implementation module WorkTabHandler import StdEnv import Http, TSt import TaskTree import JSON import Util, Trace, Text import UserDB, ProcessDB, DocumentDB import GenVisualize, GenUpdate, TUIDefinition import StdDebug handleWorkTabRequest :: !HTTPRequest !*TSt -> (!HTTPResponse, !*TSt) handleWorkTabRequest req tst=:{staticInfo} # (req, tst) = (handleFileUpload req tst) # tst = {TSt | tst & request = req} # (tree, tst) = calculateTaskTree taskId tst // Calculate the task tree = case tree of (TTMainTask ti properties tasks) # subject = [properties.managerProps.TaskManagerProperties.subject] # (Just p=:{Process | menus}, tst) = getProcess taskId tst # panels = case [t \\ t <- tasks | not (isFinished t)] of [] = if (allFinished tasks) [TaskDone] [TaskRedundant] [t] = buildTaskPanels t menus _ = abort "Multiple simultaneously active tasks in a main task!" // Collect debug information # (debuginfo,tst) = if debug (collectDebugInfo tree tst) (Nothing, tst) // Check the user who has to do the work: if not the correct user, give task redundant message. # username = staticInfo.currentSession.Session.user.User.userName | username == fst properties.managerProps.TaskManagerProperties.worker // Update the task timestamps # tst = updateTimeStamps properties.systemProps.TaskSystemProperties.processId tst // Create the response = let content = {TaskContent| success = True, properties = Just properties, subject = subject, content = panels, debug = debuginfo} in ({http_emptyResponse & rsp_data = toJSON content}, tst) | otherwise = redundant tst (TTFinishedTask ti) = finished tst _ = redundant tst where taskId = http_getValue "_maintask" req.arg_post "0" taskNr = taskNrFromString taskId debug = http_getValue "_debug" req.arg_post "0" == "1" error msg tst = ({http_emptyResponse & rsp_data = "{ \"success\" : false, \"error\" : \"" +++ msg +++ "\"}"}, tst) redundant tst = let content = {TaskContent| success = True, properties = Nothing, subject = [], content = [TaskRedundant], debug = Nothing} in ({http_emptyResponse & rsp_data = toJSON content}, tst) finished tst = let content = {TaskContent| success = True, properties = Nothing, subject = [], content = [TaskDone], debug = Nothing} in ({http_emptyResponse & rsp_data = toJSON content}, tst) handleFileUpload :: !HTTPRequest !*TSt -> (!HTTPRequest, !*TSt) handleFileUpload req tst = case req.arg_uploads of [] = (req,tst) list # upl = hd list # taskId = http_getValue "_targettask" req.arg_post "" # name = http_getValue "_name" req.arg_post "" # mbDocInfo = fromJSON(http_getValue "docInfo" req.arg_post "") # fname = (case split "\\" upl.upl_filename of [x] = x; [x:xs] = last [x:xs]) | isJust mbDocInfo # docInfo = fromJust mbDocInfo = case docInfo.Document.taskId == taskId of False # (doc,tst) = createDocument fname upl.upl_mimetype (taskNrFromString taskId) upl.upl_content tst # tst = updateDocumentInfo doc tst # new_post = [(name,toJSON doc):req.arg_post] = ({req & arg_post = new_post},tst) True # (doc,tst) = updateDocument (fromJust mbDocInfo) fname upl.upl_mimetype upl.upl_content tst # tst = updateDocumentInfo doc tst # new_post = [(name,toJSON doc):req.arg_post] = ({req & arg_post = new_post},tst) | otherwise # (doc,tst) = createDocument fname upl.upl_mimetype (taskNrFromString taskId) upl.upl_content tst # tst = updateDocumentInfo doc tst # new_post = [(name,toJSON doc):req.arg_post] = ({req & arg_post = new_post},tst) :: TaskContent = { success :: Bool , properties :: Maybe TaskProperties , subject :: [String] , content :: [TaskPanel] , debug :: Maybe DebugInfo } :: DebugInfo = { tasktree :: String } :: TaskPanel = FormPanel FormPanel | FormUpdate FormUpdate | MonitorPanel MonitorPanel | MainTaskPanel MainTaskPanel | ParallelInfoPanel ParallelInfoPanel | STFormPanel STFormPanel | STFormUpdate STFormUpdate | STMonitorPanel STMonitorPanel | STMainTaskPanel STMainTaskPanel | TaskDone | TaskRedundant // === Tasks === // Form task leaf type :: MonitorPanel = { xtype :: String , id :: String , taskId :: String , html :: String } :: FormPanel = { xtype :: String , id :: String , taskId :: String , items :: [TUIDef] , tbar :: Maybe [TUIDef] } :: FormUpdate = { xtype :: String , id :: String , taskId :: String , updates :: [TUIUpdate] } // Main task with properties leaf type :: MainTaskPanel = { xtype :: String , taskId :: String , properties :: TaskProperties } // === Subtasks === // Parallel task with info of its subtasks :: SubtaskNr :== [Int] :: ParallelInfoPanel = { xtype :: String , taskId :: String , label :: String , subtaskInfo :: [SubtaskInfo] } :: SubtaskInfo = { finished :: Bool , taskId :: String , subject :: String , delegatedTo :: Maybe String , subtaskId :: String , description :: String } // Form subtask leaf type :: STMonitorPanel = { xtype :: String , id :: String , taskId :: String , html :: String , subtaskId :: String } :: STFormPanel = { xtype :: String , id :: String , taskId :: String , items :: [TUIDef] , subtaskId :: String , tbar :: Maybe [TUIDef] } :: STFormUpdate = { xtype :: String , id :: String , taskId :: String , updates :: [TUIUpdate] , subtaskId :: String } // Main subtask with properties leaf type :: STMainTaskPanel = { xtype :: String , taskId :: String , properties :: TaskProperties , subtaskId :: String } //JSON derives derive JSONEncode TaskContent, DebugInfo, FormPanel, FormUpdate, MonitorPanel, MainTaskPanel, ParallelInfoPanel derive JSONEncode TaskProperties, TaskSystemProperties, TaskManagerProperties, TaskWorkerProperties, TaskPriority, TaskProgress, SubtaskInfo derive JSONEncode STFormPanel, STFormUpdate, STMonitorPanel, STMainTaskPanel //JSON specialization for TaskPanel: Ignore the union constructor JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (FormPanel x) c = JSONEncode{|*|} x c JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (FormUpdate x) c = JSONEncode{|*|} x c JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (MonitorPanel x) c = JSONEncode{|*|} x c JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (MainTaskPanel x) c = JSONEncode{|*|} x c JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (ParallelInfoPanel x) c = JSONEncode{|*|} x c JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (STFormPanel x) c = JSONEncode{|*|} x c JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (STFormUpdate x) c = JSONEncode{|*|} x c JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (STMonitorPanel x) c = JSONEncode{|*|} x c JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (STMainTaskPanel x) c = JSONEncode{|*|} x c JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (TaskDone) c = ["\"done\"" : c] JSONEncode{|TaskPanel|} (TaskRedundant) c = ["\"redundant\"" : c] //JSON specialization for Timestamp: Ignore the constructor JSONEncode{|Timestamp|} (Timestamp x) c = JSONEncode{|*|} x c buildTaskPanels :: TaskTree !(Maybe [Menu]) -> [TaskPanel] buildTaskPanels (TTInteractiveTask ti (Left def) acceptedA) menus = [FormPanel {FormPanel | xtype = "itasks.task-form", id = "taskform-" +++ ti.TaskInfo.taskId, taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId, items = [def], tbar = (makeMenuBar menus acceptedA ti)}] buildTaskPanels (TTInteractiveTask ti (Right upd) acceptedA) menus = [FormUpdate {FormUpdate | xtype = "itasks.task-form", id = "taskform-" +++ ti.TaskInfo.taskId, taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId, updates = (determineUpdates upd menus acceptedA ti)}] buildTaskPanels (TTMonitorTask ti html) _ = [MonitorPanel {MonitorPanel | xtype = "itasks.task-monitor", id = "taskform-" +++ ti.TaskInfo.taskId, taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId, html = toString (DivTag [] html)}] buildTaskPanels (TTRpcTask ti rpc) _ = [MonitorPanel {MonitorPanel | xtype = "itasks.task-monitor", id = "taskform-" +++ ti.TaskInfo.taskId, taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId, html = toString (DivTag [] [Text, Text ": ", Text rpc.RPCExecute.status])}] buildTaskPanels (TTMainTask ti mti _) _ = [MainTaskPanel {MainTaskPanel | xtype = "itasks.task-waiting", taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId, properties = mti}] buildTaskPanels (TTSequenceTask ti tasks) menus = case [t \\ t <- tasks | not (isFinished t)] of [] = if (allFinished tasks) [TaskDone][TaskRedundant] [t] = buildTaskPanels t menus _ = (abort "Multiple simultaneously active tasks in a sequence!") buildTaskPanels (TTParallelTask ti tasks) menus # cpanels = flatten [buildSubtaskPanels child [i] menus \\ child <- tasks & i <- [1..]] # ipanel = (ParallelInfoPanel {ParallelInfoPanel | xtype = "itasks.task-parallel", taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId, label = "This is a parallel", subtaskInfo = flatten [getSubtaskInfo t [i] \\ t <- tasks & i <- [1..]]