implementation module TSt import StdEnv, StdMaybe import Http, Util import ProcessDB, SessionDB, DocumentDB, UserDB, TaskTree import CommonDomain import GenPrint, GenParse, GenEq import GenVisualize, GenUpdate, Store, Config import dynamic_string from JSON import JSONDecode, fromJSON :: RPCMessage = { success :: Bool , error :: Bool , finished :: Bool , result :: String , status :: String , errormsg :: String } derive gPrint TaskResult derive gParse TaskResult derive bimap Maybe, (,) derive JSONDecode RPCMessage mkTSt :: String Config HTTPRequest Session ![Workflow] !*Store !*Store !*Store !*World -> *TSt mkTSt appName config request session workflows systemStore dataStore fileStore world = { taskNr = [] , taskInfo = initTaskInfo , firstRun = False , userId = "" , delegatorId = "" , tree = TTMainTask initTaskInfo initTaskProperties [] , mainTask = "" , staticInfo = initStaticInfo appName session workflows , doChange = False , changes = [] , config = config , request = request , systemStore = systemStore , dataStore = dataStore , documentStore = fileStore , world = world } initStaticInfo :: String Session ![Workflow] -> StaticInfo initStaticInfo appName session workflows = { appName = appName , currentProcessId = "" , currentSession = session , staticWorkflows = workflows } initTaskInfo :: TaskInfo initTaskInfo = { TaskInfo | taskId = "" , taskLabel = "" , traceValue = "" } initTaskProperties :: TaskProperties initTaskProperties = { systemProps = {TaskSystemProperties | processId = "" , manager = ("","") , issuedAt = Timestamp 0 , firstEvent = Nothing , latestEvent = Nothing , latestExtEvent = Nothing } , managerProps = {TaskManagerProperties | worker = ("","") , subject = "" , priority = NormalPriority , deadline = Nothing } , workerProps = {TaskWorkerProperties | progress = TPActive } } createTaskInstance :: !(Task a) !TaskManagerProperties !Bool !*TSt -> (!TaskResult a,!ProcessId,!*TSt) | iTask a createTaskInstance task managerProps toplevel tst=:{taskNr,mainTask} # (manager,tst) = getCurrentUser tst # (currentTime, tst) = accWorldTSt time tst # processId = if toplevel "" (taskNrToString taskNr) # parent = if toplevel "" mainTask # properties = {TaskProperties | systemProps = {TaskSystemProperties | processId = "" , manager = (manager.User.userName, manager.User.displayName) , issuedAt = currentTime , firstEvent = Nothing , latestEvent = Nothing , latestExtEvent = Nothing } , managerProps = managerProps , workerProps = {TaskWorkerProperties | progress = TPActive } } # process = { Process | processId = processId , status = Active , parent = parent , properties = properties , changes = [] , changeCount = 0 , menus = Nothing } //Create an entry in the process table # (processId, tst) = createProcess process tst //Store the task as dynamic # tst = storeTaskFunctionStatic (taskNrFromString processId) task tst //Store the runnable theread # tst = storeTaskThread (taskNrFromString processId) (createTaskThread task) tst //Evaluate the process once to kickstart automated steps that can be set in motion immediately # (result,tree,tst) = evaluateTaskInstance {Process|process & processId = processId} Nothing toplevel {tst & staticInfo = {tst.staticInfo & currentProcessId = processId}} = case result of TaskBusy = (TaskBusy, processId, tst) TaskFinished (a :: a^) = (TaskFinished a, processId, tst) TaskException e = (TaskException e, processId, tst) //Computes a workflow (sub) process evaluateTaskInstance :: !Process !(Maybe ChangeInjection) !Bool !*TSt-> (!TaskResult Dynamic, !TaskTree, !