implementation module RunOnClient import StdMisc import iTasks, Task, Tasklet, TaskState, TaskStore, TaskEval, TUIEncode :: TaskState :== Maybe (TIMeta,TIReduct,TIResult) runOnClient :: !(Task m) -> Task m | iTask m runOnClient task # roc_tasklet = { Tasklet | generatorFunc = roc_generator task , resultFunc = toResult , tweakUI = id } = mkTask roc_tasklet toResult Nothing = NoValue toResult (Just (_,_,TIValue NoValue _)) = NoValue toResult (Just (_,_,TIValue (Value json stab) _)) = Value (fromJust (fromJSON json)) stab roc_generator :: !(Task m) !TaskId !*IWorld -> *(!TaskletGUI TaskState, !TaskState, !*IWorld) | iTask m roc_generator task (TaskId instanceNo taskNo) iworld # (res, iworld) = loadTaskInstance instanceNo iworld # (ameta, _, _) = fromOk res # (newInstanceNo, iworld) = newInstanceId iworld # ((meta, reduct, taskres, rep), iworld) = createTaskInstance newInstanceNo ameta.sessionId instanceNo ameta.TIMeta.worker task ameta.TIMeta.progress iworld // Initialize embedded task # (meta, reduct, taskres, result, iworld) = evalInstance Nothing Nothing False (meta, reduct, taskres) iworld # mbTUI = case result of (ValueResult _ _ (TaskRep (_, mbTUIDef, _, _) _) _) = mbTUIDef = Nothing # gui = TaskletTUI { TaskletTUI | tui = mbTUI , eventHandler = Just (newInstanceNo, controllerFunc) } = (gui, Just (meta, reduct, taskres), iworld) // Init controllerFunc taskId st Nothing Nothing = (Nothing, st) // Commit controllerFunc taskId st (Just eventName) Nothing = controllerFunc` taskId st Nothing (Just (TaskEvent taskId eventName)) // Edit controllerFunc taskId st (Just eventName) (Just eventValue) = controllerFunc` taskId st (Just (TaskEvent taskId (eventName, fromString eventValue))) Nothing controllerFunc` taskId st mbEditEvent mbCommitEvent # iworld = createClientIWorld # (meta, reduct, taskres, result, iworld) = evalInstance mbEditEvent mbCommitEvent False (fromJust st) iworld # mbTUI = case result of (ValueResult _ _ (TaskRep (_, mbTUIDef, _, _) _) _) = mbTUIDef = Nothing = (mbTUI, Just (meta, reduct, taskres)) createClientIWorld :: *IWorld createClientIWorld = {IWorld |application = locundef "application" ,build = locundef "build" ,appDirectory = locundef "appDirectory" ,sdkDirectory = locundef "sdkDirectory" ,dataDirectory = locundef "dataDirectory" ,config = locundef "config" ,taskTime = locundef "taskTime" ,timestamp = locundef "timestamp" ,currentDateTime = locundef "currentDateTime" ,currentUser = locundef "currentUser" ,currentInstance = locundef "currentInstance" ,nextTaskNo = locundef "nextTaskNo" ,localShares = locundef "localShares" ,localLists = locundef "localLists" ,readShares = locundef "readShares" ,outdated = locundef "outdated" ,sessions = locundef "sessions" ,uis = locundef "uis" ,world = locundef "world" } where locundef var = abort ("IWorld structure is not avalaible at client side. Reference: "+++var) /** * Evaluate a single task instance by TaskEval.evalAndStoreInstance */ evalInstance :: !(Maybe EditEvent) !(Maybe CommitEvent) !RefreshFlag !(TIMeta,TIReduct,TIResult) !*IWorld -> (!TIMeta,!TIReduct,!TIResult,!TaskResult JSONNode,!*IWorld) evalInstance editEvent commitEvent refresh (meta=:{TIMeta|instanceNo,parent,worker=Just worker,progress},reduct=:{TIReduct|task=Task eval,nextTaskNo=curNextTaskNo,nextTaskTime,tree,shares,lists},result=:TIValue val _) iworld=:{currentUser,currentInstance,nextTaskNo,taskTime,localShares,localLists} //Eval instance # repAs = TaskRepOpts Nothing Nothing //Update current process id & eval stack in iworld # taskId = TaskId instanceNo 0 # iworld = {iworld & currentInstance = instanceNo, currentUser = worker, nextTaskNo = curNextTaskNo, taskTime = nextTaskTime, localShares = shares, localLists = lists} //Apply task's eval function and take updated nextTaskId from iworld # (result,iworld) = eval editEvent commitEvent refresh repAs tree iworld # (updNextTaskNo,iworld) = getNextTaskNo iworld # (shares,iworld) = getLocalShares iworld # (lists,iworld) = getLocalLists iworld //Restore current process id, nextTask id and local shares in iworld # iworld = {iworld & currentInstance = currentInstance, currentUser = currentUser, nextTaskNo = nextTaskNo, taskTime = taskTime, localShares = localShares, localLists = localLists} # reduct = {TIReduct|reduct & nextTaskNo = updNextTaskNo, nextTaskTime = nextTaskTime + 1, tree = tasktree result, shares = shares, lists = lists} # meta = {TIMeta|meta & progress = setStatus result progress} = (meta, reduct, taskres result, result, iworld) where getNextTaskNo iworld=:{IWorld|nextTaskNo} = (nextTaskNo,iworld) getLocalShares iworld=:{IWorld|localShares} = (localShares,iworld) getLocalLists iworld=:{IWorld|localLists} = (localLists,iworld) setStatus (ExceptionResult _ _) meta = {meta & status = Stable} setStatus (ValueResult (Value _ Stable) _ _ _) meta = {meta & status = Stable} setStatus _ meta = {meta & status = Unstable} tasktree (ValueResult _ _ _ tree) = tree tasktree (ExceptionResult _ _) = TCNop taskres (ValueResult val ts _ _) = TIValue val ts taskres (ExceptionResult e str) = TIException e str evalInstance _ _ _ (meta,reduct,TIException e msg) iworld = (meta, reduct, TIException e msg, ExceptionResult e msg, iworld) evalInstance _ _ _ _ iworld = abort "Could not unpack instance state"