}) = [ipanel:cpanels] buildTaskPanels (TTFinishedTask _) _ = [TaskDone] //Incorperate Open / Closed Behaviour.. etc buildSubtaskPanels :: TaskTree SubtaskNr !(Maybe [Menu]) -> [TaskPanel] buildSubtaskPanels (TTInteractiveTask ti (Left def) acceptedA) stnr menus = [STFormPanel {STFormPanel | xtype="itasks.task-form", id = "taskform-" +++ ti.TaskInfo.taskId, taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId, items = [def], subtaskId = subtaskNrToString stnr, tbar = (makeMenuBar menus acceptedA ti)}] buildSubtaskPanels (TTInteractiveTask ti (Right upd) acceptedA) stnr menus = [STFormUpdate {STFormUpdate | xtype = "itasks.task-form", id = "taskform-" +++ ti.TaskInfo.taskId, taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId, updates = (determineUpdates upd menus acceptedA ti), subtaskId = subtaskNrToString stnr}] buildSubtaskPanels (TTMonitorTask ti html) stnr _ = [STMonitorPanel {STMonitorPanel | xtype = "itasks.task-monitor", id = "taskform-" +++ ti.TaskInfo.taskId, taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId, html = toString (DivTag [] html), subtaskId = subtaskNrToString stnr}] buildSubtaskPanels (TTRpcTask ti rpc) stnr _ = [STMonitorPanel {STMonitorPanel | xtype = "itasks.task-monitor", id = "taskform-" +++ ti.TaskInfo.taskId, taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId, html = toString (DivTag [] [Text, Text ": ", Text rpc.RPCExecute.status]), subtaskId = subtaskNrToString stnr}] buildSubtaskPanels (TTMainTask ti mti tasks) stnr _ = [STMainTaskPanel {STMainTaskPanel | xtype = "itasks.task-waiting", taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId, properties = mti, subtaskId = subtaskNrToString stnr}] buildSubtaskPanels (TTSequenceTask ti tasks) stnr menus = case [t \\ t <- tasks | not (isFinished t)] of [] = if (allFinished tasks) [TaskDone][TaskRedundant] [t] = buildSubtaskPanels t stnr menus _ = (abort "Multiple simultaneously active tasks in a sequence!") buildSubtaskPanels (TTParallelTask ti tasks) stnr menus = flatten [buildSubtaskPanels t [i:stnr] menus\\ t <- tasks & i <- [1..]] buildSubtaskPanels (TTFinishedTask _) stnr _ = [TaskDone] getSubtaskInfo :: TaskTree SubtaskNr -> [SubtaskInfo] getSubtaskInfo (TTInteractiveTask ti _ _) stnr = [{SubtaskInfo | mkSti & taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId, subject = ti.TaskInfo.taskLabel, subtaskId = subtaskNrToString stnr}] getSubtaskInfo (TTMonitorTask ti _) stnr = [{SubtaskInfo | mkSti & taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId, subject = ti.TaskInfo.taskLabel, subtaskId = subtaskNrToString stnr}] getSubtaskInfo (TTRpcTask ti _) stnr = [{SubtaskInfo | mkSti & taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId, subject = ti.TaskInfo.taskLabel, subtaskId = subtaskNrToString stnr}] getSubtaskInfo (TTFinishedTask ti) stnr = [{SubtaskInfo | mkSti & finished = True, taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId, subject = ti.TaskInfo.taskLabel, subtaskId = subtaskNrToString stnr}] getSubtaskInfo (TTMainTask ti mti tasks) stnr = [{SubtaskInfo | mkSti & taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId, subject = mti.managerProps.TaskManagerProperties.subject, subtaskId = subtaskNrToString stnr, delegatedTo = Just (fst mti.managerProps.worker)}] getSubtaskInfo (TTParallelTask ti tasks) stnr # t = {SubtaskInfo | mkSti & taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId, subject = ti.TaskInfo.taskLabel, subtaskId = subtaskNrToString stnr, description = "Parallel task context"} # c = flatten [getSubtaskInfo t [i:stnr] \\ t <- tasks & i <- [1..]] = [t:c] getSubtaskInfo (TTSequenceTask ti tasks) stnr = case [t \\ t <- tasks | not (isFinished t)] of [] = [{SubtaskInfo | mkSti & finished = True, taskId = ti.TaskInfo.taskId, subject = ti.TaskInfo.taskLabel, subtaskId = subtaskNrToString stnr}] [t] = getSubtaskInfo t stnr _ = (abort "Multiple simultaneously active tasks in a sequence!") mkSti = {SubtaskInfo | finished = False, taskId = "", subject = "", delegatedTo = Nothing, subtaskId = "", description = ""} // === Menu Functions makeMenuBar :: !