definition module GeoDomain import Html, InteractionTasks, CommonDomain derive gPrint GoogleMap, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType, GoogleStaticMap derive gParse GoogleMap, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType, GoogleStaticMap derive gVisualize GoogleMap, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType, GoogleStaticMap derive gUpdate GoogleMap, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapInfoWindow, GoogleMapType, GoogleStaticMap //API Key for http://localhost GOOGLE_API_KEY :== "ABQIAAAAaZ6XgbNqm4h_DL45IQMnSRT2yXp_ZAY8_ufC3CFXhHIE1NvwkxT4lboFdTKu2o9gr_i8kRV0Pn1fNw" :: GoogleStaticMap = GoogleStaticMap Int Int String :: GoogleMap = { center :: Coordinate // Coordinate of the center point (Required by maps) , width :: Int // Width & , height :: Int // Height of the map , mapTypeControl :: Bool // Show the control for switching between map types , navigationControl :: Bool // Show the control for panning , scaleControl :: Bool // Show the control for zooming , zoom :: Int // The zoom level (Required by maps) , mapType :: GoogleMapType // The map type , markers :: [GoogleMapMarker] // Markers placed on the map } :: Coordinate :== (Real, Real) // (Lattitude, Longitude) :: GoogleMapMarker = { position :: Coordinate // Coordinate of the marker point , infoWindow :: GoogleMapInfoWindow // Information which is shown on click } :: GoogleMapInfoWindow = { content :: String // Contents of the window , width :: Int // Width of the window } :: GoogleMapType = ROADMAP | SATELLITE | HYBRID | TERRAIN :: MVCUpdate = { center :: Coordinate , zoom :: Int , type :: GoogleMapType } :: ClickUpdate = { event :: ClickEvent , source :: ClickSource , point :: Coordinate } :: ClickEvent = LEFTCLICK | RIGHTCLICK | DBLCLICK :: ClickSource = MAP | MARKER Coordinate convertToStaticMap :: GoogleMap -> GoogleStaticMap mkMap :: GoogleMap instance toString GoogleMapType