implementation module BugReport import iTasks import CommonDomain :: BugReport = { application :: String , version :: Maybe String , yourName :: String , date :: Date , occursAt :: BugOccurance , severity :: BugSeverity , description :: Note , attachment :: [Document] } :: BugSeverity = Low | Medium | High | Critical :: BugOccurance = Startup | Shutdown | Other Note :: Bug = { bugNr :: BugNr , status :: BugStatus , reportedAt :: (Date,Time) , reportedBy :: UserName , report :: BugReport , analysis :: Maybe BugAnalysis } :: BugStatus = Reported | Assigned UserName | Fixed :: BugAnalysis = { cause :: Note , affectedVersions :: [String] } :: BugNr :== Int derive gPrint BugReport, Bug, BugSeverity, BugOccurance, BugStatus, BugAnalysis derive gParse BugReport, Bug, BugSeverity, BugOccurance, BugStatus, BugAnalysis derive gVisualize BugReport, Bug, BugSeverity, BugOccurance, BugStatus, BugAnalysis derive gUpdate BugReport, Bug, BugSeverity, BugOccurance, BugStatus, BugAnalysis derive bimap (,), Maybe instance DB Bug where databaseId = mkDBid "Bug" getItemId bug=:{bugNr} = DBRef bugNr setItemId (DBRef bugNr) bug = {bug & bugNr = bugNr} bugReportExample :: [Workflow] bugReportExample = [ workflow "Examples/Miscellaneous/Bug report (simple)" reportBugSimple , {Workflow|name = "Examples/Miscellaneous/Bug report (simple 2)",label = "Bug report (simple 2)",roles = [], mainTask = bugReport} , workflow "Examples/Miscellaneous/Bug report (advanced)" reportBug ] reportBugSimple :: Task BugReport reportBugSimple = enterInformation "Please describe the bug you have found" >>= \report -> assign "bas" NormalPriority Nothing ("Bug fix" @>> showMessageAbout "The following bug has been reported, please fix it." report) >>| return report //Different variant of simple reportBug bugReport :: Task Void bugReport = reportBug >>= fixBug where reportBug :: Task BugReport reportBug = enterInformation "Please describe the you found" fixBug :: BugReport -> Task Void fixBug bug = "bas" @: ("Bugfix", showMessageAbout "Please fix the following bug" bug) //Main workflow reportBug :: Task Void reportBug = enterBugReport >>= \report -> fileBug report >>= \bug -> case report.severity of Critical = (confirmCritical >>= \critical -> assignBug bug critical) _ = assignBug bug False assignBug :: Bug Bool -> Task Void assignBug bug critical = selectDeveloper >>= \developer -> updateBug (\b -> {Bug| b & status = Assigned developer}) bug >>= \bug -> assign developer priority Nothing (subject @>> resolveBug bug critical) where priority = if critical HighPriority NormalPriority subject = if critical "Critical bug!" "Bug" resolveBug :: Bug Bool -> Task Void resolveBug bug critical = analyzeBug bug >>= \bug -> developBugFix bug >>| if critical ( makePatches bug -&&- mergeFixInMainLine bug >>| wrapUp bug) ( mergeFixInMainLine bug >>| wrapUp bug) wrapUp :: Bug -> Task Void wrapUp bug = updateBug (\b -> {Bug| b & status = Fixed}) bug >>= \bug -> notifyReporter bug //Sub tasks enterBugReport :: Task BugReport enterBugReport = enterInformation "Please describe the bug you have found" fileBug :: BugReport -> Task Bug fileBug report = dbCreateItem -&&- getCurrentUser >>= \(bug,user) -> dbUpdateItem {bug & report = report, reportedBy = user.User.userName} updateBug :: (Bug -> Bug) Bug -> Task Bug updateBug f bug = dbUpdateItem (f bug) confirmCritical :: BugReport -> Task Bool confirmCritical report = selectDeveloper report.BugReport.application >>= \assessor -> assign assessor HighPriority Nothing ( "Bug report assessment" @>> requestConfirmationAbout "Is this bug really critical?" report ) selectDeveloper :: String -> Task UserName selectDeveloper application = findAppDevelopers application >>= \developers -> case developers of [] = getCurrentUser >>= \user -> return user.User.userName _ = selectLeastBusy developers where findAppDevelopers :: String -> Task [UserName] findAppDevelopers "itasks" = return ["bas"] findAppDevelopers _ = return [] selectLeastBusy :: [UserName] -> Task UserName selectLeastBusy [] = getCurrentUser >>= \user -> return user.User.userName selectLeastBusy names = allTasks [getNumTasksForUser name \\ name <- names] >>= \activity -> return (snd (minimum (zip (activity,names)))) where minimum l = foldl min (hd l) (tl l) getNumTasksForUser :: UserName -> Task Int getNumTasksForUser name = return 42 //TODO: Use API function analyzeBug :: Bug -> Task Bug analyzeBug bug = determineCause bug >>= \cause -> dbUpdateItem {bug & analysis = Just {cause = cause, affectedVersions = []}} where determineCause bug = enterInformationAbout "What is the cause of the following bug?" bug developBugFix :: Bug -> Task Void developBugFix bug = showMessageAbout "Please implement a fix for the following bug:" bug mergeFixInMainLine :: Bug -> Task Void mergeFixInMainLine bug = showMessageAbout "Please merge the bugfix in the main line of version control" bug makePatches :: Bug -> Task Void makePatches bug = case bug.analysis of Nothing = return Void Just {affectedVersions = []} = return Void Just {affectedVersions = versions} = allTasks [showMessageAbout ("Please make a patch of bugfix " <+++ bug.bugNr <+++ " for the following version of " <+++ version \\ version <- versions ] >>| return Void notifyReporter :: Bug -> Task Void notifyReporter bug = notifyUser "The bug you reported has been fixed" bug.reportedBy