implementation module StubGenerator import StdEnv import JSON import Directory import RPC import GenPrint import StdDebug derive gPrint RPCOperation, RPCInterface, RPCCallType, RPCParam, RPCMessageType, RPCProtocol, RPCParameterType, RPCHttpMethod wStdOut :: !String !*World -> *World wStdOut s world # (c,world) = stdio world # c = fwritec '\n' (fwrites ("> "+++s) c) # (ok,world) = fclose c world | not ok = abort "> (wStdOut) Cannot write to the console." = world generateStubs :: !String !String !*World -> *World generateStubs rd wd world # ((ok,rpath),world) = pd_StringToPath rd world | not ok = abort "Illegal directory format in read directory" # ((ok,wpath),world) = pd_StringToPath wd world | not ok = abort "Illegal directory format in write directory" # ((err,fi),world) = getFileInfo rpath world | err <> NoDirError = abort ("Cannot open read directory: "+++rd) # (err,world) = case getFileInfo wpath world of ((DoesntExist,fileinfo),world) = createDirectory wpath world (_,world) = (NoDirError,world) | err <> NoDirError = abort ("Cannot create write directory: "+++wd) # ((err,files),world) = getDirectoryContents rpath world | err <> NoDirError = abort ("Cannot read files from directory: "+++rd) # (rpcDescs, world) = readFiles files [] rpath world # world = writeFiles rpcDescs wpath world writeICL # world = writeFiles rpcDescs wpath world writeDCL # world = writeWrapper rpcDescs wpath world = wStdOut "Done" world readFiles :: ![DirEntry] [RPCDescription] !Path !*World -> ([RPCDescription],*World) readFiles [] acc rpath world = (acc,world) readFiles [x:xs] acc rpath world # (mbRpcDesc, world) = readFile x.fileName rpath world = case mbRpcDesc of (Just rpcd) = readFiles xs [rpcd:acc] rpath world Nothing # world = wStdOut ("Failed to parse "+++x.fileName) world = readFiles xs acc rpath world readFile :: !String !Path !*World -> (Maybe RPCDescription, *World) readFile fn rpath world # (dir,world) = pathToPD_String rpath world | ext fn <> ".idl" = (Nothing, world) # (ok,file,world) = fopen (dir+++"\\"+++fn) FReadText world = case ok of True # world = wStdOut ("Reading "+++dir+++"\\"+++fn) world # (mbRPCDesc,file) = readContents file # (ok,world) = fclose file world = (mbRPCDesc,world) False = (Nothing, wStdOut ("Cannot read "+++dir+++"\\"+++fn+++". Ignoring") world) where ext fn = fn % ((size fn)-4,size fn) readContents :: !*File -> (Maybe RPCDescription, *File) readContents file # (content,file) = readWholeFile "" file = (fromJSON content,file) where readWholeFile acc file #(end,file) = fend file | not end # (line,file) = freadline file = readWholeFile (acc+++line) file | otherwise = (acc,file) writeFiles :: ![RPCDescription] !Path !*World (RPCDescription Path *World -> *World) -> *World writeFiles [] wpath world parsefun = world writeFiles [x:xs] wpath world parsefun = writeFiles xs wpath (parsefun x wpath world) parsefun writeICL :: !RPCDescription !Path !*World -> *World writeICL rpcd wpath world # name = (prepName # (fname,world) = concatFilename wpath name ".icl" world # (ok,file,world) = fopen fname FWriteText world | not ok = abort ("Cannot open file "+++fname) # file = fwrites ("implementation module "+++name+++"\n\nimport JSON\nimport RPC\nimport TSt\n\n") file //write derives if necessary. With only Int, Real, Bool and String this is not yet necessary # file = writeOperationFunctions rpcd.RPCDescription.operations rpcd.RPCDescription.interface file # (ok,world) = fclose file world | not ok = abort ("Cannot close file "+++fname) = world writeOperationFunctions :: [RPCOperation] RPCInterface *File -> *File writeOperationFunctions [] _ f = f writeOperationFunctions [x:xs] rpci f = writeOperationFunctions xs rpci (fwrites "\n\n" (writeOperationFunction x rpci f)) writeOperationFunction :: RPCOperation RPCInterface *File -> *File writeOperationFunction rpco