definition module PmTypes // The types for the Project Manager from StdPathname import :: Pathname from UtilNewlinesFile import :: NewlineConvention(..) import PmCompilerOptions from UtilStrictLists import :: List import UtilDate :: Modulename :== String :: Processor //= CurrentProcessor | MC68000 | MC68020 | MC68020_and_68881 DefaultProcessor :: Processor PlatformProcessors :: [Processor] ProcessorSuffix :: !Processor -> String instance == Processor instance toString Processor instance fromString Processor :: LinkObjFileName :== String :: LinkLibraryName :== String :: LinkOptions = { extraObjectModules :: !List {#Char} , libraries :: !List {#Char} , method :: !LinkMethod , generate_relocations :: !Bool // Win only option? , generate_link_map :: !Bool , link_resources :: !Bool , resource_source :: !String , generate_dll :: !Bool , dll_export_list_name :: !String // , add_carb_resource :: !Bool // Mac-only! } DefaultLinkOptions :: LinkOptions :: LinkMethod // => is really project method/type now? = LM_Static // | LM_Eager | LM_Dynamic | LM_StaticLibrary // produce static library | LM_DynamicLibrary // produce shared library instance toString LinkMethod instance fromString LinkMethod instance == LinkMethod // Window position and size :: WindowPos_and_Size = { posx :: !Int , posy :: !Int , sizex :: !Int , sizey :: !Int } :: OptionalWindowPosAndSize = NoWindowPosAndSize | WindowPosAndSize !WindowPos_and_Size; //instance == WindowPos_and_Size instance == OptionalWindowPosAndSize DefWindowPos_and_Size :: WindowPos_and_Size :: EditOptions = { newlines :: !NewlineConvention // newline convention /* { tabs :: !Int // tab size , fontname :: !String // !FontName , fontsize :: !Int // !FontSize , autoi :: !Bool // auto-indent , newlines :: !NewlineConvention // newline convention , showtabs :: !Bool , showlins :: !Bool , showsync :: !Bool */ } instance == EditOptions // The Edit Window parameters: edit options and window position and size :: EditWdOptions = { eo :: !EditOptions , pos_size :: !OptionalWindowPosAndSize } // The Code Generator Options: default settings for the code generator :: CodeGenOptions = { cs :: !Bool // generate stack checks , ci :: !Bool // generate index checks // , kaf :: !Bool // keep abc-files // , tp :: !Processor } instance == CodeGenOptions DefCodeGenOptions :: CodeGenOptions // The Application Options: default settings for the application. :: ApplicationOptions = { hs :: !Int // heap size , ss :: !Int // stack size , em :: !Int // extra memory , heap_size_multiple :: !Int , initial_heap_size :: !Int , set :: !Bool // show execution time , sgc :: !Bool // show garbage collections , pss :: !Bool // print stack size , marking_collection :: !Bool // use marking garbage collector , o :: !Output // console type , fn :: !String // font name: only on Mac platform , fs :: !Int // font size: only on Mac platform , write_stderr_to_file :: !Bool , memoryProfiling :: !Bool , memoryProfilingMinimumHeapSize :: !Int , profiling :: !Bool // time profiling , stack_traces :: !Bool // stack traces , standard_rte :: !Bool // DvA: use standard RTE (only in IDE) } DefApplicationOptions :: ApplicationOptions :: Output = BasicValuesOnly | ShowConstructors | NoReturnType | NoConsole instance == Output instance toString Output instance fromString Output :: ModInfoAndName = { info :: ModInfo , name :: {#Char} } :: ModInfo = { dir :: !String // !Pathname , compilerOptions :: !CompilerOptions , defeo :: !EditWdOptions // definition module edit options , impeo :: !EditWdOptions // implementation module edit options , defopen :: !Bool // definition module is open , impopen :: !Bool // implementation module is open , date :: !DATE // ??? , abcLinkInfo :: !ABCLinkInfo // found dependant libs and objs } :: ABCLinkInfo = { linkObjFileNames :: !List LinkObjFileName , linkLibraryNames :: !List LinkLibraryName } :: StaticLibInfo = { sLibs :: !List Pathname , sDcls :: !List Modulename , sDeps :: !List Modulename } isProjLibraryModule :: !.String !StaticLibInfo -> Bool