implementation module GenVisualize import StdBool, StdChar, StdList, StdArray, StdTuple, StdMisc, StdMaybe, StdGeneric, StdEnum import GenUpdate, GenEq import Void, Either import Text, Html, JSON, TUIDefinition from Types import emptyDoc MAX_CONS_RADIO :== 3 //When the number of constructors is upto this number, the choice is made //with radio buttons. When it exceeds this, a combobox is used. NEWLINE :== "\n" //The character sequence to use for new lines in text display visualization mkVSt :: *VSt mkVSt = {VSt| vizType = VTextDisplay, idPrefix = "", currentPath = [0], label = Nothing, useLabels = False, onlyBody = False, optional = False, valid = True, listMask = []} //Wrapper functions visualizeAsEditor :: String DataMask a -> ([TUIDef],Bool) | gVisualize{|*|} a visualizeAsEditor name mask x # (defs,rh,vst=:{valid}) = gVisualize{|*|} val val {mkVSt & vizType =VEditorDefinition, idPrefix = name} = (coerceToTUIDefs defs, valid) where val = VValue x mask visualizeAsHtmlDisplay :: a -> [HtmlTag] | gVisualize{|*|} a visualizeAsHtmlDisplay x = flatten (coerceToHtml (fst3 (gVisualize{|*|} val val {mkVSt & vizType = VHtmlDisplay}))) where val = VValue x [] visualizeAsTextDisplay :: a -> String | gVisualize{|*|} a visualizeAsTextDisplay x = join " " (coerceToStrings (fst3 (gVisualize{|*|} val val {mkVSt & vizType = VTextDisplay}))) where val = VValue x [] visualizeAsHtmlLabel :: a -> [HtmlTag] | gVisualize{|*|} a visualizeAsHtmlLabel x = flatten (coerceToHtml (fst3 (gVisualize{|*|} val val {mkVSt & vizType = VHtmlLabel}))) where val = VValue x [] visualizeAsTextLabel :: a -> String | gVisualize{|*|} a visualizeAsTextLabel x = join " " (coerceToStrings (fst3 (gVisualize{|*|} val val {mkVSt & vizType = VTextLabel}))) where val = VValue x [] determineEditorUpdates :: String DataMask DataMask ListMask a a -> ([TUIUpdate],Bool) | gVisualize{|*|} a determineEditorUpdates name omask nmask lmask old new //# omask = trace_n ("OLD MASK: " +++ printToString omask) omask //# nmask = trace_n ("NEW MASK: " +++ printToString nmask) nmask //# lmask = trace_n ("LST MASK: " +++ printToString lmask) lmask # (updates,rh,vst=:{valid}) = (gVisualize{|*|} (VValue old omask) (VValue new nmask) {mkVSt & vizType = VEditorUpdate, idPrefix = name, listMask = lmask}) = (coerceToTUIUpdates updates, valid) //Bimap for visualization values derive bimap VisualizationValue //Generic visualizer generic gVisualize a :: (VisualizationValue a) (VisualizationValue a) *VSt -> ([Visualization], RenderingHint, *VSt) gVisualize{|UNIT|} _ _ vst = ([],0,vst) gVisualize{|PAIR|} fx fy old new vst = case (old,new) of (VValue (PAIR ox oy) omask, VValue (PAIR nx ny) nmask) # (vizx, rhx, vst) = fx (VValue ox omask) (VValue nx nmask) vst # (vizy, rhy, vst) = fy (VValue oy omask) (VValue ny nmask) vst = (vizx ++ vizy, rhx+rhy, vst) _ # (vizx, rhx, vst) = fx VBlank VBlank vst # (vizy, rhy, vst) = fy VBlank VBlank vst = (vizx ++ vizy, rhx+rhy, vst) gVisualize{|EITHER|} fx fy old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,currentPath,onlyBody,valid} = case (old,new) of //Same structure: (VValue (LEFT ox) omask, VValue (LEFT nx) nmask) # oval = VValue ox omask # nval = VValue nx nmask = case vizType of VEditorUpdate | maskChanged currentPath omask nmask # (old,rho,vst) = fx oval oval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, onlyBody = True, valid = valid} # (new,rhn,vst) = fx nval nval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, onlyBody = True, valid = valid} = (determineRemovals old ++ determineAdditions pathid new, rhn, {vst & vizType = VEditorUpdate, onlyBody = onlyBody}) | otherwise = fx oval nval vst _ = fx oval nval vst (VValue (RIGHT oy) omask, VValue (RIGHT ny) nmask) # oval = VValue oy omask # nval = VValue ny nmask = case vizType of VEditorUpdate | maskChanged currentPath omask nmask # (old,rho,vst) = fy oval oval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, onlyBody = True, valid = valid} # (new,rhn,vst) = fy nval nval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, onlyBody = True, valid = valid} = (determineRemovals old ++ determineAdditions pathid new, rhn, {vst & vizType = VEditorUpdate, onlyBody = onlyBody}) | otherwise = fy oval nval vst _ = fy oval nval vst //Different structure: (VValue (LEFT ox) omask, VValue (RIGHT ny) nmask) # oval = VValue ox omask # nval = VValue ny nmask = case vizType of VEditorUpdate # (old,rho,vst) = fx oval oval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, onlyBody = True, valid = valid} # (new,rhn,vst) = fy nval nval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, onlyBody = True, valid = valid} = (determineRemovals old ++ determineAdditions pathid new, rhn, {vst & vizType = VEditorUpdate, onlyBody = onlyBody}) _ = fx oval oval vst //Default case: ignore the new value (VValue (RIGHT oy) omask, VValue (LEFT nx) nmask) # oval = VValue oy omask # nval = VValue nx nmask = case vizType of VEditorUpdate # (old,rho,vst) = fy oval oval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, onlyBody = True, valid = valid} # (new,rhn,vst) = fx nval nval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, onlyBody = True, valid = valid} = (determineRemovals old ++ determineAdditions pathid new, rhn, {vst & vizType = VEditorUpdate, onlyBody = onlyBody}) _ = fy oval oval vst //Default case: ignore the new value //No value any more (VValue (LEFT ox) omask, VBlank) # oval = VValue ox omask # nval = VBlank = case vizType of VEditorUpdate # (old,rho,vst) = fx oval oval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, onlyBody = True, valid = valid} # (new,rhn,vst) = fx nval nval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, onlyBody = True, valid = valid} = (determineRemovals old ++ determineAdditions pathid new, rhn, {vst & vizType = VEditorUpdate, onlyBody = onlyBody}) _ = fx oval oval vst //Default case: ignore the new value (VValue (RIGHT oy) omask, VBlank) # oval = VValue oy omask # nval = VBlank = case vizType of VEditorUpdate # (old,rho,vst) = fy oval oval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, onlyBody = True, valid = valid} # (new,rhn,vst) = fx nval nval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, onlyBody = True, valid = valid} = (determineRemovals old ++ determineAdditions pathid new, rhn, {vst & vizType = VEditorUpdate, onlyBody = onlyBody}) _ = fy oval oval vst //Default case: ignore the new value //New value (VBlank, VValue (LEFT nx) nmask) # oval = VBlank # nval = VValue nx nmask = case vizType of VEditorUpdate # (old,rho,vst) = fx oval oval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, onlyBody = True, valid = valid} # (new,rhn,vst) = fx nval nval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, onlyBody = True, valid = valid} = (determineRemovals old ++ determineAdditions pathid new, rhn, {vst & vizType = VEditorUpdate, onlyBody = onlyBody}) _ = fx oval oval vst //Default case: ignore the new value (VBlank, VValue (RIGHT ny) nmask) # oval = VBlank # nval = VValue ny nmask = case vizType of VEditorUpdate # (old,rho,vst) = fx oval oval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, onlyBody = True, valid = valid} # (new,rhn,vst) = fy nval nval {vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = currentPath, onlyBody = True, valid = valid} = (determineRemovals old ++ determineAdditions pathid new, rhn, {vst & vizType = VEditorUpdate, onlyBody = onlyBody}) _ = fx oval oval vst //Default case: ignore the new value //Default case _ = fx VBlank VBlank vst where maskChanged dp m1 m2 = (isMasked dp m1 && not (isMasked dp m2)) || (not (isMasked dp m1) && isMasked dp m2) pathid = dp2id idPrefix currentPath gVisualize{|CONS of d|} fx old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,currentPath,label,useLabels,onlyBody,optional,valid} = case vizType of //Editor definition VEditorDefinition # (ox,nx) = case (old,new) of (VValue (CONS ox) omask,VValue (CONS nx) nmask) = (VValue ox omask, VValue nx nmask) _ = (VBlank,VBlank) // Records | not (isEmpty d.gcd_fields) # (vizBody,rh,vst=:{valid}) = fx ox nx {vst & label = Nothing, currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, onlyBody = False, useLabels = True, optional = False} //Add a containing fieldset on the first level | dataPathLevel currentPath > 1 = ([TUIFragment (TUIFieldSet {TUIFieldSet | id = (dp2id idPrefix currentPath) +++ "-fs" , layout = Just "form" , title = title label , items = coerceToTUIDefs vizBody , autoHeight = True, border = isJust label , fieldLabel = Nothing, hideLabel = True})] , 0 //fieldset is always full width (rh = 0) , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, optional = optional}) | otherwise = (vizBody, 0, {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) //fieldset is always full width (rh = 0) //ADT's with only one constructor | d.gcd_type_def.gtd_num_conses == 1 # (vizBody,rh,vst=:{valid}) = fx ox nx {vst & label = Nothing, currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, optional = False} = (vizBody,rh,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, optional = optional}) //ADT's with multiple constructors | otherwise # (vizBody,rh,vst=:{valid}) = if (showBody currentPath old) (fx ox nx {vst & label = Nothing, currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, onlyBody = False, optional = False}) ([],0,vst) | onlyBody //Normal ADT's without constructor selector = (vizBody, rh, {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid = stillValid currentPath old optional valid, optional = optional}) | otherwise //Normal ADT's with constructor selector = ((consSelector d idPrefix currentPath old (label2s optional label) useLabels) ++ vizBody, 0, //full width {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid = stillValid currentPath old optional valid, optional = optional}) //Html display vizualization VHtmlDisplay = case (old,new) of (VValue (CONS ox) omask, VValue (CONS nx) nmask) # (vizBody,rh, vst) = fx (VValue ox omask) (VValue nx nmask) {vst & label = Nothing, currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath} //Records | not (isEmpty