definition module ShopDSL import iTasks, ShopDSLboilerplate import CommonDomain // The Domain Specific Language for the shop workflow case. class Product a | nameOf, priceOf, id_Of, inStockOf a class InCart a | nameOf, priceOf, amountOrderedOf a :: Book = { id_ :: !DBRef Book , title :: !String , author :: !String , price :: !Currency , inStock :: !Int } :: Cart item :== [CartItem item] :: CartItem item = { itemNr :: !DBRef item , name :: !String , inStock :: !Int , amountOrdered :: !Int , price :: !Currency } :: CartAmount = { orderAmount :: !Int } :: Order item = { id_ :: !DBRef (Order item) , name :: !String , itemsOrdered :: !Cart item , billingAddress :: !Address , shippingAddress :: !Address } :: Address = { street :: !String , number :: !String , postalCode :: !String , city :: !String } :: InCart = { name :: !String , amountOrdered :: !Int , price :: !Currency } :: ShopAction = LeaveShop | ToCart | ToPay | ToShop defaultProduct :: Task Book defaultCart :: Task (Cart Book) // Conversions between DSL data types: toCartItem :: a -> CartItem a | Product a toInCart :: a -> InCart | InCart a // Database operations on DSL data types: instance DB Book instance DB (Order a) eqItemNr :: !(CartItem item) !(CartItem item) -> Bool totalCost :: [a] -> Currency | priceOf, amountOrderedOf a shopOwner :: UserId