*TSt) evaluateTaskInstance process=:{Process | processId, parent, properties, changes, changeCount} mbChange isTop tst //TODO: First apply change magic //Reset the task state # tst = resetTSt processId properties tst //Load the task instance # (thread,tst) = loadTaskThread (taskNrFromString processId) tst //Evaluate the task instance # (result,tst) = thread tst # (tree,tst) = getTaskTree tst = case result of TaskBusy = (TaskBusy, tree, tst) TaskFinished dyn | isTop //Store result # tst = storeProcessResult (taskNrFromString processId) result tst //Update process table # (_,tst) = updateProcess processId (\p -> {Process|p & status = Finished}) tst //Evaluate parent process | parent <> "" # (mbParentProcess,tst) = getProcess parent tst = case mbParentProcess of Nothing = (result,tree,tst) Just parentProcess # (_,_,tst) = evaluateTaskInstance parentProcess Nothing True tst = (result,tree,tst) | otherwise = (result,tree,tst) | otherwise //Just return the result and tree. No need to save it. = (result,tree,tst) TaskException e //Store exception # tst = storeProcessResult (taskNrFromString processId) result tst //Update process table # (_,tst) = updateProcess processId (\p -> {Process|p & status = Excepted}) tst = (TaskException e, tree, tst) where resetTSt processId properties tst # taskNr = taskNrFromString processId # tree = TTMainTask {TaskInfo|taskId = toString processId, taskLabel = properties.managerProps.subject, traceValue = ""} properties [] = {TSt| tst & taskNr = taskNr, tree = tree, staticInfo = {tst.staticInfo & currentProcessId = processId}} calculateTaskTree :: !ProcessId !*TSt -> (!TaskTree, !*TSt) calculateTaskTree processId tst # (mbProcess,tst) = getProcess processId tst = case mbProcess of Nothing = (TTFinishedTask {TaskInfo|taskId = toString processId, taskLabel = "Deleted Process", traceValue="Deleted"}, tst) Just process=:{Process|status,properties} = case status of Active //Evaluate the process # (result,tree,tst) = evaluateTaskInstance process Nothing True tst = (tree,tst) _ = (TTFinishedTask {TaskInfo|taskId = toString processId, taskLabel = properties.managerProps.subject, traceValue = "Finished"}, tst) calculateTaskForest :: !*TSt -> (![TaskTree], !*TSt) calculateTaskForest tst # (processes, tst) = getProcesses [Active] tst = calculateTrees [processId \\ {Process|processId} <- processes | isTopLevel processId] tst where isTopLevel p = length (taskNrFromString p) == 1 calculateTrees [] tst = ([],tst) calculateTrees [p:ps] tst # (tree,tst) = calculateTaskTree p tst # (trees,tst) = calculateTrees ps tst = ([tree:trees],tst) /* //If parent has to be evaluated, the Id is returned and accumulated into the list of proccesses still to be evaluated in buildtree. buildProcessTree :: Process !(Maybe (Dynamic, ChangeLifeTime)) !*TSt -> (!TaskTree,!Bool,!*TSt) buildProcessTree p =: {Process | processId, parent, properties = {TaskProperties|systemProps,managerProps}, changes, changeCount} mbChange tst =:{taskNr,staticInfo} # tst = {TSt|tst & taskNr = [changeCount:taskNrFromString processId], userId = (fst managerProps.worker), delegatorId = (fst systemProps.manager) , staticInfo = {StaticInfo|staticInfo & currentProcessId = processId}, tree = initProcessNode p, mainTask = processId} # tst = loadChanges mbChange changes tst # (result,tst) = executeTaskThread tst # (TTMainTask ti mti tasks, tst) = getTaskTree tst = case result of TaskFinished dyn # tst = storeProcessResult (taskNrFromString processId) dyn tst # (_,tst) = updateProcess processId (\p -> {Process|p & status = Finished}) tst = (TTFinishedTask ti, True, tst) _ # tst = storeChanges processId tst = (TTMainTask ti mti tasks, False, tst) where initProcessNode {Process|processId, properties} = TTMainTask {TaskInfo|taskId = toString processId, taskLabel = properties.managerProps.subject, traceValue = "Process"} properties [] loadChanges mbNew changes tst = loadChanges` mbNew changes [] tst loadChanges` Nothing [] accu tst=:{TSt|changes} = {TSt|tst& changes = reverse accu, doChange = False} loadChanges` (Just (change,lifetime)) [] accu tst=:{TSt|changes} = {TSt|tst & changes = [Just (lifetime, 0,change):changes], doChange = True} loadChanges` mbNew [(l,c):cs] accu tst # (dyn,tst) = (abort "getDynamic",tst)//TODO getDynamic c tst = case dyn of Just dyn = loadChanges` mbNew cs [Just (CLPersistent l,c,dyn):accu] tst Nothing = loadChanges` mbNew cs accu tst storeChanges pid tst=:{TSt|changes} = storeChanges` changes [] pid tst storeChanges` [] accu pid tst # (_,tst) = updateProcess pid (\p -> {Process|p & changes = [] /* TODO reverse accu */}) tst = tst storeChanges` [Just(CLPersistent l,cid):cs] accu pid tst //| c == 0 // # (c,tst) = (abort "createDynamic",tst) //TODO createDynamic d tst // = storeChanges` cs [(l,c):accu] pid tst | otherwise # (_,tst) = (abort "updateDynamic", tst) //TODO updateDynamic d c tst = storeChanges` cs [(l,cid):accu] pid tst storeChanges` [c:cs] accu pid tst = storeChanges` cs accu pid tst executeTaskThread tst=:{taskNr} # (thread, tst) = loadTaskThread (taskNrFromString processId) tst # (result,tst) = thread tst = (result,tst) */ //OUDE IMPLEMENTATIE VAN ASSIGN /* assign` :: !UserName !TaskPriority !(Maybe Timestamp) !(Task a) !*TSt -> (!TaskResult a, !*TSt) | iTask a assign` toUserName initPriority initDeadline task tst =: { TSt| taskNr, taskInfo, firstRun, mainTask = currentMainTask, staticInfo = {currentProcessId} , userId, delegatorId = currentDelegatorId, doChange, changes, dataStore, world} # taskId = taskNrToString taskNr # (mbProc,tst) = getProcess taskId tst # (taskStatus, taskProperties, curTask, changeCount, tst) = case mbProc of (Just {Process | status, properties, changeCount}) # (curTask,tst) = loadTaskFunctionStatic taskNr tst | isNothing curTask = abort ("(assign) No task function stored for process " +++ taskNrToString taskNr) | otherwise = (status, properties, fromJust curTask, changeCount, tst) Nothing # (user,tst) = getUser toUserName tst # initProperties = {TaskManagerProperties | worker = (user.User.userName, user.User.displayName) , subject = taskLabel task , priority = initPriority , deadline = initDeadline } # (processId,tst) = createTaskInstance task initProperties False tst # (mbProc,tst) = getProcess processId tst = case mbProc of (Just {Process | status, properties, changeCount}) = (status, properties, task, changeCount, tst) _ = abort "(assign) Could not load newly created process" //Process has finished, unpack the dynamic result | taskStatus == Finished # (mbRes,tst) = loadProcessResult taskNr tst = case mbRes of Just (TaskFinished a) = (a, tst) Nothing = abort "(assign) No process result stored" _ = abort "(assign) Could not unpack process result" //Apply all active changes (oldest change first, hence the 'reverse changes') | firstRun = all_changes taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount task curTask (reverse changes) {TSt|tst & changes = []} //Apply the current change change | doChange = case changes of [Just (clt,cid,cdyn):rest] = one_change taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount task curTask (clt,cid,cdyn) rest tst other = do_task taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount curTask tst | otherwise = do_task taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount curTask tst */ /* //Just execute the task all_changes :: !TaskNr !TaskInfo !TaskProperties !Int !(Task a) !(Task a) ![Maybe (!ChangeLifeTime,!DynamicId,!Dynamic)] !*TSt -> (!TaskResult a,!