definition module iTasks /** * Main iTask module exporting all end user iTask modules */ import Engine // basic iTask system creator , EngineWrapperStandalone // standalone wrapper //, EngineWrapperCGI // CGI wrapper // Basic tasks , InteractionTasks // tasks for interaction with users , SystemTasks // tasks for interaction with the iTasks system itself , StoreTasks // tasks for accessing the generic store , UserDBTasks // tasks for accessing the user database , SessionDBTasks // tasks for accessing the session database , ProcessDBTasks // tasks for accessing the process database , DateTimeTasks // tasks triggered by date and time , ChangeTasks // Tasks for changing existing workflows , MenuTasks // Task combinators , CoreCombinators // The core iTask combinators , CommonCombinators // Set of additional useful iTask combinators , LiftingCombinators // Lifting of other domains (e.g. World) to the iTask domain , ExceptionCombinators // Handling exceptional situations , TuningCombinators // Fine tuning of tasks // Miscellaneous machinery , Util , GenVisualize // Functions for generating GUIs , GenUpdate // Functions for updating arbitrary values //StdEnv modules , StdInt , StdBool , StdString , StdList , StdOrdList , StdTuple , StdEnum , StdOverloaded , StdArray , StdGeneric , StdDynamic //Generic modules , GenPrint , GenParse from StdFunc import id, const //Types import Types from TSt import :: Workflow{..}, :: Change(..), :: ChangeLifeTime(..) from ProcessDB import :: Menu(..), :: MenuItem(..), :: Action(..) //iTask context restriction class iTask a | gPrint {|*|} , gParse {|*|} , gVisualize{|*|} , gUpdate{|*|} , TC a