implementation module Vote //This example lets users give a vote. //Only the user with role "root" can view the votes import iTasks import CommonDomain derive gPrint Vote derive gParse Vote derive gVisualize Vote derive gUpdate Vote derive bimap (,), Maybe :: Vote = { userName :: String , vote :: Int , comment :: String } voteExample :: [Workflow] voteExample = [{ name = "Examples/Business/Vote/Show votes" , label = "Show votes" , roles = ["root"] , mainTask = showVotes } ,{ name = "Examples/Business/Vote/New vote" , label = "Give vote" , roles = [] , mainTask = giveVote } ,{ name = "Examples/Business/Vote/New comment" , label = "Give comment" , roles = [] , mainTask = giveComment } ] showVotes :: Task Void showVotes = readVotesDB >>= \votes -> getDisplayNames [vote.Vote.userName \\ vote <- votes] >>= \userNames -> showMessage [ Text "The following votes are given:", BrTag [], BrTag [] , formatVotes [(toString i) \\ i <- [0..10]] [(toString (number i votes)) \\ i <- [0..10]] , HrTag [] , formatComments [(u,v) \\ v <- votes & u <- userNames] , HrTag [] ] where number i votes = length [n \\ n <- votes | == i] formatVotes header data = TableTag [StyleAttr "border: 1px solid #ccc"] [TrTag [] [ThTag [] [BTag [] [Text th]] \\th <- header] ,TrTag [] [TdTag [] [Text td] \\ td <- data] ] formatComments rows = TableTag [] [TrTag [] [TdTag [] [Text u,Text ":"],TdTag [] [Text v.comment]] \\ (u,v) <- rows] giveVote :: Task Void giveVote = getCurrentUser >>= \currentUser -> readMyVoteDB currentUser.User.userName >>= \(vote,comment) -> enterChoice [ Text ("Previous vote given:" +++ if (vote == -1) "No vote given" (toString vote)), BrTag [], BrTag [] , Text "Give your new vote (0 = lowest, 10 = highest)" ] [0..10] >>= \vote -> readMyVoteDB currentUser.User.userName >>= \(_,comment) -> writeVotesDB {userName = currentUser.User.userName, vote = vote, comment = comment} >>| showMessage [Text ("Your vote " +++ toString vote +++ " has been stored!")] giveComment :: Task Void giveComment = getCurrentUser >>= \currentUser -> readMyVoteDB currentUser.User.userName >>= \(vote,comment) -> enterInformation [ Text "Previous comment given:", BrTag [], BrTag [] , Text (if (comment == "" ) "None" comment), BrTag [], BrTag [] , Text "Submit a new comment:", BrTag [], BrTag [] ] >>= \(Note comment) -> readMyVoteDB currentUser.User.userName >>= \(vote,_) -> writeVotesDB {userName = currentUser.User.userName, vote = vote, comment = comment} >>| showMessage [ Text "Your comment:", BrTag [], BrTag [] , Text comment, BrTag [], BrTag [] , Text "has been stored!" ] //Simple votes database votesId :: DBid [Vote] votesId = mkDBid "votes" readVotesDB :: Task [Vote] readVotesDB = readDB votesId readMyVoteDB :: String -> Task (Int,String) readMyVoteDB name = readVotesDB >>= \votes -> return (case (filter (\vote -> vote.Vote.userName == name) votes) of [] -> (-1,"") [vote:_] -> (, vote.comment) ) writeVotesDB :: Vote -> Task [Vote] writeVotesDB acc = readVotesDB >>= \accs -> writeDB votesId [acc:[oacc \\ oacc <- accs | oacc.Vote.userName <> acc.Vote.userName]]