*TSt) | iTask a all_changes taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount origTask curTask [] tst = do_task taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount curTask tst all_changes taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount origTask curTask [Just (clt,cid,cdyn):cs] tst=:{TSt|changes} # processId = taskNrToString taskNr # (mbProperties,mbTask,mbChange) = appChange cdyn taskProperties curTask origTask # changes = case mbChange of (Just change) = [Just (clt,cid,change):changes] Nothing = [Nothing:changes] //Update task (and properties when changed) | isJust mbTask # changeCount = inc changeCount # taskProperties = if (isJust mbProperties) (fromJust mbProperties) taskProperties # curTask = fromJust mbTask # tst = storeTaskThread taskNr (createTaskThread curTask) tst # tst = storeTaskFunctionStatic taskNr curTask tst # (_,tst) = updateProcess processId (\p -> {p & properties = taskProperties, changeCount = changeCount}) tst # (a,tst) = do_task taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount curTask {TSt|tst & changes = changes} = case cs of [] -> (a,tst) _ -> all_changes taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount origTask curTask cs {TSt|tst & changes = changes} //Only add properties | isJust mbProperties # taskProperties = fromJust mbProperties # (_,tst) = updateProcess processId (\p -> {p & properties = taskProperties}) tst # (a,tst) = do_task taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount curTask {TSt|tst & changes = changes} = case cs of [] = (a,tst) _ = all_changes taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount origTask curTask cs {TSt|tst & changes = changes} // Task and properties unchanged | otherwise = all_changes taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount origTask curTask cs {TSt|tst & changes = changes} all_changes taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount origTask curTask [c:cs] tst=:{TSt|changes} = all_changes taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount origTask curTask cs {TSt|tst & changes = [c:changes]} one_change :: !TaskNr !TaskInfo !TaskProperties !Int !(Task a) !(Task a) !(!ChangeLifeTime, !DynamicId, !Dynamic) ![Maybe (!ChangeLifeTime,!DynamicId,!Dynamic)] !*TSt -> (!TaskResult a,!*TSt) | iTask a one_change taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount origTask curTask (changeLifeTime, changeId, changeDyn) rest tst # processId = taskNrToString taskNr # (mbProperties, mbTask, mbChange) = appChange changeDyn taskProperties (setTaskContext [changeCount:taskNr] curTask) origTask //Determine new change list # changes = case mbChange of (Just change) = [Just (changeLifeTime,changeId,change):rest] Nothing = [Nothing:rest] //Update task (and properties when changed) | isJust mbTask # changeCount = inc changeCount # taskProperties = if (isJust mbProperties) (fromJust mbProperties) taskProperties # curTask = fromJust mbTask # (_,tst) = updateProcess processId (\p -> {p & properties = taskProperties, changeCount = changeCount}) tst # tst = storeTaskFunctionStatic taskNr curTask tst //Store the changed task with context # tst = storeTaskThread taskNr (createTaskThread curTask) tst = do_task taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount curTask {TSt|tst & changes = changes} //Execute //Only add properties | isJust mbProperties # taskProperties = fromJust mbProperties # (_,tst) = updateProcess processId (\p -> {p & properties = taskProperties}) tst = do_task taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount curTask {TSt|tst & changes = changes} // Task and properties unchanged | otherwise = do_task taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount curTask {TSt|tst & changes = changes} do_task :: !TaskNr !TaskInfo !TaskProperties !Int !(Task a) !*TSt -> (!TaskResult a,!*TSt) | iTask a do_task taskNr taskInfo taskProperties changeCount curTask tst=:{userId,delegatorId, mainTask} # tst = {tst & tree = TTMainTask taskInfo taskProperties [] , taskNr = [changeCount:taskNr] , mainTask = taskNrToString taskNr , userId = fst taskProperties.managerProps.worker , delegatorId = fst taskProperties.systemProps.manager } # (result, tst) = applyTask curTask tst = (result, {TSt | tst & userId = userId, delegatorId = delegatorId, mainTask = mainTask}) //The tricky dynamic part of applying changes appChange :: !Dynamic !TaskProperties !(Task a) !