implementation module LayoutCombinators import StdTuple, StdList, StdBool import Maybe, Text, Tuple, Map, Util, HtmlUtil import SystemTypes, UIDefinition from StdFunc import o from Task import :: TaskCompositionType, :: TaskCompositionType(..) derive gEq TaskCompositionType autoLayout :: Layout autoLayout = {editor = autoEditorLayout, interact = autoInteractionLayout ,step = autoStepLayout, parallel = autoParallelLayout, final = autoFinalLayout} /** * The basic data layout groups the controls of a part of a compound datastructure in a fieldset */ autoEditorLayout :: UIDef -> UIDef autoEditorLayout def=:{UIDef|attributes,controls} # def = autoReduce (decorateControls {UIDef|attributes = put TYPE_ATTRIBUTE "partial" attributes,controls=controls,actions=[]}) //Attributes are discarded so merge with the reduced control = {UIDef|def & controls = [(c,mergeAttributes a attributes) \\ (c,a) <- def.UIDef.controls]} /** * The basic interaction layout simply decorates the prompt and merges it with the editor. */ autoInteractionLayout :: UIDef UIDef -> UIDef autoInteractionLayout prompt editor # def = mergeDefs (decoratePrompt prompt) editor = {UIDef|def & attributes = put TYPE_ATTRIBUTE "partial" def.UIDef.attributes} autoStepLayout :: UIDef [UIAction]-> UIDef autoStepLayout def=:{UIDef|attributes,controls,actions} stepActions //If the definition is not already of gorup type, add actions from this step //We set the type attribute to "group" because the step combinator binds the controls //in the definition together. If the step is made, all these controls will disappear together. | not (isGroup def) = {UIDef|def & actions = actions ++ stepActions, attributes = put TYPE_ATTRIBUTE "group" def.UIDef.attributes} | otherwise = def where isGroup {UIDef|attributes} = case get TYPE_ATTRIBUTE attributes of Just "group" = True; _ = False; /** * The default parallel composition only merges the prompt of the parallel with * the definitions of the constituents. */ autoParallelLayout :: UIDef [UIDef] -> UIDef autoParallelLayout prompt defs | allPartial defs //If we are composing partial user interfaces = partialMerge prompt defs | otherwise = groupedMerge prompt defs where allPartial [] = True allPartial [d:ds] = case get TYPE_ATTRIBUTE d.UIDef.attributes of Just "partial" = allPartial ds Just "group" = allPartial ds //Experiment... _ = False; /** * Add actions and frame the content */ autoFinalLayout :: UIDef -> UIDef //TODO: Size should be minWidth, but that doesn't seem to work yet... autoFinalLayout def | singleControl def && isEmpty (actionsOf def) = def = appControls finalTouch (autoReduce (decorateControls def)) where finalTouch = setWidth (ExactSize 600) o setFramed True //Default reduction function that reduces the list of controls to a single control by //wrapping them in a panel if necessary. //If possible, actions are converted to menus and buttons and added to this panel autoReduce :: UIDef -> UIDef autoReduce def=:{UIDef|attributes,controls,actions} # (buttons,actions) = actionsToButtons actions # controls = addButtons buttons controls # (controls,actions) = case controls of [(UIPanel _ _ _ _,_)] = (controls,actions) //Do nothing if the controls already consist of a single panel [(c=:(UIContainer _ _ _ _),a)] = case titleAttr of Nothing = (controls,actions) //If we don't have a title, just leave the container be the single control (Just title) = ([(setTitle title (toPanel c),a)],actions) //Promote container to panel and set title [_] | isNothing titleAttr = (controls,actions) _ # (menus,actions) = actionsToMenus actions = (wrapControls attributes menus controls,actions) = {UIDef|def & controls = controls, actions = actions, attributes = attributes} where addButtons [] controls = controls addButtons buttons controls = controls ++ [(buttonPanel buttons,newMap)] titleAttr = get TITLE_ATTRIBUTE attributes //Create the panel wrapControls attributes menus controls = [(UIPanel sizeOpts layoutOpts (map fst controls) panelOpts,newMap)] where tbar = case menus of [] = Nothing; _ = Just menus sizeOpts = {defaultSizeOpts & width = Just FlexSize, minWidth = Just WrapMin, height = Just WrapSize} layoutOpts = {defaultLayoutOpts & padding = Nothing} panelOpts = {UIPanelOpts|title = titleAttr,frame = False, tbar ,iconCls = iconClsAttr, baseCls = Nothing, bodyCls = Nothing} iconClsAttr = fmap (\icon -> "icon-" +++ icon) (get ICON_ATTRIBUTE attributes) fillReduce :: UIDef -> UIDef fillReduce def = appControls fill (autoReduce (fillOutFlexibleControls def)) //This sets all controls which are suitable for flexing flexable. //It makes no sense to flex checkboxes or vertically flexed string inputs, //but text areas, grids and maps can be easily flexed fillOutFlexibleControls :: UIDef -> UIDef fillOutFlexibleControls def=:{UIDef|controls} = {UIDef|def & controls= map (appFst fillIfPossible) controls} where fillIfPossible c=:(UIEditNote _ _) = fill c fillIfPossible c = c //Add labels and icons to a set of controls if they have any of those attributes set decorateControls :: UIDef -> UIDef decorateControls def=:{UIDef|controls} = {UIDef|def & controls = mapLst decorateControl controls} where mapLst f [] = [] mapLst f [x] = [f True x] mapLst f [x:xs] = [f False x: mapLst f xs] decorateControl :: Bool (!UIControl,!UIAttributes) -> (!UIControl,!UIAttributes) decorateControl last (control,attributes) # mbLabel = get LABEL_ATTRIBUTE attributes # mbHint = get HINT_ATTRIBUTE attributes # mbValid = get VALID_ATTRIBUTE attributes # mbError = get ERROR_ATTRIBUTE attributes # hasMargin = hasMargin control # noMargins = noMarginControl control = case (mbLabel,mbHint,mbValid,mbError) of (Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing) //Just set margins | hasMargin = (control,attributes) # control = if noMargins (setMargins 0 0 0 0 control) (if last (setMargins 0 5 5 5 control) (setMargins 0 5 0 5 control)) = (control,attributes) _ //Add decoration # control = row (labelCtrl mbLabel ++ [control] ++ iconCtrl mbHint mbValid mbError) # control = if noMargins (setMargins 0 0 0 0 control) (if last (setMargins 0 5 5 5 control) (setMargins 0 5 0 5 control)) # attributes = foldr del attributes [LABEL_ATTRIBUTE,HINT_ATTRIBUTE,VALID_ATTRIBUTE,ERROR_ATTRIBUTE] = (control,attributes) where row ctrls = (setSize FlexSize WrapSize o setDirection Horizontal) (defaultContainer ctrls) labelCtrl (Just label) = [setWidth (ExactSize 100) (stringDisplay label)] labelCtrl Nothing = [] iconCtrl (Just msg) _ _ = icon "icon-hint" msg iconCtrl _ (Just msg) _ = icon "icon-valid" msg iconCtrl _ _ (Just msg) = icon "icon-invalid" msg iconCtrl _ _ _ = [] icon cls tooltip = [setLeftMargin 5 (UIIcon defaultSizeOpts {UIIconOpts|iconCls = cls, tooltip = Just tooltip})] hasMargin control = isJust (getSizeOpts control).UISizeOpts.margins noMarginControl (UIPanel _ _ _ _) = True noMarginControl (UIGrid _ _ _) = True noMarginControl (UITree _ _) = True noMarginControl _ = False //Wrap the controls of the prompt in a container with a nice css class and add some bottom margin decoratePrompt :: UIDef -> UIDef decoratePrompt def=:{UIDef|controls=[]} = def //If there are no controls in the prompt def, don't create a container decoratePrompt def=:{UIDef|controls} = {UIDef|def & controls = [(container,newMap)]} where container = UIContainer sizeOpts defaultLayoutOpts (map fst controls) containerOpts sizeOpts = {defaultSizeOpts & margins = Just {top= 5, right = 5, bottom = 10, left = 5}, width = Just FlexSize, minWidth = Just WrapMin, height = Just WrapSize} containerOpts = {UIContainerOpts|baseCls=Just "itwc-prompt", bodyCls=Nothing} //Merge the fragments of a composed interactive task into a single definition partialMerge :: UIDef [UIDef] -> UIDef partialMerge prompt defs # attributes = put TYPE_ATTRIBUTE "partial" prompt.UIDef.attributes # controls = foldr (++) (decoratePrompt prompt).UIDef.controls [d.UIDef.controls \\ d <- defs] # actions = foldr (++) [] [d.UIDef.actions \\ d <- defs] //Determine title: if prompt has title use it, else combine titles # attributes = case (get TITLE_ATTRIBUTE attributes, collectTitles defs) of (Just _,_) = attributes //Title already set, do nothing (_,[]) = attributes //None of the parts have a title, do nothing (_,titles) = put TITLE_ATTRIBUTE (join ", " titles) attributes //Set the joined titles = {UIDef|attributes = attributes, controls = controls, actions = actions} where collectTitles defs = [title \\ Just title <- [get TITLE_ATTRIBUTE d.UIDef.attributes \\ d <- defs]] //Minimal merge, ignore the prompt, only reduce all parts minimalMerge :: ParallelMerger minimalMerge = merge where merge _ defs # attributes = put TYPE_ATTRIBUTE "multi" newMap # controls = foldr (++) [] [d.UIDef.controls \\ d <- defs] # actions = foldr (++) [] [d.UIDef.actions \\ d <- defs] = {UIDef|attributes = attributes, controls = controls, actions = actions} //Create groups for all definitions in the list groupedMerge :: ParallelMerger groupedMerge = merge where merge prompt defs # groups = map (autoReduce o decorateControls) defs # attributes = put TYPE_ATTRIBUTE "multi" prompt.UIDef.attributes # controls = foldr (++) (decoratePrompt prompt).UIDef.controls [d.UIDef.controls \\ d <- groups] # actions = foldr (++) [][d.UIDef.actions \\ d <- groups] = {UIDef|attributes = attributes, controls = controls, actions = actions} sideMerge :: UISide Int ParallelMerger -> ParallelMerger sideMerge side size restMerge = merge where merge prompt [] = prompt merge prompt parts # (direction,sidePart,restParts) = case side of TopSide = (Vertical, hd parts,tl parts) RightSide = (Horizontal, last parts,init parts) BottomSide = (Vertical, last parts,init parts) LeftSide = (Horizontal, hd parts, tl parts) # restPart = fillReduce (restMerge prompt restParts) # sidePart = fillReduce sidePart # sideUI = (ifH direction (setWidth (ExactSize size)) (setHeight (ExactSize size))) (fill (uiOf sidePart)) # restUI = fill (uiOf restPart) # ui = (fill o setDirection direction) (defaultContainer (ifTL side [sideUI,restUI] [restUI,sideUI])) = {UIDef|controls = [(ui,newMap)],actions = sidePart.UIDef.actions ++ restPart.UIDef.actions, attributes = prompt.UIDef.attributes} ifTL TopSide a b = a ifTL LeftSide a b = a ifTL _ a b = b ifH Horizontal a b = a ifH _ a b = b splitMerge :: UIDirection -> ParallelMerger splitMerge dir = merge where merge prompt parts = prompt /* # (parts1,parts2) = splitFun parts # side1 = merger1 prompt parts1 # side2 = merger2 prompt parts2 # ui1 = defaultContainer (map fst side1.UIDef.controls) # ui2 = defaultContainer (map fst side2.UIDef.controls) # (uis,dir) = case side of TopSide = ([(fillWidth o fixedHeight size) ui1,fill ui2],Vertical) RightSide = ([fill ui2,(fixedWidth size o fillHeight) ui1],Horizontal) BottomSide = ([fill ui2,(fillWidth o fixedHeight size) ui1],Vertical) LeftSide = ([(fixedWidth size o fillHeight) ui1,fill ui2],Horizontal) # ui = (fill o setDirection dir) (defaultContainer uis) = {UIDef|attributes = prompt.UIDef.attributes, controls = [(ui,newMap)], actions = side1.UIDef.actions ++ side2.UIDef.actions} */ tabbedMerge :: ParallelMerger tabbedMerge = merge where merge prompt defs # attributes = prompt.UIDef.attributes # (activeIndex,activeDef) = findActive defs # (tabBar,actions) = mkTabs activeIndex defs # tabContent = maybe [(defaultPanel [],newMap)] (\d -> (tweakUI (setPadding 0 0 0 0) (fillReduce (tweakAttr (del TITLE_ATTRIBUTE) d))).UIDef.controls) (fmap removeCloseAction activeDef) # controls = [(defaultContainer (map fst (decoratePrompt prompt).UIDef.controls ++ [tabBar] ++ map fst tabContent),newMap)] = {UIDef|attributes = attributes, controls = controls, actions = []} findActive defs = find 0 (0,Nothing) defs where find i bestSoFar [] = bestSoFar find i (_,Nothing) [d:ds] = find (i+1) (i,Just d) ds find i bestSoFar=:(_,Just best) [d:ds] = if (later d best) (find (i+1) (i,Just d) ds) (find (i+1) bestSoFar ds) later a b = case (get LAST_EVENT_ATTRIBUTE a.UIDef.attributes,get LAST_EVENT_ATTRIBUTE b.UIDef.attributes) of (Just ta,Just tb) | ta == tb //If the last event time is the same, then we compare creation times to which tab is newest = case (get CREATED_AT_ATTRIBUTE a.UIDef.attributes,get CREATED_AT_ATTRIBUTE b.UIDef.attributes) of (Just ca,Just cb) = toInt ca > toInt cb _ = False | otherwise = toInt ta > toInt tb (Just _,Nothing) = True _ = False mkTabs active defs # (tabs,actions) = unzip [mkTab (i == active) d \\ d <- defs & i <- [0..]] = ((setDirection Horizontal o setHeight WrapSize o setBaseCls "x-tab-bar") (defaultContainer tabs),foldr (++) [] actions) mkTab active def=:{UIDef|attributes,actions} # taskId = get TASK_ATTRIBUTE attributes # iconCls = fmap (\i -> "icon-" +++ i) (get ICON_ATTRIBUTE attributes) # text = fromMaybe "Untitled" (get TITLE_ATTRIBUTE attributes) # (close,actions) = searchCloseAction actions # tabOpts = {text = text ,focusTaskId = taskId,active = active,closeTaskId = close,iconCls=iconCls} = (UITab defaultSizeOpts tabOpts, if active actions []) searchCloseAction [] = (Nothing,[]) searchCloseAction [{taskId,action=ActionClose,enabled}:as] = (if enabled (Just taskId) Nothing,as) searchCloseAction [a:as] = let (mbtask,as`) = searchCloseAction as in (mbtask,[a:as`]) removeCloseAction def=:{UIDef|actions} = {UIDef|def & actions= filter notClose actions} where notClose {UIAction|action=ActionClose} = False notClose _ = True hideLayout :: Layout hideLayout = { editor = \def -> {UIDef|def & controls = []} , interact = \prompt editor -> {UIDef|mergeDefs prompt editor & controls = []} , step = \def actions -> {UIDef|def & controls = [], actions = def.UIDef.actions ++ actions} , parallel = \prompt defs -> {UIDef|foldr mergeDefs {UIDef|controls=[],actions=[],attributes = newMap} [prompt:defs] & controls = []} , final = \def -> {UIDef|def & controls = []} } customMergeLayout :: ParallelMerger -> Layout customMergeLayout merger = {autoLayout & parallel = merger} partLayout :: Int -> Layout partLayout idx = {autoLayout & parallel = layout} where layout prompt parts | idx < length parts # controls = (parts !! idx).UIDef.controls # attributes = foldr mergeAttributes prompt.UIDef.attributes [d.UIDef.attributes \\ d <- parts] # actions = foldr (++) [] [d.UIDef.actions \\ d <- parts] = {UIDef|attributes=attributes,controls=controls,actions=actions} | otherwise = autoParallelLayout prompt parts updSizeOpts :: (UISizeOpts -> UISizeOpts) UIControl -> UIControl updSizeOpts f (UIViewString sOpts vOpts) = (UIViewString (f sOpts) vOpts) updSizeOpts f (UIViewHtml sOpts vOpts) = (UIViewHtml (f sOpts) vOpts) updSizeOpts f (UIViewDocument sOpts vOpts) = (UIViewDocument (f sOpts) vOpts) updSizeOpts f (UIViewCheckbox sOpts vOpts) = (UIViewCheckbox (f sOpts) vOpts) updSizeOpts f (UIViewSlider sOpts vOpts opts) = (UIViewSlider (f sOpts) vOpts opts) updSizeOpts f (UIViewProgress sOpts vOpts opts) = (UIViewProgress (f sOpts) vOpts opts) updSizeOpts f (UIEditString sOpts eOpts) = (UIEditString (f sOpts) eOpts) updSizeOpts f (UIEditNote sOpts eOpts) = (UIEditNote (f sOpts) eOpts) updSizeOpts f (UIEditPassword sOpts eOpts) = (UIEditPassword (f sOpts) eOpts) updSizeOpts f (UIEditInt sOpts eOpts) = (UIEditInt (f sOpts) eOpts) updSizeOpts f (UIEditDecimal sOpts eOpts) = (UIEditDecimal (f sOpts) eOpts) updSizeOpts f (UIEditCheckbox sOpts eOpts) = (UIEditCheckbox (f sOpts) eOpts) updSizeOpts f (UIEditSlider sOpts eOpts opts) = (UIEditSlider (f sOpts) eOpts opts) updSizeOpts f (UIEditDate sOpts eOpts) = (UIEditDate (f sOpts) eOpts) updSizeOpts f (UIEditTime sOpts eOpts) = (UIEditTime (f sOpts) eOpts) updSizeOpts f (UIEditDocument sOpts eOpts) = (UIEditDocument (f sOpts) eOpts) updSizeOpts f (UIEditButton sOpts eOpts opts) = (UIEditButton (f sOpts) eOpts opts) updSizeOpts f (UIEditGoogleMap sOpts eOpts opts) = (UIEditGoogleMap (f sOpts) eOpts opts) updSizeOpts f (UIDropdown sOpts cOpts) = (UIDropdown (f sOpts) cOpts) updSizeOpts f (UIGrid sOpts cOpts opts) = (UIGrid (f sOpts) cOpts opts) updSizeOpts f (UITree sOpts cOpts) = (UITree (f sOpts) cOpts) updSizeOpts f (UIActionButton sOpts aOpts opts) = (UIActionButton (f sOpts) aOpts opts) updSizeOpts f (UIMenuButton sOpts opts) = (UIMenuButton (f sOpts) opts) updSizeOpts f (UILabel sOpts opts) = (UILabel (f sOpts) opts) updSizeOpts f (UIIcon sOpts opts) = (UIIcon (f sOpts) opts) updSizeOpts f (UITab sOpts opts) = (UITab (f sOpts) opts) updSizeOpts f (UITasklet sOpts opts) = (UITasklet (f sOpts) opts) updSizeOpts f (UIContainer sOpts lOpts items opts) = (UIContainer (f sOpts) lOpts items opts) updSizeOpts f (UIPanel sOpts lOpts items opts) = (UIPanel (f sOpts) lOpts items opts) updSizeOpts f (UIFieldSet sOpts lOpts items opts) = (UIFieldSet (f sOpts) lOpts items opts) updSizeOpts f (UIWindow sOpts lOpts items opts) = (UIWindow (f sOpts) lOpts items opts) getSizeOpts :: UIControl -> UISizeOpts getSizeOpts (UIViewString sOpts vOpts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIViewHtml sOpts vOpts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIViewDocument