implementation module GenVisualize import StdBool, StdChar, StdList, StdArray, StdTuple, StdMisc, StdGeneric, StdEnum, StdFunc, List_NG, Generic_NG, JSON_NG import GenUpdate, GenVerify, Util, Maybe, Functor, Text, HTML, Map, UIDefinition, SystemTypes, HtmlUtil, LayoutCombinators visualizeAsText :: !StaticVisualizationMode !a -> String | gVisualizeText{|*|} a visualizeAsText mode v = concat (gVisualizeText{|*|} mode v) visualizeAsEditor :: !a !VerifyMask !TaskId !Layout !*IWorld -> (![(!UIControl,!UIAttributes)],!*IWorld) | gVisualizeEditor{|*|} a visualizeAsEditor v vmask taskId layout iworld # vst = {VSt|mkVSt taskId iworld & verifyMask = [vmask], currentPath = shiftDataPath emptyDataPath, layout = layout} # (res,vst) = gVisualizeEditor{|*|} (Just v) vst = (controlsOf res,kmVSt vst) //Generic text visualizer generic gVisualizeText a :: !StaticVisualizationMode !a -> [String] gVisualizeText{|UNIT|} _ _ = [] gVisualizeText{|RECORD|} fx mode (RECORD x) # viz = fx mode x = case mode of AsLabel = take 1 viz AsDisplay = viz gVisualizeText{|FIELD of {gfd_name}|} fx mode (FIELD x) # viz = fx mode x = case mode of AsDisplay = [camelCaseToWords gfd_name, ": ": viz] ++ [" "] AsLabel = viz gVisualizeText{|OBJECT|} fx mode (OBJECT x) = fx mode x gVisualizeText{|CONS of {gcd_name,gcd_type_def}|} fx mode (CONS x) = normalADTStaticViz (fx mode x) where normalADTStaticViz viz //If viz is empty, only show constructor name | isEmpty viz = [gcd_name] //If there are multiple constructors, also show the name of the constructor | gcd_type_def.gtd_num_conses > 1 = intersperse " " [gcd_name:viz] //Otherwise show visualisation of fields separated by spaces | otherwise = intersperse " " viz gVisualizeText{|PAIR|} fx fy mode (PAIR x y) = fx mode x ++ fy mode y gVisualizeText{|EITHER|} fx fy mode either = case either of LEFT x = fx mode x RIGHT y = fy mode y gVisualizeText{|Int|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|Real|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|Char|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|String|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|Bool|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|Password|} _ val = ["********"] gVisualizeText{|Note|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|URL|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|Date|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|Time|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|User|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|EUR|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|USD|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|BoundedInt|} _ {BoundedInt|cur} = [toString cur] gVisualizeText{|Progress|} _ {Progress|description} = [description] gVisualizeText{|HtmlInclude|} _ val = ["Html include"] gVisualizeText{|FormButton|} _ val = [val.FormButton.label] gVisualizeText{|Document|} _ val | val.Document.size == 0 = ["No Document"] | otherwise = [] gVisualizeText{|RadioChoice|} fv _ mode val = fromMaybe ["No item selected"] (fmap (\v -> fv mode v) (getMbSelectionView val)) gVisualizeText{|RadioChoiceNoView|} fo mode val = fromMaybe ["No item selected"] (fmap (\v -> fo mode v) (getMbSelectionNoView val)) gVisualizeText{|ComboChoice|} fv _ mode val = fromMaybe ["No item selected"] (fmap (\v -> fv mode v) (getMbSelectionView val)) gVisualizeText{|ComboChoiceNoView|} fo mode val = fromMaybe ["No item selected"] (fmap (\v -> fo mode v) (getMbSelectionNoView val)) gVisualizeText{|GridChoice|} fv _ mode val = fromMaybe ["No item selected"] (fmap (\v -> fv mode v) (getMbSelectionView val)) gVisualizeText{|GridChoiceNoView|} fo mode val = fromMaybe ["No item selected"] (fmap (\v -> fo mode v) (getMbSelectionNoView val)) gVisualizeText{|TreeChoice|} fv _ mode val = fromMaybe ["No item selected"] (fmap (\v -> fv mode v) (getMbSelectionView val)) gVisualizeText{|TreeChoiceNoView|} fo mode val = fromMaybe ["No item selected"] (fmap (\v -> fo mode v) (getMbSelectionNoView val)) gVisualizeText{|DynamicChoice|} fv fo mode (DCRadio val) = gVisualizeText{|*->*->*|} fv fo mode val gVisualizeText{|DynamicChoice|} fv fo mode (DCCombo val) = gVisualizeText{|*->*->*|} fv fo mode val gVisualizeText{|DynamicChoice|} fv fo mode (DCGrid val) = gVisualizeText{|*->*->*|} fv fo mode val gVisualizeText{|DynamicChoice|} fv fo mode (DCTree val) = gVisualizeText{|*->*->*|} fv fo mode val gVisualizeText{|DynamicChoiceNoView|} fo mode (DCRadioNoView val) = gVisualizeText{|*->*|} fo mode val gVisualizeText{|DynamicChoiceNoView|} fo mode (DCComboNoView val) = gVisualizeText{|*->*|} fo mode val gVisualizeText{|DynamicChoiceNoView|} fo mode (DCTreeNoView val) = gVisualizeText{|*->*|} fo mode val gVisualizeText{|DynamicChoiceNoView|} fo mode (DCGridNoView val) = gVisualizeText{|*->*|} fo mode val gVisualizeText{|CheckMultiChoice|} fv _ _ val = gVisualizeText{|* -> *|} fv AsLabel (getSelectionViews val) gVisualizeText{|Table|} _ _ = ["Table"] gVisualizeText {|[]|} fx mode val = ["[": flatten (intersperse [", "] [fx mode x \\ x <- val])] ++ ["]"] gVisualizeText{|Maybe|} fx mode val = fromMaybe ["-"] (fmap (\v -> fx mode v) val) gVisualizeText{|Hidden|} _ _ _ = [] gVisualizeText{|Display|} fx mode (Display val) = fx mode val gVisualizeText{|Editable|} fx mode(Editable val) = fx mode val gVisualizeText{|VisualizationHint|} fx mode val = case val of VHHidden x = gVisualizeText{|* -> *|} fx mode (Hidden x) VHDisplay x = gVisualizeText{|* -> *|} fx mode (Display x) VHEditable x = gVisualizeText{|* -> *|} fx mode (Editable x) gVisualizeText{|Void|} _ _ = [] gVisualizeText{|Dynamic|} _ _ = [] gVisualizeText{|(->)|} _ _ _ _ = [] gVisualizeText{|JSONNode|} _ val = [toString val] gVisualizeText{|HtmlTag|} _ html = [toString html] derive gVisualizeText DateTime, Either, (,), (,,), (,,,), Timestamp, Map, EmailAddress, Username, Action, TreeNode, UserConstraint, ManagementMeta, TaskPriority, Tree, ButtonState derive gVisualizeText GoogleMap, GoogleMapSettings, GoogleMapPerspective, GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapType mkVSt :: !TaskId *IWorld -> *VSt mkVSt taskId iworld = {VSt| currentPath = startDataPath, selectedConsIndex = -1, optional = False, disabled = False, verifyMask = [] , taskId = taskId, layout = autoLayout, iworld = iworld} kmVSt :: !*VSt -> *IWorld //inverse of mkVSt kmVSt {VSt|iworld} = iworld //Generic visualizer generic gVisualizeEditor a | gVisualizeText a, gHeaders a, gGridRows a :: !(Maybe a)!*VSt -> (!VisualizationResult,!*VSt) gVisualizeEditor{|UNIT|} _ vst = (NormalEditor [],vst) gVisualizeEditor{|RECORD|} fx _ _ _ val vst=:{VSt|currentPath,verifyMask,optional,disabled,taskId} # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask //When optional and no value yet, just show the checkbox | optional && isNothing val && not disabled = (OptionalEditor [checkbox False], {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, verifyMask = vm}) # (fieldViz,vst) = fx (fmap fromRECORD val) {VSt|vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, verifyMask = childMasks cmv, optional = False} //For optional records we add the checkbox to clear the entire record # viz = if (optional && not disabled) (OptionalEditor [checkbox True:controlsOf fieldViz]) fieldViz = (viz,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, verifyMask = vm}) where checkbox checked = (UIEditCheckbox defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId = toString taskId, editorId = dp2s currentPath, value = Just checked},newMap) gVisualizeEditor{|FIELD of {gfd_name}|} fx _ _ _ val vst=:{VSt|disabled,layout} # (vizBody,vst) = fx (fmap fromFIELD val) vst = case vizBody of HiddenEditor = (HiddenEditor,vst) NormalEditor controls # def = layout.Layout.editor {UIDef|attributes=addLabel disabled gfd_name newMap, controls=controls, actions=[]} = (NormalEditor def.UIDef.controls,vst) OptionalEditor controls # def = layout.Layout.editor {UIDef|attributes=addLabel True gfd_name newMap, controls=controls, actions=[]} = (OptionalEditor def.UIDef.controls, vst) gVisualizeEditor{|OBJECT of {gtd_num_conses,gtd_conses}|} fx _ _ _ val vst=:{currentPath,selectedConsIndex = oldSelectedConsIndex,disabled,verifyMask,taskId,layout} //For objects we only peek at the verify mask, but don't take it out of the state yet. //The masks are removed from the states when processing the CONS. # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask # x = fmap fromOBJECT val //ADT with multiple constructors & not rendered static: Add the creation of a control for choosing the constructor | gtd_num_conses > 1 && not disabled # (items, vst=:{selectedConsIndex}) = fx x vst # content = if (isTouched cmv) (layout.editor {UIDef|attributes=newMap,controls = controlsOf items,actions=[]}).controls [] = (NormalEditor [(UIDropdown defaultSizeOpts {UIChoiceOpts | taskId = toString taskId , editorId = dp2s currentPath , value = if (isTouched cmv) (Just selectedConsIndex) Nothing , options = [gdc.gcd_name \\ gdc <- gtd_conses]} ,addVerAttributes (verifyElementStr cmv) newMap) : content ] ,{vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, selectedConsIndex = oldSelectedConsIndex}) //ADT with one constructor or static render: put content into container, if empty show cons name | otherwise # (vis,vst) = fx x vst # vis = case vis of HiddenEditor = HiddenEditor NormalEditor [] = if (isTouched cmv || disabled) (NormalEditor [((stringDisplay ((gtd_conses !! vst.selectedConsIndex).gcd_name)),newMap)]) (NormalEditor []) NormalEditor vis = NormalEditor [(setDirection Horizontal (defaultContainer (addSpacing (map fst vis))),newMap)] //TODO: Add case for OptionalEditor = (vis,{vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, selectedConsIndex = oldSelectedConsIndex}) where addSpacing [] = [] addSpacing [d:ds] = [d:map (setMargins 0 0 0 5) ds] gVisualizeEditor{|CONS of {gcd_index}|} fx _ _ _ val vst = visualizeCustom mkControl vst where mkControl name _ _ vst=:{VSt|taskId,currentPath,optional,disabled} # x = fmap fromCONS val # (viz,vst) = fx x vst = (controlsOf viz, {VSt | vst & selectedConsIndex = gcd_index}) gVisualizeEditor{|PAIR|} fx _ _ _ fy _ _ _ val vst # (x,y) = (fmap fromPAIRX val, fmap fromPAIRY val) # (vizx, vst) = fx x vst # (vizy, vst) = fy y vst = case (vizx,vizy) of //Define combination for all nine combinations of normal/optional/hidden editors (NormalEditor ex, NormalEditor ey) = (NormalEditor (ex ++ ey), vst) (NormalEditor ex, OptionalEditor ey) = (NormalEditor (ex ++ ey), vst) (NormalEditor ex, HiddenEditor) = (NormalEditor ex, vst) (OptionalEditor ex, NormalEditor ey) = (NormalEditor (ex ++ ey), vst) (OptionalEditor ex, OptionalEditor ey) = (OptionalEditor (ex ++ ey), vst) (OptionalEditor ex, HiddenEditor) = (OptionalEditor ex, vst) (HiddenEditor, NormalEditor ey) = (NormalEditor ey, vst) (HiddenEditor, OptionalEditor ey) = (OptionalEditor ey, vst) (HiddenEditor, HiddenEditor) = (HiddenEditor, vst) gVisualizeEditor{|EITHER|} fx _ _ _ fy _ _ _ val vst = case val of Nothing = fx Nothing vst Just (LEFT x) = fx (Just x) vst Just (RIGHT y) = fy (Just y) vst gVisualizeEditor{|(,)|} fx _ _ _ fy _ _ _ val vst=:{VSt|currentPath,verifyMask} # (x,y) = (fmap fst val, fmap snd val) # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask # vst = {VSt|vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} # (vizx, vst) = fx x vst # (vizy, vst) = fy y vst # viz = case (vizx,vizy) of (HiddenEditor,HiddenEditor) = HiddenEditor _ = NormalEditor (controlsOf vizx ++ controlsOf vizy) = (viz, {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, verifyMask = vm}) gVisualizeEditor{|Int|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} # val = checkMask touched val | disabled = ([(UIViewString defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = fmap toString val},newMap)],vst) | otherwise = ([(UIEditInt defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) gVisualizeEditor{|Real|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} # val = checkMask touched val | disabled = ([(UIViewString defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = fmap toString val},newMap)],vst) | otherwise = ([(UIEditDecimal defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) gVisualizeEditor{|Char|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} # val = checkMask touched val | disabled = ([(UIViewString defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = fmap toString val},newMap)],vst) | otherwise = ([(UIEditString defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=fmap toString val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) gVisualizeEditor{|String|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} # val = checkMask touched val | disabled = ([(UIViewString defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = fmap toString val},newMap)],vst) | otherwise = ([(UIEditString defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) gVisualizeEditor{|Bool|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} # val = checkMask touched val | disabled = ([(UIViewCheckbox defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) | otherwise = ([(UIEditCheckbox defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) gVisualizeEditor{|Username|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} # val = checkMask touched val | disabled = ([(UIViewString defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = fmap (\(Username v) -> v) val},newMap)],vst) | otherwise = ([(UIEditString defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=fmap (\(Username v) -> v) val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) gVisualizeEditor{|Password|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} # val = checkMask touched val | disabled = ([(UIViewString defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = Just "********"},newMap)],vst) | otherwise = ([(UIEditPassword defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value= fmap (\(Password v) -> v) val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) gVisualizeEditor{|Note|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} # val = checkMask touched val // | disabled = ([(UIViewHtml defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = fmap (\(Note v) -> Text v) val},newMap)],vst) | disabled = ([(setMargins 5 5 5 5 (UIViewHtml defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = fmap noteToHtml val}),newMap)],vst) | otherwise = ([(UIEditNote defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=fmap (\(Note v) -> v) val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) // THIS IS A HACK! // The encoding of a Text constructor should escape newlines and convert them to