(Task a) -> (Maybe TaskProperties,Maybe (Task a), Maybe Dynamic) | iTask a appChange (fun :: A.c: Change c | iTask c) properties curTask origTask = fun properties curTask origTask appChange (fun :: Change a^) properties curTask origTask = fun properties curTask origTask appChange dyn properties curTask origTask = (Nothing, Nothing, Just dyn) setTaskContext :: TaskNr (Task a) -> (Task a) setTaskContext cxt (Task name _ tf) = Task name (Just cxt) tf */ //END OLD ASSIGN IMPLEMENTATION createTaskThread :: !(Task a) -> (*TSt -> *(!TaskResult Dynamic,!*TSt)) | iTask a createTaskThread task = createTaskThread` task where createTaskThread` :: !(Task a) !*TSt -> *(!TaskResult Dynamic,!*TSt) | iTask a createTaskThread` task tst # (result, tst) = applyTask task tst = case result of TaskBusy = (TaskBusy, tst) TaskFinished a = (TaskFinished (dynamic a), tst) TaskException e = (TaskException e, tst) applyChangeToTaskTree :: !ProcessId !Dynamic !ChangeLifeTime !*TSt -> *TSt applyChangeToTaskTree pid change lifetime tst=:{taskNr,taskInfo,firstRun,userId,delegatorId,tree,mainTask,staticInfo,doChange,changes} # (mbProcess,tst) = getProcess pid tst = case mbProcess of (Just proc) # (_,_,tst) = evaluateTaskInstance proc (Just (lifetime,change)) True tst = {tst & taskNr = taskNr, taskInfo = taskInfo, firstRun = firstRun, userId = userId, delegatorId = delegatorId , tree = tree, mainTask = mainTask, staticInfo = staticInfo, doChange = doChange, changes = changes} Nothing = tst getCurrentSession :: !*TSt -> (!Session, !*TSt) getCurrentSession tst =:{staticInfo} = (staticInfo.currentSession, tst) getCurrentUser :: !*TSt -> (!User, !*TSt) getCurrentUser tst =: {staticInfo} = (staticInfo.currentSession.Session.user, {tst & staticInfo = staticInfo}) getCurrentProcess :: !*TSt -> (!ProcessId, !*TSt) getCurrentProcess tst =: {staticInfo} = (staticInfo.currentProcessId, {tst & staticInfo = staticInfo}) getTaskTree :: !*TSt -> (!TaskTree, !*TSt) getTaskTree tst =: {tree} = (tree, {tst & tree = tree}) getWorkflows :: !*TSt -> (![Workflow],!*TSt) getWorkflows tst=:{staticInfo = staticInfo =:{staticWorkflows}} = (staticWorkflows, {tst & staticInfo = {staticInfo & staticWorkflows = staticWorkflows}}) getWorkflowByName :: !String !*TSt -> (!Maybe Workflow, !*TSt) getWorkflowByName name tst # (workflows, tst) = getWorkflows tst = case filter (\wf -> == name) workflows of [workflow] = (Just workflow, tst) _ = (Nothing,tst) appWorldTSt :: !.(*World -> *World) !*TSt -> *TSt appWorldTSt f tst=:{TSt|world} = {TSt|tst & world = f world} accWorldTSt :: !.(*World -> *(.a,*World))!*TSt -> (.a,!*TSt) accWorldTSt f tst=:{TSt|world} # (a,world) = f world = (a, {TSt|tst & world = world}) mkTaskFunction :: (*TSt -> (!a,!*TSt)) -> (*TSt -> (!TaskResult a,!*TSt)) mkTaskFunction f = \tst -> let (a,tst`) = f tst in (TaskFinished a,tst`) mkInteractiveTask :: !String !(*TSt -> *(!TaskResult a,!*TSt)) -> Task a mkInteractiveTask taskname taskfun = Task {TaskDescription| title = taskname, description = Note ""} Nothing mkInteractiveTask` where mkInteractiveTask` tst=:{TSt|taskNr,taskInfo} = taskfun {tst & tree = TTInteractiveTask taskInfo (abort "No interface definition given") []} mkInstantTask :: !String !(*TSt -> *(!TaskResult a,!*TSt)) -> Task a mkInstantTask taskname taskfun = Task {TaskDescription| title = taskname, description = Note ""} Nothing mkInstantTask` where mkInstantTask` tst=:{TSt|taskNr,taskInfo} = taskfun {tst & tree = TTFinishedTask taskInfo} //We use a FinishedTask node because the task is finished after one evaluation mkMonitorTask :: !String !(*TSt -> *(!TaskResult a,!*TSt)) -> Task a mkMonitorTask taskname taskfun = Task {TaskDescription| title = taskname, description = Note ""} Nothing mkMonitorTask` where mkMonitorTask` tst=:{TSt|taskNr,taskInfo} = taskfun {tst & tree = TTMonitorTask taskInfo []} mkRpcTask :: !String !RPCExecute !