implementation module CommonDomain import iTasks import StdOverloaded, StdClass, StdInt, StdMisc, StdArray import GenPrint, GenParse, GenVisualize, GenUpdate, GenLexOrd import Text, Time derive gPrint EmailAddress, Password, Note, Date, Time, DateTime, Currency derive gParse EmailAddress, Password, Note, Date, Time, DateTime, Currency derive gVisualize EmailAddress, Password, DateTime derive gUpdate EmailAddress, Password, Note, DateTime derive gLexOrd Currency derive bimap Maybe, (,) gVisualize{|Date|} old new vst=:{vizType,label,idPrefix,currentPath,useLabels,optional,valid} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition = ([TUIFragment (TUIDateField {TUIDateField|name = dp2s currentPath, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, value = value2s currentPath old, format = "d-m-Y", fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels})] , 1 , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid= stillValid currentPath old optional valid}) _ = ([TextFragment (toString old)],1,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid= stillValid currentPath new optional valid}) gVisualize{|Time|} old new vst=:{vizType,label,idPrefix,currentPath,useLabels,optional,valid} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition = ([TUIFragment (TUITimeField {TUITimeField|name = dp2s currentPath, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath, value = value2s currentPath old, format = "H:i:s", fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels})] , 1 , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid= stillValid currentPath old optional valid}) _ = ([TextFragment (toString old)],1,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid= stillValid currentPath new optional valid}) gVisualize{|Note|} old new vst=:{vizType,label,idPrefix,currentPath,useLabels,optional,valid} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition = ([TUIFragment (TUITextArea {TUITextArea|name = dp2s contentPath, id = dp2id idPrefix contentPath, value = value2s contentPath old, fieldLabel = label2s optional label, hideLabel = not useLabels, width = 400, height = 150 })] , 2 , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid= stillValid contentPath old optional valid}) _ = ([TextFragment (toString old)] , 2 , {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid= stillValid contentPath new optional valid}) where // Use the path to the inner constructor instead of the current path. // This way the generic gUpdate will work for this type contentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath gVisualize{|Currency|} old new vst=:{vizType,label,idPrefix,currentPath,useLabels,optional,valid} = case vizType of VEditorDefinition = ([TUIFragment combinedPanel], 1, {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, valid= stillValid currentPath old optional valid}) _ = ([TextFragment (toString old)], 1, {VSt|vst & valid= stillValid currentPath new optional valid}) where combinedPanel = TUIPanel {TUIPanel| layout = "hbox", autoHeight = True, autoWidth = True, fieldLabel = label2s optional label, items = [currencyLabel,numberField], buttons = Nothing, border = False, bodyCssClass = "", renderingHint = 1, unstyled=True} numberField = TUINumberField {TUINumberField|name = dp2s currentPath, id = dp2id idPrefix currentPath , value = value currentPath old, fieldLabel = Nothing, hideLabel = True, allowDecimals = True, numDecimals = 2} currencyLabel = TUICustom (JSON ("{xtype : \"displayfield\", value : \"" +++ curLabel old +++ "\", style : \"padding: 3px 5px 2px 2px;\"}")) curLabel (VValue (EUR _) _) = "€" curLabel (VValue (GBP _) _) = "£" curLabel (VValue (USD _) _) = "$" curLabel (VValue (JPY _) _) = "¥" curLabel _ = "" value dp VBlank = "" value dp (VValue v dm) = if (isMasked dp dm) (decFormat (toInt v)) "" gUpdate{|Date|} _ ust=:{USt|mode=UDCreate,world} # (date,world) = currentDate world = (date, {USt|ust & world = world}) gUpdate{|Date|} s ust=:{USt|mode=UDSearch,searchPath,currentPath,update} | currentPath == searchPath = (fromString update, toggleMask {USt|ust & mode = UDDone}) | otherwise = (s, {USt|ust & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) gUpdate{|Date|} s ust=:{USt|mode=UDMask,currentPath,mask} = (s, {USt|ust & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, mask = [currentPath:mask]}) gUpdate{|Date|} s ust = (s, ust) gUpdate{|Time|} _ ust=:{USt|mode=UDCreate,world} # (time,world) = currentTime world = (time, {USt|ust & world = world}) gUpdate{|Time|} s