implementation module Engine import StdMisc, StdArray, StdList, StdChar, StdFile from StdFunc import o from StdLibMisc import ::Date{..}, ::Time{..} import Store, UserDB, ProcessDB, SessionDB import Text, Util import CoreCombinators import CommandLine import Directory import Http, HttpUtil import AuthenticationHandler, DeauthenticationHandler import NewListHandler, NewStartHandler, WorkListHandler, WorkTabHandler, PropertyHandler, UserListHandler import TaskTreeForestHandler, ProcessTableHandler import RPCHandlers, DocumentHandler import Config, TSt from UserAdmin import userAdministration PATH_SEP :== "\\" // The iTasks engine consist of a set of HTTP request handlers engine :: Config [Workflow] -> [(!String -> Bool, HTTPRequest *World -> (!HTTPResponse, !*World))] engine config userflows = [((==) (config.serverPath +++ "/authenticate"), handleAnonRequest config flows handleAuthenticationRequest) ,((==) (config.serverPath +++ "/deauthenticate"), handleSessionRequest config flows handleDeauthenticationRequest) ,((==) (config.serverPath +++ "/new/list"), handleSessionRequest config flows handleNewListRequest) ,((==) (config.serverPath +++ "/new/start"), handleSessionRequest config flows handleNewStartRequest) ,((==) (config.serverPath +++ "/work/list"), handleSessionRequest config flows handleWorkListRequest) ,((==) (config.serverPath +++ "/work/tab"), handleSessionRequest config flows handleWorkTabRequest) ,((==) (config.serverPath +++ "/work/property"), handleSessionRequest config flows handlePropertyRequest) ,((==) (config.serverPath +++ "/data/users"), handleSessionRequest config flows handleUserListRequest) ,((==) (config.serverPath +++ "/rpc/request"), handleSessionRequest config flows handleRPCListRequest) ,((==) (config.serverPath +++ "/rpc/response"), handleSessionRequest config flows handleRPCUpdates) ,((==) (config.serverPath +++ "/debug/taskforest"), handleSessionRequest config flows handleTaskForestRequest) ,((==) (config.serverPath +++ "/debug/processtable"), handleSessionRequest config flows handleProcessTableRequest) ,((==) (config.serverPath +++ "/document/download"), handleSessionRequest config flows handleDocumentDownloadRequest) ,((startsWith) (config.serverPath +++ "/document/download/link"), handleSessionRequest config flows handleDocumentDownloadLinkRequest) ,((startsWith) (config.serverPath +++ "/document/preview/link"), handleSessionRequest config flows handleDocumentPreviewLinkRequest) ,(\_ -> True, handleStaticResourceRequest) ] where //Always add the workflows for administering the itask system flows = userflows ++ userAdministration workflow :: String (Task a) -> Workflow | iTask a workflow path task = { Workflow | name = path , label = last (split "/" path) , roles = [] , mainTask = task >>| return Void } config :: !*World -> (!Config,!*World) config world # (appName,world) = determineAppName world = loadConfig appName world // Request handler which serves static resources from the application directory, // or a system wide default directory if it is not found locally. // This request handler is used for serving system wide javascript, css, images, etc... handleStaticResourceRequest :: !HTTPRequest *World -> (!HTTPResponse, !*World) handleStaticResourceRequest req world # (appName,world) = determineAppName world # (config,world) = loadConfig appName world # path = if (req.req_path == "/") "/index.html" req.req_path # filename = config.clientPath +++ filePath path # (type, world) = http_staticFileMimeType filename world # (ok, content, world) = http_staticFileContent filename world | ok = ({rsp_headers = [("Status","200 OK"), ("Content-Type", type), ("Content-Length", toString (size content))] ,rsp_data = content}, world) # filename = config.staticPath +++ filePath path # (type, world) = http_staticFileMimeType filename world # (ok, content, world) = http_staticFileContent filename world | ok = ({rsp_headers = [("Status","200 OK"), ("Content-Type", type), ("Content-Length", toString (size content)) ] ,rsp_data = content}, world) = http_notfoundResponse req world where //Translate a URL path to a filesystem path filePath path = ((replaceSubString "/" PATH_SEP) o (replaceSubString ".." "")) path handleAnonRequest :: Config [Workflow] (HTTPRequest *TSt -> (!HTTPResponse, !*TSt)) !HTTPRequest *World -> (!HTTPResponse, !*World) handleAnonRequest config flows handler request world # tst = initTSt request config flows world # (response, tst) = handler request tst # world = finalizeTSt tst = (response, world) handleSessionRequest :: Config [Workflow] (HTTPRequest *TSt -> (!HTTPResponse, !*TSt)) !HTTPRequest *World -> (!HTTPResponse, !*World) handleSessionRequest config flows handler request world # tst = initTSt request config flows world # sessionId = http_getValue "_session" (request.arg_get ++ request.arg_post) "" # (mbSession,timeout,tst=:{staticInfo}) = restoreSession sessionId tst = case mbSession of Nothing # world = finalizeTSt tst = ({http_emptyResponse & rsp_data = mkSessionFailureResponse timeout}, world) (Just session) # tst = {tst & staticInfo = {staticInfo & currentSession = session}} # (response,tst) = handler request tst # tst = flushStore tst # world = finalizeTSt tst = (response, world) where mkSessionFailureResponse to = "{\"success\" : false, \"session\": false, \"error\" : \"" +++ (if to "Your session timed out" "Failed to load session") +++ "\"}" initTSt :: !HTTPRequest !Config ![Workflow] !*World -> *TSt initTSt request config flows world # (appName,world) = determineAppName world # (pathstr,world) = determineAppPath world # ((ok, path),world) = pd_StringToPath (pathstr) world | not ok = abort "Cannot find the executable." # ((err,info),world) = getFileInfo path world | err <> NoDirError = abort "Cannot get executable info." # (date,time) = info.pi_fileInfo.lastModified # datestr = (toString date.Date.year)+++(addPrefixZero date.Date.month)+++(addPrefixZero"-"+++(addPrefixZero time.Time.hours)+++(addPrefixZero time.Time.minutes)+++(addPrefixZero time.Time.seconds) = mkTSt appName config request (abort "session not active yet") flows (createStore (appName +++ "-systemStore")) (createStore (appName +++ "-dataStore-" +++ datestr)) (createStore (appName +++ "-documentStore-" +++ datestr)) world where addPrefixZero number | number < 10 = "0"+++toString number | otherwise = toString number finalizeTSt :: !*TSt -> *World finalizeTSt tst=:{TSt|world} = world // Determines the server executables path determineAppPath :: !*World -> (!String, !*World) determineAppPath world # (args,world) = getCommandLine world = (hd args,world) // Determines the server executables name determineAppName :: !*World -> (!String,!*World) determineAppName world # (args,world) = getCommandLine world = (strip (hd args),world) where strip path = let executable = last (split PATH_SEP path) in executable % (0, size executable - 5)