(String -> a) -> Task a | gUpdate{|*|} a mkRpcTask taskname rpce parsefun = Task {TaskDescription| title = taskname, description = Note ""} Nothing mkRpcTask` where mkRpcTask` tst=:{TSt | taskNr, taskInfo} # rpce = {RPCExecute | rpce & taskId = taskNrToString taskNr} # (updates, tst) = getRpcUpdates tst # (rpce, tst) = checkRpcStatus rpce tst | length updates == 0 = (TaskBusy, {tst & tree = TTRpcTask taskInfo rpce }) | otherwise = applyRpcUpdates updates tst rpce parsefun checkRpcStatus :: RPCExecute !*TSt -> (!RPCExecute, !*TSt) checkRpcStatus rpce tst # (mbStatus, tst) = getTaskStore "status" tst = case mbStatus of Nothing # tst = setTaskStore "status" "Pending" tst = ({RPCExecute | rpce & status = "Pending"},tst) Just s = ({RPCExecute | rpce & status = s},tst) getRpcUpdates :: !*TSt -> ([(String,String)],!*TSt) getRpcUpdates tst=:{taskNr,request} = (updates request, tst) where updates request | http_getValue "_rpctaskid" request.arg_post "" == taskNrToString taskNr = [u \\ u =: (k,v) <- request.arg_post] | otherwise = [] /* Error handling needs to be implemented! */ applyRpcUpdates :: [(String,String)] !*TSt !RPCExecute !(String -> a) -> *(!TaskResult a,!*TSt) | gUpdate{|*|} a applyRpcUpdates [] tst rpce parsefun = (TaskBusy,tst) applyRpcUpdates [(n,v):xs] tst rpce parsefun | n == "_rpcresult" # (mbMsg) = fromJSON v = case mbMsg of Just msg = applyRpcMessage msg tst rpce parsefun Nothing = applyRpcUpdates xs tst rpce parsefun //Ignore the message and go on.. | otherwise = applyRpcUpdates xs tst rpce parsefun where applyRpcMessage msg tst rpci parsfun # tst = setStatus msg.RPCMessage.status tst | msg.RPCMessage.success | msg.RPCMessage.finished = (TaskFinished (parsefun msg.RPCMessage.result),tst) | otherwise = (TaskBusy,tst) | otherwise # (def,tst) = accWorldTSt defaultValue tst = (TaskFinished def, tst) setStatus "" tst = tst setStatus status tst = setTaskStore "status" status tst mkSequenceTask :: !String !(*TSt -> *(!TaskResult a,!*TSt)) -> Task a mkSequenceTask taskname taskfun = Task {TaskDescription| title = taskname, description = Note ""} Nothing mkSequenceTask` where mkSequenceTask` tst=:{TSt|taskNr,taskInfo} = taskfun {tst & tree = TTSequenceTask taskInfo [], taskNr = [0:taskNr]} mkParallelTask :: !String !(*TSt -> *(!TaskResult a,!*TSt)) -> Task a mkParallelTask taskname taskfun = Task {TaskDescription| title = taskname, description = Note ""} Nothing mkParallelTask` where mkParallelTask` tst=:{TSt|taskNr,taskInfo} # tst = {tst & tree = TTParallelTask taskInfo [], taskNr = [0:taskNr]} = taskfun tst mkMainTask :: !String !(*TSt -> *(!TaskResult a,!*TSt)) -> Task a mkMainTask taskname taskfun = Task {TaskDescription| title = taskname, description = Note ""} Nothing mkMainTask` where mkMainTask` tst=:{taskNr,taskInfo} = taskfun {tst & tree = TTMainTask taskInfo (abort "Executed undefined maintask") []} applyTask :: !(Task a) !*TSt -> (!TaskResult a,!*TSt) | iTask a applyTask (Task desc mbCxt taskfun) tst=:{taskNr,tree,dataStore,world} # taskId = iTaskId taskNr "" # (taskVal,dataStore,world) = loadValue taskId dataStore world # taskInfo = { taskId = taskNrToString taskNr , taskLabel = desc.TaskDescription.title , traceValue = "" } # tst = {TSt|tst & dataStore = dataStore, world = world} = case taskVal of (Just (TaskFinished a)) # tst = addTaskNode (TTFinishedTask {taskInfo & traceValue = printToString a}) tst = (TaskFinished a, {tst & taskNr = incTaskNr taskNr}) _ # tst = {tst & taskInfo = taskInfo, firstRun = isNothing taskVal } // If the task is new, but has run in a different context, initialize the states of the task and its subtasks # tst = case (taskVal,mbCxt) of (Nothing, Just oldTaskNr) = copyTaskStates oldTaskNr taskNr tst _ = tst // Execute task function # (result, tst) = taskfun tst // Remove user updates (needed for looping. a new task may get the same tasknr again, but should not get the