implementation module Purchase /** * This module defines a simple workflow to let a number of suppliers * bid on a potential purchase. * * Informal description of the workflow * - A description of the item that has to be purchased is made * - A set of potential suppliers is selected * - Each supplier is asked to make a bid for the purchase * - The cheapest supplier is suggested * - This suggestion is either accepted or a different supplier is selected manually * - A confirmation is sent to the selected supplier */ import iTasks import CommonDomain //Additional imports for custom combinator creation from TSt import applyTask, mkSequenceTask, mkParallelTask from TSt import :: TSt{..}, :: TaskInfo{..}, :: StaticInfo{..}, :: Store, :: Config from SessionDB import :: Session from Types import :: ProcessId, :: TaskNr from TaskTree import :: TaskTree //Main types :: Purchase = { name :: !String , amount :: !Int , express :: !Bool , note :: !Note } //Generic derives derive gPrint Purchase derive gParse Purchase derive gVisualize Purchase derive gUpdate Purchase derive bimap (,), Maybe purchaseExample :: [Workflow] purchaseExample = [ {Workflow| name = "Examples/Business/Purchase" , label = "Purchase product" , roles = [] , mainTask = purchaseTask } ] purchaseTask :: Task Void purchaseTask = definePurchase >>= \purchase -> selectSuppliers >>= \suppliers -> collectBids purchase suppliers >>= \bids -> selectBid bids >>= \bid -> confirmBid purchase bid definePurchase :: Task Purchase definePurchase = enterInformation "Please describe the product you would like to purchase" selectSuppliers :: Task [User] selectSuppliers = getUsersWithRole "supplier" >>= \suppliers -> ( enterMultipleChoice [Text "Select the suppliers from which you want to receive a bid"] suppliers ) collectBids :: Purchase [User] -> Task [(User,Currency)] collectBids purchase suppliers = allTasks ["Bid for " +++ +++ " from " +++ supplier.User.displayName @>> (supplier @: ("Bid request regarding " +++, collectBid purchase supplier)) \\ supplier <- suppliers] where collectBid :: Purchase User -> Task (User,Currency) collectBid purchase bid = enterInformationAbout "Please make a bid to supply the following product" purchase >>= \price -> return (bid,price) selectBid :: [(User,Currency)] -> Task (User,Currency) selectBid bids = determineCheapest bids >>= \cheapestBid=:(supplier,price) -> requestConfirmation [ Text "The cheapest bid is ", Text (toString price), Text " by ", Text supplier.User.displayName, BrTag [], Text "Do you want to accept this bid?" ] >>= \acceptCheapest -> if acceptCheapest ( return cheapestBid ) ( enterChoice "Please select one of the following bids" bids ) where determineCheapest bids = return (hd (sortBy (\(_,x) (_,y) -> x < y) bids)) confirmBid :: Purchase (User,Currency) -> Task Void confirmBid purchase bid =: (user, price) = user @: ("Bid confirmation", showMessage [Text "Your bid of ", Text (toString price),Text " for the product ",ITag [] [Text], Text " has been accepted."])