implementation module UIDiff import StdBool, StdClass, StdList, StdEnum, StdMisc, StdTuple, sapldebug import Text, Util, UIDefinition from Task import :: Event(..) :: DiffPath :== [DiffStep] :: DiffStep = ItemStep !Int //Navigate to item i | MenuStep //Navigate to the menu bar | WindowStep !Int //Navigate to window i :: DiffResult = DiffImpossible | DiffPossible [UIUpdate] instance toString DiffPath where toString path = join "-" (map step (reverse path)) where step (ItemStep i) = toString i step (MenuStep) = "m" step (WindowStep i) = "w" +++ toString i derive gEq UISizeOpts, UISide, UISize, UIMinSize, UISideSizes, UIViewOpts, UISliderOpts, UIProgressOpts, UIButtonOpts derive gEq UIGoogleMapOpts, UIGoogleMapMarker, UIGoogleMapOptions, UIGridOpts, UITreeNode, UIMenuButtonOpts, UIMenuItem, UIActionOpts derive gEq UILabelOpts, UITabOpts, UIIconOpts, UITaskletOpts derive gEq UIControl, UILayoutOpts, UIWindowOpts, UIFieldSetOpts, UIPanelOpts, UIContainerOpts, UIChoiceOpts, UIEditOpts, UIVAlign, UIHAlign, UIDirection derive JSONEncode UITreeNode //BAD IDEA: FIXME! //There should be a complete iTasks instance for ProgressAmount type derive gEq ProgressAmount JSONEncode{|ProgressAmount|} ProgressUndetermined = [JSONString "undetermined"] JSONEncode{|ProgressAmount|} (ProgressRatio ratio) = [JSONReal ratio] diffUIDefinitions :: !UIDef !UIDef !Event -> [UIUpdate] diffUIDefinitions d1=:{UIDef|controls=c1} d2=:{UIDef|controls=c2} event = diffItems [] event (map fst c1) (map fst c2) //Compare controls diffControls :: !DiffPath !Event !UIControl !UIControl -> DiffResult diffControls path event c1 c2 # parts = case (c1,c2) of (UIViewString sOpts1 vOpts1, UIViewString sOpts2 vOpts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffViewOpts path vOpts1 vOpts2] (UIViewHtml sOpts1 vOpts1, UIViewHtml sOpts2 vOpts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffViewOpts path vOpts1 vOpts2] (UIViewDocument sOpts1 vOpts1, UIViewDocument sOpts2 vOpts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffViewOpts path vOpts1 vOpts2] (UIViewCheckbox sOpts1 vOpts1, UIViewCheckbox sOpts2 vOpts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffViewOpts path vOpts1 vOpts2] (UIViewSlider sOpts1 vOpts1 opts1, UIViewSlider sOpts2 vOpts2 opts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffViewOpts path vOpts1 vOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UIViewProgress sOpts1 vOpts1 opts1, UIViewProgress sOpts2 vOpts2 opts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffViewOpts path vOpts1 vOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UIEditString sOpts1 eOpts1, UIEditString sOpts2 eOpts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2] (UIEditNote sOpts1 eOpts1, UIEditNote sOpts2 eOpts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2] (UIEditPassword sOpts1 eOpts1, UIEditPassword sOpts2 eOpts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2] (UIEditInt sOpts1 eOpts1, UIEditInt sOpts2 eOpts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2] (UIEditDecimal sOpts1 eOpts1, UIEditDecimal sOpts2 eOpts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2] (UIEditCheckbox sOpts1 eOpts1, UIEditCheckbox sOpts2 eOpts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2] (UIEditSlider sOpts1 eOpts1 opts1, UIEditSlider sOpts2 eOpts2 opts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UIEditDate sOpts1 eOpts1, UIEditDate sOpts2 eOpts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2] (UIEditTime sOpts1 eOpts1, UIEditTime sOpts2 