events) # tst=:{tree=node,dataStore} = clearUserUpdates tst // Update task state = case result of (TaskFinished a) //Garbage collect # tst=:{TSt|dataStore} = deleteTaskStates taskNr {TSt|tst & dataStore = dataStore} // Store final value # dataStore = storeValue taskId result dataStore # tst = addTaskNode (TTFinishedTask {taskInfo & traceValue = printToString a}) {tst & taskNr = incTaskNr taskNr, tree = tree, dataStore = dataStore} = (TaskFinished a, tst) (TaskBusy) # tst = addTaskNode (updateTaskNode node) {tst & taskNr = incTaskNr taskNr, tree = tree, dataStore = dataStore} = (TaskBusy, tst) (TaskException e) # tst = addTaskNode (updateTaskNode node) {tst & taskNr = incTaskNr taskNr, tree = tree, dataStore = dataStore} = (TaskException e, tst) where //Increase the task nr incTaskNr [] = [0] incTaskNr [i:is] = [i+1:is] //Add a new node to the current sequence or process addTaskNode node tst=:{tree} = case tree of (TTMainTask ti mti tasks) = {tst & tree = TTMainTask ti mti [node:tasks]} (TTSequenceTask ti tasks) = {tst & tree = TTSequenceTask ti [node:tasks]} (TTParallelTask ti tasks) = {tst & tree = TTParallelTask ti [node:tasks]} _ = {tst & tree = tree} //update the finished, tasks and traceValue fields of a task tree node updateTaskNode (TTInteractiveTask ti defs accA) = TTInteractiveTask ti defs accA updateTaskNode (TTMonitorTask ti status) = TTMonitorTask ti status updateTaskNode (TTSequenceTask ti tasks) = TTSequenceTask ti (reverse tasks) updateTaskNode (TTParallelTask ti tasks) = TTParallelTask ti (reverse tasks) updateTaskNode (TTMainTask ti mti tasks) = TTMainTask ti mti (reverse tasks) updateTaskNode (TTRpcTask ti rpci) = TTRpcTask ti rpci setTUIDef :: !TUIDef !*TSt -> *TSt setTUIDef def tst=:{tree} = case tree of (TTInteractiveTask info _ acts) = {tst & tree = TTInteractiveTask info (Left def) acts} _ = tst setTUIUpdates :: ![TUIUpdate] !*TSt -> *TSt setTUIUpdates upd tst=:{tree} = case tree of (TTInteractiveTask info _ acts) = {tst & tree = TTInteractiveTask info (Right upd) acts} _ = tst setAccActions :: ![(Action,Bool)] !*TSt -> *TSt setAccActions actions tst=:{tree} = case tree of (TTInteractiveTask info def _) = {tst & tree = TTInteractiveTask info def actions} _ = tst setStatus :: ![HtmlTag] !*TSt -> *TSt setStatus msg tst=:{tree} = case tree of (TTMonitorTask info _) = {tst & tree = TTMonitorTask info msg} _ = tst loadTaskFunctionStatic :: !TaskNr !*TSt -> (!Maybe (Task a), !*TSt) | TC a loadTaskFunctionStatic taskNr tst =: {TSt | dataStore, world} # (mbDyn, dataStore, world) = loadValue (storekey taskNr) dataStore world = case mbDyn of (Just (t :: Task a^)) = ((Just t), {TSt | tst & dataStore = dataStore, world = world}) Nothing = (Nothing , {TSt | tst & dataStore = dataStore, world = world}) where storekey taskNr = "iTask_"+++(taskNrToString taskNr)+++"-taskfun-static" storeTaskFunctionStatic :: !TaskNr !(Task a) !*TSt -> *TSt | TC a storeTaskFunctionStatic taskNr task tst = storeTaskFunction taskNr task "static" tst storeTaskFunction :: !TaskNr !(Task a) String !*TSt -> *TSt | TC a storeTaskFunction taskNr task key tst =: {TSt | dataStore} # dataStore = storeValueAs SFPlain (storekey taskNr key) (dynamic task) dataStore = {TSt | tst & dataStore = dataStore} where storekey taskNr key = "iTask_"+++(taskNrToString taskNr)+++"-taskfun-"+++key storeTaskThread :: !TaskNr !(*TSt -> *(!TaskResult Dynamic,!*TSt)) !*TSt -> *TSt storeTaskThread taskNr thread tst =:{dataStore} # dataStore = storeValueAs SFDynamic key (dynamic thread :: *TSt -> *(!TaskResult Dynamic,!*TSt)) dataStore = {TSt | tst & dataStore = dataStore} where key = "iTask_" +++ (taskNrToString taskNr) +++ "-thread" loadTaskThread :: !TaskNr !*TSt -> (*TSt -> *(!TaskResult Dynamic,!*TSt), !*TSt) loadTaskThread taskNr tst =:{dataStore,world} # (mbDyn, dataStore, world) = loadValue key dataStore world = case mbDyn of (Just (f :: *TSt -> *(!TaskResult Dynamic,!