implementation module NewListHandler import StdEnv import Http, TSt import JSON, Util, Text import UserDB, SessionDB :: NewWorkItem = { id :: !String // The name of the workflow that is started , iconCls :: !String // An icon name. The actual icon image is defined in the css. , text :: !String // A label of the workflow that is started , leaf :: !Bool // Is it a leaf in the tree structure , singleClickExpand :: !Bool // Single click expand extjs option } derive JSONEncode NewWorkItem handleNewListRequest :: !HTTPRequest !*TSt -> (!HTTPResponse, !*TSt) handleNewListRequest request tst # path = http_getValue "node" request.arg_post "_ROOT_" # path = if (path == "_ROOT_") "" path # (session,tst) = getCurrentSession tst # (workflows,tst) = getWorkflows tst = ({http_emptyResponse & rsp_data = toJSON (sort (removeDup [ mkNode flow path \\ flow <- workflows | checkRoles flow session && checkPath flow path ]))}, tst) where checkRoles flow session | isEmpty flow.Workflow.roles = True //The workflow does not have required roles | session.Session.user.User.userName == "root" = True //The "root" user does not need to have assigned roles | or [isMember role session.Session.user.User.roles \\ role <- flow.Workflow.roles] = True //User has at least one of the roles needed for the flow | otherwise = False //Workflow is not allowed checkPath flow path = % (0, (size path - 1)) == path mkNode flow path # shortPath = % (size path, size # slashPosition = indexOf "/" shortPath | slashPosition == -1 = {id =, iconCls = "icon-workflow", text = shortPath, leaf = True, singleClickExpand = True} | otherwise # text = shortPath % (0, slashPosition - 1) = {id = path +++ text +++ "/", iconCls = "icon-folder", text = text, leaf = False, singleClickExpand = True} instance == NewWorkItem where (==) {NewWorkItem| id = a} {NewWorkItem| id = b} = a == b instance < NewWorkItem where (<) {NewWorkItem| id = a} {NewWorkItem| id = b} = a < b