eOpts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2] (UIEditDocument sOpts1 eOpts1, UIEditDocument sOpts2 eOpts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2] (UIEditButton sOpts1 eOpts1 opts1, UIEditButton sOpts2 eOpts2 opts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UIEditGoogleMap sOpts1 eOpts1 opts1, UIEditGoogleMap sOpts2 eOpts2 opts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffEditOpts path event eOpts1 eOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UIDropdown sOpts1 cOpts1, UIDropdown sOpts2 cOpts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffChoiceOpts path cOpts1 cOpts2] (UIGrid sOpts1 cOpts1 opts1, UIGrid sOpts2 cOpts2 opts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffChoiceOpts path cOpts1 cOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UITree sOpts1 cOpts1, UITree sOpts2 cOpts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffChoiceOpts path cOpts1 cOpts2] (UIActionButton sOpts1 aOpts1 opts1, UIActionButton sOpts2 aOpts2 opts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffActionOpts path aOpts1 aOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UIMenuButton sOpts1 opts1, UIMenuButton sOpts2 opts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UILabel sOpts1 opts1, UILabel sOpts2 opts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UIIcon sOpts1 opts1, UIIcon sOpts2 opts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UITab sOpts1 opts1, UITab sOpts2 opts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UITasklet sOpts1 opts1, UITasklet sOpts2 opts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UIContainer sOpts1 lOpts1 items1 opts1, UIContainer sOpts2 lOpts2 items2 opts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffLayoutOpts path lOpts1 lOpts2, DiffPossible (diffItems path event items1 items2), diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UIPanel sOpts1 lOpts1 items1 opts1, UIPanel sOpts2 lOpts2 items2 opts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffLayoutOpts path lOpts1 lOpts2, DiffPossible (diffItems path event items1 items2), diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UIFieldSet sOpts1 lOpts1 items1 opts1, UIFieldSet sOpts2 lOpts2 items2 opts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffLayoutOpts path lOpts1 lOpts2, DiffPossible (diffItems path event items1 items2), diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UIWindow sOpts1 lOpts1 items1 opts1, UIWindow sOpts2 lOpts2 items2 opts2) = [diffSizeOpts path sOpts1 sOpts2,diffLayoutOpts path lOpts1 lOpts2, DiffPossible (diffItems path event items1 items2), diffOpts opts1 opts2] (UICustom opts1, UICustom opts2) = [diffOpts opts1 opts2] (_,_) = [DiffImpossible] = DiffPossible (replaceIfImpossible path c2 parts) //As a first step, only do diffs for value changes, all other diffs trigger replacements... diffSizeOpts :: DiffPath UISizeOpts UISizeOpts -> DiffResult diffSizeOpts path opts1 opts2 | opts1 === opts2 = DiffPossible [] = DiffImpossible //DiffPossible [UIResize (toString path) opts2] diffViewOpts :: DiffPath (UIViewOpts a) (UIViewOpts a) -> DiffResult | gEq{|*|} a & encodeUIValue a diffViewOpts path opts1 opts2 | opts1 === opts2 = DiffPossible [] = DiffPossible [UISetValue (toString path) (encodeUIValue opts2.UIViewOpts.value)] diffEditOpts :: DiffPath Event (UIEditOpts a) (UIEditOpts a) -> DiffResult | gEq{|*|} a & encodeUIValue a diffEditOpts path event opts1 opts2 | isEmpty taskIdUpd && isEmpty editorIdUpd = DiffPossible (foldr (++) [] [taskIdUpd,editorIdUpd,valueUpd]) | otherwise = DiffImpossible where taskIdUpd = if (opts1.UIEditOpts.taskId == opts2.UIEditOpts.taskId) [] [UISetTaskId (toString path) opts2.UIEditOpts.taskId] editorIdUpd = if (opts1.UIEditOpts.editorId == opts2.UIEditOpts.editorId) [] [UISetEditorId (toString path) opts2.UIEditOpts.editorId] valueUpd | eventMatch opts2 event # value2 = encodeUIValue opts2.UIEditOpts.value = if (eventValue event === value2) [] [UISetValue (toString path) value2] | otherwise = if (opts1.UIEditOpts.value === opts2.UIEditOpts.value) [] [UISetValue (toString path) (encodeUIValue opts2.UIEditOpts.value)] eventMatch {UIEditOpts|taskId,editorId} (EditEvent matchTask matchEditor _) = (taskId == toString matchTask) && (editorId == matchEditor) eventMatch _ _ = False eventValue (EditEvent _ _ value) = value diffChoiceOpts :: DiffPath (UIChoiceOpts a) (UIChoiceOpts a) -> DiffResult | gEq{|*|} a & JSONEncode{|*|} a diffChoiceOpts path opts1 opts2 = DiffImpossible diffActionOpts :: DiffPath UIActionOpts UIActionOpts -> DiffResult diffActionOpts path opts1 opts2 = diffOpts opts1 opts2 diffLayoutOpts :: DiffPath UILayoutOpts UILayoutOpts -> DiffResult diffLayoutOpts path opts1 opts2 = diffOpts opts1 opts2 diffOpts :: a a -> DiffResult | gEq{|*|} a //Very crude, but always working fallback diff diffOpts opts1 opts2 | opts1 === opts2 = DiffPossible [] = DiffImpossible diffItems :: DiffPath Event [UIControl] [UIControl] -> [UIUpdate] diffItems path event items1 items2 = diff path event 0 items1 items2 where diff path event i [] [] = [] diff path event i items1 [] //Less items in new than old (remove starting with the last item) = [UIRemove (toString path) n \\ n <- reverse [i.. i + length items1 - 1 ]] diff path event i [] items2 //More items in new than old = [UIAdd (toString path) n def \\ n <- [i..] & def <- items2] diff path event i [c1:c1s] [c2:c2s] //Compare side by side = replaceIfImpossible [ItemStep i:path] c2 [diffControls [ItemStep i:path] event c1 c2] ++ diff path event (i + 1) c1s c2s //Try to diff a control in parts. If one of the parts is impossible, then return a full replace instruction replaceIfImpossible :: DiffPath UIControl [DiffResult] -> [UIUpdate] replaceIfImpossible path fallback parts | allPossible parts = foldr (++) [] [d \\DiffPossible d <- parts] = [UIReplace (toString parentPath) parentIndex fallback] where [ItemStep parentIndex:parentPath] = path allPossible [] = True allPossible [DiffImpossible:_] = False allPossible [(DiffPossible _):ps] = allPossible ps /* where diffEditorDefinitions`` :: !(Maybe EditEvent) !UIControlContent !UIControlContent -> Maybe [UIUpdate] diffEditorDefinitions`` event old new = case (old,new) of // Documents are replaced if their value has changed (UIEditControl (UIDocumentControl odoc) oc, UIEditControl (UIDocumentControl ndoc) nc) | odoc == ndoc && oc.UIEditControl.taskId == nc.UIEditControl.taskId && == = Just [] | otherwise = Nothing (UIEditControl (UIGridControl ogrid) _, UIEditControl (UIGridControl ngrid) _) | ogrid =!