*TSt))) = (f, {TSt | tst & dataStore = dataStore, world = world}) (Just _) = abort ("(loadTaskThread) Failed to match thread for " +++ taskNrToString taskNr) Nothing = abort ("(loadTaskThread) Failed to load thread for " +++ taskNrToString taskNr) where key = "iTask_" +++ (taskNrToString taskNr) +++ "-thread" /** * Store and load the result of a workflow instance */ loadProcessResult :: !TaskNr !*TSt -> (!Maybe (TaskResult Dynamic), !*TSt) loadProcessResult taskNr tst =:{dataStore, world} # (mbDyn, dataStore, world) = loadValue key dataStore world = case mbDyn of ( Just (result :: TaskResult Dynamic)) = (Just result, {TSt | tst & dataStore = dataStore, world = world}) _ = (Nothing, {TSt | tst & dataStore = dataStore, world = world}) where key = "iTask_"+++(taskNrToString taskNr)+++"-result" storeProcessResult :: !TaskNr !(TaskResult Dynamic) !*TSt -> *TSt storeProcessResult taskNr result tst=:{dataStore} # dataStore = storeValueAs SFDynamic key result dataStore = {TSt |tst & dataStore = dataStore} where key = "iTask_"+++(taskNrToString taskNr)+++"-result" setTaskStore :: !String !a !*TSt -> *TSt | iTask a setTaskStore key value tst=:{taskNr,dataStore} # dataStore = storeValue storekey value dataStore = {TSt|tst & dataStore = dataStore} where storekey = "iTask_" +++ (taskNrToString taskNr) +++ "-" +++ key getTaskStore :: !String !*TSt -> (Maybe a, !*TSt) | iTask a getTaskStore key tst=:{taskNr,dataStore,world} # (mbValue,dataStore,world) = loadValue storekey dataStore world = (mbValue,{TSt|tst&dataStore = dataStore, world = world}) where storekey = "iTask_" +++ (taskNrToString taskNr) +++ "-" +++ key getUserUpdates :: !*TSt -> ([(String,String)],!*TSt) getUserUpdates tst=:{taskNr,request} = (updates request, tst); where updates request | http_getValue "_targettask" request.arg_post "" == taskNrToString taskNr = [u \\ u =:(k,v) <- request.arg_post | k.[0] <> '_'] | otherwise = [] clearUserUpdates :: !*TSt -> *TSt clearUserUpdates tst=:{taskNr, request} | http_getValue "_targettask" request.arg_post "" == taskNrToString taskNr = {tst & request = {request & arg_post = [u \\ u =:(k,v) <- request.arg_post | k.[0] == '_']}} | otherwise = tst resetSequence :: !*TSt -> *TSt resetSequence tst=:{taskNr,tree} = case tree of (TTSequenceTask info sequence) = {tst & taskNr = [0:tl taskNr], tree = TTSequenceTask info []} _ = {tst & tree = tree} deleteTaskStates :: !TaskNr !*TSt -> *TSt deleteTaskStates taskNr tst=:{TSt|dataStore,world} # (dataStore,world) = deleteValues (iTaskId taskNr "") dataStore world = {TSt|tst & world = world, dataStore = dataStore} copyTaskStates :: !TaskNr !TaskNr !*TSt -> *TSt copyTaskStates fromtask totask tst=:{TSt|dataStore,world} # (dstore,world) = copyValues (iTaskId fromtask "") (iTaskId totask "") dataStore world = {TSt|tst & dataStore = dstore, world = world} flushStore :: !*TSt -> *TSt flushStore tst=:{TSt|dataStore,systemStore,documentStore,world} # (dstore,world) = flushCache dataStore world # (sstore,world) = flushCache systemStore world # (fstore,world) = flushCache documentStore world = {TSt|tst & dataStore = dstore, systemStore = sstore, documentStore = fstore, world = world} taskNrToString :: !TaskNr -> String taskNrToString [] = "" taskNrToString [i] = toString i taskNrToString [i:is] = taskNrToString is +++ "." +++ toString i taskNrFromString :: !String -> TaskNr taskNrFromString "" = [] taskNrFromString string = reverse (parseTaskNr` [char \\ char <-: string]) where parseTaskNr` :: ![Char] -> TaskNr parseTaskNr` [] = [] parseTaskNr` list # (front,end) = span (\c -> c <> '.') list = [toInt (toString front) : parseTaskNr` (stl end)] toString :: [Char] -> String toString list = {c \\ c <- list} stl :: [Char] -> [Char] stl [] = [] stl xs = tl xs taskLabel :: !(Task a) -> String taskLabel (Task desc _ _) = desc.TaskDescription.title