| spawnProcess True True (Subject "2nd View" @>> view sid idEditor) >>| spawnProcess True True (Subject "3rd View" @>> view sid idListener) >>| stop where view :: (DBId [Document]) (View [Document]) -> Task (ActionEvent,[Document]) view sid v = updateShared "List" "Merging the documents" [quitButton] sid [v] emptyL :: [Document] emptyL = [] //Google Map Example :: MarkerInfo = { position :: Coordinate , map :: GoogleMap } :: MapSize = Normal | Large :: MapOptions = { type :: GoogleMapType , showMapTypeControl :: Bool , showNavigationControl :: Bool , showScaleControl :: Bool , size :: MapSize } derive class iTask MarkerInfo, MapSize, MapOptions RemoveMarkersAction :== Action "remove-markers" "Remove Markers" googleMaps :: Task Void googleMaps = googleMaps` mkMap where googleMaps` map = updateSharedLocal "Google Map, Overview & Markers" "Edit in one map. The others are updated automatically." [(RemoveMarkersAction, always), quitButton] map [optionsEditor, idEditor, overviewEditor, markersListener] >>= \(action,map). case fst action of RemoveMarkersAction = googleMaps` {GoogleMap| map & markers = []} _ = stop optionsEditor = editor { editorFrom = \map -> {type = map.mapType, showMapTypeControl = map.mapTypeControl, showNavigationControl = map.navigationControl, showScaleControl = map.scaleControl, size = if (map.GoogleMap.width == 400) Normal Large} , editorTo = \opts map -> {map & mapType = opts.MapOptions.type, mapTypeControl = opts.showMapTypeControl, navigationControl = opts.showNavigationControl, scaleControl = opts.showScaleControl, width = case opts.MapOptions.size of Large = 650; Normal = 400} } overviewEditor = editor { editorFrom = \map -> {GoogleMap| map & mapTypeControl = False, navigationControl = False, scaleControl = False, scrollwheel = False, zoom = 7} , editorTo = \nmap map -> {GoogleMap| map & center =} } markersListener = listener { listenerFrom = \map -> [{position = position, map = {GoogleMap| mkMap & center = position, width = 150, height = 150, zoom = 15, markers = [marker]}} \\ marker=:{GoogleMapMarker| position} <-map.markers] } //Auto sorted list autoSortedList = updateSharedLocal "Automatically Sorted List" "You can edit the list, it will sort automatically." [quitButton] emptyL [editor {editorFrom = sort, editorTo = \list _ -> list}] where emptyL :: [String] emptyL = [] //Different Views on Formatted Text formattedText :: Task Void formattedText = [Menu "Example" [MenuItem ActionQuit Nothing]] @>> createDB (mkEmptyFormattedText {allControls & sourceEditControl = False}) >>= \sid. dynamicGroupAOnly [(t <<@ ExcludeGroupActions) <<@ Floating >>| return Void \\ t <- tasks sid] actions actionsGenFunc >>| deleteDB sid >>| return Void where tasks sid = [ updateShared "WYSIWYG Editor" "" [] sid [idEditor] , updateShared "HTML-Source Editor" "" [] sid [editor { editorFrom = \ft -> Note (getFormattedTextSrc ft) , editorTo = \(Note src) ft -> setFormattedTextSrc src ft }] , updateShared "Formatted Preview" "" [] sid [idListener] , updateShared "Unformatted Preview" "" [] sid [listener {listenerFrom = \ft -> Note (toUnformattedString ft False)}] ] actions = [(ActionQuit, Always)] actionsGenFunc (ActionQuit,_) = GOStop sharedValueExamples :: [Workflow] sharedValueExamples = [ workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Text-Lines (grouped tasks)" "" (Subject "Text-Lines (grouped tasks)" @>> linesPar) , workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Text-Lines (single editor)" "" (Subject "Text-Lines (single editor)" @>> linesSingle) , workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Calculate Sum" "" (Subject "Calculate Sum" @>> calculateSum) , workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Balanced Binary Tree" "" (Subject "Balanced Binary Tree" @>> tree) , workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Merge Test (List)" "" (Subject "Merge Test (List)" @>> mergeTestList) , workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Merge Test (Documents)" "" (Subject "Merge Test (Documents)" @>> mergeTestDocuments) , workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Google Maps Example" "" (Subject "Google Maps Example" @>> googleMaps) , workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Sorted List" "" (Subject "Sorted List" @>> autoSortedList) , workflow "Examples/Shared Variables/Formatted Text" "" (Subject "Formatted Text" @>> formattedText) ]