d.gcd_fields) = ([HtmlFragment [TableTag [] (flatten (coerceToHtml vizBody))]],rh,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) //Normal ADT's | otherwise = (vizCons ++ vizBody,rh,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) _ = ([],0, {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) _ //Other visualizations = case (old,new) of (VValue (CONS ox) omask, VValue (CONS nx) nmask) # useLabels = not (isEmpty d.gcd_fields) || useLabels # (vizBody,rh, vst=:{valid}) = fx (VValue ox omask) (VValue nx nmask) {vst & label = Nothing, currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = useLabels, optional = False} //No validity check is needed when there is only one constructor | d.gcd_type_def.gtd_num_conses == 1 = (vizCons ++ vizBody, 0, {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, optional = optional}) //A validity check is used | otherwise = (vizCons ++ vizBody, 0, {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid = stillValid currentPath old optional valid, optional = optional}) _ = ([], 0, {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) where //When we have no title there is nothing to display :) title (Just t) = t title Nothing = "" //Do not show constructors that start with an underscore (_Tuple2,_Cons etc.) vizCons = if (d.gcd_name.[0] == '_') [] [TextFragment d.gcd_name] //Only show a body when you have a value and it is masked showBody dp VBlank = False showBody dp (VValue _ dm) = isMasked dp dm gVisualize{|OBJECT of d|} fx old new vst = case (old,new) of (VValue (OBJECT ox) omask, VValue (OBJECT nx) nmask) = fx (VValue ox omask) (VValue nx nmask) vst (VValue (OBJECT ox) omask, VBlank) = fx (VValue ox omask) VBlank vst (VBlank, VValue (OBJECT nx) nmask) = fx VBlank (VValue nx nmask) vst _ = fx VBlank VBlank vst gVisualize{|FIELD of d|} fx old new vst=:{vizType} = case (old,new) of (VValue (FIELD ox) omask, VValue (FIELD nx) nmask) = case vizType of VHtmlDisplay # (vizBody,rh,vst) = fx (VValue ox omask) (VValue nx nmask) {VSt |vst & label = Nothing} = ([HtmlFragment [TrTag [] [ThTag [] [Text (formatLabel d.gfd_name),Text ": "],TdTag [] (flatten (coerceToHtml vizBody))]]],rh,{VSt | vst & label = Nothing}) VTextDisplay # (vizBody,rh,vst) = fx (VValue ox omask) (VValue nx nmask) {VSt |vst & label = Just (formatLabel d.gfd_name)} = ([TextFragment (formatLabel d.gfd_name),TextFragment ": " : vizBody],rh, {VSt | vst & label = Nothing}) _ # (vizBody,rh,vst) = fx (VValue ox omask) (VValue nx nmask) {VSt |vst & label = Just (formatLabel d.gfd_name)} = (vizBody,rh, {VSt | vst & label = Nothing}) _ = fx VBlank VBlank {VSt |vst & label = Just (formatLabel d.gfd_name)} gVisualize{|Int|} old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,label,currentPath,useLabels,optional,valid} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition = ([TUIFragment (TUINumberField {TUINumberField|name = dp2s currentPath, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, value = value2s currentPath old , fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels, allowDecimals = False, numDecimals = 0})] , 1 , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid = stillValid currentPath old optional valid}) _ = ([TextFragment (toString old)] , 1 , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid = stillValid currentPath new optional valid}) gVisualize{|Real|} old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,label,currentPath,useLabels,optional,valid} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition = ([TUIFragment (TUINumberField {TUINumberField|name = dp2s currentPath, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, value = value2s currentPath old, fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels, allowDecimals = True, numDecimals = 1000})] , 1 , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid = stillValid currentPath old optional valid}) _ = ([TextFragment (toString old)] , 1 , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid = stillValid currentPath new optional valid}) gVisualize{|Char|} old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,label,currentPath,useLabels,optional,valid} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition = ([TUIFragment (TUITextField {TUITextField|name = dp2s currentPath, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, value = value2s currentPath old, fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels})] , 1 , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid = stillValid currentPath old optional valid}) _ = ([TextFragment (toString old)] , 1 , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid = stillValid currentPath new optional valid}) gVisualize{|Bool|} old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,label,currentPath,useLabels,optional,valid} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition = ([TUIFragment (TUICheckBox {TUICheckBox|name = dp2s currentPath, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, value = value, boxLabel = Nothing, fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels, checked = checked })] , 1 , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) _ = ([TextFragment (toString old)] , 1 , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) where checked = case old of VBlank = False (VValue v mask) = if (isMasked currentPath mask) v False value = if checked "true" "false" gVisualize{|String|} old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,label,currentPath,useLabels,optional,valid} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition = ([TUIFragment (TUITextField {TUITextField|name = dp2s currentPath, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, value = value2s currentPath old, fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels})] , 1 , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid = stillValid currentPath old optional valid}) _ = ([TextFragment (toString old)] , 1 , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid = stillValid currentPath new optional valid}) gVisualize{|Maybe|} fx old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,currentPath,optional,valid,onlyBody} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition = case (old,new) of (VValue (Just ox) omask, _) # oval = VValue ox omask # (viz, rh, vst) = fx oval oval {vst & optional = True} = (viz, rh, {vst & optional = optional, currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) _ # (viz, rh, vst) = fx VBlank VBlank {vst & optional = True} = (viz, rh, {vst & optional = optional, currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) VEditorUpdate = case (old,new) of (VValue (Just ox) omask, VValue (Just nx) nmask) # (viz, rh, vst) = fx (VValue ox omask) (VValue nx nmask) {vst & optional = True} = (viz, rh, {vst & optional = optional, currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) (VValue (Just ox) omask, VValue Nothing nmask) # (viz, rh, vst) = fx (VValue ox omask) VBlank {vst & optional = True} = (viz, rh, {vst & optional = optional, currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) (VValue Nothing omask, VValue (Just nx) nmask) # (viz, rh, vst) = fx VBlank (VValue nx nmask) {vst & optional = True} = (viz, rh, {vst & optional = optional, currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) _ # (viz, rh, vst) = fx VBlank VBlank {vst & optional = True} = (viz, rh, {vst & optional = optional, currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) _ = case old of (VValue Nothing m) = ([TextFragment "-"],0,vst) (VValue (Just x) m) = fx (VValue x m) (VValue x m) vst VBlank = ([],0,vst) where pathid = dp2id idPrefix currentPath gVisualize{|Dynamic|} old new vst = ([],0,vst) gVisualize{|(,)|} f1 f2 old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,currentPath,useLabels, label,optional} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # oldLabels = useLabels # (v1,v2) = case old of (VValue (o1,o2) omask) = (VValue o1 omask, VValue o2 omask) ; _ = (VBlank,VBlank) # (viz1,rh1,vst) = f1 v1 v1 {VSt| vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = False, label = Nothing} # (viz2,rh2,vst) = f2 v2 v2 vst = ([TUIFragment (TUIPanel {TUIPanel | layout="itasks.hgrid", buttons = Nothing, autoHeight = True, autoWidth = True, border = False, bodyCssClass = "", fieldLabel = label2s optional label, unstyled=True, renderingHint=0, //Tuple always full width items = [ TUIPanel {TUIPanel| layout = "form", buttons = Nothing, autoHeight = True, autoWidth = True, border = False, bodyCssClass = "", fieldLabel = Nothing, items = coerceToTUIDefs viz1, renderingHint = rh1, unstyled=True}, TUIPanel {TUIPanel| layout = "form", buttons = Nothing, autoHeight = True, autoWidth = True, border = False, bodyCssClass = "", fieldLabel = Nothing, items = coerceToTUIDefs viz2, renderingHint = rh2, unstyled=True} ]})] , 0 , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, useLabels = oldLabels}) _ = case (old,new) of (VValue (o1,o2) omask, VValue(n1,n2) nmask) # oldLabels = useLabels # (viz1,rh1,vst) = f1 (VValue o1 omask) (VValue n1 nmask) {VSt| vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = False, label = Nothing} # (viz2,rh2,vst) = f2 (VValue o2 omask) (VValue n2 nmask) vst = (viz1 ++ [TextFragment ", "] ++ viz2,6,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, useLabels = oldLabels}) _ # oldLabels = useLabels # (viz1,rh1,vst) = f1 VBlank VBlank {VSt| vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath} # (viz2,rh2,vst) = f2 VBlank VBlank vst = (viz1 ++ [TextFragment ", "] ++ viz2,6,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, useLabels = oldLabels}) gVisualize{|(,,)|} f1 f2 f3 old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,currentPath,useLabels, label,optional} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # oldLabels = useLabels # (v1,v2,v3) = case old of (VValue (o1,o2,o3) omask) = (VValue o1 omask, VValue o2 omask, VValue o3 omask) ; _ = (VBlank,VBlank,VBlank) # (viz1,rh1,vst) = f1 v1 v1 {VSt| vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = False, label = Nothing} # (viz2,rh2,vst) = f2 v2 v2 vst # (viz3,rh3,vst) = f3 v3 v3 vst = ([TUIFragment (TUIPanel {TUIPanel | layout = "itasks.hgrid", buttons = Nothing, autoHeight = True, autoWidth = True, border = False, bodyCssClass = "", fieldLabel = label2s optional label,renderingHint = 0, unstyled=True, items = [ TUIPanel {TUIPanel| layout = "form", buttons = Nothing, autoHeight = True, autoWidth = True, border = False, bodyCssClass = "", fieldLabel = Nothing, items = coerceToTUIDefs viz1, renderingHint = rh1, unstyled=True}, TUIPanel {TUIPanel| layout = "form", buttons = Nothing, autoHeight = True, autoWidth = True, border = False, bodyCssClass = "", fieldLabel = Nothing, items = coerceToTUIDefs viz2, renderingHint = rh2, unstyled=True}, TUIPanel {TUIPanel| layout = "form", buttons = Nothing, autoHeight = True, autoWidth = True, border = False, bodyCssClass = "", fieldLabel = Nothing, items = coerceToTUIDefs viz3, renderingHint = rh3, unstyled=True} ]})] , 0 , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, useLabels=oldLabels}) _ = case (old,new) of (VValue (o1,o2,o3) omask, VValue(n1,n2,n3) nmask) # oldLabels = useLabels # (viz1,rh1,vst) = f1 (VValue o1 omask) (VValue n1 nmask) {VSt| vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = False, label = Nothing} # (viz2,rh2,vst) = f2 (VValue o2 omask) (VValue n2 nmask) vst # (viz3,rh3,vst) = f3 (VValue o3 omask) (VValue n3 nmask) vst = (viz1 ++ [TextFragment ", "] ++ viz2 ++ [TextFragment ", "] ++ viz3,4,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, useLabels = oldLabels}) _ # oldLabels = useLabels # (viz1,rh1,vst) = f1 VBlank VBlank {VSt| vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath} # (viz2,rh2,vst) = f2 VBlank VBlank vst # (viz3,rh3,vst) = f3 VBlank VBlank vst = (viz1 ++ [TextFragment ", "] ++ viz2 ++ [TextFragment ", "] ++ viz3,4,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, useLabels = oldLabels}) gVisualize{|(,,,)|} f1 f2 f3 f4 old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,currentPath,useLabels, label,optional} # oldLabel = useLabels = case vizType of VEditorDefinition # oldLabels = useLabels # (v1,v2,v3,v4) = case old of (VValue (o1,o2,o3,o4) omask) = (VValue o1 omask, VValue o2 omask, VValue o3 omask,VValue o4 omask) ; _ = (VBlank,VBlank,VBlank,VBlank) # (viz1,rh1,vst) = f1 v1 v1 {VSt| vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = False, label = Nothing} # (viz2,rh2,vst) = f2 v2 v2 vst # (viz3,rh3,vst) = f3 v3 v3 vst # (viz4,rh4,vst) = f4 v4 v4 vst = ([TUIFragment (TUIPanel {TUIPanel | layout="itasks.hgrid", buttons = Nothing, autoHeight = True, autoWidth = True, border = False, bodyCssClass = "", fieldLabel = label2s optional label, renderingHint = 0, unstyled=True, items = [ TUIPanel {TUIPanel| layout = "form", buttons = Nothing, autoHeight = True, autoWidth = True, border = False, bodyCssClass = "", fieldLabel = Nothing, items = coerceToTUIDefs viz1, renderingHint = rh1, unstyled=True}, TUIPanel {TUIPanel| layout = "form", buttons = Nothing, autoHeight = True, autoWidth = True, border = False, bodyCssClass = "", fieldLabel = Nothing, items = coerceToTUIDefs viz2, renderingHint = rh2, unstyled=True}, TUIPanel {TUIPanel| layout = "form", buttons = Nothing, autoHeight = True, autoWidth = True, border = False, bodyCssClass = "", fieldLabel = Nothing, items = coerceToTUIDefs viz3, renderingHint = rh3, unstyled=True}, TUIPanel {TUIPanel| layout = "form", buttons = Nothing, autoHeight = True, autoWidth = True, border = False, bodyCssClass = "", fieldLabel = Nothing, items = coerceToTUIDefs viz4, renderingHint = rh4, unstyled=True} ]})] , 0 , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, useLabels = oldLabels}) _ = case (old,new) of (VValue (o1,o2,o3,o4) omask, VValue(n1,n2,n3,n4) nmask) # oldLabels = useLabels # (viz1,rh1,vst) = f1 (VValue o1 omask) (VValue n1 nmask) {VSt| vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, useLabels = False, label = Nothing} # (viz2,rh2,vst) = f2 (VValue o2 omask) (VValue n2 nmask) vst # (viz3,rh3,vst) = f3 (VValue o3 omask) (VValue n3 nmask) vst # (viz4,rh4,vst) = f4 (VValue o4 omask) (VValue n4 nmask) vst = (viz1 ++ [TextFragment ", "] ++ viz2 ++ [TextFragment ", "] ++ viz3 ++ [TextFragment ", "] ++ viz4,4,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, useLabels = oldLabels}) _ # oldLabels = useLabels # (viz1,rh1,vst) = f1 VBlank VBlank {VSt| vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath} # (viz2,rh2,vst) = f2 VBlank VBlank vst # (viz3,rh3,vst) = f3 VBlank VBlank vst # (viz4,rh4,vst) = f4 VBlank VBlank vst = (viz1 ++ [TextFragment ", "] ++ viz2 ++ [TextFragment ", "] ++ viz3 ++ [TextFragment ", "] ++ viz4,4,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, useLabels = oldLabels}) gVisualize {|[]|} fx old new vst=:{vizType,idPrefix,currentPath,useLabels,label,optional,listMask} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition = case old of (VValue [] omask) = ([TUIFragment (TUIList {TUIList | items = [], name = dp2s currentPath, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels})], 0, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) (VValue ov omask) # (viz,rh,vst) = vizEditor fx ov omask 0 (dp2id idPrefix currentPath) (dp2s currentPath) {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, vizType=VEditorDefinition} = ([TUIFragment (TUIList {TUIList | items = viz, name = dp2s currentPath, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels})], 0, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) (VBlank) = ([TUIFragment (TUIList {TUIList | items = [], name = dp2s currentPath, id= dp2id idPrefix currentPath, fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels})], 0, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) VEditorUpdate = case (old,new) of (_, VBlank) = ([TUIFragment (TUIList {TUIList | items = [], name = dp2s currentPath, id= dp2id idPrefix currentPath, fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels})], 0, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) (VBlank,(VValue nv nmask)) # (viz, rh, vst) = vizEditor fx nv nmask 0 (dp2id idPrefix currentPath) (dp2s currentPath) {VSt | vst & vizType = VEditorDefinition, currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, optional = False} # vst = {VSt | vst & optional = optional} = ([TUIFragment (TUIList {TUIList | items = viz, name = dp2s currentPath, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels})], 0, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) (VValue [] omask, VValue nv nmask) # (viz, rh, vst) = vizEditor fx nv nmask 0 (dp2id idPrefix currentPath) (dp2s currentPath) {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, vizType = VEditorDefinition, optional=False} # vst = {VSt | vst & optional = optional} = ([TUIFragment (TUIList {TUIList | items = viz, name = dp2s currentPath, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels})], 0, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, vizType=VEditorUpdate}) (VValue ov omask, VValue [] nmask) = ([TUIFragment (TUIList {TUIList | items = [], name = dp2s currentPath, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels})], 0, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) (VValue ov omask, VValue nv nmask) # (nupd,rh,vst) = vizUpdate fx ov nv omask nmask {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, vizType = VEditorUpdate} # (nviz,rh,vst) = vizEditor fx nv nmask 0 (dp2id idPrefix currentPath) (dp2s currentPath) {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, vizType = VEditorDefinition, optional=False} # vst = {VSt | vst & optional = optional, useLabels = useLabels, label = label} # lo = length ov # ln = length nv # lmask = [(dp,idx) \\ (dp,idx) <- listMask | dp == currentPath] # idx = if(length lmask > 0) (snd (last lmask)) [] # idx = [x \\ x <- idx | x < length ov && x < length nv] # rplc = determineReplacements nviz idx # rem = determineRemovals lo ln (dp2id idPrefix currentPath) # add = determineAdditions nviz lo ln (dp2id idPrefix currentPath) = (nupd++rplc++add++rem,0,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, vizType=VEditorUpdate}) VHtmlDisplay = case old of (VValue [] omask) = ([HtmlFragment [ITag [] [(Text "Empty list")]]],0,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) (VValue ov omask) # (viz,rh,vst) = vizStatic fx ov omask {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath} = ([HtmlFragment [UlTag [ClassAttr "listDisplay"] [(LiTag [ClassAttr "listDisplay"] (flatten (coerceToHtml x))) \\ x <- viz]]],0,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) (VBlank) = ([HtmlFragment [(Text "-")]],0,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) _ = case old of (VValue [] omask) = ([TextFragment "Empty list"],0,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) (VValue ov omask) # (viz,rh,vst) = vizStatic fx ov omask {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath} # strings = flatten [(coerceToStrings x) \\ x <-viz] = ([TextFragment (toTextFrag strings)],0,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) (VBlank) = ([TextFragment "-"],0,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) where vizEditor fx [] mask index pfx name vst = ([],[],vst) vizEditor fx [x:xs] mask index pfx name vst=:{label,useLabels} # (vx,rh,vst) = fx (VValue x mask) (VValue x mask) {VSt | vst & label = Nothing, useLabels = False} //Don't display any labels. # tx = (TUIListItem {TUIListItem | items=coerceToTUIDefs vx, index=index, name=name, id=pfx+++"_"+++toString index}) # (txs,rhs,vst) = vizEditor fx xs mask (index+1) pfx name vst = ([tx:txs],[rh:rhs],{VSt | vst & label = label, useLabels = useLabels}) vizUpdate fx [o:os] [n:ns] omask nmask vst # (ux,rh,vst) = fx (VValue o omask) (VValue n nmask) {VSt | vst & label = Nothing, useLabels = False} # (uxs,rhs,vst) = vizUpdate fx os ns omask nmask vst = (ux ++ uxs,[rh:rhs],vst) vizUpdate fx _ _ omask nmask vst = ([],[],vst) vizStatic fx [] mask vst = ([],[],vst) vizStatic fx [x:xs] mask vst # (vx,rh,vst) = fx (VValue x mask) (VValue x mask) {VSt | vst & label = Nothing, useLabels = False} # (vxs,rhs,vst) = vizStatic fx xs mask vst = ([vx:vxs],[rh:rhs],vst) toTextFrag [] = "" toTextFrag [x] = x toTextFrag [x:xs] = x+++","+++toTextFrag xs determineReplacements items [] = [] determineReplacements items idx # list = [item \\ item <- items & i <- [0..] | isMember i idx] = [TUIUpdate (TUIReplace (fromJust(getId x)) x) \\ x <- list | isJust (getId x)] determineRemovals lo ln pfx | lo > ln # idx = [ln..