(Maybe [Menu]) [(Action,Bool)] TaskInfo -> Maybe [TUIDef] makeMenuBar menus acceptedA ti = case menus of Nothing = Nothing Just menus = Just (fst (mkMenus [] menus 0)) where mkMenus defs [Menu label items:menus] id #(children,id) = mkMenuItems [] items id = mkMenus [TUIMenuButton {TUIMenuButton | text = label, menu = {TUIMenu | items = children}, disabled = isEmpty children}:defs] menus id mkMenus defs [] id = (reverse defs,id) mkMenuItems _ _ id | isEmpty acceptedA = ([], id) mkMenuItems defs [MenuItem label action:items] id #accAction = filter (\(a,_) -> a == action) acceptedA | isEmpty accAction = mkMenuItems defs items (id + 1) | otherwise = mkMenuItems [TUIMenuItem {TUIMenuItem | id = Just (ti.TaskInfo.taskId +++ "-menu-" +++ toString id), text = label, name = Just "menu", value = Just (printToString action), disabled = not (snd (hd accAction)), menu = Nothing, iconCls = Just (getActionIcon action)}:defs] items (id + 1) mkMenuItems defs [SubMenu label sitems:items] id #(children,id) = mkMenuItems [] sitems id | isEmpty children = mkMenuItems defs items id | otherwise = mkMenuItems [TUIMenuItem {TUIMenuItem | id = Nothing, text = label, menu = Just {TUIMenu | items = children}, disabled = False, name = Nothing, value = Nothing, iconCls = Nothing}:defs] items id mkMenuItems defs [MenuSeparator:items] id = mkMenuItems ndefs items id where // add separators only where needed ndefs = case defs of [] = defs [TUIMenuSeparator:_] = defs _ = [TUIMenuSeparator:defs] mkMenuItems defs [MenuName _ item:items] id = mkMenuItems defs [item:items] id mkMenuItems defs [] id = (reverse defs`,id) where // remove superfluous separator at end defs` = case defs of [TUIMenuSeparator:defs] = defs defs = defs determineUpdates :: ![TUIUpdate] !(Maybe [Menu]) [(Action,Bool)] TaskInfo -> [TUIUpdate] determineUpdates upd menus acceptedA ti = case menus of Nothing = upd Just menus = fst (determineMenuUpd upd menus 0) where determineMenuUpd upd [Menu _ items:menus] id #(upd,id) = determineItemUpd upd items id = determineMenuUpd upd menus id determineMenuUpd upd [] id = (upd,id) determineItemUpd upd [SubMenu _ sitems:items] id #(upd,id) = determineItemUpd upd sitems id = determineItemUpd upd items id determineItemUpd upd [MenuItem _ action:items] id #accAction = filter (\(a,_) -> a == action) acceptedA | isEmpty accAction = determineItemUpd upd items (id + 1) | otherwise = determineItemUpd [TUISetEnabled (ti.TaskInfo.taskId +++ "-menu-" +++ toString id) (snd (hd accAction)):upd] items (id + 1) determineItemUpd upd [MenuSeparator:items] id = determineItemUpd upd items id determineItemUpd upd [MenuName _ item:items] id = determineItemUpd upd [item:items] id determineItemUpd upd [] id = (upd,id) // === UTILITY FUNCTIONS === subtaskNrToString :: SubtaskNr -> String subtaskNrToString [] = "" subtaskNrToString [i] = toString i subtaskNrToString [i:is] = taskNrToString is +++ "." +++ toString i isFinished :: TaskTree -> Bool isFinished (TTFinishedTask _ ) = True isFinished _ = False allFinished :: [TaskTree] -> Bool allFinished ts = and (map isFinished ts) updateTimeStamps :: !ProcessId !*TSt -> *TSt updateTimeStamps pid tst # (now,tst) = accWorldTSt time tst = snd (updateProcessProperties pid (\p -> {p & systemProps = {p.systemProps & firstEvent = case p.systemProps.firstEvent of Nothing = Just now; x = x , latestEvent = Just now }}) tst) collectDebugInfo :: TaskTree *TSt -> (Maybe DebugInfo, *TSt) collectDebugInfo tree tst # tasktree = traceTaskTree tree = (Just {tasktree = toJSON tasktree}, tst)