definition module FormFlowStorage import iTasks import FormData, FlowData derive class iTask FormStore, FlowStore :: FormStore = { formName :: !String , formType :: !String , form :: !Form , formDBRef :: !DBRef FormStore } :: FlowStore = { flowName :: !String , flowType :: !String , flow :: !Flow , flowDBRef :: !DBRef FlowStore } instance DB FormStore instance DB FlowStore readAllForms :: Task [FormStore] newFormName :: !Form -> Task (!String, !Form) // creates new entry in store storeForm :: !(String, !Form) -> Task (!String, !Form) // item with name assumed to be in store findValue :: String -> Task Dynamic // might raise exception of type String chooseForm :: Task (!String, !Form) readAllFlows :: Task [FlowStore] newFlowName :: !Flow -> Task (!String, !Flow) // creates new entry in store storeFlow :: !(String, !Flow) -> Task (!String, !Flow) // item with name assumed to be in store findFlow :: String -> Task Dynamic // might raise exception of type string chooseFlow :: Task (!String, !Flow)