tags. Unfortunately it doesn't noteToHtml (Note s) //TODO: Fix this in the toString of the Text constructor of HtmlTag type = case split "\n" s of [line] = Text line lines = SpanTag [] (intersperse (BrTag []) (map Text lines)) gVisualizeEditor{|Date|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} # val = checkMask touched val | disabled = ([(UIViewString defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = fmap toString val},newMap)],vst) | otherwise = ([(UIEditDate defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) gVisualizeEditor{|Time|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} # val = checkMask touched val | disabled = ([(UIViewString defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = fmap toString val},newMap)],vst) | otherwise = ([(UIEditTime defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) gVisualizeEditor{|EUR|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} # val = checkMask touched val | disabled = ([(UIViewString defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = fmap (\(EUR v) -> toString v) val},newMap)],vst) | otherwise = ([(UIEditDecimal defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=fmap (\(EUR v) -> toReal v / 100.0) val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) gVisualizeEditor{|USD|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} # val = checkMask touched val | disabled = ([(UIViewString defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = fmap toString val},newMap)],vst) | otherwise = ([(UIEditDecimal defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=fmap (\(USD v) -> toReal v / 100.0) val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) gVisualizeEditor{|BoundedInt|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} # val = checkMask touched val # sliderOpts = {UISliderOpts|minValue=maybe 1 (\{BoundedInt|min} -> min) val,maxValue=maybe 5 (\{BoundedInt|max} -> max) val} | disabled # viewOpts = {UIViewOpts|value = fmap curVal val} = ([(UIViewSlider defaultSizeOpts viewOpts sliderOpts, newMap)],vst) | otherwise # editOpts = {UIEditOpts|taskId = toString taskId, editorId = name, value = fmap curVal val} = ([(UIEditSlider defaultSizeOpts editOpts sliderOpts, addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) curVal {BoundedInt|cur} = cur gVisualizeEditor{|Progress|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId} = ([(UIViewProgress defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value=fmap value val} {UIProgressOpts|text = text val},newMap)],vst) where text (Just {Progress|description}) = description text _ = "" value {Progress|progress=ProgressRatio ratio} | ratio < 0.0 = ProgressRatio 0.0 | ratio > 1.0 = ProgressRatio 1.0 = ProgressRatio ratio value {Progress|progress} = progress gVisualizeEditor{|HtmlInclude|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst = ([(UIViewHtml defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value=fmap (\(HtmlInclude path) -> IframeTag [SrcAttr path] []) val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) gVisualizeEditor {|Document|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} # val = checkMask touched val | disabled = ([(UIViewDocument defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = val},newMap)],vst) | otherwise = ([(UIEditDocument defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) gVisualizeEditor{|URL|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} | disabled = ([(UIViewHtml defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = fmap (\(URL url) -> ATag [HrefAttr url] [Text url]) val},newMap)], vst) | otherwise # val = checkMask touched val # ui = UIEditString defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=fmap toString val} = ([(ui,addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) gVisualizeEditor{|FormButton|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} # text = fmap (\b -> b.FormButton.label) val # iconCls = fmap (\b -> b.FormButton.icon) val = ([(UIEditButton defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=fmap (\_ -> JSONString "pressed") val} {UIButtonOpts|text=text,iconCls=iconCls,disabled=False},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) gVisualizeEditor{|GoogleMap|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId} # editOpts = {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=Nothing} # opts = mapOpts (fromMaybe defaultValue val) = ([(UIEditGoogleMap defaultSizeOpts editOpts opts,addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) mapOpts map = { UIGoogleMapOpts | center = (, , mapType = mapType map.perspective.GoogleMapPerspective.type , markers = [{UIGoogleMapMarker|position=(lat,lng),title=title,icon=icon,infoWindow=fmap toString infoWindow,draggable=draggable,selected=selected} \\ {GoogleMapMarker|position={lat,lng},title,icon,infoWindow,draggable,selected} <- map.GoogleMap.markers] , options = { UIGoogleMapOptions | mapTypeControl = map.settings.GoogleMapSettings.mapTypeControl , panControl = map.settings.GoogleMapSettings.panControl , streetViewControl = map.settings.GoogleMapSettings.streetViewControl , zoomControl = map.settings.GoogleMapSettings.zoomControl , scaleControl = map.settings.GoogleMapSettings.scaleControl , scrollwheel = map.settings.GoogleMapSettings.scrollwheel , draggable = map.settings.GoogleMapSettings.draggable , zoom = map.perspective.GoogleMapPerspective.zoom } } mapType ROADMAP = "ROADMAP" mapType SATELLITE = "SATELLITE" mapType HYBRID = "HYBRID" mapType TERRAIN = "TERRAIN" gVisualizeEditor{|RadioChoice|} _ gx _ _ _ _ _ _ val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} | disabled = ([(UIViewString defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = vvalue val},newMap)],vst) | otherwise = ([(UIDropdown defaultSizeOpts {UIChoiceOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=evalue val,options=options val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) vvalue (Just (RadioChoice options (Just sel))) = Just (hd (gx AsLabel (fst(options !! sel )))) vvalue _ = Nothing evalue (Just (RadioChoice _ mbSel)) = mbSel evalue _ = Nothing options (Just (RadioChoice options _)) = [concat (gx AsLabel v) \\ (v,_) <- options] options _ = [] gVisualizeEditor{|RadioChoiceNoView|} _ gx _ _ val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} | disabled = ([(UIViewString defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = vvalue val},newMap)],vst) | otherwise = ([(UIDropdown defaultSizeOpts {UIChoiceOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=evalue val,options=options val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) vvalue (Just (RadioChoiceNoView options (Just sel))) = Just (hd (gx AsLabel (options !! sel ))) vvalue _ = Nothing evalue (Just (RadioChoiceNoView _ mbSel)) = mbSel evalue _ = Nothing options (Just (RadioChoiceNoView options _)) = [concat (gx AsLabel v) \\ v <- options] options _ = [] gVisualizeEditor{|ComboChoice|} fx gx _ _ _ _ _ _ val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} | disabled = ([(UIViewString defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = vvalue val},newMap)],vst) | otherwise = ([(UIDropdown defaultSizeOpts {UIChoiceOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=evalue val,options=options val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) vvalue (Just (ComboChoice options (Just sel))) = Just (hd (gx AsLabel (fst(options !! sel )))) vvalue _ = Nothing evalue (Just (ComboChoice _ mbSel)) = mbSel evalue _ = Nothing options (Just (ComboChoice options _)) = [concat (gx AsLabel v) \\ (v,_) <- options] options _ = [] gVisualizeEditor{|ComboChoiceNoView|} _ gx _ _ val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} | disabled = ([(UIViewString defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = vvalue val},newMap)],vst) | otherwise = ([(UIDropdown defaultSizeOpts {UIChoiceOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=evalue val,options=options val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) vvalue (Just (ComboChoiceNoView options (Just sel))) = Just (hd (gx AsLabel (options !! sel ))) vvalue _ = Nothing evalue (Just (ComboChoiceNoView _ mbSel)) = mbSel evalue _ = Nothing options (Just (ComboChoiceNoView options _)) = [concat (gx AsLabel v) \\ v <- options] options _ = [] gVisualizeEditor{|GridChoice|} _ gx hx ix _ _ _ _ val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} = ([(UIGrid defaultSizeOpts {UIChoiceOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=value val,options = options val} {UIGridOpts|columns = hx undef},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) value (Just (GridChoice options mbSel)) = mbSel value _ = Nothing options (Just (GridChoice options _)) = [fromMaybe [concat (gx AsLabel opt)] (ix opt []) \\ (opt,_) <- options] options _ = [] gVisualizeEditor{|GridChoiceNoView|} _ gx hx ix val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} = ([(UIGrid defaultSizeOpts {UIChoiceOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=value val,options =options val} {UIGridOpts|columns = hx undef},newMap)],vst) value (Just (GridChoiceNoView options mbSel)) = mbSel value _ = Nothing options (Just (GridChoiceNoView options _)) = [fromMaybe [concat (gx AsLabel opt)] (ix opt []) \\ opt <- options] options _ = [] gVisualizeEditor{|TreeChoice|} _ gx _ _ _ _ _ _ val vst=:{VSt|taskId,currentPath,disabled,verifyMask} # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask # vst = {VSt|vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} # ver = verifyElementStr cmv # viz = [(UITree defaultSizeOpts {UIChoiceOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=dp2s currentPath,value=value val,options = options val cmv},addVerAttributes ver newMap)] = (NormalEditor viz,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, verifyMask = vm}) where value (Just (TreeChoice _ mbSel)) = mbSel value _ = Nothing options (Just (TreeChoice (Tree nodes) _)) msk = fst (mkTree nodes 0 ) where expanded = case msk of