ust=:{USt|mode=UDSearch,searchPath,currentPath,update} | currentPath == searchPath = (fromString update, toggleMask {USt|ust & mode = UDDone}) | otherwise = (s, {USt|ust & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) gUpdate{|Time|} s ust=:{USt|mode=UDMask,currentPath,mask} = (s, {USt|ust & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, mask = [currentPath:mask]}) gUpdate{|Time|} s ust = (s, ust) gUpdate{|Currency|} _ ust=:{USt|mode=UDCreate} = (EUR 0, ust) gUpdate{|Currency|} s ust=:{USt|mode=UDSearch,searchPath,currentPath,update} | currentPath == searchPath = (parseUpdate s update, toggleMask {USt|ust & mode = UDDone}) | otherwise = (s, {USt| ust & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) where parseUpdate orig update = case split "." update of [whole] = replaceVal orig (100 * toInt whole) [whole,dec] = replaceVal orig (100 * toInt whole + (if (size dec == 1) (10 * toInt dec) (toInt (dec % (0,1))))) _ = orig replaceVal (EUR _) x = (EUR x) replaceVal (GBP _) x = (GBP x) replaceVal (USD _) x = (USD x) replaceVal (JPY _) x = (JPY x) gUpdate{|Currency|} s ust=:{USt|mode=UDMask,currentPath,mask} = (s, {USt|ust & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, mask = [currentPath:mask]}) gUpdate{|Currency|} s ust = (s,ust) currentTime :: !*World -> (!Time,!*World) currentTime world # (tm,world) = localTime world = ({Time|hour = tm.Tm.hour, min = tm.Tm.min, sec= tm.Tm.sec},world) currentDate :: !*World -> (!Date,!*World) currentDate world # (tm,world) = localTime world = ({Date| day = tm.Tm.mday, mon = 1 + tm.Tm.mon, year = 1900 + tm.Tm.year},world) currentDateTime :: !*World -> (!DateTime,!*World) currentDateTime world # (tm,world) = localTime world # date = {Date| day = tm.Tm.mday, mon = 1 + tm.Tm.mon, year = 1900 + tm.Tm.year} # time = {Time|hour = tm.Tm.hour, min = tm.Tm.min, sec= tm.Tm.sec} = (DateTime date time,world) instance html Note where html (Note msg) = [Text msg] instance toString Time where toString {Time|hour,min,sec} = (pad 2 hour) +++ ":" +++ (pad 2 min) +++ ":" +++ (pad 2 sec) instance fromString Time where fromString s = {Time|hour = toInt (s %(0,1)), min = toInt (s %(3,4)), sec = toInt (s %(6,7)) } instance toString Date where toString {Date|year,mon,day} = (pad 2 day) +++ "-" +++ (pad 2 mon) +++ "-" +++ (pad 4 year) instance fromString Date where fromString s = {Date|day = toInt (s %(0,1)), mon = toInt (s %(3,4)), year = toInt (s %(6,9))} instance toString Note where toString (Note s) = s instance toString Currency where toString (EUR x) = "EUR " +++ decFormat x toString (GBP x) = "GBP " +++ decFormat x toString (USD x) = "USD " +++ decFormat x toString (JPY x) = "JPY " +++ decFormat x instance toInt Currency where toInt (EUR val) = val toInt (GBP val) = val toInt (USD val) = val toInt (JPY val) = val instance < Currency where (<) x y = case x =?= y of LT = True _ = False instance < Time where (<) x y | x.Time.hour < y.Time.hour = True | x.Time.hour == y.Time.hour && x.Time.min < y.Time.min = True | x.Time.hour == y.Time.hour && x.Time.min == y.Time.min && x.Time.sec < y.Time.sec = True | otherwise = False instance < Date where (<) x y | x.Date.year < y.Date.year = True | x.Date.year == y.Date.year && x.Date.mon < y.Date.mon = True | x.Date.year == y.Date.year && x.Date.mon == y.Date.mon && < = True | otherwise = False instance zero Currency where zero = EUR 0 instance + Currency where (+) (EUR x) (EUR y) = EUR (x + y) (+) (GBP x) (GBP y) = GBP (x + y) (+) (USD x) (USD y) = USD (x + y) (+) (JPY x) (JPY y) = JPY (x + y) (+) _ _ = abort "Trying to add money of different currencies!" instance + Time where (+) x y = {Time|hour = x.Time.hour + y.Time.hour, min = x.Time.min + y.Time.min, sec = x.Time.sec + y.Time.sec} instance + Date where (+) x y = {Date|year = x.Date.year + y.Date.year, mon = x.Date.mon + y.Date.mon, day = +} instance - Time where (-) x y = {Time|hour = x.Time.hour - y.Time.hour, min = x.Time.min - y.Time.min, sec = x.Time.sec - y.Time.sec} instance - Date where (-) x y = {Date|year = x.Date.year - y.Date.year, mon = x.Date.mon - y.Date.mon, day = -} instance - Currency where (-) (EUR x) (EUR y) = EUR (x - y) (-) (GBP x) (GBP y) = GBP (x - y) (-) (USD x) (USD y) = USD (x - y) (-) (JPY x) (JPY y) = JPY (x - y) (-) _ _ = abort "Trying to subtract money of different currencies!" //Utility functions pad :: Int Int -> String pad len num = (createArray (max 0 (len - size nums)) '0' ) +++ nums where nums = toString num decFormat :: Int -> String decFormat x = toString (x / 100) +++ "." +++ pad 2 (x rem 100)