rpci f # f = fwrites "\n" (writeOperationDefinition rpco f) # f = fwrites ((prepName" ") f # f = writeparams rpco.parameters f # f = fwrites ("parsefun = mkRpcTask \"""\"\n") f # f = fwrites "\t{ RPCExecute\n" f # f = fwrites "\t| taskId = \"\"\n" f # f = fwrites ("\t, interface = "+++(printToString rpci)+++"\n") f # f = fwrites ("\t, operation = "+++(printToString rpco)+++"\n") f # f = fwrites ("\t, paramValues = ["+++(pval2str rpco.RPCOperation.parameters)+++"]\n") f # f = fwrites "\t, status = \"\"\n" f # f = fwrites "\t} parsefun" f = f where writeparams [] f = f writeparams [x:xs] f = writeparams xs (fwrites (" ") f) pval2str [] = "" pval2str [x] = toString x pval2str [x:xs] = (toString x)+++","+++(pval2str xs) instance toString RPCParam where toString x = "{ RPCParamValue | name=\"""\", serializedValue = toString ""}" writeDCL :: !RPCDescription !Path !*World -> *World writeDCL rpcd wpath world # name = (prepName # (fname,world) = concatFilename wpath name ".dcl" world # (ok,file,world) = fopen fname FWriteText world | not ok = abort ("Cannot open file "+++fname) # file = fwrites ("definition module "+++name+++"\n\nimport iTasks\n\n") file # file = writeOperationDefinitions rpcd.operations file # (ok,world) = fclose file world | not ok = abort ("Cannot close file "+++fname) = world writeOperationDefinitions :: ![RPCOperation] ! *File -> *File writeOperationDefinitions [] f = f writeOperationDefinitions [x:xs] f = writeOperationDefinitions xs (fwrites "\n\n" (writeOperationDefinition x f)) writeOperationDefinition :: !RPCOperation !*File -> *File writeOperationDefinition rpco f // :: [] (String->) -> Task # f = fwrites (prepName f # f = fwrites " :: " f # f = writeparams rpco.parameters f # f = fwrites ("(String -> "+++rpco.returnType+++") -> Task "+++rpco.returnType) f = f where writeparams [] f = f writeparams [x:xs] f = writeparams xs (writeparam x.RPCParam.type f) writeparam RPCString f = fwrites "String " f writeparam RPCBool f = fwrites "Bool " f writeparam RPCInt f = fwrites "Int " f writeparam RPCReal f = fwrites "Real " f writeWrapper :: ![RPCDescription] !Path !*World -> *World writeWrapper rpcds wpath world # (fname,world) = concatFilename wpath "RPCStubs" ".dcl" world # (ok,file,world) = fopen fname FWriteText world | not ok = abort ("Cannot open file "+++ fname) # file = fwrites("definition module RPCStubs\n\n") file # file = writeImports rpcds file # (ok,world) = fclose file world # (fname,world) = concatFilename wpath "RPCStubs" ".icl" world # (ok,file,world) = fopen fname FWriteText world | not ok = abort ("Cannot open file "+++fname) # file = fwrites("implementation module RPCStubs") file; # (ok,world) = fclose file world = world where writeImports [] f = f writeImports [x:xs] f = writeImports xs ( fwrites ("import "+++(prepName"\n") f) //=== UTILITY ===================================================================== concatFilename :: !Path !String !String !*World -> (String,*World) concatFilename path fname suffix world # (dir,world) = (pathToPD_String path world) = (dir+++"\\"+++fname+++suffix,world) //Change spaces to underscores and removes Uppercase prepName :: String -> String prepName str = { (change c) \\ c <-: str} where change c | isSpace c = '_' | otherwise = toLower c //=== START ======================================================================= Start :: !*World -> *World Start world # (console,world) = stdio world # console = fwrites "Input Directory [RPCSDefs] > " console # (rdir,console) = freadline console # rdir = case size rdir of 1 = "RPCDefs" _ = rdir % (0,((size rdir)-2)) # console = fwrites "Output Directory [RPCStubs] > " console # (wdir,console) = freadline console # wdir = case size wdir of 1 = "RPCStubs" _ = wdir % (0,((size wdir)-2)) # (ok,world) = fclose console world = generateStubs rdir wdir world