implementation module DocumentDomain from Types import :: Document {..}, :: Task import GenVisualize, GenUpdate, GenParse, GenPrint import StdList, StdFile, StdArray, Text import StdMisc import Directory, ExtToMime import TSt, DocumentDB derive gUpdate PDFDocument, ImageDocument, TextDocument derive gParse PDFDocument, ImageDocument, TextDocument derive gPrint PDFDocument, ImageDocument, TextDocument derive bimap (,), Maybe gVisualize{|PDFDocument|} old new vst=:{vizType, currentPath, valid} = case VEditorUpdate of VEditorUpdate = case new of VBlank = vizDocument VBlank VBlank "(pdf)" vst (VValue (PDFDocument nv) nmask) = vizDocument (VValue nv nmask) (VValue nv nmask) "(pdf)" {VSt | vst & valid = isValid nv.Document.fileName ["pdf"] valid} _ = case old of VBlank = vizDocument VBlank VBlank "(pdf)" vst (VValue (PDFDocument ov) omask) = vizDocument (VValue ov omask) (VValue ov omask) "(pdf)" {VSt | vst & valid = isValid ov.Document.fileName ["pdf"] valid} gVisualize{|ImageDocument|} old new vst=:{vizType, currentPath, valid} = case VEditorUpdate of VEditorUpdate = case new of VBlank = vizDocument VBlank VBlank "(image)" vst (VValue (ImageDocument nv) nmask) = vizDocument (VValue nv nmask) (VValue nv nmask) "(image)" {VSt | vst & valid = isValid nv.Document.fileName ["jpg","jpeg","gif","png","bmp"] valid} _ = case old of VBlank = vizDocument VBlank VBlank "(image)" vst (VValue (ImageDocument ov) omask) = vizDocument (VValue ov omask) (VValue ov omask) "(image)" {VSt | vst & valid = isValid ov.Document.fileName ["jpg","jpeg","gif","png","bmp"] valid} gVisualize{|TextDocument|} old new vst=:{vizType, currentPath, valid} = case VEditorUpdate of VEditorUpdate = case new of VBlank = vizDocument VBlank VBlank "(plain text)" vst (VValue (TextDocument nv) nmask) = vizDocument (VValue nv nmask) (VValue nv nmask) "(plain text)" {VSt | vst & valid = isValid nv.Document.fileName ["txt"] valid} _ = case old of VBlank = vizDocument VBlank VBlank "(plain text)" vst (VValue (TextDocument ov) omask) = vizDocument (VValue ov omask) (VValue ov omask) "(plain text)" {VSt | vst & valid = isValid ov.Document.fileName ["txt"] valid} // --- Utility functions for visualize vizDocument :: !(VisualizationValue Document) !(VisualizationValue Document) String !*VSt -> ([Visualization],RenderingHint,*VSt) vizDocument old new desc vst # cp = vst.VSt.currentPath #(viz,rh,vst=:{label, optional}) = gVisualize{|*|} old new {VSt | vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath cp} = case viz of ([(TUIFragment tuidef):vs]) = ([TUIFragment (TUIPanel {TUIPanel | layout = "", items = [tuidef,(TUIBox {TUIBox|html="
"+++desc})], buttons=Nothing, autoHeight = True, autoWidth = True, border=False, bodyCssClass="", fieldLabel = label2s optional label, renderingHint = rh, unstyled=True})]++vs, rh, {VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath cp}) _ = (viz,0,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath cp}) isValid :: String [String] Bool -> Bool isValid fn extList val # ext = last (split "." fn) | isMember (toLowerCase ext) (extList) = val | otherwise = False // --- // --- Store and retrieve documents from file system (server side) storeDocumentToFile :: Document String -> Task Bool storeDocumentToFile doc path = mkInstantTask "Store Document to FS" storeDoc where storeDoc tst # (mbData,tst) = retrieveDocument doc tst | isJust mbData # world = // check if the location exists and creat it otherwise # ((ok,dir),world) = pd_StringToPath path world | not ok = (TaskFinished False,{TSt | tst & world = world}) # (err,world) = case getFileInfo dir world of ((DoesntExist,fileinfo),world) = createDirectory dir world (_,world) = (NoDirError,world) # ok = case err of NoDirError = True; _ = False | not ok = (TaskFinished False,{TSt | tst & world = world}) # (ok,file,world) = fopen (path+++"/"+++doc.Document.fileName) FWriteData world | not ok = (TaskFinished False,{TSt | tst & world = world}) # file = fwrites (fromJust mbData) file # (ok,world) = fclose file world | not ok = (TaskFinished False,{TSt | tst & world = world}) = (TaskFinished ok,{TSt | tst & world = world}) | otherwise = (TaskFinished False,tst) loadDocumentFromFile :: String String -> Task (Maybe Document) loadDocumentFromFile fname path = mkInstantTask "Load Document from FS" loadDoc where loadDoc tst # world = # (ok,file,world) = fopen (path+++"/"+++fname) FReadData world | not ok = (TaskFinished Nothing,{TSt | tst & world = world}) # (data,file,size) = readFile file "" 0 # (ok,world) = fclose file world | not ok = (TaskFinished Nothing,{TSt | tst & world = world}) //Find way to derive mime/type # mime = extToMimeType ("."+++last(split "." fname)) # (doc,tst) = createDocument fname mime tst.taskNr data {TSt | tst & world = world} = (TaskFinished (Just doc),tst) readFile :: !*File !String !Int -> (!String,!*File,!Int) readFile f a s # (d,f) = freads f 102400 | (size d) < 102400 = (a+++d,f,(size d)+s) | otherwise = readFile f (a+++d) ((size d)+s)