= ngrid = Nothing (UIEditControl otype oc, UIEditControl ntype nc) | otype === ntype = Just (valueUpdate path event oc nc ++ flatten [f path old new \\ f <- [taskIdUpdate,nameUpdate]]) (UIShowControl otype oc, UIShowControl ntype nc) | otype === ntype && oc.UIShowControl.value === nc.UIShowControl.value = Just [] | otherwise = Nothing (UIButton o,UIButton n) | o.UIButton.text == n.UIButton.text && o.UIButton.iconCls == n.UIButton.iconCls = Just (update (\o n -> o.UIButton.disabled == n.UIButton.disabled) (\b -> Just (not b.UIButton.disabled)) UISetEnabled path o n ++ flatten [f path old new \\ f <- [taskIdUpdate,nameUpdate]]) (UIContainer o, UIContainer n) | (o.UIContainer.direction === n.UIContainer.direction && o.UIContainer.halign === n.UIContainer.halign && o.UIContainer.valign === n.UIContainer.valign) = Just (diffChildEditorDefinitions path event o.UIContainer.items n.UIContainer.items) (UIPanel o, UIPanel n) | ( o.UIPanel.direction === n.UIPanel.direction && o.UIPanel.halign === n.UIPanel.halign && o.UIPanel.valign === n.UIPanel.valign && o.UIPanel.frame === n.UIPanel.frame && o.UIPanel.menus === n.UIPanel.menus && (isJust o.UIPanel.iconCls == isJust n.UIPanel.iconCls)) # titleUpdate = update (\o n -> o.UIPanel.title === n.UIPanel.title && o.UIPanel.iconCls == n.UIPanel.iconCls) (\{UIPanel|title,iconCls} -> Just (fromMaybe "" title,iconCls)) UISetTitle path o n # itemUpdates = diffChildEditorDefinitions path event o.UIPanel.items n.UIPanel.items # menuUpdates = [] //# menuUpdates = diffUIMenus path o.UIPanel.menus n.UIPanel.menus = Just (titleUpdate ++ itemUpdates ++ menuUpdates) (UIWindow o, UIWindow n) | (o.UIWindow.direction === n.UIWindow.direction && o.UIWindow.halign === n.UIWindow.halign && o.UIWindow.valign === n.UIWindow.valign) = Just (diffChildEditorDefinitions path event o.UIWindow.items n.UIWindow.items) (UIListContainer lcOld, UIListContainer lcNew) = Just (diffChildEditorDefinitions path event (items lcOld) (items lcNew) ++ flatten [f path old new \\ f <- [taskIdUpdate,nameUpdate]]) where items lc = [{content = UIListItem item, width = Nothing, height = Nothing, margins = Nothing} \\ item <- lc.UIListContainer.items] (UIListItem liOld, UIListItem liNew) = Just (diffChildEditorDefinitions path event [liOld.UIListItem.items] [liNew.UIListItem.items]) (UITabContainer tcOld, UITabContainer tcNew) # activeTabUpdate = update (\o n -> == (\{UITabContainer|active} -> Just active) UISetActiveTab path tcOld tcNew # itemUpdates = diffChildEditorDefinitions path event (items tcOld) (items tcNew) = Just (itemUpdates ++ activeTabUpdate) where items tc = [{content = UITabItem item, width = Nothing, height = Nothing, margins = Nothing} \\ item <- tc.UITabContainer.items] (UITabItem o, UITabItem n) | (o.UITabItem.closeAction === n.UITabItem.closeAction //Can't diff the close action for now && o.UITabItem.menus === n.UITabItem.menus) //Diff of menus is also still impossible # titleUpdate = update (\o n -> o.UITabItem.title == n.UITabItem.title && o.UITabItem.iconCls == n.UITabItem.iconCls) (\{UITabItem|title,iconCls} -> Just (title,iconCls)) UISetTitle path o n # itemUpdates = diffChildEditorDefinitions path event o.UITabItem.items n.UITabItem.items # menuUpdates = [] = Just (titleUpdate ++ itemUpdates ++ menuUpdates) | otherwise = Nothing (UIIcon o, UIIcon n) | o.UIIcon.type == n.UIIcon.type && o.UIIcon.tooltip === n.UIIcon.tooltip = Just [] // Custom components need to figure out their own update on the client side (UICustom oc, UICustom nc) | oc === nc = Just [] | otherwise = Just [UIUpdate (toString path) newTui] // Fallback: always replace _ = Nothing //Determine the updates for child items in containers, lists etc diffChildEditorDefinitions :: DiffPath (Maybe EditEvent) [UIControl] [UIControl] -> [UIUpdate] diffChildEditorDefinitions path event old new = diffChildEditorDefinitions` path event 0 old new where diffChildEditorDefinitions` path event i [] [] = [] diffChildEditorDefinitions` path event i old [] //Less items in new