VMValidWithState _ _ s = case fromJSON s of Just expanded = expanded; _ = [] VMInvalidWithState _ _ s = case fromJSON s of Just expanded = expanded; _ = [] _ = [] mkTree [] idx = ([],idx) mkTree [Leaf (v,_):r] idx # (rtree,idx`) = mkTree r (inc idx) = ([{UITreeNode|text = concat (gx AsLabel v), value = idx, leaf = True, expanded = isMember idx expanded, children = Nothing}:rtree],idx`) mkTree [Node (v,_) nodes:r] idx # (children,idx`) = mkTree nodes (inc idx) # (rtree,idx`) = mkTree r idx` = ([{UITreeNode|text = concat (gx AsLabel v), value = idx, leaf = False, expanded = isMember idx expanded, children = Just children}:rtree],idx`) options _ _ = [] gVisualizeEditor{|TreeChoiceNoView|} _ gx _ _ val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId} = ([(UITree defaultSizeOpts {UIChoiceOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=value val,options = options val},newMap)],vst) value (Just (TreeChoiceNoView _ mbSel)) = mbSel value _ = Nothing options (Just (TreeChoiceNoView (Tree nodes) _)) = fst (mkTree nodes 0) where mkTree [] idx = ([],idx) mkTree [Leaf v:r] idx # (rtree,idx`) = mkTree r (inc idx) = ([{UITreeNode|text = concat (gx AsLabel v), value = idx, leaf = True, expanded = False, children = Nothing}:rtree],idx`) mkTree [Node v nodes:r] idx # (children,idx`) = mkTree nodes (inc idx) # (rtree,idx`) = mkTree r idx` = ([{UITreeNode|text = concat (gx AsLabel v), value = idx, leaf = False, expanded = False, children = Just children}:rtree],idx`) options _ = [] gVisualizeEditor{|DynamicChoice|} f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 (Just (DCCombo val)) vst = gVisualizeEditor{|*->*->*|} f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 (Just val) vst gVisualizeEditor{|DynamicChoice|} f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 (Just (DCRadio val)) vst = gVisualizeEditor{|*->*->*|} f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 (Just val) vst gVisualizeEditor{|DynamicChoice|} f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 (Just (DCTree val)) vst = gVisualizeEditor{|*->*->*|} f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 (Just val) vst gVisualizeEditor{|DynamicChoice|} f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 (Just (DCGrid val)) vst = gVisualizeEditor{|*->*->*|} f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 (Just val) vst gVisualizeEditor{|DynamicChoice|} f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 Nothing vst = (NormalEditor [],vst) gVisualizeEditor{|DynamicChoiceNoView|} f1 f2 f3 f4 (Just (DCComboNoView val)) vst = gVisualizeEditor{|*->*|} f1 f2 f3 f4 (Just val) vst gVisualizeEditor{|DynamicChoiceNoView|} f1 f2 f3 f4 (Just (DCRadioNoView val)) vst = gVisualizeEditor{|*->*|} f1 f2 f3 f4 (Just val) vst gVisualizeEditor{|DynamicChoiceNoView|} f1 f2 f3 f4 (Just (DCTreeNoView val)) vst = gVisualizeEditor{|*->*|} f1 f2 f3 f4 (Just val) vst gVisualizeEditor{|DynamicChoiceNoView|} f1 f2 f3 f4 (Just (DCGridNoView val)) vst = gVisualizeEditor{|*->*|} f1 f2 f3 f4 (Just val) vst gVisualizeEditor{|DynamicChoiceNoView|} f1 f2 f3 f4 Nothing vst = (NormalEditor [],vst) getMbView f mbChoice = fmap f (maybe Nothing getMbSelectionView mbChoice) gVisualizeEditor{|CheckMultiChoice|} fx _ _ _ _ _ _ _ val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} # (options,sel) = maybe ([],[]) (\(CheckMultiChoice options sel) -> (map fst options,sel)) val # (itemsVis,vst) = childVisualizations fx options {VSt|vst & disabled = True} # itemDefs = [defaultContainer [checkbox taskId i sel:map fst (controlsOf items)] \\ items <- itemsVis & i <- [0..]] = ([(defaultContainer itemDefs,addVerAttributes verRes newMap)], vst) checkbox taskId i sel = UIEditCheckbox defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId="sel-" +++ toString i,value= Just (isMember i sel)} gVisualizeEditor{|Table|} val vst = visualizeCustom viz vst where viz name touched verRes vst=:{VSt|taskId,disabled} = ([(UIGrid defaultSizeOpts {UIChoiceOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=value val,options = options val} {UIGridOpts|columns = columns val},addVerAttributes verRes newMap)],vst) value (Just (Table _ _ mbSel)) = mbSel value _ = Nothing columns (Just (Table headers _ _)) = headers columns _ = [] options (Just (Table _ cells _)) = map (map toString) cells options _ = [] gVisualizeEditor{|[]|} fx _ _ _ val vst=:{VSt|taskId,currentPath,disabled,verifyMask,layout} # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask # vst = {VSt|vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} # ver = verifyElementStr cmv # val = fromMaybe [] val # (items,vst) = listControl val vst = (NormalEditor [(defaultContainer items,addVerAttributes ver newMap)],{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, verifyMask = vm}) where name = dp2s currentPath listControl items vst=:{VSt|optional,disabled} # (itemsVis,vst) = childVisualizations fx items vst # numItems = length items | disabled = ([listItemControl disabled numItems idx dx \\ dx <- itemsVis & idx <- [0..]],vst) | otherwise # (newItem,vst) = newChildVisualization fx True vst = ([listItemControl disabled numItems idx dx \\ dx <- itemsVis & idx <- [0..]] ++ [newItemControl newItem],vst) listItemControl disabled numItems idx item # controls = map fst (layout.editor {UIDef|attributes = newMap,controls = controlsOf item, actions = []}).controls # buttons = [UIEditButton defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=Just (JSONString ("mup_" +++ toString idx))} {UIButtonOpts|text=Nothing,iconCls=Just "icon-up",disabled=idx == 0} ,UIEditButton defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=Just (JSONString ("mdn_" +++ toString idx))} {UIButtonOpts|text=Nothing,iconCls=Just "icon-down",disabled= idx == numItems - 1} ,UIEditButton defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=Just (JSONString ("rem_" +++ toString idx))} {UIButtonOpts|text=Nothing,iconCls=Just "icon-remove",disabled=False} ] = setDirection Horizontal (defaultContainer (if disabled controls (controls ++ buttons))) newItemControl item # controls = map fst (layout.editor {UIDef|attributes = newMap,controls = controlsOf item, actions = []}).controls # buttons = [UIEditButton defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=Nothing} {UIButtonOpts|text=Nothing,iconCls=Just "icon-up",disabled=True} ,UIEditButton defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=Nothing} {UIButtonOpts|text=Nothing,iconCls=Just "icon-down",disabled= True} ,UIEditButton defaultSizeOpts {UIEditOpts|taskId=toString taskId,editorId=name,value=Nothing} {UIButtonOpts|text=Nothing,iconCls=Just "icon-remove",disabled=True} ] = setDirection Horizontal (defaultContainer (controls ++ buttons)) gVisualizeEditor{|Dynamic|} _ vst = noVisualization vst gVisualizeEditor{|(->)|} _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vst = noVisualization vst gVisualizeEditor{|Maybe|} fx _ _ _ val vst=:{VSt|currentPath,optional} # (viz,vst) = case val of Just (Just x) = fx (Just x) {VSt|vst & optional = True} _ = fx Nothing {VSt|vst & optional = True} = (toOptional viz, {VSt|vst & optional = optional, currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath}) where toOptional (NormalEditor ex) = OptionalEditor ex toOptional viz = viz // wrapper types changing visualization behaviour gVisualizeEditor{|Hidden|} fx _ _ _ val vst=:{VSt | currentPath, verifyMask} # (_,vm) = popMask verifyMask = (HiddenEditor,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, verifyMask = vm}) gVisualizeEditor{|Display|} fx _ _ _ val vst=:{VSt|currentPath,disabled} # (def,vst) = fx (fmap fromDisplay val) {VSt | vst & disabled = True} = (def,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, disabled = disabled}) gVisualizeEditor{|Editable|} fx _ _ _ val vst=:{VSt|currentPath, disabled} # (def,vst) = fx (fmap fromEditable val) {VSt | vst & disabled = False} = (def,{VSt | vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, disabled = disabled}) gVisualizeEditor{|VisualizationHint|} fx gx hx ix val vst=:{VSt|currentPath} = case val of Just (VHHidden x) = gVisualizeEditor{|* -> *|} fx gx hx ix (Just (Hidden x)) vst Just (VHDisplay x) = gVisualizeEditor{|* -> *|} fx gx hx ix (Just (Display x)) vst Just (VHEditable x) = gVisualizeEditor{|* -> *|} fx gx hx ix (Just (Editable x)) vst Nothing = fx Nothing vst gVisualizeEditor{|Void|} _ vst = noVisualization vst gVisualizeEditor{|HtmlTag|} val vst = visualizeCustom toControl vst where toControl name touched _ vst = ([(UIViewHtml defaultSizeOpts {UIViewOpts|value = val},newMap)], vst) derive gVisualizeEditor DateTime, User derive gVisualizeEditor JSONNode, Either, (,,), (,,,), Timestamp, Map, EmailAddress, Action, TreeNode, UserConstraint, ManagementMeta, TaskPriority, Tree derive gVisualizeEditor GoogleMapSettings, GoogleMapPerspective, GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapType generic gHeaders a :: a -> [String] gHeaders{|UNIT|} _ = [] gHeaders{|PAIR|} _ _ _ = [] gHeaders{|EITHER|} _ _ _ = [] gHeaders{|OBJECT|} _ _ = [] gHeaders{|CONS|} _ _ = [] gHeaders{|RECORD of {grd_fields}|} _ _ = [camelCaseToWords fieldname \\ fieldname <- grd_fields] gHeaders{|FIELD|} _ _ = [] gHeaders{|Int|} _ = [] gHeaders{|Char|} _ = [] gHeaders{|String|} _ = [] gHeaders{|Real|} _ = [] gHeaders{|Bool|} _ = [] gHeaders{|Dynamic|} _ = [] gHeaders{|BoundedInt|} _ = [] gHeaders{|Progress|} _ = [] gHeaders{|HtmlTag|} _ = [] gHeaders{|(->)|} _ _ _ = [] derive gHeaders [], Maybe, Either, (,), (,,), (,,,), JSONNode, Void, Display, Editable, Hidden, VisualizationHint, Timestamp derive gHeaders URL, Note, Username, Password, Date, Time, DateTime, Document, FormButton, EUR, USD, User, CheckMultiChoice, Map, Tree, TreeNode, Table derive gHeaders EmailAddress, Action, HtmlInclude, UserConstraint, ManagementMeta, TaskPriority derive gHeaders