(lo-1)] = [TUIUpdate (TUIRemove (pfx+++"_"+++toString x)) \\ x <- idx] | otherwise = [] determineAdditions nviz lo ln pfx | lo < ln # el = [x \\ x <- nviz & i <- [0..] | i >= lo] = [TUIUpdate (TUIAdd (pfx+++"_"+++toString(lo-1)) x) \\ x <- (reverse el)] | otherwise = [] //Document Type gVisualize {|Document|} old new vst=:{vizType, label, idPrefix, currentPath, valid, optional, useLabels} = case vizType of VHtmlDisplay = case old of (VBlank) = ([HtmlFragment [(Text "No Document.")]],2,vst) (VValue ov omask) # downLink = ATag [HrefAttr (buildLink ov),TargetAttr "_blank",IdAttr (dp2id idPrefix currentPath),NameAttr "x-form-document-link"] [ImgTag [SrcAttr "skins/default/img/icons/page_white_put.png"]] # prevLink = ATag [HrefAttr "#", IdAttr (dp2id idPrefix currentPath), NameAttr "x-form-document-preview-link"][ImgTag [SrcAttr "skins/default/img/icons/zoom.png"]] = ([HtmlFragment [(Text (ov.fileName+++" ("+++printByteSize ov.size+++") ")),RawText " ",downLink,prevLink]], 2, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) VTextDisplay = case old of (VBlank) = ([TextFragment "No Document."],2,vst) (VValue ov omask) = ([TextFragment ov.fileName], 2, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) _ = case new of (VValue nval nmask) = ([TUIFragment (TUIDocument {TUIDocument | allowUpload = True, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, name = dp2s currentPath, docInfo = (toJSON nval), fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels})], 2, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid = isValid nval optional valid}) (VBlank) = case old of (VValue oval omask) = ([TUIFragment (TUIDocument {TUIDocument | allowUpload = True, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, name = dp2s currentPath, docInfo = (toJSON oval), fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels})], 2, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid = isValid oval optional valid}) (VBlank) = ([TUIFragment (TUIDocument {TUIDocument | allowUpload = True, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, name = dp2s currentPath, docInfo = (toJSON emptyDoc), fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels})], 2, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid = isValid emptyDoc optional valid}) where fixReal r = (toReal (toInt (r*100.0)))/100.0 printByteSize size | size >= 1048576 = toString (fixReal ((toReal size)/(toReal 1048576)))+++" Mbyte" | size >= 1024 = toString (fixReal ((toReal size)/(toReal 1024)))+++" Kbyte" | otherwise = toString size +++ " byte" buildLink doc = "/document/download/link/"+++doc.taskId+++"/"+++toString doc.Document.index isValid :: Document Bool Bool -> Bool isValid doc optional valid | optional = valid | doc.fileName <> "" = valid | otherwise = False //Hidden type gVisualize{|Hidden|} fx old new vst=:{VSt | currentPath} = ([],0,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) import StdDebug //Static type gVisualize{|Static|} fx old new vst=:{vizType, label, idPrefix, currentPath, valid, optional, useLabels} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition = case old of (VValue (Static ov) omask) # (vizBody,rh,vst) = fx (VValue ov omask) (VValue ov omask) {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, vizType = VHtmlDisplay} = case hd vizBody of (HtmlFragment tags) = ([TUIFragment (TUIHtmlPanel {TUIHtmlPanel | html = tags2s tags, border = False, bodyCssClass = "", id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels})], rh, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, vizType = vizType}) (TextFragment html) = ([TUIFragment (TUIHtmlPanel {TUIHtmlPanel | html = html, border = False, bodyCssClass = "", id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels})], rh, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, vizType = vizType}) _ = ([],0,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, vizType = vizType}) (VBlank) # (vizBody,rh,vst) = fx VBlank VBlank {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, vizType = VHtmlDisplay} = case hd vizBody of (HtmlFragment tags) = ([TUIFragment (TUIHtmlPanel {TUIHtmlPanel | html = tags2s tags, border = False, bodyCssClass = "", id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels})], rh, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, vizType = vizType}) _ = ([],0,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, vizType = vizType}) _ = case old of (VValue (Static ov) omask) # (vizBody,rh,vst) = fx (VValue ov omask) (VValue ov omask) {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath} = (vizBody,rh,{VSt |vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) (VBlank) # (vizBody,rh,vst) = fx VBlank VBlank {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath} = (vizBody,rh,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) where tags2s [] = "" tags2s [t:tv] = (toString t)+++tags2s tv derive gVisualize Either, Void instance toString (VisualizationValue a) | toString a where toString VBlank = "" toString (VValue x _) = toString x value2s :: DataPath (VisualizationValue a) -> String | toString a value2s dp VBlank = "" value2s dp (VValue a dm) | isMasked dp dm = toString a | otherwise = "" label2s :: Bool (Maybe String) -> Maybe String label2s _ Nothing = Nothing label2s True (Just l) = Just (l +++ " (optional)") label2s False (Just l) = Just l stillValid :: DataPath (VisualizationValue a) Bool Bool -> Bool stillValid dp val optional valid # dm = case val of (VValue _ m) = m ; _ = [] | optional = valid //Nothing changes | not (isMasked dp dm) = False | otherwise = valid //A non-optional field must be masked to be valid // | optional = trace_n (printToString dp +++ " OPT") valid //Nothing changes // | not (isMasked dp dm) = trace_n (printToString dp +++ " BAD") False // | otherwise = trace_n (printToString dp +++ " OK") valid //A non-optional field must be masked to be valid formatLabel :: String -> String formatLabel label = {c \\ c <- [toUpper lname : addspace lnames]} where [lname:lnames] = [c \\ c <-: label] addspace [] = [] addspace [c:cs] | isUpper c = [' ',toLower c:addspace cs] | otherwise = [c:addspace cs] consSelector :: GenericConsDescriptor String DataPath (VisualizationValue a) (Maybe String) Bool -> [Visualization] consSelector d idPrefix dp value label useLabels # masked = case value of (VValue _ dm) = isMasked dp dm; _ = False //No choice needed with only one constructor | d.gcd_type_def.gtd_num_conses == 1 = [] //Use radiogroup to choose a constructor | d.gcd_type_def.gtd_num_conses <= MAX_CONS_RADIO # items = [TUIRadio {TUIRadio|name = name, value = c.gcd_name, boxLabel = Just c.gcd_name, checked = (masked && c.gcd_index == index), fieldLabel = Nothing, hideLabel = True} \\ c <- d.gcd_type_def.gtd_conses] = [TUIFragment (TUIRadioGroup {TUIRadioGroup|name = name, id = id, items = items, fieldLabel = label, columns = 4, hideLabel = not useLabels})] //Use combobox to choose a constructor | otherwise = [TUIFragment (TUIComboBox {TUIComboBox|name = name, id = id, value = (if masked d.gcd_name ""), fieldLabel = label, hideLabel = not useLabels, store = store, triggerAction = "all", editable = False})] where store = [("","Select...") : [(c.gcd_name,c.gcd_name) \\ c <- d.gcd_type_def.gtd_conses]] name = dp2s dp id = dp2id idPrefix dp index = d.gcd_index determineRemovals :: [Visualization] -> [Visualization] determineRemovals editor = [TUIUpdate (TUIRemove consid) \\ consid <- collectIds (coerceToTUIDefs editor)] where collectIds [] = [] collectIds [TUINumberField {TUINumberField|id}:is] = [id:collectIds is] collectIds [TUITextField {TUITextField|id}:is] = [id:collectIds is] collectIds [TUITextArea {TUITextArea|id}:is] = [id:collectIds is] collectIds [TUICheckBox {TUICheckBox|id}:is] = [id:collectIds is] collectIds [TUIRadioGroup {TUIRadioGroup|id}:is] = [id:collectIds is] collectIds [TUIComboBox {TUIComboBox|id}:is] = [id:collectIds is] collectIds [TUIFieldSet {TUIFieldSet|id}:is] = [id:collectIds is] collectIds [_:is] = collectIds is determineAdditions :: String [Visualization] -> [Visualization] determineAdditions consid editor = reverse [TUIUpdate (TUIAdd consid def) \\ def <- coerceToTUIDefs editor] //Coercion of visualizations coerceToTUIDefs :: [Visualization] -> [TUIDef] coerceToTUIDefs visualizations = [d \\ (TUIFragment d) <- visualizations] coerceToTUIUpdates :: [Visualization] -> [TUIUpdate] coerceToTUIUpdates [] = [] coerceToTUIUpdates [(TUIUpdate u):vs] = [u:coerceToTUIUpdates vs] coerceToTUIUpdates [(TUIFragment d):vs] = case getId d of (Just id) = [(TUIReplace id d):coerceToTUIUpdates vs] Nothing = coerceToTUIUpdates vs coerceToTUIUpdates [v:vs] = coerceToTUIUpdates vs getId :: TUIDef -> Maybe TUIId getId (TUILabel) = Nothing getId (TUIButton d) = Just getId (TUINumberField d) = Just getId (TUITextField d) = Just getId (TUITextArea d) = Just getId (TUIComboBox d) = Just getId (TUICheckBox d) = Just getId (TUICheckBoxGroup d) = Just getId (TUIRadio d) = Nothing getId (TUIRadioGroup d) = Just getId (TUITimeField d) = Just getId (TUIDateField d) = Just getId (TUIHtmlEditor) = Nothing getId (TUIFieldSet d) = Just getId (TUIPanel d) = Nothing getId (TUIBox d) = Nothing getId (TUIHtmlPanel d) = Just getId (TUIList d) = Just getId (TUIListItem d) = Just getId (TUIDocument d) = Just getId (TUICustom d) = Nothing getId _ = abort "unknown TUI Definition" coerceToStrings :: [Visualization] -> [String] coerceToStrings visualizations = [s \\ (TextFragment s) <- visualizations] coerceToHtml :: [Visualization] -> [[HtmlTag]] coerceToHtml visualizations = [coerce h \\h <- visualizations | coercable h] where coerce (TextFragment s) = [Text s] coerce (HtmlFragment h) = h coercable (TextFragment _) = True coercable (HtmlFragment _) = True coercable _ = False