than old (remove starting with the last item) = [UIRemove (toString path) n \\ n <- reverse [i.. i + length old - 1 ]] diffChildEditorDefinitions` path event i [] new //More items in new than old = [UIAdd (toString path) n def \\ n <- [i..] & def <- new] diffChildEditorDefinitions` path event i [o:os] [n:ns] = (diffEditorDefinitions` [ItemStep i:path] event o n) ++ (diffChildEditorDefinitions` path event (i + 1) os ns) //Update the value of a control valueUpdate path mbEvent old new = update (sameValue mbEvent) (\{UIEditControl|value} -> Just value) UISetValue path old new where sameValue Nothing old new = old.UIEditControl.value == new.UIEditControl.value sameValue (Just (TaskEvent eTask (eName,eValue))) old new | old.UIEditControl.taskId == Just (toString eTask) && == eName = eValue == new.UIEditControl.value = old.UIEditControl.value == new.UIEditControl.value //Update the task id of a control taskIdUpdate path old new = update sameTaskId taskIdOf UISetTaskId path old new //Update the name of a control nameUpdate path old new = update sameName nameOf UISetName path old new update eqfun accfun consfun path old new | not (eqfun old new) = maybe [] (\prop -> [consfun (toString path) prop]) (accfun new) | otherwise = [] //If the menus are not exactly the same simply replace all of them diffUIMenus :: DiffPath [UIMenuButton] [UIMenuButton] -> [UIUpdate] diffUIMenus path old new | old === new = [] | otherwise = reverse [UIRemove menupath i \\ i <- [0.. (length old - 1)]] ++ [UIAdd menupath i (tuidef b) \\ i <- [0..] & b <- new] where menupath = toString [MenuStep:path] tuidef b = {UIControl| content = UIMenuButton b, width = Nothing, height = Nothing, margins = Nothing} sameTaskId :: !UIControlContent !UIControlContent -> Bool sameTaskId a b = (taskIdOf a) == (taskIdOf b) sameName :: !UIControlContent !UIControlContent -> Bool sameName a b = (nameOf a) == (nameOf b) taskIdOf :: !UIControlContent -> Maybe String taskIdOf (UIEditControl _ {UIEditControl|taskId}) = taskId taskIdOf (UIButton {UIButton|taskId}) = taskId taskIdOf (UIListContainer {UIListContainer|taskId}) = taskId taskIdOf _ = Nothing nameOf :: !UIControlContent -> Maybe String nameOf (UIEditControl _ {UIEditControl|name}) = Just name nameOf (UIButton {UIButton|name}) = Just name nameOf (UIListContainer {UIListContainer|name}) = name nameOf _ = Nothing */ encodeUIUpdates :: ![UIUpdate] -> JSONNode encodeUIUpdates updates = JSONArray (flatten (map encodeUIUpdate updates)) encodeUIUpdate :: UIUpdate -> [JSONNode] encodeUIUpdate (UISetValue path value) = [node path "setValue" [value]] encodeUIUpdate (UISetTaskId path taskId) = [node path "setTaskId" [JSONString taskId]] encodeUIUpdate (UISetName path name) = [node path "setName" [JSONString name]] encodeUIUpdate (UISetEnabled path enabled) = [node path "setDisabled" [JSONBool (not enabled)]] encodeUIUpdate (UISetActive path active) = [node path "setActive" [JSONBool active]] encodeUIUpdate (UISetTitle path title) = [node path "setTitle" [JSONString title]] encodeUIUpdate (UIReplace path index def) = [node path "replace" [JSONInt index, encodeUIControl def]] encodeUIUpdate (UIUpdate path def) = [node path "update" [encodeUIControl def]] encodeUIUpdate (UIAdd path index def) = [node path "insert" [JSONInt index, encodeUIControl def]] encodeUIUpdate (UIRemove path index) = [node path "remove" [JSONInt index]] encodeUIUpdate _ = [] node path method arguments = JSONObject [("path",JSONString path),("method",JSONString method),("arguments",JSONArray arguments)]