sOpts vOpts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIViewCheckbox sOpts vOpts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIViewSlider sOpts vOpts opts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIViewProgress sOpts vOpts opts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIEditString sOpts eOpts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIEditNote sOpts eOpts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIEditPassword sOpts eOpts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIEditInt sOpts eOpts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIEditDecimal sOpts eOpts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIEditCheckbox sOpts eOpts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIEditSlider sOpts eOpts opts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIEditDate sOpts eOpts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIEditTime sOpts eOpts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIEditDocument sOpts eOpts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIEditButton sOpts eOpts opts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIEditGoogleMap sOpts eOpts opts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIDropdown sOpts cOpts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIGrid sOpts cOpts opts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UITree sOpts cOpts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIActionButton sOpts aOpts opts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIMenuButton sOpts opts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UILabel sOpts opts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIIcon sOpts opts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UITab sOpts opts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UITasklet sOpts opts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIContainer sOpts lOpts items opts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIPanel sOpts lOpts items opts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIFieldSet sOpts lOpts items opts) = sOpts getSizeOpts (UIWindow sOpts lOpts items opts) = sOpts setSize :: !UISize !UISize !UIControl -> UIControl setSize width height ctrl = updSizeOpts (\opts -> {UISizeOpts| opts & width = Just width, height = Just height}) ctrl setWidth :: !UISize !UIControl -> UIControl setWidth width ctrl = updSizeOpts (\opts -> {UISizeOpts| opts & width = Just width}) ctrl setHeight :: !UISize !UIControl -> UIControl setHeight height ctrl = updSizeOpts (\opts -> {UISizeOpts| opts & height = Just height}) ctrl setMinSize :: !UIMinSize !UIMinSize !UIControl -> UIControl setMinSize width height ctrl = updSizeOpts (\opts -> {UISizeOpts| opts & minWidth = Just width, minHeight = Just height}) ctrl setMinWidth :: !UIMinSize !UIControl -> UIControl setMinWidth width ctrl = updSizeOpts (\opts -> {UISizeOpts| opts & minWidth = Just width}) ctrl setMinHeight :: !UIMinSize !UIControl -> UIControl setMinHeight height ctrl = updSizeOpts (\opts -> {UISizeOpts| opts & minHeight = Just height}) ctrl fill :: !UIControl -> UIControl fill ctrl = updSizeOpts (\opts -> {UISizeOpts|opts & width = Just FlexSize, height = Just FlexSize}) ctrl fillHeight :: !UIControl -> UIControl fillHeight ctrl = updSizeOpts (\opts -> {UISizeOpts|opts & height = Just FlexSize}) ctrl fillWidth :: !UIControl -> UIControl fillWidth ctrl = updSizeOpts (\opts -> {UISizeOpts|opts & width = Just FlexSize}) ctrl fixedHeight :: !Int !UIControl -> UIControl fixedHeight size ctrl = updSizeOpts (\opts -> {UISizeOpts|opts & height = Just (ExactSize size)}) ctrl fixedWidth :: !Int !UIControl -> UIControl fixedWidth size ctrl = updSizeOpts (\opts -> {UISizeOpts|opts & width = Just (ExactSize size)}) ctrl wrapHeight :: !UIControl -> UIControl wrapHeight ctrl = updSizeOpts (\opts -> {UISizeOpts|opts & height = Just WrapSize}) ctrl wrapWidth :: !UIControl -> UIControl wrapWidth ctrl = updSizeOpts (\opts -> {UISizeOpts|opts & width = Just WrapSize}) ctrl setMargins :: !Int !Int !Int !Int !UIControl -> UIControl setMargins top right bottom left ctrl = updSizeOpts (\opts -> {UISizeOpts|opts & margins = Just {top = top, right = right, bottom = bottom, left = left}}) ctrl setTopMargin :: !Int !UIControl -> UIControl setTopMargin top ctrl = updSizeOpts f ctrl where f opts = case opts.margins of Nothing = {UISizeOpts|opts & margins = Just {top = top, right = 0, bottom = 0, left = 0}} Just m = {UISizeOpts|opts & margins = Just {m & top = top}} setRightMargin :: !Int !UIControl -> UIControl setRightMargin right ctrl = updSizeOpts f ctrl where f opts = case opts.margins of Nothing = {UISizeOpts|opts & margins = Just {top = 0, right = right, bottom = 0, left = 0}} Just m = {UISizeOpts|opts & margins = Just {m & right = right}} setBottomMargin :: !Int !UIControl -> UIControl setBottomMargin bottom ctrl = updSizeOpts f ctrl where f opts = case opts.margins of Nothing = {UISizeOpts|opts & margins = Just {top = 0, right = 0, bottom = bottom, left = 0}} Just m = {UISizeOpts|opts & margins = Just {m & bottom = bottom}} setLeftMargin :: !Int !UIControl -> UIControl setLeftMargin left ctrl = updSizeOpts f ctrl where f opts = case opts.margins of Nothing = {UISizeOpts|opts & margins = Just {top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0, left = left}} Just m = {UISizeOpts|opts & margins = Just {m & left = left}} setPadding :: !Int !Int !Int !Int !UIControl -> UIControl setPadding top right bottom left (UIContainer sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIContainer sOpts {UILayoutOpts|lOpts & padding = Just {top=top,right=right,bottom=bottom,left=left}} items opts setPadding top right bottom left (UIPanel sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIPanel sOpts {UILayoutOpts|lOpts & padding = Just {top=top,right=right,bottom=bottom,left=left}} items opts setPadding top right bottom left (UIWindow sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIWindow sOpts {UILayoutOpts|lOpts & padding = Just {top=top,right=right,bottom=bottom,left=left}} items opts setPadding top right bottom left ctrl = ctrl setTitle :: !String !UIControl -> UIControl setTitle title (UIPanel sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIPanel sOpts lOpts items {UIPanelOpts|opts & title = Just title} setTitle title (UIWindow sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIWindow sOpts lOpts items {UIWindowOpts|opts & title = Just title} setTitle title (UIFieldSet sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIFieldSet sOpts lOpts items {UIFieldSetOpts|opts & title = title} setTitle title ctrl = ctrl setFramed :: !Bool !UIControl -> UIControl setFramed frame (UIPanel sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIPanel sOpts lOpts items {UIPanelOpts|opts & frame = frame} setFramed frame (UIWindow sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIWindow sOpts lOpts items {UIWindowOpts|opts & frame = frame} setFramed frame ctrl = ctrl setIconCls :: !String !UIControl -> UIControl setIconCls iconCls (UIActionButton sOpts aOpts opts) = UIActionButton sOpts aOpts {UIButtonOpts|opts & iconCls = Just iconCls} setIconCls iconCls (UIMenuButton sOpts opts) = UIMenuButton sOpts {UIMenuButtonOpts|opts & iconCls = Just iconCls} setIconCls iconCls (UIIcon sOpts opts) = UIIcon sOpts {UIIconOpts|opts & iconCls = iconCls} setIconCls iconCls (UITab sOpts opts) = UITab sOpts {UITabOpts|opts & iconCls = Just iconCls} setIconCls iconCls (UIPanel sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIPanel sOpts lOpts items {UIPanelOpts|opts & iconCls = Just iconCls} setIconCls iconCls (UIWindow sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIWindow sOpts lOpts items {UIWindowOpts|opts & baseCls = Just iconCls} setIconCls iconCls ctrl = ctrl setBaseCls :: !String !UIControl -> UIControl setBaseCls baseCls (UIContainer sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIContainer sOpts lOpts items {UIContainerOpts|opts & baseCls = Just baseCls} setBaseCls baseCls (UIPanel sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIPanel sOpts lOpts items {UIPanelOpts|opts & baseCls = Just baseCls} setBaseCls baseCls (UIWindow sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIWindow sOpts lOpts items {UIWindowOpts|opts & baseCls = Just baseCls} setBaseCls baseCls ctrl = ctrl setDirection :: !UIDirection !UIControl -> UIControl setDirection dir (UIContainer sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIContainer sOpts {lOpts & direction = dir} items opts setDirection dir (UIPanel sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIPanel sOpts {lOpts & direction = dir} items opts setDirection dir (UIWindow sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIWindow sOpts {lOpts & direction = dir} items opts setDirection dir ctrl = ctrl setHalign :: !UIHAlign !UIControl -> UIControl setHalign align (UIContainer sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIContainer sOpts {lOpts & halign = align} items opts setHalign align (UIPanel sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIPanel sOpts {lOpts & halign = align} items opts setHalign align (UIWindow sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIWindow sOpts {lOpts & halign = align} items opts setHalign align ctrl = ctrl setValign :: !UIVAlign !UIControl -> UIControl setValign align (UIContainer sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIContainer sOpts {lOpts & valign = align} items opts setValign align (UIPanel sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIPanel sOpts {lOpts & valign = align} items opts setValign align (UIWindow sOpts lOpts items opts) = UIWindow sOpts {lOpts & valign = align} items opts setValign align ctrl = ctrl //Container coercion toPanel :: !UIControl -> UIControl //Panels are left untouched toPanel ctrl=:(UIPanel _ _ _ _) = ctrl //Containers are coerced to panels toPanel ctrl=:(UIContainer sOpts lOpts items {UIContainerOpts|baseCls,bodyCls}) = UIPanel sOpts lOpts items {UIPanelOpts|title=Nothing,frame=False,tbar=Nothing,iconCls=Nothing,baseCls=baseCls,bodyCls=bodyCls} //Uncoercable items are wrapped in a panel instead toPanel ctrl = defaultPanel [ctrl] toContainer :: !UIControl -> UIControl //Containers are left untouched toContainer ctrl=:(UIContainer _ _ _ _) = ctrl //Panels can be coerced to containers toContainer ctrl=:(UIPanel sOpts lOpts items {UIPanelOpts|baseCls,bodyCls}) = UIContainer sOpts lOpts items {UIContainerOpts|baseCls=baseCls,bodyCls=bodyCls} //Uncoercable items are wrapped in a container instead toContainer ctrl = defaultContainer [ctrl] //GUI combinators hjoin :: ![UIControl] -> UIControl hjoin items = UIContainer defaultSizeOpts {defaultLayoutOpts & direction = Horizontal, halign = AlignLeft, valign = AlignMiddle} items {UIContainerOpts|baseCls=Nothing,bodyCls=Nothing} vjoin :: ![UIControl] -> UIControl vjoin items = UIContainer defaultSizeOpts {defaultLayoutOpts & direction = Vertical, halign = AlignLeft, valign = AlignTop} items {UIContainerOpts|baseCls=Nothing,bodyCls=Nothing} //Container operations addItemToUI :: (Maybe Int) UIControl UIControl -> UIControl addItemToUI mbIndex item ctrl = case ctrl of UIContainer sOpts lOpts items opts = UIContainer sOpts lOpts (add mbIndex item items) opts UIPanel sOpts lOpts items opts = UIPanel sOpts lOpts (add mbIndex item items) opts UIWindow sOpts lOpts items opts = UIWindow sOpts lOpts (add mbIndex item items) opts _ = ctrl where add Nothing item items = items ++ [item] add (Just pos) item items = take pos items ++ [item] ++ drop pos items getItemsOfUI :: UIControl -> [UIControl] getItemsOfUI (UIContainer _ _ items _) = items getItemsOfUI (UIPanel _ _ items _) = items getItemsOfUI (UIWindow _ _ items _) = items getItemsOfUI ctrl = [ctrl] setItemsOfUI :: [UIControl] UIControl -> UIControl setItemsOfUI items (UIContainer sOpts lOpts _ opts) = UIContainer sOpts lOpts items opts setItemsOfUI items (UIPanel sOpts lOpts _ opts) = UIPanel sOpts lOpts items opts setItemsOfUI items (UIWindow sOpts lOpts _ opts) = UIWindow sOpts lOpts items opts setItemsOfUI items ctrl = ctrl //Container for a set of horizontally layed out buttons buttonPanel :: ![UIControl] -> UIControl buttonPanel buttons = (/*setBaseCls "x-toolbar" o*/ wrapHeight o fillWidth o setPadding 2 2 2 0 o setDirection Horizontal o setHalign AlignRight) (defaultContainer buttons) actionsToButtons :: ![UIAction] -> (![UIControl],![UIAction]) actionsToButtons [] = ([],[]) actionsToButtons [a=:{taskId,action,enabled}:as] # (buttons,actions) = actionsToButtons as = case split "/" (actionName action) of //Action name consist of only one part -> make a button [name] = ([mkButton taskId action enabled : buttons],actions) //Action name consists of multiple parts -> pass through _ = (buttons,[a:actions]) where mkButton taskId action enabled = UIActionButton defaultSizeOpts {UIActionOpts|taskId = toString taskId,actionId= actionName action} {UIButtonOpts|text = Just (actionName action), iconCls = Just (actionIcon action), disabled = not enabled} actionsToMenus :: ![UIAction] -> (![UIControl],![UIAction]) actionsToMenus actions = makeMenus [] actions where makeMenus :: [UIControl] [UIAction] -> ([UIControl],[UIAction]) makeMenus menus [] = (menus,[]) makeMenus menus [a=:{taskId,action,enabled}:as] = makeMenus (addToMenus (split "/" (actionName action)) taskId action enabled menus) as addToMenus [main:item] taskId action enabled [] //Create menu = [createButton main item taskId action enabled] addToMenus [main:item] taskId action enabled [m=:(UIMenuButton sOpts opts):ms] //Add to existing menu if it exists | opts.UIMenuButtonOpts.text == Just main //Found! = [UIMenuButton sOpts {UIMenuButtonOpts|opts & menu = addToItems item taskId action enabled}:ms] | otherwise = [m:addToMenus [main:item] taskId action enabled ms] addToItems [item:sub] taskId action enabled [] //Create item = [createItem item sub taskId action enabled] addToItems [item:sub] taskId action enabled [i:is] | itemText i == item | isEmpty sub //Duplicate item (just add it) = [i,createItem item sub taskId action enabled:is] | otherwise //Add to the found item = [addToItem sub taskId action enabled i:is] | otherwise = [i:addToItems [item:sub] taskId action enabled is] addToItems [] _ _ _ _ = [] itemText (UIActionMenuItem _ {UIButtonOpts|text}) = fromMaybe "" text itemText (UISubMenuItem {UIMenuButtonOpts|text}) = fromMaybe "" text itemText _ = "" createButton item sub taskId action enabled = UIMenuButton defaultSizeOpts {UIMenuButtonOpts |text = Just item ,iconCls = Just (icon item) ,disabled = if (isEmpty sub) (not enabled) False ,menu = addToItems sub taskId action enabled [] } createItem item [] taskId action enabled //Action item = UIActionMenuItem {UIActionOpts|taskId=taskId,actionId=actionName action} {UIButtonOpts|text=Just item,iconCls = Just (icon item), disabled = not enabled} createItem item sub taskId action enabled //Sub item = UISubMenuItem { text = Just item , iconCls = Just (icon item) , disabled = False , menu = addToItems sub taskId action enabled [] } addToItem sub taskId action enabled item=:(UISubMenuItem opts=:{UIMenuButtonOpts|menu}) = UISubMenuItem {UIMenuButtonOpts|opts & menu = addToItems sub taskId action enabled menu} icon name = "icon-" +++ (replaceSubString " " "-" (toLowerCase name)) uiOf :: UIDef -> UIControl uiOf {UIDef|controls} = case controls of [(c,_):_] = c [] = stringDisplay "-" singleControl :: UIDef -> Bool singleControl {UIDef|controls=[_]} = True singleControl _ = False actionsOf :: UIDef -> [UIAction] actionsOf {UIDef|actions} = actions attributesOf :: UIDef -> UIAttributes attributesOf {UIDef|attributes} = attributes mergeAttributes :: UIAttributes UIAttributes -> UIAttributes mergeAttributes attr1 attr2 = foldr (\(k,v) attr -> put k v attr) attr1 (toList attr2) mergeDefs :: UIDef UIDef -> UIDef mergeDefs {UIDef|controls=ct1,actions=ac1,attributes=at1} {UIDef|controls=ct2,actions=ac2,attributes=at2} = {UIDef|controls = ct1 ++ ct2, actions = ac1 ++ ac2, attributes = mergeAttributes at1 at2} appControls :: (UIControl -> UIControl) UIDef -> UIDef appControls f def=:{UIDef|controls} = {UIDef|def & controls = [(f c,a) \\ (c,a) <- controls]} appDeep :: [Int] (UIControl -> UIControl) UIControl -> UIControl appDeep [] f ctrl = f ctrl appDeep [s:ss] f ctrl = case ctrl of (UIContainer sOpts lOpts items cOpts) = UIContainer sOpts lOpts (update items) cOpts (UIPanel sOpts lOpts items pOpts) = UIPanel sOpts lOpts (update items) pOpts (UIWindow sOpts lOpts items wOpts) = UIWindow sOpts lOpts (update items) wOpts _ = ctrl where update items = [if (i == s) (appDeep ss f item) item \\ item <- items & i <- [0..]] tweakUI :: (UIControl -> UIControl) UIDef -> UIDef tweakUI f def=:{UIDef|controls} = {UIDef|def & controls = [(f c,a) \\ (c,a) <- controls]} tweakAttr :: (UIAttributes -> UIAttributes) UIDef -> UIDef tweakAttr f def=:{UIDef|attributes} = {UIDef|def & attributes = f attributes}