GoogleMap, GoogleMapSettings, GoogleMapPerspective, GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapType derive gHeaders DynamicChoice, RadioChoice, ComboChoice, GridChoice, TreeChoice derive gHeaders DynamicChoiceNoView, RadioChoiceNoView, ComboChoiceNoView, GridChoiceNoView, TreeChoiceNoView generic gGridRows a | gVisualizeText a :: !a ![String] -> Maybe [String] gGridRows{|OBJECT|} _ _ _ _ = Nothing gGridRows{|CONS|} _ _ _ acc = Nothing gGridRows{|PAIR|} fx _ fy _ (PAIR x y) acc = fy y (fromMaybe [] (fx x acc)) gGridRows{|RECORD|} fx _ (RECORD r) acc = fmap reverse (fx r acc) gGridRows{|FIELD|} _ gx (FIELD f) acc = Just [concat (gx AsLabel f):acc] gGridRows{|EITHER|} _ _ _ _ _ _ = abort "gGridRows: EITHER should not occur" gGridRows{|UNIT|} _ _ = abort "gGridRows: UNIT should not occur" gGridRows{|Int|} i _ = Nothing gGridRows{|Char|} c _ = Nothing gGridRows{|String|} s _ = Nothing gGridRows{|Real|} r _ = Nothing gGridRows{|Bool|} b _ = Nothing gGridRows{|Dynamic|} d _ = Nothing gGridRows{|BoundedInt|} _ _ = Nothing gGridRows{|Progress|} _ _ = Nothing gGridRows{|HtmlTag|} h _ = Nothing gGridRows{|(->)|} _ gx _ gy f _ = Nothing derive gGridRows [], Maybe, Either, (,), (,,), (,,,), JSONNode, Void, Display, Editable, Hidden, VisualizationHint, Timestamp derive gGridRows URL, Note, Username, Password, Date, Time, DateTime, Document, FormButton, EUR, USD, User, UserConstraint, CheckMultiChoice, Map, Tree, TreeNode, Table derive gGridRows EmailAddress, Action, HtmlInclude, ManagementMeta, TaskPriority, ButtonState derive gGridRows GoogleMap, GoogleMapSettings, GoogleMapPerspective, GoogleMapPosition, GoogleMapMarker, GoogleMapType derive gGridRows DynamicChoice, RadioChoice, ComboChoice, TreeChoice, GridChoice derive gGridRows DynamicChoiceNoView, RadioChoiceNoView, ComboChoiceNoView, GridChoiceNoView, TreeChoiceNoView //***** UTILITY FUNCTIONS ************************************************************************************************* visualizeCustom :: !UIVizFunction !*VSt -> *(!VisualizationResult,!*VSt) visualizeCustom tuiF vst=:{VSt|currentPath,disabled,verifyMask} # (cmv,vm) = popMask verifyMask // only check mask if generating editor definition & not for labels # touched = isTouched cmv # vst = {VSt|vst & currentPath = shiftDataPath currentPath, verifyMask = childMasks cmv} # ver = verifyElementStr cmv # (vis,vst) = tuiF (dp2s currentPath) touched ver vst = (NormalEditor vis,{VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, verifyMask = vm}) noVisualization :: !*VSt -> *(!VisualizationResult,!*VSt) noVisualization vst=:{VSt|currentPath,verifyMask} # (_,vm) = popMask verifyMask = (NormalEditor [], {VSt|vst & currentPath = stepDataPath currentPath, verifyMask = vm}) childVisualizations :: !((Maybe a) -> .(*VSt -> *(!VisualizationResult,*VSt))) ![a] !*VSt -> *(![VisualizationResult],!*VSt) childVisualizations fx children vst = childVisualizations` children [] vst where childVisualizations` [] acc vst = (reverse acc,vst) childVisualizations` [child:children] acc vst # (childV,vst) = fx (Just child) vst = childVisualizations` children [childV:acc] vst newChildVisualization :: !((Maybe a) -> .(*VSt -> *(VisualizationResult,*VSt))) !Bool !*VSt -> *(!VisualizationResult,!*VSt) newChildVisualization fx newOptional vst=:{VSt|optional} # (childV,vst) = fx Nothing {VSt|vst & optional = newOptional} = (childV,{VSt|vst & optional = optional}) eventValue :: !DataPath !(Maybe (!String,!JSONNode)) -> Maybe JSONNode eventValue currentPath mbEvent = case mbEvent of Just (dp,val) | dp == dp2s currentPath = Just val _ = Nothing verifyElementStr :: !VerifyMask -> VerifyResult verifyElementStr cmv = case cmv of VMValid mbHnt _ = maybe NoMsg ValidMsg mbHnt VMUntouched mbHnt _ _ = maybe NoMsg HintMsg mbHnt VMInvalid err _ = ErrorMsg (toString err) addVerAttributes :: !VerifyResult !UIAttributes -> UIAttributes addVerAttributes (HintMsg msg) attr = put HINT_ATTRIBUTE msg attr addVerAttributes (ValidMsg msg) attr = put VALID_ATTRIBUTE msg attr addVerAttributes (ErrorMsg msg) attr = put ERROR_ATTRIBUTE msg attr addVerAttributes _ attr = attr addLabel :: !Bool !String !UIAttributes -> UIAttributes addLabel optional label attr = put LABEL_ATTRIBUTE (format optional label) attr where format optional label = camelCaseToWords label +++ if optional "" "*" +++ ":" //TODO: Move to layout checkMask :: !Bool !(Maybe a) -> (Maybe a) checkMask False _ = Nothing checkMask _ val = val controlsOf :: !VisualizationResult -> [(UIControl,UIAttributes)] controlsOf (NormalEditor controls) = controls controlsOf (OptionalEditor controls) = controls controlsOf HiddenEditor = [] //********************************************************************************************************************* (+++>) infixr 5 :: !a !String -> String | gVisualizeText{|*|} a (+++>) a s = visualizeAsText AsLabel a +++ s (<+++) infixl 5 :: !String !a -> String | gVisualizeText{|*|} a (<+++) s a = s +++ visualizeAsText AsLabel a